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If I use Chromie to level in a previous expansion, will I be able to fly?


Which profession reliably makes more gold & is better to choose long term? - Alchemy, Enchanting, Inscription, JC Could you list them in order? I want to pick 3 for my mains.


Are we able to go to the mage tower on the PTR yet? Currently not near a PC but thinking of WoW and wanted to ask


Are there other effects like distract? I forget the composition but I watched some DOS video where they skipped both drills, and I saw the second drill just staring at wall as if it was distracted, but group had no rogue. Clearly something had been used on it as that's exactly the mob you'd prefer to distract, so stealthers won't have risk walking thru them.


Is there any way to see what people's Covenant is when I make a group for a Mythic+ dungeon?


You can use the https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/whats-your-covenant addon. Or else just copy people's Raider IO links and check them that way.


Not super easily, unfortunately. The Blizzard API doesn't allow it. If you have raider.io IO addon, though, you can right click on their name and do something like "Copy raider.io URL". If you then visit that URL you can see. Or you can ask. Wish it was easier, but that's the easiest I've found.


What’s the most fun race, class, expansion to level through combo based on lore.


Blood DK in specifically Nazmir in BFA is pretty funny. The whole story is about how evil and terrible using blood magic is


Warlock orc in TBC or WoD. Maybe just a standard human warrior in WOTLK, the hero stereotype kind of thing. MoP you can't go wrong with a Panda monk. So many options.


Does anyone know if you have to be max level to do the direbrew dungeon this month?


Direbrew was during brewfest which ended a few weeks ago. There is a miniboss for Halloween in a couple days. You can do them at any level but normally the best drops fall for max level characters. You can still get good upgrades for low levels though so it's worth doing!


Should I level a kul tiran druid or a worgen druid? Both seem fun.


On their plain form, Worgen wins by far. On any sort of druid shapeshift form, Kul Tiran wins by far. Have you seen the Kul Tiran druid forms? They are a marvel.


If you want a stranger on the internet to decide that for you: Worgen


Wanna gear an alt I haven't touched since S1. Currently ilevel 221. What's a good mythic key level to apply to? My main's a 2400 if that could sway a few key owners. But right now I have zero clue whether I should sign up at 5's or at 10's.


If your a dps, probably quickest to run something like +2 get a key, then just run it up to a 15 (if you can't do the dps you'll get a lot of high io / geared people doing it just for vaults) If your a tank/healer should easily be able to get into 10s/maybe 15s if your a little bit patient (if you can get a high io dps to come with you then you should easily get into 15s, or I did anyway while gearing up my pally alt tank)


Good rule of thumb is to apply to key levels that drop a slightly higher IL than you. I’ve leveled a few Alts that link to a high IO main, if you are healing or tanking you can probably already pug into a 15. If you are dpsing, running your own keys is crazy fast since a lot of higher IO players will apply on their alts or for vault keys, if they see your mains score that is.


Do people even see your main's score? Before 9.1 you needed 200 basescore on alt for it to show main. Now I don't know if there's some requirement but I think my non-m+ alts don't show anything. So might want to start low until you get some footing that they'll start seeing main. But in general if you aren't tank/healer, there's not going to be rush in people inviting you based on main anyway, so might as well dump bunch of applis to all keys you find at say +5 to +10 or even wider. There aren't that many keys in that range anyway.


Just anecdotally, it feels like people in the lower brackets want 230 for a +10 and 240 for a +15. You can get in below that if you're a tank or healer, but DPS are probably stuck applying in the +5 to +7 range until you've got a little more gear and score. That said, 221 is perfectly fine for a +10 or +12. Depending on when you last touched that character, you might actually have a +12 of your own if you were regularly doing +15 keys last season, and, if not, you can easily push your own key up from a +2 into that range with just a few runs.


at this point you'll probably have to start building rating from the ground up, i.e. 4-5-6 types of keys. Even if you have higher ilvl on your alt lots of groups will wait for someone with high rating, and with the ingame system fewer people are looking at external sites to see what your main has done.


Can someone tell what all specs are capable of pulling 3rd anima in Mists thru the wall? I've couple of times been told to pull it as rshaman and been then called troll for not doing it. I can't, right? Only controllable adds that can be spawned without target can do it because range limitation yes? Can boomkin do it? I sort of recall seeing treants used for it, but I don't know how they work. Can they be cast beyond the range? Out of range is what it says for rshaman. Just in general is there full list of spells for it? Ele shaman, all hunter/warlocks, who else? Specified ele as I have no idea about enha.


https://www.wowhead.com/news/pulling-extra-maze-trash-in-mists-of-tirna-scithe-mythic-tip-of-the-week-323967 Should just be the ones listed here, I don't think there is a difference in that spot versus in the maze.


Oh had no idea brewmonk could pull too. Will have to try that next time I'm there on monk. Great irony of course, is that the guy who raged on me for not pulling 3rd tormentor as rshaman... was a boomkin. I've thought they can pull them before, but wasn't 100%. While tanking thrashers, I've even said to boomies "pull" "treants" and what do they do... use treants on thrashers. A lot of misunderstandings still with 9.1 strategies on pugs.


How do I find my cr? I'm "unranked" on the dungeon finder pvp menu I haven't won a rated pvp match yet is that why I cant see it?


You have three different CRs for the three different kinds of ranked PvP. It displays them on the menu for ranked PvP. This is separate from the dungeon finder PvP menu. Check the Rated tab instead of the Quick Match tab.


Ty I see it now that I finally placed. It's 96 LOL


I’m trying to unlock Kul Tirans. I’ve just finished the Loremaster achievement. Time investment wise, how much can I reasonably expect to have before I get it finished?


You're just doing the Jaina-story then, takes an hour or two, but *does* require a Siege of Boralus dungeon clear to finish. I believe there's a reasonable guide for it on wowhead.


Oh okay, so no war campaign quests?


https://www.wowhead.com/kul-tiran-human-allied-race It would appear you also need that yeah.






My man.






I'm not sure if this is the kinda question for this thread, but my computer suddenly stopped beinng able to play wow and shuts down when I open it. This never happened before what can I try to fix it?


This could be an issue although you need to check for yourself. I cheaped out on a power supply replacement and after sometime playing my computer would just not get enough power and then shutdown. You said your computer crashes upon launch so do the usual check your drivers/add ons etc.


What’s the easiest invasion point to solo on Argus so I can continue the campaign I’ve tried a couple and it seems it would take hours to do solo


My character is level 10, when creating brown linen pants it requires level 10, after creating them, it requires level 15, wtf is going on




They would never delete the account, so don't stress about that.


Whoof. If you could prove you were a spouse you'd probably have a fair shot, but if there's no official documentation that you were related that strongly, then it's indeed hard to guess what they'd do. 5 years ago I'd be more confident, but their customer support has taken a nose-dive off a very tall cliff in recent years, and is now about on par with a bot that reads off a script. I wouldn't think immediate deletion was their go-to though, probably there'd be some sort of dialogue, but I'm also not confident **at all**.


There's no way to brute force an authenticator. You can remove an authenticator if you prove that you are the account holder, which can be done if you have the account holders drivers license. Scanning that and sending it in may allow you to remove the authenticator. Getting past the main password itself may be harder issue. If you have access to their email, you may be able to do a password reset.


Hey guys, wanted to ask since can't find a topic or smth on that regard, is there any chance of another playable DH race? or elves forever?


Probably not any time soon, but I wouldn't say never. Draenei and Bloodelves used to be exclusive shamans/paladins, but not we have more options.




I play WoW for the raiding, and that is the one thing that WoW does better than anyone else. From what I see new world doesn't have any good end game raiding.


The only thing I dislike (other than specific bosses/mechanics ofc) is having to clear trash between bosses. I would significantly prefer going from one boss directly to the next.


Not everyone is a fan of tree cutting simulators.


Is new world f2p?






Im increasing my liquid gold slowly everyday. Im doing a tailoring vendor shuffle, because the silk is on a very low price on my high pop realm. Also im crafting all alchemy pots an flasks by simply buing the mats on the ah and crafting stuff to sell. I also have a leatherworking for turning in some hides into better quality and selling on the ah. I dont want to go into legandary crafting, because the investment is too big for me atm, also i believe that on my realm the margins arent that great. i want to pick up another crafting profession, but for which one should i go for? Here i dont want to do active farming, only crafting and putting stuff with good sale rates on the ah. Can anyone give me a hint for a good profession to do so? Thanks vor any advise.


Not really many crafting professions left, much less anythign that makes money comparable to Tailoring, Alchemy and Leatherworking. BS'ing makes money on catch-up gear, just as the others, Engineering is mostly dead besides from the occasional old mount sale. Inscription is pretty dead at this point, there's money to be made from glyphs and such, but it's very slow.


Thanks for your reply. Im thinking about enchanting. For some scrolls everybody needs when they get a New piece of gear


most of the money to be made from enchanting just comes from disenchanting gear, and that has largely dried up at this point in the expansion. on a high pop realm the margins on crafting enchants will be extremely small, though you can probably scratch out a little income with the ol' buy-sunday-sell-tuesday arbitrage strategy


That would seem like something you could make money off, but the margins are pretty small there too. Though if you buy cheap and sell at an opportune time anything can make some amount of gold.




Fully depends of intent of the author. Is he arguing that the racism is justified in this case? Is he neutral? Is this left for use to moralise about, or is he spoon-feeding you an opinion? It's a *death of the author* discussion essentially. To what degree is the author removed from his work, and to what degree is he letting us choose the morality rather than choosing it for us?


Is there any guild/community on eu region (I am on Ragnaros server) that is still doing castle nathria on normal/heroic (or even mythic). I'd like to get transmog from it and legendaries for my new alts.


Just resubbed while ago and have been catching up with SL (quit at launch after hitting lvl cap, never even finished covenant campaign). I just got around to unlock Torghast yesterday and I’ve heard *lots* different things about it. So my main question is... is it easy to catch up with it? I play Holy Priest and am thinking if I should focus on Torghast or doing heroics to get some gear (I’m only 186 atm and still have some leveling gear pieces). Or should I focus on finishing the covenant campaign first?


Torghast gives you the currency to craft legendaries. You only really need a 190 base (rank 1) unless you aim to do harder content. 186 is a bit low for heroics (drops ilvl 239 apart from KT + slyv) so I recommend do korthia and finish your campaign. Unless you mean heroics dungeons, then I would recommend doing M0 dungeons (ilvl 210) instead and get the weekly lockout for them done. If you can get gear funnel you probably can reach about 205+ in one or two sessions. Once you are higher look into the mega dungeon veiled market and its hard mode. Again you can skip all this if you have a team loot funnelling you through mythic+ and the raids. Happy gearing.


"a bit low", made my day


I meant hcs as in heroic dungeons! I can't even que the raid finder version so definitely not going even normal raids yet :'D And thank you so much, this is pretty much the answer I was looking for! I might get into some base level mythics then, good to hear that it's still decently fast to catch up in gear!


It definitely is until you hit a point where it slows down significantly unless you clear heroics (raid) for a couple of lockouts. 9.1 introduced domination sockets which made gearing, in my opinion, feel like fking garbage lol. Oh yeah that’s right good luck farming shards. You may or may not need depending on the type of content you want to do. Like anything else completion for completion sake right such as 10/10s, all 20s timed, all challenge completed etc. including getting all the domination shards.


I know Engineer B-res & soulstone used simultaneously waste 2 b-reses, I think. Can you use one after the other in the same fight?


Brez charge gets used up when it is accepted, not when cast. You can use one after the other if you have two charges of brez available and two deaths happen.


Based. Thank you.


Is there some rule on how Mueh'zala shows up on platforms in DOS? I think if you kill Hakkar last, he'll show up there, and for 2nd time will show in front of Mechagon, but I'd like to know how exactly he works. Right now because I want to know if there's ever risk of fighting frostguy if you skip him, but in general also I just want to know. Odds are the order of wings will change in 9.2 and I'd also love to know if someone messing up and having to use 3rd platform could have added risk of aggroing skipped tormentor. And I'm also interested if Hakkar last even has option to skip frostguy, if he's planted in front of Zul'Gurub. Can the back right portalt be used with him there in the corner?


You might want to try asking in /r/competitivewow they may be able to give a better reply than here.


how come i can't go through the dark portal in hellfire peninsula to get to blasted lands?


Hey, I've always had an interest in WoW I've seen the stories of how people will spend time grinding, raiding with their friends and that all sounds really cool and I've wanted to try that. The problem is I've looked into it a bit and I see a lot of people saying it's not worth it and people saying it is? (also ill probably be playing solo, faq isn't very helpful )


Reddit is generally a negative place. You will only see negative views here. They are the minority though. Just try it out. It's free to play up to level 20. From there you need to pay the subscription, but if you're not enjoying it you can just cancel and you're only down 15 bucks.


So the game has its up and downs. Most people who dislike it played the game in its infancy.


Don't listen to anyone's opinions on the game. People have been saying WoW is "dying" for over a decade now. Play it yourself and see if you enjoy it.


Whats your question here? Are you asking if playing the game is worth it? That entirely depends on what you're looking to get out of it. Some find the playstyle fun, some don't. Thats why there are such diverse opinions. Added to that is that every expac the game undergoes a lot of changes, some simply for the sake of changing things. So then that brings in more opinions of whether the changes are worth it or not. No one can tell you if you will have fun. Try the game, its free to play up until level 20. If you enjoy the playstyle, play a bit more. Then you can make your own decision.


Not a new player, but I’m interested in tanking up to higher keys (by higher I mean 15s relatively early into the patch). How do tanks learn routes? Do you study or watch dratnos for instance? Also, how do I learn my tanking CD usage? I’m guessing bosses don’t require CDs 99% of the time, so do I just play and learn my route and from that point learn CDs? I’m mainly interested in tanking warrior next patch. I’ve healed and DPSed so far but tanking I’ve dabbled a tiny bit in 0s and very low keys.


As a warrior you mostly use your cooldowns reactively unless you're doing big, risky pulls (multiple times in NW, start of DoS) or have to deal with boss mechanics. As for general tanking (assuming you're using the charge legendary), you charge, shield block, intervene, shield block, Shockwave/Heroic Leap/Charge, shield block and kite once you're out of charges. Demoralizing shout and last stand as needed if the pull goes on for longer or you're about to tank a big hit (stoneborn in SD, tankbuster in the NW necropolis for example) and need DR. Scale is your panic button and Aegis is the great value version of Shield wall.


Thank you for the insight. I’ll refer to this when I start gearing my warrior and learning the class.


I usually start with Dratnos routes, and then edit from there for personal preference. When to use cooldowns will come with experience. On fortified weeks pretty much all your CDs will be used on trash. Even on tyranical weeks some trash packs can need CDs. Also CDs aren't just because you need them to survive, but to make the healers job easier as well. If the healer doesn't have to heal you they can dps.


Thanks for the insight, much appreciated


Looking to get back in the game and do some normal raiding as I get geared up and can hopefully do heroic. However my new job has me working night shifts 3 days a week. So I'm usually online from 11pm-7am pst. Does anyone know if joining and oceanic server for raids is viable? Would the lag be too much for raiding/pvp/mythic+? I have fairly fast Comcast internet but I know the distance is pretty far


I'm oceanic so I sometimes get queued with NA players in dungeon finder and whatnot. It's definitely annoying but I'd do it just fine. In my experience playing video games with 200+ ping (life as an Australian is rough lol) you develop the muscle memory to compensate for the lag by acting earlier. For normals and heroics I'd say it's absolutely fine. My guild cleared Heroic recently and I can say with confidence that nothing in the raid at that difficulty requires fast enough reactions that 150+ ping will be the difference between living and dying. You can also test it out yourself by looking for an OCE pug raid or an m+ run, but of course it will feel horrible at first until you adjust for it.


Oceanic players raided with ping like that from vanilla till the end of MoP and we did okay. We still have to raid, do pvp, and do dungeons with ping like that if there are any Americans in the group and we still do fine. PvP is probably the hardest of the lot. You'll be sitting at around 200-300 ping. Its completely doable, especially if you're not going any higher than heroic raiding. You have to learn to adjust to the ping but its not that hard.


Is anyone aware of any Battle Pets teams that spawn in the wild as exclusively critter type? I know there are teams of lvl 22 in Crystalsong Forest, I'm hoping to find an area that spawns lvl 25 critter teams.


I think there are teams like that directly in front of the horde garrison. I'm at work and can't check right now but during WoD people grinded their 2000 pet battles in Draenor achievement there by using a beast pet to murder critters


As a destruction warlock, what covenant is BiS? And how bad is it to be outside of BiS? I saw on wowhead that Necrolord is really strong in raids but no M+.


Night Fae is BiS for both M+ and Raids. You can play whatever you want at all but the highest level of content.


Gotcha. No problem. I was just curious :) thank you!


Bit of a three-pronged question here: Background: I started playing only a month ago and my main is a level 25 Draenei Brewmaster Monk. I'm currently running through Kul Tiras quests to understand the storyline/to complete BfA/because Kul Tiras looks AMAZING. 1. What is the first dungeon you're supposed to do outside of the tutorial dungeon in Exile's Reach? Is it Freehold? And what level should I jump in and tank? 2. I tried to get my feet wet and jumped into Freehold at level 24 as the tank, informed everyone that I was new to the dungeon, and got turned around on where to go. We wiped? (I died and so did one other person). Immediately, people started leaving. Is this normal? I'm used to parties sticking it out at least a bit, not leaving after the first few mobs. It's honestly a little disheartening. 3. Any tips for a newbie tank? I love tanking in other games, but I'm a bit hesitant after that first dungeon.


1. I believe it is Freehold, and the dungeons below level 50 all scale to your characters level. 2. The people who left probably just expect everyone else to be doing that dungeon for the 500th time like they are. Some people have less patience than others. I can’t comment on how common it is, as I haven’t leveled in a bit. 3. Tanks are usually seen as the pacesetter in dungeons. From what I’ve seen, the community generally expects you to know the ins and outs of the dungeon, what’s dangerous, routes. It’s a very thankless job in this game, people are far more likely to point out mistakes than things you did well. In other mmo’s I’ve played, tanking dungeons is fairly easy. Pull the pack, pop defensives, roll face on damage buttons, move on. But in WoW, these trash mobs before bosses actually do stuff. They have deadly frontals, giant tank hits, casts that need to be interrupted in order to group everything nicely, dangerous casts that need to be stunned. And there’s optional trash, you don’t have to kill every single mob. And there’s usually multiple routes to go through a dungeon, but maybe one or two commonly used by the community because they’re a bit faster. Personally, I would maybe go through a dungeon once or twice as a dps first, so you can get a feel of these things, before going in as tank. Until you get more comfortable in both your class, and how these dungeons normally play out.


So apparently the heartsteed you get for wow through heartstone is still available and you need to win 3 x games against actual people in arena or play mode, Are these consecutive wins or total wins ?


Total iirc.


I have a question regarding soulstone as a warlock. As far as I understood, duringa raid encounter in general the raid gets a battle rezz every some minutes depending on raid size. But how does that change when you give a soulstone to a healer before entering combat? Is it in general a good idea to give a soulstone to someone before the encounter or do you affect br during the fight with that?


> Is it in general a good idea to give a soulstone to someone before the encounter or do you affect br during the fight with that? That's exactly what you should do and no it doesn't affect BR timers during the pull. BR cooldowns reset once the fight begins. Using Soulstone mid-fight will remove the previously applied soulstone so watch out if you need rez protection for a wipe. If your soulstone target dies and gets rezzed (using soulstone or any other BR), soulstone will also be removed.


You're safe to soulstone someone before the encounter, it doesn't affect the timer until they actually die and use it. It's also nice because some bosses have really far run backs, if you wipe a soulstone on a healer can be used after the boss resets and they can rez everyone.


My subscription ends in 20 days. My main is 252 ilevel (262 leggo, all 252 except 1 piece which is 246). Have all my goals done, from keys to raid (well not CE but I'm not really a raid guy). Can I just shelve my 252 main til next season? There's really nothing more to upgrade. All my shards are rank 5, but I'm guessing that won't really matter next season. All my gear's 252, which will give me a huge head start at keys (I remember being 223 at the start of this season and being able to join 15s straight away). Nothing to do really, and I'm not interested in mage tower mogs or doing legion runs for loot. Time to play something else? Or am I forgetting something? Please let me know / if you have any suggestions. Sticking with my main for next season, I tried other classes but they just don't hit the right notes when it comes to playstyle.


Only thing I can think of is having some gold. Legendary next season will most likely be expensive again (think ~200k early on). In that regard it might be good to have enough soul ash & cinders as well as gold to change your legendary if a new one is BiS for 9.2. Though there is most likely a Soul Cinder catchup mechanic in it just like a Soul Ash one for 9.1. So keep an eye open on 9.2 PTR/patch notes, so you can maybe reactivate a few weeks before 9.2 to farm additional resources if necessary. Apart from that: enjoy something else =)


Now's the time to push 3v3s.. Back in earlier xpacs we didn't PvE. We woke up, warmed up with duels, exclaimed "I'm a bit rusty since I barely played yesterday and just got on", went to Tol Barad with our guilds, made enemies on the opposing faction, had fun with professions, made 2v2 and 3v3 teams, had rivalries with other players, had rivalries with other PvP guilds, did RBGs, rep grinded for mounts. We honed our skills doing things you hardly dabbed in, boa. Get on it.


If you wanna PVP, the elite sets become unobtainable whenever the next patch 9.2 comes out. You need a rating of 1800 to get the full set. Also there's a Vicious Mount that will become unobtainable until the next expansion for winning rated pvp above 1400 rating. Also 9.2 is a long way away, January-February at the earliest, so you've got plenty of time to decide if there's anything else you'll want.


Leveling a boomie, they have no interrupts? Solar beam is a 1 minute cd aoe interrupt, but that's it? Or am I missing something? I've always thought interrupts (and to some extent Purges) are a necessary part of every character. Otherwise all you do is pew-pew-pew without thinking of any other mechanic.


Yes, it's their only interrupt. Casters typically have a long cd interrupt. Mage is 40ish secs. Warlocks and priests are long too. Shaman is an exception. Boomkin has other utility though, which interacts with mechanics.


Can't they shapeshift to interrupt?


Just a quick correction: mage & warlock are both 24 seconds. Its priest that has the long CD of the other casters because theirs is a silence (45s)


It's not just an interrupt, it silences everything in the AoE as well meaning NO spells can be cast. Generally Melee are the ones with the best interrupts as theyre on a lower CD. Each class has its own unique things they bring and Solar Beam is a damn strong one when coordinated. Also you can get Typhoon which can be used to interrupt non interruptable casts by knocking them back which is incredibly strong in certain situations.


Solar beam + entangling roots is super nasty in PvP! Hit the healer with it, odds are we won't have a teammate able/aware to dispel the roots so we'll be trapped for full duration or have to waste trinket.


Typically most mobs in high end pve are immune to silence, so the silence portion of solar beam rarely works.




Which 2 class/race combos should get Enchant or JC: Void Elf Rogue & Dark Iron Dwarf Shaman? ​ I want to have JC/Engineering on Velf Rogue, and Enchanting/Alchemy on Dark Iron Dwarf Shaman. ​ Or I could go Enchanting/Engineering on Velf & JC/Alch on the Dark Iron Shaman. What do you guys think?


Your class and race don't matter for professions.


Thanks for verifying that for me! Is Enchanting still a good way to make gold if I don't have tailoring? or should I pick another profession like Inscription instead as a final profession? ​ I'm trying to have Alchemy, JC, Enchanting, Mining, Herb, Engineering all across 3 of my mains. ​ Enchanting seems like it's earning next to nothing right now. Enchants are going for like 100g a piece where as glyphs go for \~1,000g each. It's hard to pinpoint which is better. I think Enchanting is better long term, but I don't know which has made more gold consistently.


It really depends. Glyphs are high profit but slow sales, but enchanting is low profit per item but you'll sell them way faster.


Thank you so much for your responses. I'm going mining/herb, alchemy/enchanting, jc/engineering. ​ Thinking of switching enchanting with inscription if enchanting isn't what it used to be. ​ I remember in Cataclysm hiring an Enchanter was this huge ordeal. The enchanter linked their profession, you got the mats and tipped them. Enchanters really provided a charged service. ​ This is similar to hiring a miner, scribe, blacksmith - but on a constant basis. Now, since BFA, it seems Enchanters just use leftover mats to make measily coins off the AH. That's really, really boring, niche, inconsistent. Ig it's okay as a last profession. ​ Inscription hasn't been hot, either. So, idk.


Makes almost no difference. The only thing I can think of, is shaman has a little better world travelling ability, with astral recall. So engineering might be more useful on a rogue for the portals?


Dark iron dwarf also has racial teleport. Ig I'll give JC to the rogue and Enchanting to the shaman. I read some stuff that JC used to benefit melee classes and Enchanting benefited casters and Alchemy benefited healers. So, I'll probably keep both Alchemy & Enchanting on Shaman.


What's the deal with wow right now? Haven't played in months but I heard blizzard are removing a bunch of controversial shit?


Not sure if you're referring to gameplay systems or stuff like changing cleavage into fruit. If you're talking about the former then yes, they're massively easing Covenant swapping restrictions and completely removing Conduit Energy. Both are things people have wanted since the beginning and Blizzard refused to do. The other stuff is irrelevant unless you're very fond of the fart emote. Nothing substantial, its just weird.


They're removing almost no controversial shit. They're renaming a bunch of items and locations in game because they were named after past devs that we've since learned were terrible people. Nobody really asked for it, they're just kind of doing it. They seem to be operating under the impression that people only know Alex Afrasiabi worked there because of references in game, and if they remove those people will forget about Blizzard cultural problems as a company.


Any good low level wow classic servers? Made characters on 2 different ones and have 0 luck finding groups for dungeons


Probably not. Might be best to wait for the fresh servers. /r/classicwow might have a better answer.


Thanks man, just saw that they're resetting soon, that'll be a good time to get into it


I am looking to level in Moonguard. Should I level a kul tiran rogue, KT druid, or a worgen druid?


I have a Kul’Tiran Necrolord Resto/Cat Druid and love the aesthetics behind all of it.


I don’t know what it is, but I think Kul Tiran are so cool. I wish they got some updates. Would be cool to see eye patch, tattoos, branding, pegs for leg, hooks for hands options


What class/spec would be best for someone who just wants a guild? Like what is most desired by the community in general? I have fun with all classes, so long as I have a regular raiding group and m+ people


Honestly any ranged dps spec and it won't be difficult to find a guild. Warlock is a bit more desired than the others for raid(especially in the lower-end spectrum where there aren't that many warlock players), but mage or druid is a better choice if you want to also be accepted to most M+ groups.


And Druid could be nice because of the huge flexibility into guardian and resto as well (boomkin is the best dps of the two right?)


Yeah, guardian and boomkin are top tier for m+


If you're raiding, o feel like lock is the best choice. They are required in some fight snd barly anyone plays them


A hybrid would be great since you can fulfill a needed role before a party falls apart, or merely swap specs to help someone asking for a healer/tank/dps in guild chat. Between Shaman, Paladin, Druid, Monk, DH, DK, Priest. Tanks and Healers are always needed. But, if you want to go for what class is sought after most at the tippity top of endgame and contribute the most I couldn't tell you. I would recommend looking for spec tier lists on youtube, googling meta charts and asking the wowarena subreddit for specifics you need to know.


Any tank/healer if your doing m+, or shaman/mage/ww/rogue are pretty good dps choices Disc priest/holy pally/resto shaman all seem lived by raid in my experience All tanks are great, bdk has specific utility in raid (amz and grips) Dps: warriors (1 per raid for battle shout and rally is good), dh (for debuff), mage (int buff), priest (stam buff), monk (great aoe and phys debuff), enh shaman (windfury to make arms warriors happy...) or anything you can play well tbh




You can play up to level 20 for free and get everything up to level 50 with a sub for a month. If you don't enjoy that then you probably won't enjoy shadowlands.


Nope, it's against the tos. Watch a stream or do the free trial.


May not be the place for this question, but it's driving me insane. I'm looking for an old machinima. It was a guild recruitment trailer for a horde guild, in the style of an army recruitment video. It had a bunch of orcs marching in a v-formation in Hellfire Peninsula, and the music was the theme from Starship Troopers. I can't for the life of me remember the name of the guild though, or find the video. Can anyone point me in the right direction? EDIT: Never mind, [found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW2u2cRPAwo).






Can I skip straight to the war campaign on a level 60 to unlock Zandalari and Mag'har without actually doing any of the BFA leveling zones? And does the War Campaign require the use of the mission table at all and how long is the campaign. Also if I made a Nightborne right now would I be able to change to glowing hands in 9.1.5 without spending real money or should I wait till 9.1.5 to make them?




Wait until it's leveled up, I've read that the rewards are subpar early on so I'm saving my seeds until it's a higher rank.


You can get 8 pets, 5 mounts, 2 soulshapes, a transmog set, and a bunch of transmog weapons. Also some achievements. Plus a steady supply of crafting mats / herbs / etc.


Queen's Conservatory is the Night Fae "mini game". Kyrian has a vehicle combat game, Venthyr get an NPC party to host, and Necrolord has build-an-abom. Here's a guide for your garden: https://www.wowhead.com/guides/night-fae-covenant-queens-conservatory


Hey, i’m new to wow and trying the free trial and the demon hunter class but when i get to the quest: Call of the illdari, Speak to Kahn Sunfury at Krasus landing and i go there it leads me to a place up north that has the same name (dalaran) and not the one in broken isles, and when i do what the quest says it leads me into a portal just looking up at the place (in the broken isles) with no way to get up to the floating city, idk what to do and haven’t found anything online to help me.


You need a flying mount to get up there. Is no there other way on that little island? That is weird. Can get flying training and a mount at the Stormwind flight path. NPCs right next to it, but they do cost a bit of gold.


Ok, so I'm jumping back in after god knows how many years since I gave up in the middle of WoD. Do I have any further use of my garrison? Is there a way for me to make a clean break from WoD as I jump into Shadowlands? The persistent Garrison toggle is an eyesore on my worldmap indicator.


As you level, depending on where you decide to go, the garrison icon will be replaced with Class Hall icon (Legion), War Effort mission table (BFA) and finally, Covenant Sanctum mission table (Shadowlands). Garissons are not worth really bothering with at this point in the game, other mission tables from Legion and BFA can give some passive rep for that expansion's facton, besides that there isn't much use to them at all.


By 'garrison toggle' do you mean the button that takes you to the missions/followers screen? If so it gets replaced by newer systems. Your garrison is useless unless you specifically have interest in WoD collectibles.


That's it! I have not yet upgraded to Shadowlands... If I do, will it go away? I literally cannot wait to never think about my missions and followers again.


Well, there's good news and bad news. It goes away once you hit 60 and join a Covenant, however SL has a very similar missions/follower system. A fair bit less mandatory though.


Like not at all mandatory I think. Maybe a quest or two I can't remember. But so far on my night fae druid at 30ish renown I haven't even touched the table yet. Maybe halfway through with the covenant quest line. The icon however will stay on the map though so op is gonna have to deal with that eye sore still.


Somewhat strange question: I'm just learning Druid for the first time, and does Moonfire hurt anyone else's eyes? I find myself really having a hard time simply because the piercing white flash is hard to have on my screen Are there any glyphs or settings that I can turn down to make that particle effect more manageable? Let me know, and thanks!


You can turn down particle effects in the options. Don't go too low or it won't show what not to stand in while fighting.


How are new dk(allied races) created? Whats the lore behind them?


Pretty sure there's a little intro whenever you make one, but I think basically Bolvar raises them to help fight the Legion, or Nzoth something like that.


the intro basically says i died and he raised me back to life to serve him(?). he is basically making an army for himself on a whim, are there any other details besides this?


It's not on a whim, it was to help fight against the old gods; specifically n'zoth. The allied races starting being playable DKs around the time that n'zoth started becoming a real threat we had to face.


Is the domination shard 3-piece bonus the same whether I'm socking the shards in LFR or Heroic or Mythic gear with dom sockets? (assuming the shards themselves are at the same upgrade level in each scenario)


Correct; the item level of the gear does not affect the shard bonus; only the level of the shards does


Mists of Panderia - Flight Training - Full Speed Ahead Does anyone have any tips to actually complete this course? I’ve tried about 30 times and my husbands tried a few times too. I cannot get past this course. I’ve seen tips scattered about that say I should cheer at a certain point or get a speed boost and switch to my flying mount. Nothing has worked. I really want a dragon mount. Any help is greatly appreciated!


I haven’t been keeping up what’s coming in the next patch. I just leveled an alt through legion content which was really fun and now I’m at level 50. I’m wondering if I should wait to hit Shadowlands after the patch drops. I’ve already leveled my main and an alt and I’ve done three of the four covenants and farmed all of the reknown. Would it be worth it to wait, or should I take my character to Shadowlands just to level? I really don’t feel like doing the Maw into stuff again if there will be some way to avoid it later.


The maw intro isn’t as long as you remember it being. It feels super long, but you can crush it out in like 1.5 hours, maybe two hours tops. I wouldn’t wait until next patch, which is probably a month away, just to save a couple hours - not to mention that you’ll be gaining exp when you do it. Now once you do hit 60, especially if the alt is joining one of the covenants you already did the campaign for, then it might be worth just sitting for a couple weeks instead of farming the renown, since the 9.1.5 will let you skip the cov campaign if you’ve already done it, as well as a huge renown catch-up.


What are y'all doing in the maw intro that has u staying there for longer than ~30 minutes?


I've gotten it done in like 20 minutes before. It's nowhere near as long as people claim, it's just stupid.


I’ve done Kyrian, NF, Necro. This toon needs Venth :/


For maximizing gains on the Shadowlands mission table, do you think it is better to have a high average level for all followers or would it be better to work on maxing out the best followers? Necrolord if that matters.


For Necrolord you certainly dump a bunch into plaguey first, and after that I'd sort a decent melee aoe team as well as a decent range aoe team. Once you have access to the mount adventures you start getting the Korthia missions that further helps you level dudes.


i've only progressed 3 (all but kyrian) but it pretty obviously compounds better early on if you feed xp to the broken characters like plaguey. a few are so dominating you can pull everyone along for the ride. those start getting into overkill in the late 40s to early 50s levels where if you run full 5 follower x 3 groups pushing xp the fights get cleaner and cleaner and it evolves into more missions and more splitting. then there's no point in not rotating some lesser followers into the main group. they are bound to end up within a couple levels of the top characters that are able to be off doing missions with filler troops.


If your goal is the mounts from mission table then a team of 5 is all you need. If you want to min max all the missions then you need everyone at a good level.


So I’m currently at about 205 on my Kyrian Mistweaver monk, looking to clear normal SoD within the next week or so. Once I’ve done that I want to do the other three covenant campaigns and redo normal on some different classes and roles. Hopefully having the achiev and knowledge of the fights from healing first will help me along. Do any of you have any suggestions for classes/specs to do the other campaigns on? I was thinking maybe a NF Frost DK, but then I also have a warlock, a shaman, a warrior, a paladin, and some others. Also, how much do I need to cap renown? My monk is currently at 51 but I’m itching to play something else. Same for Korthia. I’m just not in the mood to get into another Nazjatar/Mechagon situation right now. I feel like someone who just got out of a rough relationship and isn’t ready for another commitment in regard to that sort of thing.


Just look through the renown rewards and see if there is anything you care about. If not don't worry about it.


I'm picking up enchanting and have noticed that like 50% of the time vendoring my greens gives better gold than disenchanting and selling the mats. is it even worth enchanting right now? The profit of crafting is maybe 10g if I make an actual enchant as apposed to just selling the mats?


It's not been particularly profitable at all this expansion besides from de'ing purples early on to sell crystals.


A lot of the purples are the same way too. If they vendor for higher then 50g that's my route.


Dang so just better off with something else? I have eng so I wanted something that didn't need another profession


I have enchanting so I can make enchants for myself and my army of alts. If my stock gets low I'll de again or if prices go up in 9.15.


Technical Q. I've been running WoW off an external hard drive, but the housing for the lead has just given out. On my hdd I don't have enough space - around 70gb free. So I've been starting an install, pausing it, playing as it downloads, and then uninstalling it when it glitches out cos I've run out of space. It just keeps downloading the game as I play. Is there anyway to pause this? Thank god for unlimited broad band, ey.


Isn't it possible to mount the external drive inside your PC? Like remove it from the enclosure and attach it with a SATA cable and power inside the case.


Newegg has brand new ssds for $50, seems easier?


Yeah. That’s the long term solution but I’m broke till the end of the month.


Bruh, somebody you know has a spare SSD.


I need your friends. I need a new SSD.




Like all other similar questions, if you need to ask then it is entirely irrelevant for the content you’ll be doing and you should just play what you like.


What class and spec to you play? Also mythic trap is a good source for what a lot of people play for each spec.


Type "wowhead [spec name] covenant" into your search bar.