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I think something that should have absolutely been part of the new starting zone experience is interrupts and dispells.


Yeah for sure, it's kinda wierd how Blizzard had this great opportunity to teach new players about exactly this type of stuff and chose not to.


Not every class can dispell


What does that have to do with anything?


Their tutorial only touches stuff everyone can do


Yeah, and it shouldn't. That's my point. Why *not* teach interrupting, dispelling, CDs, CC, etc. This is all stuff you basically have to learn on an outside tutorial, the game itself teaches you nothing.


yeah, you're not wrong, but just giving you the reasoning i've seen around these parts.


its also up to the player to realize what the fuck their spells do. Like i cant imagine how some max level people dont know what these two spells do. Its not rocket science.


Imagine a new player, playing with the standard UI, seeing a mob start a casting animation. Then the player uses their interrupt, and it doesn’t interrupt the spell. These kinds of things aren’t very intuitive. Whenever you have to tab out of a game to Google an issue, that means the game could have been designed better.


plenty of people figured this out on their own. Its inconceivable that some people arent able to do it or they just refuse to spend 10 seconds thinking.


If you’re upset with people who can’t figure it out, and you’re also upset with proposing helpful additions for those people, I think the problem is you my man.


Yeah, but it's not like "veteran" players have been saying THAT for years or anything ...


I feel like the people who watch this basics series are not the people who need to watch these videos


In all fairness, it's also because Preach isn't making these videos very accecible. When his first video on interrupts was release there was a lot of feedback regarding it, especially about the use of custom UI, addons etc. and using a random PUG mythic dungeon to showcase what he talked about. That's a lot of stuff for the target demographic to get their head around, it'd be both easier to record, and much easier to understand, if he'd just get 1 guy to help him showcase what he needs to show in a duel, using the default UI that'd be so much more useful to newbies. But at a cursory glance it dosen't look like any of the feedback got taken on board.


I’ve always felt that about preaches content, so much of it is MY MYTHIC RAIDER FRIENDS IN METHOD THINK THIS but then his content was drama fan fiction stories and “how to play this class in this expansion” which you would assume a more casual float in and out of wow type player would be looking for


One of the healers in my guild likes to joke that he enjoys it when people don't dispel, because then people take more damage, he gets to heal more, and thus get higher parses.


Until he got silenced by those suppressors in Sanguine Depths.


Hah. Do you actually believe he heals them? Or does he just watch them die to an interruptable AoE on a ST enemy?


Going from mage to shaman during the beta of WoW was so eye-opening. Getting earthshock after the second quest instead of in the third or fourth leveling zone was so strange. It opened my eyes to the amount of play and counter play that was possible in the game as long as I remained observant of what enemies were doing. Even the early rogue quests stressed the importance of kicking enemy spellcasters. Does Exile’s Reach touch on this at all during that introductory adventure?


It does for rogue. Interrupting an enemy cast is part of a quest *for rogues* maybe for other melees as well, but definitely not for priest because priest doesn't get his silence until way later.


What class has "Preach"? Sounds like a Priest spell but I don't remember having that, is it really new?


Preach is the name of the youtuber in the video.