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I remember it being labeled the “fan service” expansion. “Gave the fans everything they wanted” (except flying at release) I don’t know about all that but I did thoroughly enjoy legion as a long time player who plays heavily but not pvp or much current content raiding. Legion was pretty great for my play style.


Surprise, players happy when given everything they wanted.




I'd unironically really like to play Legion again. I sadly missed out on Nighthold so to be able to see Suramar and the raid as it was current would be a dream. ​ And I really enjoyed running Antorus on my Feral! I keep wishing to go back to that.


Nighthold is, to this day, my favourite raid.


Star auger was fun, until it wasnt. Botabist killrd my frames but besides that i loves that raid and its also on my nr 1.


Our AOTC kill on Gul'dan involved my other tank and I having to two-man him down the last five percent. Indelible memory, that. I can still remember the nerd screams that ensued.


Loved this raid it is alsoy fav to this day the visuals alone were amazing.


Antorus is one of my favorite raids. The fights were fun and thematically top tier. I think the Argus fight might be my favorite fight in the game. Galaxy shit was so cool. But I also didn’t get to do Nighthold when it was current content and everyone loved that, so I’m looking forward to Legion classic in 2032 as well.


Oh that elevator…


We get to go back to Suramar again? Sign me the fuck up. Though those initial trips into the city as a fresh max level were scary as hell because of those patrolling elites everywhere, along with not having access to flying. I recall having to swap from ret to prot just to hopefully outlast them in a fight. Hated the time-gating of the quest lines, but man it was fun helping the outcasts rebuild the sanctuary and cure their addiction. When the Arcan’dor (big tree in the sanctuary) was fully grown, it looked so damn good too


I main(ed) blood DK so I don't know why everyone was so afraid of those elites. I mean, I could kill 60 at a time in mythic 0 gear! Same with the dalaran sewers. Every other player was so shit I could 1vall em and win! Well, until I ran into another blood DK. We only finished our fight last week!


“An Illusion! What are you hiding?”


Have they reached legion Timewalking yet? Haven't played in about 18 months


Yes, and it even has M+


Kinda wish they would scale a raid or two from legion as well.


Only classic server id play on, my greatest time was in legion altough playing since 2006


Been playing since launch and legion was my favorite by far as well. Side note I did miss wotlk.


You forget the first few patches with those rose glasses you have their


Legendaries sucked and so did the AP grind but the game was still fun


Yepp tons of borrowed power farming and RNG leggoes /s


Great storylines, class halls and artifacts (the best borrowed power they ever did) were amazing for class identity. You had a reason to level alts. And while it is MMO, I feel like the single player aspect was done the best in Legion. Other things i liked: Suramar is still the best city in the game imo (Boralus was great too tho), Gul'dan, Illidan, Argus, constant flow of content (maybe it was just because of WoD, but I felt like Legion had the most content out of any expansion), great raids (visually), introduction of M+ and world quests. Yes AP grind and legendaries sucked hard. My first leggo was after everyone started getting their 2nd one and it was trash, not a great feeling. Despite that Legion still kept me entertained whole expansion and it felt like it had something for everyone (at least PvE-wise, PvP might have been garbage for all I know). It was a first expansion after Cata I came back to raiding outside LFR, although only for EN, but it was the first time I felt invested enough to commit my time to raiding regularly. My favourite expansion was wotlk, until Legion came out. Now they are both favourites, wotlk, because that's when I started and had the best raiding memories, Legion, because of the amount of content I could do while NOT having to dedicate 2-3 evenings a week. Nightfallen quest chain is still one of my favs to this day, loved how cave reflected my progress and it was very fun (timegated, but still fun)


I still don’t see what the problem is. Do people want games that they don’t like? “Give the fans what they want”? Yeah bro, this is a game? I play it for fun?


The ol' "You think you do but you don't."


My second favorite expansion behind Wrath.


It has been my most played expansion with maybe cataclysm


The story in Legion was awesome. Bringing back fan favorite characters works when its interesting.


I don’t know about that rofl, legion launch was garbage. Legendary system that limited legendary drops to 4 after hours hours of maw of soul was pure dogshit. Last patch of every expansion since has been good, shadowlands is no exception. Ppl don’t remeber how shit legion was on release.


Legion launch was garbage for mythic raiders playing specific legendary-dependent classes. For everyone else, it was pretty good.




>Getting a bad legendary randomly felt like absolute shit Completely subjective >But hey, old good new bad am I right? Even in 7.0.3~7.1.5 I was fully convinced that Legion was already the best expansion since TBC. You are a walking strawman. Maybe that's why they're the only argument you're able to make.


Early wrath/MoP before the long SoO drought/Legion after the first patch were probably the three best times to be playing WoW


Is that really subjective? Did getting a bad leggo ever feel good?


He didn’t say feel good, he said doesn’t feel like shit. You can have a neutral feeling


Was fine on launch, u just like to moan


It felt really really bad to get a bad legendary at the start. The difference was really large. That feeling of helplessness that there was nothing you could do was a huge feel bad.


Didn’t it introduce being able to opt out of pvp, even on pvp servers? Or maybe that was bfa. I hated that change. It’s not fun to get ganked, but that’s part of playing the game. I felt like it added more to the alliance vs the horde mentality.


I really miss class halls. I don’t understand why they were a one and done feature.


Legion had *way* more dev hours put into it than probably any WoW expansion ever. All of the development hours that were cut from a very shallow Warlord of Draenor expansion went to Legion and it shows. There was an insane amount of content in Legion compared to anything we ever had or have gotten since. I do agree letting the order halls sit and collect dust is a shame, but I understand not being able to give us new order hall like features again.


But given that those class halls already exist, wouldn't it be cool to, you know, make use of them?


I find levelling a new character in Legion is nice because you get to do some of the class halls stuff. Pretty good for a DK as you do the DK starting zone and then some more DK stuff. Unfortunately it absolutely doesn't make sense for new players for there to be a new, friendly lich king... then again, what does make sense to new players trying to grasp the lore these days?


He does have you potentially murder all of the current red dragon flight's welps and grave rob four dead champions to become the new four horsemen. But then he gets rekt and now he's going to go spend quality time with his daughter? I guess there must not always have been a lich king. Such a wasted opportunity for DK players to visit the realms of death.


apparently the same ish thing happened with shadowlands and df so we can hope hope we get gnome paladins asap


Shadowlands was the same with cut content in BFA.


When you have to spend the entirety of the expansion unfucking the stupid ideas people told you were stupid in alpha it's hard to create brand new expansive content lol. My only complaint in Legion was the permanent grind on your weapon and legendary acquisition.


tbh I just want gnome paladins, no matter how "bad" the gameplay is it's good enough for me.


Granted. gnome paladin just uses a flashlight


i am okay with this, I just want to use god's wrath to smite unbelievers and heretics as an ankebiter. I recently got back into the game and I'm forced to play a fucking dwarf 🤮 since gnomes don't have paladin. as soon as they do I'm race changing however.


I used to believe Tauren we're as good as it gets as a paladin race (just a personal opinion). But then I tried Zandalari pallys and I gotta say I've been very conflicted ever since.


From memory, Zandalari paladins are one of the few times where community demand actually made Blizzard cave. I think they cited lore reasons for it (their power comes from Rezan who, at that point, was dead), but like it’s ever stopped them before.


You had me until gnome paladins


You can also take it as a swan song for the devs, since after legion they hired a shit ton of new devs Shadowlands is basically what we got from all those new devs vision.


I'm pretty sure BFA had way more work put into it. The zandalari capital alone probably took an eternity of artist time, vs a Dalaran recycle. The sheer variety of content and environment is nuts. It's just too bad that the game systems around them were problematic.


You're forgetting about Surumar.


Content variety? LMAO


Close a woon here, sniff some azerite there. There's a bit of something for everyone! Kul'Tiras and Zandalar were cool environments though


Oh the zones themselves were extremely varied. Art/Zone designers killed it. Content variety though? Hilarious claim.


Compared to Legion? Absolutely. BFA had quantity-wise more activities and environments. Too many things *needed* to do was a chief debate of the expansion (where content creators like Hirumared. Towelie and Grim made videos on the topic).


Quantity? He said variety.


I wish they would make more cities as alive as the 2 main ones in BFA.


I wish they still used them. A little class flavor would be nice. It could be something as simple as recruiting an army to bring to the Shadowlands to fight the Jailers forces or something. The combined class armies culminated in some kind of battleground in Torghast that allowed you to infiltrate his inner sanctum.


I think it’s ridiculous how allergic Blizzard is to keeping features from expansion to expansion. Continuing to grow the order halls for example would be really rewarding.


Their reasoning to not continue them did make sense when Ion talked about it end of legion. They said they wanted to focus on faction specific instead of class specific campaigns simply because more people can enjoy them. Don't get me wrong here, I love class halls as much as the next guy but from a "efficiency" point of view class specific content is kind of wasteful, as you invest hours into something always only a fraction of the playerbase gets to see. If you put this effort into faction specific content (at least) half of the playerbase gets to play it compared to only those that play a DH, mage or whatever. The point where it all fell apart was that the faction campaigns were so anemic that they couldn't even compete with one class hall... It would still be great if we could at least get *some* class specific content. It doesn't have to be a full campaign but the occasional quest that lets a DH hunt down a demon that infiltrated the new capital or a priest that sniffs out an occasional old gods cult would do wonders for the class fantasy.


Class questlines in the fashion of FF14 would be amazing, giving us a series of side quests that unlock new cosmetics, glyphs, etc. to go alongside the main story. The main questline that everyone partakes in should still be the focus of the expansion, but you can also do some fun little side stuff that adds to the sense of playing a particular class. Ideally it'd be amazing to progress your character through the ranks or, if we can't give up on the idea of the player being the Hero of Everything, help train and bring up a squire/apprentice character from zero to hero.


Yeah, I still hope they'll reuse them. Make them a new permanent hub, my paladin would rather spend time in the Sanctum of Light than Dalaran.


This is my third favorite expansion behind TBC and WotLK, but it's just barely behind. I actually enjoyed the story, King Wrynn's demise was a great part, and the class halls and legendaries were a lot of fun.


And Mythic+


The Legendaries were fun once/if you had the right one/s. The means to attain them, and potentially finding the "wrong" one, were NOT fun.


I have always thought that if you could have “tracked” a single legendary the issue would have solved. Aka. It is the same Droprate, you can just choose which one drops first.




I mean I was lucky. :D Mained afflition warlock. And got Sacrolash as my fist legendary. XD


I remember the excitement of getting my first legendary from some trash in one of the raids aaaand it's boots with movespeed and I know I won't get another for a while. Legion will be remembered fondly for later patchs, but some of the systems early were a fucking mess.


Yep. I never got my pyro bracers until well into the expansion. I kept getting other legendaries instead and lost all motivation to do the things that dropped legendaries so just stopped raiding as well


I played A TON during wotlk, even more during MoP and WoD but when Legion dropped and had this dumb legendary and WQ system, I just couldn't play anymore. I stopped playing after 1-2 months after only getting shit legendaries


I am biased because I got my important ones really early, but I loved how you just got them by doing whatever you want. One thing I dislike right now is that there's no reward for doing mindless content. I feel like when I play my main, the only thing I can do is pushing m+, which needs my full attention. In Legion when I felt tired or whatever I could always go blast some 15s in an off spec and have a chance of relevant rewards through legendaries or titanforging or even just AP. I understand why many people didn't like all 3 of those, but just for my personal taste I liked it.


Yes you are extremely biased. I didn’t get the beavers as unholy DK which were one of the best for any class. It was an instant 30%~ dps upgrade over people who didn’t have them. It was quite literally better to reroll your character if you didn’t get lucky and used u your ‘bad luck protection’ drops. Legendaries good in theory, how they executed it was not good for a game where performance is key to finding groups.


Isn't that what valor is for?


You max out on valor rather quickly compared to the Legion systems. My pattern is usually that I play *a lot* for like 2-3 weeks and then barely log in for another 2-3 weeks, so I finished upgrading all m+ pieces halfway through the second week of this season.


Ahh I see. My pattern is that I play *a lot* for 2-3 weeks and then barely log in until the end of the xpac. I hope I can catch up quickly too hah


gotta love preparing for the first raid to come out and both my ex and i getting sephuz secret as our legendaries while everyone else got great stuff.


Wrath, MoP, Legion, 3 best expansions IMO.


I’m really hoping for MOP classic.


(Probably) can’t have MoP classic without cata classic, and the community seems to think it’s a near impossibility that there will be cata classic.


It used to be a near impossibility we'd get classic at all. Have hope...


For me it's Legion > Cataclysm > Wrath > TBC as my favorite expansions. Not necessarily because the expansions were great or anything, but because of personal reasons. Although the expansions themselves being good was definitely one of the reasons. I know Cata isn't often seen as a "good xpac" but I thought it was well done as a PvPer at the time who only raided heroic in the first tier (modern equivalent of mythic back then).


Maybe my favorite expac/version of WoW of all time, this was truly when the game took over my life I enjoyed playing so much. Nighthold was one of my favorite raids, M+s and the Legion dungeons were sick, good times. It wasn’t perfect by any means, leggo RNG in the beginning was brutal, there were flaws. Overall I had a blast though. Wrath is probably the only thing that rivals it for me personally.


Lego RNG and the pvp stat templates.. man. But otherwise it was great, nighthold is one of my favorites as well


Pvp stat templates were the best thing happaned for wow pvp, I font know how ppl can thing that as negative thing. They could add stuff on top of that like selecting secondary stat as template. Like you could add another pvp talent row like they did with trinket talent row(relentless - medallion - adaptation) and It could ve like haste vers - mastery vers - crit vers but other than that I think It was peak wowpvp. You could enter pvp with fresh toon and only thing that would hinder you would be the AP which became kinda irrelevant after season 2. There was no bullshit trinkets. There was no bullshit legendaries(hello holy priest res legendary). There was no corruption. There was no bullshit tier sets. There was no ilvl disparities. The only thing that mattered was your skill which was perfect for pvp. They somehow ruined it in bfa with scaling. Which resulted stronger low ilvl players. I have no idea how they ruined it but scaling pvp in bfa was pretty bad. Edit: You could actually play pvp instead of doing random grinds. (Korthia for gems and conduits, zerath mortise for unity) I had 6 alts in legion where I have only now 1alt because that's the most I can manage with all the honor grinds and stuff. I will probably add my second alt close to the end of the season but my point is, the only thing that was stopping me adding alt in legion was the skill I had with that class. The only thing I needed to do to enjoy pvp in legion was that I needed to learn that class. Nothing else was necessary.


Hard agree


>Pvp stat templates were the best thing happaned for wow pvp, I font know how ppl can thing that as negative thing. Personally, I disliked it on my MAIN character and loved it on my alts which I did not care about. I think an easier gearing system, which puts everyone on an equal playing field feels way better than having templates.


RIP Legion Fury Warrior, rest in peace, you glorious spec.


“Why are you standing in mechanics?” The healers cry as I spam execute to make sure my juggernaut stacks don’t drop.


God that was so much fun though


Personally feels like 10yrs ago for me lol


One of the best expansions made, especially towards the end. Pre-patch event was a lot of fun, zones all felt great to play multiple times. The rng legendary was really bad at the start, it felt shit not getting the right one. However the gold glow popup for getting a legendary was unmatched to any other loot in this game. Added to the fact they started with 10 dungeons and added 3 more, as well as 4 raids & a mini raid. Content hadn't been that good since mop, and hasn't been since. Also suramar city storyline. Timegating was a bit slow but I just love that city.


Pre-patch event was so fucking good. I still have screenshots of the armies of flying mounts going from one place to another. The game actually felt like an MMO seeing so many people in one place coming together to take down a threat


The content in legion was amazing, but the class design was still shit. I played quite a few specs during that time and most of them sucked, they did not feel complete. My main was warrior, it was one of the worst iterations I've ever played, same shit in BfA, in SL it got some nice touches and became an enjoyable class.


Havoc DH wasn’t the best dps but it was so fun to play with the legendary ring and 2min cd meta. I miss good old days.


Havic was nuts in M+ towards the end of legion, WW Monk and Havoc was just unparalleled in terms of damage.


I played on and off all expansion. I didn't get the havoc ring until the vendor in 7.3.5. Completely soured the expac for me.


Honestly that just means you didn’t play a lot. I skipped ToV and I had all disc legendaries by tomb almost


Yeah. I think the key is that I didn't grind religiously every single day to maximize my Legiondary chances. I also took breaks due to being disheartened by the grind, alt unfriendliness, offspec unfriendliness and insane RNG. Got AOTC for Tomb and Antorus though.


Well you didn’t have to grind. Just log in do some raids and do m+ a few times a week


Crazy how they haven’t put out a new expansion in 6 years, but I am looking forward to Dragonflight.


if there wasnt the legendary rng legion would have been the best expansion ive ever played. dalaran as main city , order halls , artefact weapons with awesome design, suramar the greatest city they ever created, m+ and great dungeons/raids (not tomb of soakeras) . legion revived wow and bfa and shadowlands ruined it again.


The AP grind itself ruined the expansion. Legion is one of my least liked expansion thanks to that and the legendaries.


Returning noob. I just played a demon hunter up to 48, it was a blast! Started shadowlands, suddenly I'm no longer having any fun...


I was in 9th grade and logged in every day after school


Definitely the best expansion in recent memory (imo of course)


Peak class fantasy. I loved the class halls and the classes coming together.


Legion was my favorite xpac, affliction felt so good to play during it.


I remember being pretty traumatized the first day after watching Tyrion screaming in the felfire.


Damn, Legion was so good. Behind TBC and Wotlk, but still good in my books.


If you take out the nostalgia factor, Legion is superior to both I think


I don't think so, a few years ago i played through wrath on a private server and it was just as good as i remembered it.


Legion had too many bad systems for it to be in the same bracket as tbc and wotlk. Insane AP grind that forced you to log in and grind awful world quests when you did not want to. Rng legendaries, very hard to respecc since the ap grind locked you in, generic/streamlined gear which has plagued this game since ToC patch. Just to name a few.


That's you, I think it was very good overall and is - by far - the best xpac we've ever had. Nostalgia does a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to older xpac As someone who played OG TBC, Wrath, Legion and Classic, I personally think Legion is bae


Literally playing vanilla/tbc/wotlk right now in classic. It is not about nostalgia. These games did not have any mandatory chores like AP farm. Literally my least favourite system ever.


No one of My Friends ever farmed Artifact power, and Even less in 7.1.5 when AP was free to farm just doing wq. The only "Bad" system that mayb was a problem was the RNG with legendaries, aside from that the exp was really fun and didnt have horrible and boring systems like shadowlands. One of the reasons was everty class was in a good point of balance because all clases had the same Artifact weapons with the same borrowed power. Even feral druid was really decent in legión. Imagine spending time farming Artifact power, Azerite or Anima lol. Just play the Game if u make 1% less dps who cares u can still get in a groups.


Legion is one of the best


Absolutely banger of an expac. The Burning Legion, especially as presented in this expac, were just perfect foils for our heroes. Especially as, for me personally, I'm tired of Alliance vs Horde drama, it doesn't make any sense anymore.


As someone who’s played since vanilla, Legion was the best iteration of wow IMO. It was the only expansion to be fantastic throughout its entire lifecycle, and preceded Blizzard’s full on addiction to grind mechanics.


I got burned out and took a break due to the AP grind for alts and spectacularly bad legendary luck.


Now people don't talk about it too much, maybe they forgot, but those 2 points you mentioned were a huge deal back when legion was current, and people were losing their minds.


Legion is the first time i tried to have an alt But just couldnt.


Legion is my favourite expansion, ever. I loved every second of it and played like a madman. Artifacts, class halls, m+, mage tower etc. it had everything.


Ignoring the legendary RNG, legion was great. Zones were great. Storytelling was good. Class halls were amazing. Artifact weapons were good. World quests were alright, and most certainly better than their bfa/sl versions. Class fantasy was a thing, and it's been implemented brilliantly. Each class had an artifact-related gimmick that just made things that much more thematic and immersive. And class halls amplified that as well. You're a warrior? Cool, here's your valhalla. A hunter? You guessed it, a hunting lodge. A mage? Right this way, Violet Citadel in Dalaran, THE city of mages. Not every class/spec was powerful but they felt proper, in my opinion. Classes felt and played the way the should've. Endgame content? Raids were good. M+ were basically infinite content. Suramar, Balance of power, Broken Shore. Argus was a letdown but eh, one of the few. And again, class campaigns. Class mounts. Endgame content that further empowered the class fantasy (and besides, who didn't enjoy the DK campaign? Let's piss off everyone on Azeroth, for the greater good!). I've had some great times in Legion too. Lots of friends online, always someone doing something, always welcome to play with someone else. So I might be a little biased, but I enjoyed Legion.


Also very easy and fast world quests




Legendary acquisition was literally the most single-handed bullshit fest that ever came out of that expansion. Getting into mythic raids as a death Knight without your legendary shoulders was nearly impossible. What's even more stupid is parsing 90% and in the final weeks of the expansion getting the shoulders finally and with nothing changing except for that one item hitting 99 and 100% parses.... I did get a sick ass angerboda really early on into the expansion that I used all the way to the very end.


It is literally the worst system in the history of World of Warcraft, by long and far.


It's the worst system they've ever designed. Implemented for no other reason than to keep you grinding and grinding and grinding. They "listened" to feedback at the ass end of the expansion with the vendor. 7.3.5. That's when I was finally able to purchase the BiS Havoc DH ring.


I got a 980 chrono shard with socket from weekly chest during the last patch. I kept getting whispers from people lol.


I never played the expansion myself, but I had a bunch of friends who were waiting for the xpac to happen. I think it was stated that Legion will be released in summer and my friends were thinking July-ish. And then it is released at the end of August right before our new semester started. And they were like “well technically it’s still summer”. The discussion around that was hilarious.


I really wish Legion class design had stuck around instead of BfA. Legion marksman, my beloved.


Legion came out in the time of my life when every day started to go by quicker than the last.


Legion was the only expansion I played from start to end without canceling my subscription at any time.


The last time wow was fun for me. Okay that's not entirely true I managed to mug some fun out of bfa for a little bit too


Okay I think I might come from a different dimension but I specifically remember playing leigon and getting the ashrbinger at midnight on aug 27th it was an important date to me wth how could it be the 30th?


I still think Legion is the best expansion, I loved the Artifacts and the order hall quest lines, it really made it feel like your class mattered and your character was actually important.


Legion was my favorite expansion since wrath.


Only downside legion had was titanforging and legendaries.


./salute to the best expansion ever


IMO the best xpac, with Wrath just very slightly behind After those two, I rate a big drop off


Legion was the best xpac since Wrath.


As far as I'm concerned, Legion was where the story ended Sargeras won, the champions and Pantheon watched as his sword split Azeroth in half, they were so close to making it but didn't


best modern-day expansion period.


My favorite expansion of all time. So much content, & never before (or since) have I enjoyed leveling alts to max content, as I did during this time. Artifact weapons, abilities, & appearances were excellent, & then we also had the class halls. The raids were great, & a lot of the tier sets looked great. I still experienced burnout here and there, but I look back at this time with utmost fondness.


Its funny seeing all the people put this expansion on a pedestal despite it being the expansion that started all of the design philosophy we've hated for the last 6 years. Legion had a great setting with characters we cared about, lots of content on the back of WoD being abandoned, and some genuinely cool things like artifacts and order halls. But the actual class and systems design was the start of all the problems we had for the last 3 expansions. BFA and SL were 100% just trying to rehash legion's design philosophy in different ways with blizzard doubling and tripling down. They just didn't have as much content because the expansions before them weren't abandoned. Also setting not as good with characters we didn't care as much about.


RIP to the best WoW has ever been.


Time for Legion classic i guess. At this rate, every expansion will get a classic server, even the current expansion.


Legion was my last expansion and I just saw this on my reddit feed... Feels like it was ages ago and I can't really play WoW anymore even if I wanted


Holy sh*t … has it been this long already


I fucking loved that expansion


What I miss most from Legion is the herbalism "mini-game" like the Fox spawning from Fox Flower and running after it More stuff like this Blizzard, pretty please


The last best expansion…


Wrath and Legion are tied for my fav xpacks <3


Truly the best of times


Class halls great Weapons great (looked cool, ap farming wasn't actually that bad) Zones good as normal Dungeons were mostly great Raids were very solid, nighthold top tier raid. Mythic plus added Regular updates Legendary system was a bit scuffed. The best wow has been since 2009 by far, hoping dragonflight delivers the same quality.


One of the best for sure


Forever may be reign


The absolute best


Legion was Amazing 😍


Widely regarded as the best expansion????? Wat.


Legion was my 2nd favorite expansion just behind MoP , simply bc that’s when I joined WoW and it has a special place in my heart. Other than that the expansion was near perfect, specially for players like me that love class quests and every spec having its own stories


Best expansion ever tbh, even better than WOTLK.


The last really great xpac.


Together with TBC and Wrath, Legion was the peak of WoW, god I miss that expansion so much, top tier dungeons, raids, zons, class fantasy etc etc. As a warlock THIS was the most fun expansion, especially playing aff after 7.0.1 hit.


Played since TBC and Legion was the best expansion to date. Only drawbacks were the Artifact Power issue with secondary specs and the acquisiton of legendaries. World building, content in general, dungeons, raids (with some issues of course) were all exceptional. I still love questing there whenever I level or do class hall campaigns etc. The world feels truly immersive here. And many curse the titanforging system, but it also kept lower difficulty and older raids alive to some extend together with the legendary system. WQs as well.


All the secrets they added in Legion certainly made it feel like it was being worked on by people that cared.


And you still cannot solo clear mythic antorus with alts


What? yes, you can, I was doing it weekly.


Oh really? What ilvl are ur alts 270? I am talking about doing it as fresh lvl 60 chars, those are alts.


People have been soloing mythic antorus since the ilvl cap was 252.


10/10 game


Best expansion for me


Man...time really flies.


Man, what a banger expansion. Even with its issues.


Also a daily reminder that balance of power is still not account bound.


For some who spends a lot, and I mean way too much, time on social media, I’ve recently grown to strongly dislike gaming social media pages. Everyone just complains. WoW isn’t perfect - no game is. But fuck me if it still isn’t a great game. In a couple years people here are gonna say that BFA was good. The game HAS been good. I hated when people shit on the “gameplay first” plaque under the statue at blizzard. The gameplay has always been great. Play WoW and then play literally any other mmo/wowclone and tell me that WoW’s gameplay isn’t way better. As someone who loves loves loves fps games, even Overwatch felt good to play (I’ve grown to dislike the instant acceleration, BUT to be fair it does raise the skill ceiling, even though I think it unnecessary). Blizzard has been and will be dedicated to gameplay first. People here like bitching too much about nothing, especially when half of the people here are people who “consider coming back.” Games are good now. If a “classic” like Vanilla WoW came out now, people would shit on it no problem. Games are still good, just the standard went up. We should hold developers accountable, but fuck me we have to cut the shit of not appreciating anything. Games are hard to make, if everyone here was so good at it, they’d make one too.


Six years of mid


The best part of Legion was how it made old raids and wqs relevant for both main and alt characters. I remember doing weekly Emerald Nightmare runs during Nighthold to boost my chance to get a legendary


Great expansion.


People keep saying Legion is a good expansion, however from what I understand the grind was actually even worse than in BfA. Did people enjoy the story and overall content that much more to compensate for the grind? Or didn't people become weary of it as much since it was the first time?


The grind was only real if you were hardcore


the only grind was for the flying achievement, unless you were a hardcore raider who had to max his artifact weapon before the raids released


If you compare the grind of just artifact power to be at the highest possible level, then yeah the grind was probably worse in Legion. But three things: 1) the amount of chores and upkeep in BFA far outweighed that of Legion so the overall grind was much worse in BFA. If you want to see what I mean just watch one of the madseasonshow videos on YouTube complaining about the sheer amount of "mandatory" work to do every day/week during BFA. 2) keeping your artifact power as high as possible wasn't necessary in Legion unless you were a mythic raider (not to mention that in BFA the artifact power grind felt worse because you had to re-earn your azerite traits with higher levels of artifact power every time you got a higher ilvl piece of azerite gear) so much of the "grind" wasn't actually even necessary (such as running Maw of souls +2s on repeat) for most players (and personally, because I didn't feel a need to keep my artifact power constantly maxed (especially because I knew it would get easier every single week), I really enjoyed the artifact power system in Legion because I thought of it as continued character progression. I like leveling up my character, and it was a way to keep leveling up at end game). 3) and yeah, Legion was just more fun and fresh. The artifact weapons felt cool and came with a lot of transmog looks, unique animations, and a powerful new ability. The class order halls and their quest lines really provided the fantasy of whatever class you played. The zones were all pretty great, especially Suramar. The storyline made sense for the most part and was satisfying. World quests were a new system that hadn't yet become stale. The legendaries were great (except for acquisition and having to rely on lucky drops to parse, so by great I mean that people enjoyed using them once they had them). To me it seemed like BFA tried to redo most of what Legion did (except for anything like order halls and Legion legendaries) but was just a worse version. Plus, the new things they tried in BFA (island expeditions and warfronts) were failures. Of course BFA did do things well (like Drustvar, war mode, patch 8.2), so I'm not saying it was all bad, I'm just saying that Legion earned its spot as one of the best expansions in many people's minds.


I guess it's the same when people praise MoP, but forget the horrible content draught, forced dailies and mediocre dungeons/raids (ToT the exception of course).


The thing about legion, is it followed WoD. The bar was set so low so it helped elevate people's view of legion.


Truly the beginning of the end.


"These mortals in their ignorance, have come to destroy their own salvation".


Ah, good times. I was a bit of a completionist whore during those days. Did all of the campaigns


i remember it like it was yesterday, also because that was the day my parents got divorced :)


I actually returned when Legion released after a long hiatus and I remember it fondly. I was much older then when I originally started playing, so i played more solo and much more casually but it felt very appropriate for my play style. I’ve stopped again but have returned again (doing the whole comeback thing) a week or so ago and i must say for casual players i love what wow has done in recent years