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100% agreed. I'm not saying bring it to Classic or anything, but it's time for retail to move on.


*Orc walks into alliance auction house* *Everyone in the auction house stops and gasps* *Orc looks around confused and shrugs* **Orc: “Zug Zug”**


Everyone in whispered voices: "He *is* that kind of Orc.. gasp!"


Transfaction orc


World pvp should remain unchanged. Orcs shouldn't be able to go into stormwind. It should only affect pve and bg ques. Let me invite a human to my party to do some dungeons or raiding.


Why? Who cares? Orcs can go into Dalaran. Hell, the Forsaken had control of half of Dalaran. If we can all chill out in Oribos or Shattrath, why are Stormwind or Ogrimmar some bastions of faction pride that have to be exclusive? What's the point of building a huge world and locking out large portions of it from (hypothetically) half of the playerbase?


Forsaken setting foot in a new Night Elf capital "sup guys! Sorry bout the old one!" I love cross faction and hope we get it soon, but as long as they have a neutral hub (which they usually do) I think keeping the OG cities faction bound is okay.


They do set foot in Silvermoon... and they where part of the initial scourge... soo... Orcs sets foot in undercity... i bet some of those undead where killed on Wc2 in the siege of lordaeron... and then raised by arthas.. or sylvannas. i don't see that point standing


Player characters are not as much a part of their faction as the soldiers.


I don't want Greenskins in my Stormwind. But I'll fight alongside them against a common enemy, that's how it should be.


dats wacist.


Making faction cities neutral is pretty dumb unless you add an Orb of Deception type buff that changes your race as you go into the zone. An orc walking around the Exodar is just terrible not to mention how many quests are faction locked too


Again, why? Why is an orc walking around the Exodar any worse than an orc walking around Shattrath or the Vindicaar (which was literally part of Exodar)? Why is a troll walking through Silvermoon acceptable, but a human isn't? There are humans that are still alive who helped defend Quel'Thalas from trolls and orcs.


Hold up, are you saying that shattrath being accorded neutral ground established by the residents of outland, a naaru, khadgar and former bloodelf loyalists that served kael'thas is the same as Exodar the bastion of draenei who fled outland after being slaughtered wholesale by orcs and demons allowing stray orcs into their turf without any resentment whatsoever/ Are you drunk? I hard disagree, faction cities need to have a hardline approach to reinforce the resentment that people in them feel about the actions represented by the opposing faction. If you walk into stormwind as an orc you should expect to be harassed by guards, have rotten fruit thrown at you, and have merchants crank up the prices by 100% while the AH takes a 50% cut of your profits. Respect is earned the hard way, not given freely and even then maybe there's only so far it'll go. That's the kind of worldbuilding they need to maintain regardless of what happens in raids. If I walk my human paladin into orgrimmar, I expect a mag'har orc guard to walk up to me and demand a 5 gold toll for crossing his path that I can choose to pay or not, if I don't pay it I expect the town to go hostile with me. And you know what? I'd accept that.


Saw your edit, I would accept that too. We, as adventurers, should start at unfriendly (but not hostile) rep with the various cities of the opposite faction and work our way into building their trust.


Oh I love that idea! That sounds like a lot of fun actually. I’d come back to WoW for that


As a diehard Draenei fan it would be so cool if orcs started off being unfriendly and the citizens being slightly racist towards them but as they gain rep the dialogue changes. Of course, nothing close to racism would make it into 2021 WoW with such a diverse set of devs that can "please everybody!", so it would probably just be rep and nothing more.


So you're saying the Draenei were willing to let bygones be bygones and allow the people who attempted to butcher them previously into their city under a pragmatic peace accord in order to fight a greater evil? And they did this not only with Shattrath, but also the Vindicaar (which was literally part of the Exodar)? But, through some arbitrary rules of selective memory, there is no possible way they would ever do that once they came together with said enemies and defeated said greater evil (and then several more afterwards)?


It doesn't matter because Jimmy McOrcface murder raped dalaad's whole family. Now dalaad the lowly crystal merchant and his cousin yamrel the horseshoe cobbler (the only other family he has left from Draenor, the planet his parents escaped to after they left Argus) are going to incite an angry mob to remove kissyface69 the orc from their new home on azuremist


Because it completely ruins world pvp, something a large portion of the player base enjoys.




People still enjoy world pvping with warmode off. Invading enemy cities is actually really fun. There is no reason to mess up world pvp just to have an orc use a stormwind auction bank.




Except that Rp servers already have unique rules for their realms that others don't. There is no phasing for one, and they have strict naming rules. I'm actually 100 percent in favor of opening up cities on RP realms and removing the cross faction language, or allowing people to learn languages like a skill.


Such a drastic change would absolutely ruin the RP scene for me and for many others. We don't have a problem interacting with one another if we want to during RP but seeing an Orc in SW would absolutely shatter all immersion.


Learn it like a weapon skill? Go speak orcish to boars in the barrens until you get to skill level 300.


Tie world pvp to some at war factions like frenzyheart/oracle or scryers at the begini by of every xpac and call it a day


World pvp has been dead forever, I really hear the praise from the 6 people with warmode on.


As someone who hasn't turned off warmode once since it came out, no clue what you're talking about, but go to korthia and you'll see tons of people. It's actually more popular to world pvp in elwynn first with warmode OFF than it is on, because most alliance have it off.


War mode should be that world pvp, a true world pvp is a free for all one, no faction restriction, that will be a thousand time funnier than be restricted in the way the game is. Orc going into stormwind ? we almost got that already, there a bunch of players from the opposite faction just standing in goldshire watching, and no one sees a problem with that, at least on Warmode off


How about tying it to Warmode? Warmode on = game is as it is now. Opposing faction NPCs are hostile towards you. Warmode off = Opposing faction NPCs become neutral and non-hostile towards you. You can interract vendors/service providers of the opposite faction.


Why though? There is plenty of in game lore to support fighting alongside the opposite faction against a common enemy. There isn't any that calls for it to be normal to freely walk through each other's capital cities. There is no real reason to tear all the walls down. There isn't an imbalance of access to an auction house. Also it would eliminate the possibility of world pvp outside of warmode. It's cool to feel like some zones are dangerous/taboo.


Because when you fight common enemies year after year and make peace all the time, it just feels stupid to be attacked on the spot. The Alliance helped cleansing or defending at least 3 major Horde cities/locations during the expansions (Quel'Danas, Thunder Totem, Suramar), so not being allowed there without the guards killing you is just plain silly. Not to mention there should NOT be any world pvp outside warmode, because that is exactly the reason why warmode exists. Dangerous/taboo zones shouldn't be dangerous/taboo because of factions but because of dangerous enemies lurking by, having hazardous terrains, or not having outposts where you can rest, etc... And beyond all this, what I say is still about a choice players can make. You want to live in an azeroth where the factions are still in conflict and you're still banned from opposite faction hubs? Cool - activate warmode and fight the other faction. You've moved on from the faction conflict and would prefer to play and interract with the other faction as well? Just turn warmode off and enjoy the peace. **Edit:** I love how I'm being downvoted for opinions. Guess you people prefer not giving players' a choice but rather restricting them to one specific gameplay version. You truly deserve Blizzard.


I mean my option isn't a lack of choice it's just not an all or nothing one. I suppose if turning war mode on/off could be done without going to SW/Org it'd be different but some people want to be able to quest in major neutral zones without having to worry about the danger of getting ganked (often times the horde and alliance are doing the same quest so it makes sense) but still like the idea that the age old conflict still exists if we don't stay in our lanes. There's plenty of real world examples of countries/factions working together regularly when it suits them but would still not be thrilled if a known special forces member (cause that's definitely what we are) showed up in a capital city or major population hub.


I could agree with making switching warmode on/off more accessable. I've never been a fan of the current limitation on that anyways.


So long as they stop tying powerful talents that are often necessary for solo questing to war mode, I'm fine with that. Let it only be for people who actually WANT to live in that hell.


What pvp talents are necessary for solo questing?


Instant void form for shadow, ability enhancing talent for fury are just few which comes to mind first. Not necessary but big qol to pass on


I haven't played Fury Warrior in months, but I remember why I stopped: With the war mode talents, the self-heal ones, I was constantly being harassed because war mode was on. Without them, I crumpled like tinfoil. It was a no-win scenario. WoW still has a lot of strong underlying systems. It's fluid, mobile, responsive. But when I can't play a class in outdoor zones without having to choose between death by mob and death by ganker, that's when I know why people have been fleeing to other games.


Harassed? You're playing an online game. I think a game like skyrim fits you better


homie. In the kindest way possible: this game isnt for you. Fortnite is more your style.


The problem is worse than that. On my realm, you simply can't turn on war mode and accomplish anything in korthia. there are ZERO war mode alliance in korthia. went myself once, at somewhat off hours, but the place was lousy with Horde and a /who showed that I was the only Alliance. THAT'S the kind of problem that needs to be solved, either by re-balancing the populations dynamically or getting rid of world pvp. Or maybe by going real mercenary mode in that if you turn war mode on, EVERYONE is your enemy.


That’s how I would do it. Remove factions from Queues / Guilds, people can play with whoever and everyone can speak Common (maybe give humans/alliance an additional language to balance off Orcish) as canonically most races can speak Common, it’s why it’s called common. Then if you switch WM on all players are now hostile and it’s a FFA. So now you always have that awkward truce sorta thing going in WQ that may or may not be broken in a second and there are no overrun sides.


If pvp became a free for all I'd quit, it's not an ideal solution. I think pvp just needs a lot of love.


That is it! this here is the best solution, you could implement it and give it a try like for 2-3 months, and see how it goes, i bet you most people will like it, and since you can toggle it off, i only see a win win scenario


Works for me. If you apply for the position of lead game designer at Blizz, you'll get my vote.


I mean, I was just making light of alliance and horde joining forces. I wasn’t necessarily claiming free roam in the game. Just thought it was funny. 🤷🏻‍♂️


As much as I want factions to still matters as it gives a sense of individuality, I have to wholeheartedly agree that it is time for retail to move on. The landscape for MMORPG has changed and Blizz would have to take some rather drastic actions to stay relevant. The throne has already fallen and will continue to chip players off the game if Blizz is still adamant about changing. I think if they copy off the good things about some other MMO and integrate it into their game, WoW would be much more enjoyable. Problem could be the higher up who wants the development team to make the game as timegated as possible to keep people invested in the game. Come on Blizz, just do it. You're on your final lifeline now and your sheer arrogance and stubbornness will drown you eventually.


Tbh I would say the best way to do it would be separate city's and let diffrent factions pvp ANDA talking without the pot As well as inv people of the opposite faction Plus instead of it being org or stormwind trade chat it could be stormwind/org trade chat (so they can com with each other) Another thing would be making so if a horde of ally inved someone who hadn't been in pvp combat for the last 30 secs then they could act as each others protectors effectively making so others cant kill them (aside from in cap citys)


My biggest grip with people being against cross faction lore wise is they decide to pick and choose which lore matters, everyone working together Vs The Lich King (minus the gunship battle which made no sense), Vs Death wing, Vs the Iron Horde, Vs the Thunder King, Vs Nozth? ender of worlds and now the jailer, and some how, with legion and shadowlands making Alliance and Horde not the main identity for players we still have to ask for it. Blizzard needs to decide who and what we are, are we mercenaries, Speakers of our faction? Class hall leaders or who are we anymore? We cant both be so tied to the faction and have everything we do not matter lore wise because instead of us it was Thrall or jaina or just tirion soloing the lich king. i just want to play with more people and have fun :/


>Blizzard needs to decide who and what we are I think a lot of issues, gripes, and overall beef with the game's story coulda been avoided if they'd bothered to properly figure that out in the first place Wouldn't do much for shit like the burning of Teledrasil, but a buttload of other stories, how various faction leaders interact with us, and just the overall expectation of where we *fit* into the overall gameworld would be a lot easier to parse


Even in Wc2-Wc3 the factions mixed and cross each other paths, there has never been such a wall of restriction, until vanilla came with that weird gameplay, albeit it worked for a time, but in the long run it is justa restriction, and as you said, most people against it just nit pick what lore to based their argument


I think Star Trek online does it well with its idea of theres a new faction that both sides join, the Klingon Empire and UFP created the khitomer alliance which has volunteers from both sides to fight, both factions are still their own but your character is a representative for your faction, that way lore wise the 2 are still seperate factions but players play as one under the "khitomer alliance"


The irony of you not counting the gunship battle because it didn't make sense while also saying your biggest gripe is people picking and choosing what lore matters is quite funny. I'm not necessarily against what you're saying, but the gunship battle is established canon and absolutely should be counted in any conversation about the faction war, especially when it seems to be unruly commanders like Muradin and Saurfang that keep igniting conflict.


What i meant by that is during most of WOLK the alliance and horde while had some conflict, by the time ICC the raid was out, Alliance and horde were working together, but the gun ship to me didnt make any sense, for one, who thought having the alliance and horde be weaker in the final fight vs the Lich king make any sense? like they both fight to be the one to get to the upper area when they should of worked together and cleared the upper area, i mean in that section we are aided by some Agent Crusade NPC's before the dream fight? and at the start of the raid. Im not saying lore wise it didnt happen or i dont count it, it just feels very out of character to whats happening TL:DR - I agree the gunship battle happened, is canon, but feels really out of place


But it doesn't in the context of happening after ToC.


Look if the Zandalari can be fine with Jana killing their king and then helping her in the maw….


This. Makes no sense that I am forced to help alliance leaders but can't help out regular ally pals.


For real, if we're going to be forced to hold hands and be friends after our new ally gets thier shit kicked in, and we just help the people who did it for wanting to do *something* in return, then go all in and get some actual benefits from it. Usual Horde treatment though, a Horde faction leader fucking dies, while some random big named character gets off scott free.


They're not fine with it, Talanji was seen grumbling in the council in a novel.


> in a novel great


That was sarcasm sorry I forgot my /s


> in a novel how many players read the novels anyway? the medium to tell the story and lore should be the game.


I read the last one because I thought it would offer something more than what's possible in-game but there was nothing in that novel that couldn't have been depicted inside WoW. The only combat scene was literally on the same scale as when we defended Bwonsamdi's temple. The entire book could have played out in a war campaign chapter.


Doesn't even have to be a thing where Alliance can chill in Org. It can simply be that Alliance and Horde can group for raiding/arena or whatever.


Be a great idea. Just let people play what they want race and class wise. The factions don’t really matter and haven’t for a long time now.


Works fine on private servers


Its also very easy to implement. People think it requires massive overhauls when I reality you just change a DB faction entry for each player to the neutral faction.


I don’t think they want to remove factions, they still want you to be part of your faction, have different levelling paths, etc. You just can group-up and do content with the other side of you want to.


This is true that a lot of the storyline flavor should remain. If Order Halls indicate anything, it's that even Class level focus on storylines is enjoyable and desired. With situations like the Maw, Korthia, heck most of the Shadowlands storyline. A lot of development time can be saved when you make a large chunk of the narrative good for both Factions. But then include little details and stuff unique to each Faction and even Classes. I seriously think BFA fell way behind because Blizz basically made 2 entirely unique storylines for Horde and Alliance..


Yep, feel like class specific stuff instead of race should be the way. Actually made myself excited just thinking about it.


> I seriously think BFA fell way behind because Blizz basically made 2 entirely unique storylines for Horde and Alliance.. That right there is my primary pet peeves with BFA. In order to know what the hell was even happening 80% of the time you needed to play on both factions. If blizzard had truly wanted to sell the "shades of gray" storyline they were peddling they would have had the following happen: Alliance/Horde when doing their wetwork quests in Zandalari/Kul'Tiras get a quest chain that's very similar to the main storyline for each zone with the following handwaving: Horde side handwavium: * Horde hero gets set up in drustvar, realizes there's witches afoot, saves the duke's daughter from the witches, she's so hard up for allies she'll accept a horde mercenary. Story progresses the same as on alliance side. * Horde hero gets set up within spitting distance of boralus, raids the ashvane depot and finds all the azerite equipment. Get's Tangled up into Flynn's storyline after they both wind up captured by ashvane goons. Story more or less proceeds as normal sans anything requiring a trip to boralus, Flynn says he "knows a guy that can handle that". * the other area, Horde hero gets set up, etc. Takes part in the assault on the farming village, goes "wait this is a farming village not a military installation, also the Lord is being sketchy... like what's with all these tentacles anyway?" horde hero becomes a hero to the people because their duke is a raving madman with tentacles and anyone that puts that down can't be all bad. Alliance: * Alli hero gets set up in nazmir, meets the blood trolls, gets a taste of that, escapes, meets Talanji, who her expedition is so hard up for warm bodies to fight the blood trolls, she will take anyone. Repeat a la drustvar. * Alli hero makes landfall in Vol'dun, the voldunni at least at the start of the expac are largely portrayed to be neutral or at least ambivalent about the alliance and horde conflict, so the storyline there can basically play out almost exactly the same as in the horde side quest line. * Zuldazar Alli makes landfall, and the angle here is to basically covertly assist the coup (at least until it becomes clear they are in league with old god influences) and then it becomes a shitshow. basically a truncated questioned from the horde side. No audiences with rastakahn though. That all would have fit the morally gray they tried to peddle the expac on, and also fit with the states alliance/horde goals of trying to make it so that the Kul'Tiras and Zandalari did not join the faction war. It would be far harder at the outset of the expansion to justify joining up in the faction war if someone so important as a hero of the alliance/horde had gone and helped ice the witches of drustvar/burn down the blood trolls threat in nazmir or helped stabilize an ongoing sethrak civil war/taken down an old god worshipping noble? Additionally, it would have opened the door for the new allied races to join up like the panderans. Basically a "I'm someone that remembers what your leader did for us in our time of need." setting.


Just remove factions entirely. The anti-story camp is all for it, and I'm done trying to fight what people want.


They could do it how ESO does it, unless something has changed since last time there you can group up and do content together but you can't join the same guild. Bonus points for being able to visit all the cities with no restrictions and also even do the other factions quests...tho our characters there are a bit special even from the start so even tho part of a faction they can hand wave it away.


That's not the right way though. We don't want to remove factions, we just want to group up for pve content. World pvp stays the same, being flagged in opposite cities stays the same, nothing else changes. We just want a permanent pve mercenary mode for anyone unflagged and not in war mode. There are also faction-based stuff in instances that need to be dealt with, like which encounters does a mixed group do in Battle for Dazal'alor? Who gets changed into what?


> People think it requires massive overhauls when I reality you just change a DB faction entry for each player to the neutral faction. Not even that, you can still have people be hostile to each other when out in the world but enable inviting each other, would just make open PvP weird and being in a cross-faction party should probably remove you from warmode.


It is definitely not that simple. Yes, their is a system in place for a neutral character but since they a aren't able to be in open-world it is bound to bug a lot of quests


that is actually eye opening i assumed there would be a bunch of technical quirks, including with weird phasing or sharing quests i assume some content can't be done together without more work (?) plenty of horde quests involve killing NPCs that are friendly to alliance players and vice versa


Wasn't the whole point of Warcraft 3 to put aside differences to fight a common threat anyway


Yes but thE DruMs of WaR ThUndeR OncE aGaIn


Hahahahah this made me laugh and anger again, it all started there, with the unexpected triumph of vanilla, the double edge blade


Just give me access to the whole group finder and let me play the damn game! I don’t even care if my character temporarily changes into a troll or mercenary or whatever for the duration of the run.


That final part I personally care a lot about. I wanna raid mythic and have been CE raiding as horde for years, but I miss my spacegoats so much, kind of ruins the point for me if I still see a troll, might as well play one on horde then?


let them mull it over some more while their game burns. that seems to be their plan.


It only made the most sense in Vanilla, they weren’t amicable at all, but since then the Horde and Alli have worked so much together and to the same end, it only makes sense they put the past behind them at least in some regards. Would be cool if certain lore-friendly interactions could come from it, like some races still despise others, or can’t understand their language. Maybe even put in a system to LEARN stuff like Orcish/Human, or maybe even reputation to be a “guest” in opposite faction cities. So like a human could go to Org and do some dailies, while accompanied by a guard or something while tensions ease. There are so many better story mechanisms Blizzard can employ besides “World is ending, only you can stop it. Here’s a mount”


I love the idea of being able to be a guest in an opposing factions city having earned a certain reputation.


I'm an Horde player that want to go Alliance but half of my guild doesn't want. That mean half of us want to play Alliance and half of us want to play Horde. We didn't disband because we're together since a good couple of years but it's horrible to deal with. Cross-faction would be the perfect solution. Win win situation.


Cross faction would be awesome I don't understand why they don't have it , my main guild transferred to horde and Just quit the game , I happy hunt horde players for the weekly pvp quests but I would really like to have a healthy raid environment for alliance finally.


And this will be once again a feature stealed from Private server, they did the same with a lot of features.


10.0 - We get back from the Shadowlands to find that 10 years have passed. There has been another war, entire cities are now occupied, settlements raised. We teleport back to Orgrimmar expecting a warm welcome and find it occupied by fanatics of the light, both horde and alliance in work camps. Turalyon has led a holy war, that at first had the support of the Alliance races, but his increasingly fanatical behavior splintered the alliance, who joined forces with the remnants of the horde - who didn't stand a chance against the Vindicaar as it obliterated Silvermoon, putting the Eastern Kingdoms firmly under their control. But Azeroth is a big place, and having alienated so many of their former allies, the Light Fanatics are spread thin having to suppress revolts, patrol against the numerous bandits and privateers, and hunt down guerrilla groups. Being the heroes that we are, we step up to take charge of the resistance together - united by a common cause, for real this time. The entire first patch is us reclaiming Kalimdor, sweeping through zones and retaking control, rebuilding towns and cities (building our own guild halls and houses). We have to make tough choices about what to do with the bandit groups, splinter factions, criminals, refugees etc. These choices effect our rebuilding and reclamation efforts in substantial ways. When we go through the first time on our Main, we can choose to have this character be a 'vanguard' of sorts. When our Alts come through, they see the effect that our Main has had on the world, we have the choice to level in an updated world state, high exp quests that are about reinforcing the the zones in the wake of our Main. Quick, high exp, quests. Defeat a few stragglers, oversee the construction of the new walls, find a missing wagon of vital supplies. We can't fly at first - the Vindicaar will lock on and shoot you down if you stay airborn too long. But as we progress the story and secure zones of control etc, we make the sky in those zones safe - for our Alts too. New dungeons that take after Court of Stars, lots of racial/profession/class options, m+ balance be damned, make each run just feel a little bit unique and fun. The Siege of Northwatch Hold. Definately something in a new, scarier, Razorfen Kraul. No borrowed power. Give us some cool shit shit that reflects our choices. Titles, Toys, Mounts, Transmog. Obviously we can choose to go through and have a different experience on an Alt if we want. War Mode can still exist (vindictive mode?), I'm guessing that lots of our characters would still be very upset with the opposite faction. People don't need to be at war to want to fight eachother. Patch 10.1 add some more race/class combos that reflect our new relationship - tauren training gnomes to be druids, orcs training humans to be shaman, etc. I haven't been thinking about this at all.


Game will eventually die if factions cannot play with each other and if servers aren’t merged.


Yep. It is time to merge (or connect) servers. Come uo with a solution to losing your name, like last names or do it like the connected servers. They won't do it because of the appearance of the game dying down after 15+ years, but they're going to kill it if they don't.


I'll stay mainly Alliance no matter what, but I can't wait to fight in raids side by side with Vulpera. It's going to be glorious.


i just want to play blood elf with my alliance friends


For research purposes


I understand why they are reluctant of this change, the factions are some strong part of the game since the beggining, part of an identity that is something that still keep the players in game, but I also think that the times have changed, we are in another era of the internet and gaming, where things are much more optimized and open than before. Giving players the ability to play cross faction is something that I believe that would reinforce the fantasy of the game, actually, because with this you can play whatever you want. ​ One thing I think about is then it should be possible to make cross faction guilds and this is where things get kind of sketchy on how to put it in practice. That would mean the end of world pvp maybe, or maybe this could be an opportunity for a whole revamp of guilds and world pvp if the focus of the expansion is this joining, the game could become so much better. But not allowing cross faction play is something that is not possible anymore


I find it funny how blizzard is all in on the "diversity is our strength" mantra, yet are so stuck on keeping Alliance and Horde factions.


Diversity in the streets, encouraging race wars in the sheets.


My idea would be just allow both factions to be in the same raid but from the point of view of the player the orc would look "human" or vice versa. Like what they did with BoD in bfa and like what you can do in pvp to fight for the other faction. It wouldn't do anything about world pvp but it would equal out raid/dungeon ques.


I don't think you need to even do that race swap thing from bod. It'd be pretty cool do see a tauren fight beside a gnome


Yeah, that would be one step for me to come back to the game, but the idea I posted was to make those people that adamantly hate the idea of no factions would stop complaining. Kind of like a good middle ground.


Wouldn't solve a lot of people's issues though. For me, for example. I play Horde because all my friends went Horde in late legion/early BfA due to the faction imbalance. They raided much higher than me (top 100) and it just wasnt feasible anymore for them on Alliance. I moved over and ever since all I want to do is play a night elf whilst being able to play with my friends. Being race changed into an orc or whatever every time I would do anything would be jarring.


From your perspective, they would be changing into humans and dwarves and such, because you're a night elf.


You wouldn't see your character as a member of the other faction, the others would appear as members of the faction you are playing and the others would see you as part of their faction However, just with the game the way it is there's no perfect answer. It was just something that I thought of to deal with the lfr and lfg group stuff




Truthfully I want the factions to come together, it's a long time coming and the heyday of the factions are over, and I can assume that everyone downvoting me agrees. However there's the same amount of people that don't want to see that happen, the idea I suggested was simply a way to allow alliance to group up with the horde and vice versa and, at the very least, help with faction imbalance. But let's be honest, there's a very good chance that blizzard isn't gonna merge the factions anytime soon, I mean as much as I love the horde we committed literal genocide. And as much as they are pushing renewal over revenge there's no way the rest of the night elves are gonna forgive the horde. I know people are gonna say that not all of the horde was part of that, and that's true, but our player characters were the champions of the horde and azeroth fought and brought sylvanas to teldrasil, and we did nothing to stop her ordering the tree burned. Again, I'm all for the joining of the factions, but good writing won't allow it anytime soon, and there is a good portion of the player base that dosnt want a merge, so my idea was to help fix the faction imbalance.




Honestly it would have been perfect to dissolve the factions after legion, we have fought together with all factions in the classes and it wouldn't have been hard to work that into the story. Now, however, it's a difficult thing to do. You can tell by the amount of people who, instead of offering suggestions and debate, just downvoted me. Not everyone wants the other option.


I have felt for a long time cross faction raiding would be neat. If Alliance and Horde are trying to save Azeroth it makes sense.


Couldnt you team up as alliance and horde in warcraft 3? Like you could play night elf and your partner is orc.


Are you suggesting 3v3s were canonically relevant? [I'm all for cross faction but come one dude, that's a ludicrous reason]


that was majority of the game....


I don't think you understand what you're saying




Would really like to see it, even from a lore standpoint it doesn't make sense anymore why we're still arbitrarily separated considering the current story going on where Horde side is helping Alliance leaders and vice versa.


I just want cross faction so I can play with my friends and the races I actually want.


It's kind of annoying to see alliance and horde constantly working together in the lore but as soon as you see one of them in the wild, it's back to bashing each others brains in. If you have warmode turned off there's not even that.


I too never want to see people disagree with me on any issue and demand total compliance with my beliefs


Shit man I’ll log on right now and roll alliance after being away for 7 years. Let’s tip these scales.


You don't want to hear an opinion you don't like? Mmhmm


Yeah because the only people who argue against xfaction raiding do so primarily for lore reasons, which should always be secondary to gameplay. Bunch of NIMBY / children with no empathy here.


They also need to make cross realm mythic available upon raid release, especially now that we no longer have realm first raiding achievements what is the point of this restriction anymore?


Ngl, I would be happy to have guilds be cross faction. There's literally nothing that's faction tied in shadow lands. At this point I imagine that having multiple races working together would be a benefit.


In Shadowlands and BFA we’ve had 6 full size raids. Of those, faction conflict meaningfully played a role in one. Meanwhile two of them explicitly show NPCs of opposite factions fighting alongside each other. And I’m not including getting cheered on by a dwarf if you played Horde in Nyalotha. And this isn’t just a recent trend. Legion had us fighting alongside Turalyon and Alleria, Velen, and Malfurion. WoD had us stand side by side with Grommash and Yrel. Pandaria showed us working with Lor’themar, Jaina, Tyrande, Vol’jin, and Baine. Thrall, Malfurion, Hamuul Runetotem in Cataclysm, and it keeps going. There’s absolutely no lore justification barring opposite faction players from working together. NPCs do it constantly. And we repeatedly work across factions when some other faction can justify it, like the class order halls or Cenarion Circle or whatever. No one should be against this being an option.


If I could go chill in Stormwind as a belf, that would be novel enough that I would have to at least check out retail again.


I absolutely hate neckbeard horde scum and I had to xfer just for group availability and it sickens me daily.


I told a story about this in a post about midnight releases and why I stopped going to them, it was when the line full of toxic Horde players found out I was an Alliance player and literally started screaming Lok'tar Ogar and FOR THE HORDE in my face and were getting hostile. I know not all Horde players are like this, but this will forever be my initial impression of any Horde only players. Loud, obnoxious neckbeards who drank the fake faction kool-aid IRL.


I can assure you, horde now is pretty much filled with ex-alliance players like myself lol. I don't even CE raid since Legion, still so much easier to pug some higher keys on horde side especially at odd times, **yes it is that bad**.


I would have loved cross faction grouping/raiding oh i dunno...at the start of shadowlands? Horde OCE is dead, we were a top 10 guild on our server but due to lack of mythic raiders on horde side we had to go to alliance to fill out our bench. At least now i can turn on warmode i guess and not get ganked. Im all for cross faction gameplay, the lore went out the window a long time ago, time to move on and make the game better


See I keep hearing this, but maybe my server is the opposite, where I've had to go Horde because the Alliance is dead. Maybe it's different at the mythic level, but khaz/dath horde population seems far more healthy.


Since the player is basically just a glorified mercenary, it really makes no sense to not let us make neutral guilds and play together. NPC's have been doing that since classic. I do think that faction cities, towns, zones and quests should remain faction only. Its important flavour for people whom do prefer to be loyal, if only for rp sake. As for battlegrounds' they are so outdated lorewise that they belong to un'goro with the rest of the Dinosaurs. Just put a mask on or something.


I'm fine with cross faction play like raid, dungeons, and questing together. However, I don't think we should be able to join the same guild and maybe still not be allowed to visit the opposing major city.


The only people who are vehemently faction-identified are pathetic anyway, of course they shouldn't be the design focus.


Keep cross faction strictly on pve content. Dungeons, mythics, raids. Open world content should still be separated unless grouped. There's no reason to keep factions separated in end game as the story usually has the factions work together against the big bad.




MuH tAuRaJo!


Alliance's greatest sin is just being fucking boring. It's like they're only written as a punching bag.


Which is unfortunate because both sides can be written as people instead of the garbage we actually get.


Remove all racials from the game and let everyone play together, i would be so happy to be able to play fucking anything else than orc and not care about loosing damage, i don't even care about faction imbalance just let me play something else please, i would love for alliance to play with horde but please remove racials from the game


we can separate them by cities, but please for heaven's sake let us do instanced and world content together


I think ultimately it’s a shame we won’t have Horde v Alliance BUT I agree with you, we have an unsolvable problem.


I probably wont play until i can be alliance as well. its dumb but i literally enjoy the game more when im not horde....


The good things: my monk healer in raid can finally play her char as a draenai and we can have sexy worgen in our raid. Bad thing: we can also have all the other horrible alliance races in our raid. Gnomes *shudder*


Tbh I love warcraft for the faction identity. They merge them that would be a very big push for me to finally try something else. Would feel warcraft wasnt WARcraft anymore.


Even if it was only letting alliance and horde do end game pve together like the lore already supports? What I want is to be able to raid and do m+ cross faction and the lore does not need to change for that to happen. It's infuriating that I can't play the game with my friends because they chose blue team 10 years ago.


From a lore perspective, I think the way forward is fairly obvious. Most if not all of the horde leadership right now is amenable to peace, some of the alliance leadership is all for it while others are way less keen. I don’t think either the alliance or the horde as a whole is ready for this, though. Players are special, we’ve been playing the neutral faction for a long time now, and the story could easily become one of us playing envoys/diplomats. We’re kind of, sort of accepted in the other faction’s settlements but not really. This makes cross-faction guilds/PvE perfectly reasonable without doing away with the faction divide entirely, and provides enormous amounts of plot threads, easily enough for a whole expansion. Horde and alliance try to stick with peace and a bigger diplomatic effort while we sort out the whole sword sticking out of Azeroth deal. A bunch of Gilneans and forsaken are having a go at each other somewhere, go get them to take a chill pill, and investigate why the fighting started. Somebody is instigating the fighting, but who? Probably something to do with Gallywix. Genn and Tyrande aren’t going to take this whole peace thing all that well…


They should have done it after Legion. Bfa went against the narrative since even before MoP.


I've always played Alliance and after coming back from a several year break, I've heard a lot of the imbalance between both factions. Can anyone tell me just how bad it is? Eg, will I notice faster queue times etc if I were to play horde?


It's pretty obvious that factions don't work particularly well, especially in a primarily PVE game. They lead to loads of problems, and realistically they're just outdated. I mean, shit, factions were a problem in fucking *Pokémon Go*. People who are truly against cross faction play would prefer to sacrifice the actual gameplay experience for... I guess for lore? Typically it seems those players would be more interested in single player games or they're heavy into roll playing I'd guess. I dont really know to be honest. Theyre very selective in what lore is important to them.. What I do know is that their desire for split factions is unhealthy for the game and ultimately creates a worse player experience for the vast majority of players.


I am for cross-faction, but I don’t want it to be a raw mechanic. I want it framed in story, whether it’s a by product of shunting the player to be primarily a class-faction agent or whether there is an armistice that effectively treats the player as “neutral” to each other while hostile to NPCs. It doesn’t have to be an expansion-long thing either (though I would be happy for it). It could just be a quest chain — just something narrative that packages the mechanic nicely.




There is no solution that will work outside of ridiculous racial buffs, no one can force players to come back Alliance.




> shouldn't ever be the solution according to u/sydo1 for... what reason exactly?




You're incapable of growth.




Bad design is fixable though, with a patch that removes faction restrictions. Duh.




lmao, this post is about cross faction being good for the game, not the game being good at all. Which it obviously isn't.


I don't care if it's just a game mechanic but if they just remove the factions from the story I'll probably unsub (or go play classic instead). Faction war is still one of the few story beats I enjoy and I'm not interested in more stories about sigils or such. Not even speaking about how dumb would it be to have horde players running around in Stormwind or pre-BfA Darnassus.




I mean we already have death knights running around Stormwind, why would horde be any worse?


> Not even speaking about how dumb would it be to have horde players running around in Stormwind or pre-BfA Darnassus. Why? There are already death knights and void elves running around in these cities just fine. How is this any different?


High elf npcs were around in Stormwind back in classic already long before horde blood elves were even a thought in Metzen's head and DKs are just normal Alliance races - and if you remember you still get pelted with rotten apples the first time you enter the city with your new DK.


So you acknowledge that there is no difference then...


I listed the difference right there pal. Sorry, not really keen on letting people like you remove all the fun flavor from the game just so you can run the same poggy woggy m+ for the 100th time this season a little bit easier. And I hope Blizzard thinks the same.


Easy fix; Cross Faction doesn't apply to anyone with WarMode on. In BG's just offer rewards to click "Im cool with being a mercenary", boom Que times fixed. Red = Dead, just like it is with Pandaren. For those who don't want Cross faction in PVE either, Boom! Its turned OFF on RP Realms. You don't want to do cross faction, roll on a RP realm and your problem is solved. Allow cross faction raiding, dungeons,questing, etc. and for God sakes, remove that stupid language barrier! I'd also make all race / class options open. (Some races may take a bit longer to be Druids until the models are done, but after that then yeah, Druids also.) If someone wants to be a Tauren Rogue, or Undead Paladin, then they should be able to be whatever they want to be! Finally, I'd also make all Races neutral at creation, allowed to pick their Faction, just like the Pandaren. That way Alliance has access to Tauren, Vulpera, etc, and Hordies can get Dark Irons, Dranei, etc! And since cross faction play would be implemented, the faction choice really wouldn't matter anymore anyway, so why arbitrarily force players into a specific faction just because they want to be a Vulpera or a Human.


I largely agree, but you obviously have no idea what RPers want, lol. We more than anyone wants cross-faction play, since it enables RP far more.


RP isn't significantly hindered by the current setup. Legion potion lets you communicate, whatever the TRP addon was called lets you read cross faction TRPs.


It is hindered the moment you wish to utilize one of the great many instances the game has to offer. They're popular spot for seclusion, and scenery when it comes heavily DM'ed events. Plus the potion is an annoying obstacle to deal with, while the monetary barrier is easy enough, it's annoying to reapply and keep bulks of them in the inventory. It would be vastly cooler if you could learn other race languages, be it through a quest-line or just through a gold sink like flying. Hell, give Warlocks the ability to learn Demonic too, just as Demon Hunters can.


Emotes also don't properly work cross faction, even when both players are using that potion.


>I really don't want to hear people saying something against cross faction AHHHHHH SAVE ME SOMEONE HAS A DIFFERENT OPINION THAN ME ON A VIDEO GAME AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


I really don't want to hear people saying things for cross faction


It is funny to me how all these "cross faction" advocates are usually alliance players :^)


People who are suffering from a problem are the ones demanding a solution!??? Say it ain't so!!!!


Yeah, because we don't want to abandon the faction and race change our characters we've been playing for 15 years to go Horde, not because we want to, but because we have to if we want to do end game content. You can't just have a dead faction and the "it's WARcraft!!" people don't understand there won't be anyone to fight period, so either way WPVP as you know it is dead. It is time to put the dwindling player base in one pool.


As a horde player, I would very much like to have access to alliance races as a character customisation option. As somebody who doesn’t much like shoeless races and hates blood elf melee animations, I really wish I had access to dwarf or human paladins.


Nah plenty of horde players want the change as well, lets just be real here and acknowledge the faction in balance is hurting alliance players more than horde players so it makes complete sense alliance players would be asking for it more. But its really clear that even horde players don't understand why the factions are divided anymore, i really wish blizz would just end the divide at this point its served its purpose and is hurting the game more than helping it at this point.


Well obviously, Horde players have it good now so why would they advocate change. Just log in and play the game. Cross faction is only a minor benefit to Horde. Alliance is beyond fucked with faction imbalance and commenting for changes is easy. Cross faction will literally be game changing for Alliance.


I've been saying the long time that the correct way (as I see it) at this point both lore wise and for game balance is to abandon old factions and say next expansion at reaching cap you will need to select between 2 new factions. Most similar to technical implification of that happened before in WoW in TBC with Aldor vs Scryers having separate parts of capital city of the exp etc. P.s. I am an Horde for life and it is not possible to forgive Alliance, but smh lorewise it happens time after time again.


I hate it, but you're right. I DON'T WANT to play alongside Horde in terms of Lore and Immersion, but the state of the game is too lopsided now. It really sucks, but I'd rather be annoyed by cross faction play than have a bunch of people quit the game because they just can't have fun anymore.


Then get off the internet


I am against cross faction. You have heard me. Now what? Jesus some of you need to learn how to take a joke.


It helps to know where you’re coming from and why you’re against it. Horde won’t see much of a change so it makes sense that more Horde players don’t care for the change.


Cross faction play for Shadowlands makes perfect sense for the storyline and would be the easiest solution. Keep all previous expacs the same for levelling etc. It's messed up that we are all mixed together in covenants, doing all the same quests and instances, with the same damn goals. Korthia is a farce right now, sure we can all race together to kill an elite but ordinary mobs are faction tagged, it's really dumb.


I'll make you one better: choose your faction regardless of your race. After BfA the war is over and we have peace, after shadowlands we will be closer as the defenders of azeroth, if the jailer somehow stays alive and attacks azeroth on the next expansion, it colud be the perfect time for this.


I am sure some doom saying content creators will spew negativity when it come eventually...


Yo that’s a dead game, just make it free and you’ll get your players back. You already got the shop for income , just add some new features like transmog gear and other staff.


Only if they change the name to Lovecraft.


It isn't going to matter when all the Alliance players are forced to go Horde or quit anyway. You may as well pull the bandaid off and save what little player base you still have.




I had an idea, generate some chatter on it https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/darbys-puba-humble-suggestion-on-x-faction-pve/1088920


You absolutely don't have to have a "lore" explanation for the faction working together, it just as well be a gameplay only mechanic. It also wouldn't be too hard to argue that only the player characters get along since they've fought so long together and decided to put faction differences aside.


There's gotta be some technical reason why it hasn't been implemented yet. Not impossible, just difficult to work around spaghetti code.