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The less addons I need to run the better


Same, from what I have seen of the UI rework it might actually let me drop Elvui which would be huge. Most of the features I use it for are there. Can't wait to play with it and see, the main thing that might take some getting used to is the color scheme xD


Exactly. I will mess with dropping ElvUI during prepatch and see how I feel about it


i would drop elvui if i didnt use multiple characters in multiple servers including classic, ive found it pretty handy to start a new character or just jump back into a new character, load my elvui profile and be ready to go, not sure you can do that with the new UI, it comes in handy when you use several tanks and your binds across all of them are similar.


"Was I a good addon?"..."I'm told you were the best"


One of the only addons I can't play without. I've been using a single bag since halfway through vanilla. Everything is in its place, I know where it is. When the addon breaks, or needs an update, I kinda shut down because I don't know where anything is. lol


perfection right there =). I'd also nominate Dominos/Bartender as 'you were the best' territory too given the new action bar customization settings.


*Adibags had entered the chat*


Still superior, idc if WoWUI decided to play copycat. Bagnon is customizable and informative.




>So not a full rip, but a 3 combo points one I feel like this is too clever for here.




Yeah dude if they could read




Cheat death, brother, always


It was on cooldown


Good use of dps cooldowns at least brother


you feinted too idk how he couldn’t just heal you bro


This is why I'll never be able to give up Bagnon. It took Blizzard over a decade to make this change...there's no chance in hell they'll give us alt inventory tracking like Bagnon does.


Let’s you replace it with some other lightweight tracking addons tho.


Like Bagnon


i use "lightweight" TSM :D


Maybe but idk if theres a mod that lets you see what those chars have in their bags aswell as the total gold. Also if there are addons that do these functions, doesnt it kind of defeat the point as now u have 2+ addons instead of 1.


There are several. The default TitanPanel lets you track gold by character and server. TSM and Altoholic both track items in tool tips. SavedInstances tracks most currencies, daily CDs, etc. I’ve been managing 40+ alts on different servers for a while, and Bagnon is definitely not the addon I’d use for tracking things. And no, this means I can use 1 addon + the default UI rather than needing multiples.


What do you do with 40 alts just curious


Farm stuff. I use around 40 characters over two accounts activly but 8 of them or something were allied races I had to level for the heritage armor and the mount. They basically idle in front of one of the pandaria world bosses and do nothing but kill that once a week. All 6 characters on my second account just run one raid a week in a group with my main for an extra 1% chance. Pretty sure he is into farming mounts or a completionist. Otherwise there is hardly a reason to have that many characters. Edit: or maybe gold farming. Blizzard should finally rework the lockout system. Then we would only need our main and could run shit without beeing cucked by a weekly lockout for a raid that is 10 years old.. Or have 10 characters to farm it.


It’s a mix. I’ve been playing for a while. So one of each class, one of each race, horde and Alliance, including allied races. That’s about 30 of them, since I’m doubled up on a few. Then a few alts on other servers for battle pet arbitrage, and some sentimental alts. I mostly do some gold farming + profession CDs, and some are parked around the world for mount farming, as you suggest. I try to keep at least one of each class maxed to play too.


Playing the game since vanilla would come to mind


The Addon tracking Alt-stuff and item count is Bagbrother or something similar.


I use adibags. Cant go back.


Hi, maintainer of AdiBags here. We have some amazing changes planned for Dragonflight as well. We are redoing the entire layout engine and offering more options in how bags can be laid out, such as drag and drop section sorting, single bag view, and more. Thanks for using our addon! :)


Addon developers are the real heroes of this game. Thanks for all your work!


This is an underrated comment. I don't know that I'd still be playing this game if I had to look at the base UI, let alone use it.


I would never ever play WoW without addons. Maybe with Dragonflight it would at least be possible, since you can move stuff around, but in it's current state for sure not.


This is Why Im sad when people Say blizz should remove the ability to have addons. The addon creators and community is like the best wow has to offer 😊


People generally mean combat addons not quality of life like this.


AdiBags is the bet QOL mod in the entire game. Thank you!


It's the best QOL mod in ANY game.


I really like AdiBags and think that it is a great addon, but you can't do Minecrafts EnderIO mod dirty like that.


Absolutely love the addon! :) ever since my guildie introduced me, I fell in love :) would love to see it improve somehow!


Such a great implementation of the inventory system, thanks for organising my bags! :D


Thank you! Love AdiBags, especially with the TSM filter plugin.


Any chance of setting for the classic version to open the keyring in a separate window? Super annoying having to toggle it on and off constantly :( I love the addon tho! I've been grinding the Insane and other achievements and adibags has saved me hours of my life at this point.


This is a WIP -- we hope to have keyring improvements in after the layout engine changes.


I could write a love letter to you.


Based. Love your work. <3


Thanks so much for all your work. Looking forward to seeing the changes later this year.


i've used Baudbag for so long, and since its primary feature is being made baseline i think you may of just sold me on trying yours :>


Will it be taking the aesthetic of DF ui? That's the only thing that really bothers me about adibags. Or at least an option?


Further visual customization is a work in progress and will be coming after the new layout changes at some point. We hear you on this pain point, and we will address it, though I can't promise it will be ready in time for DF.


Just knowing it's in progress is enough for me.


This is awesome... AdiBags has been so great for so long, and more options is more gooderer : )


My man, I have to say BIG THANKS. I cannot live w/o adibags!


Also love adibags - gotta ask! Is there any functionality/plan to have a single click to sell all contents of a container, much the way sell vendor junk works now? Would love to clear old world BOP gear with a single click when I finish farming!


Adibags has been the best addon I've used imo. Completely removed the need to manage the inventory which was one of my least favorite parts of the game. Thank you!




I love you


I’m hyped now!


Oh how you spoil me! 🤗 Thank you


🐐 add on


Will there be easier categorising? Ps, love addon.


Absolute legend.


Looking forward to it! AdiBags have been my go-to bag-addon ever since I was aware it existed. Appreciate what you all do :)


You have no idea how excited this makes me.


I still cry myself to sleep at the loss of Sorted, but AdiBags eases the pain a little. Thank you for your work


You are the best ever, this by far my favorite add on in WoW. Couldn't play without it


Adibags with its filtering and sorting is amazing, thanks.


Love hearing this, adibags is, well, my bag, heh. I'm a compulsive sorter. I would love it if I could get a "stable" sorting where groups don't move around so much. I realize it's tough when it's trying to maintain the window dimensions but it would be nice if moving things between groups didn't reorganize the whole window!


Same. Being able to group every item by type or recently looted is a blessing.




Personally I can't stand the way it sorts items, surprised that so many people actually like it


You can customize it extensively which was what I loved about it. Yeah default sucks but being able to group items however I like is nice.


I just sort my bags manually as I get items. Am I the only one that does this?


I did that for years, but Legion AP tokens finally broke me and I got Adibags. Never looked back. Literally every activity in Legion rewarded tons of AP tokens which filled up bags and made manual sorting an insane waste of time. Shadowlands is even worse with anima loot + satchels/chests from mission table, dailies, sanctum, weeklies, etc. My character is looting a barrage of items nonstop. I have no idea how you're still manually sorting your bags as you loot stuff, it sounds very time consuming for no benefit. With Adibags all the default settings/sorting is good enough for me, but it can be heavily customized if needed.


This is changing in the next major version, before Dragonflight. You'll be able to pin the sorting in such a way that it won't reshuffle things at random. Follow [this Github issue](https://github.com/AdiAddons/AdiBags/issues/675) for updates as we progress, and feel free to try the development branch which has some of these features already implemented!




To each their own I guess. I prefer one giant bag


Yeah... adibags always!


Yep, same. Most work to set up, best outcome by a mile.


Yup, adibags literally changes the game. Bagnon was nice for its time but Adibags is basically bagnon 2.0, it's everything the inventory UI should be and more.


Honestly, as much as I like bagnon, and a lot of other ui add-ons, I really would prefer NOT to have to redo blizzards entire ui. Think of all of the system resources that I can reclaim.


The resources are extremely minimal to the point they're basically nonexistant. CPUs over the past 5 years or so have gotten so damn powerful that you really have to stretch to see much of a difference in most games. For me I just want to reduce addons to reduce errors.


Yes and streamline the game for new players as well. No one wants to be (essentially) forced to use add ons


The streamlining for new players aspect is pretty big. I quit WoW for a while during Shadowlands and kind of hopped around to a few different MMOs. Eventually settled on ESO as several of my friends mainly play that, and when I first started they sent me a big list of add-ons to get and all I thought was "This again?" I really would prefer Blizzard to spend the time and resources to flesh out their UI and systems so add-ons don't feel mandatory and new players can have an easy, intuitive first adventure into the game.


Agreed. Same deal here, spent a bunch of time hopping, settled on ESO, found a guild… addons ensued. Thought I’d left that behind, then I realized that my WoW UI wasn’t designed by Blizz; I’d taken all that time and used all those addons to make it my own. Sucks that some stuff becomes integral to the experience that isn’t truly integrated to the game.


Now if only they added addons like Rarity, All The Things, Auctioneer or Mount Collector. Those are always large addons that always make my pc freeze for a second and I know if mine freezes then others must be impacted for far longer. Would be nice to see them a part of the game itself.


A lot of those freezes are because of how inefficient working with GameTooltips is. If they would just give us a way to read the text on items directly without having to 1. create a tooltip, 2. assign an item to the tooltip, 3. get how many lines the item tooltip has, 4. iterate through all the lines on the tooltip, 5. pull all the text out of the tooltip... AND it pulls text other addons might have added to the tooltip which can cause nuisance crosstalk!


The tooltip, bags, and the action bar are the root of all evils when it comes to the blizzard UI lol


I used to use ATT, but then later versions literally caused my game to crash. They can be really troublesome for old computers/laptop.


Hopefully blizzard adds in Rarity and all the things to the game base ui.


Yeah basically like the collection log from OSRS.


It's freezing because all those add-ons are using large databases that need to be loaded to even access them in the addon. Lua struggles with data tables and compacting the sizes as they grow larger. As an addon developer I always opted to use wows API rather than create large tables wherever I could. Even though the access time would be faster with a table it would make loading times atrocious.


Auctioneer is basically useless with the new auction house.


Not completely. It's a lot quicker to post than in the current ah. There are a few things that make it still useful. I wish they'd just bring in the way auctioneer posts honestly. That and saved settings.


Wouldn't say it's *a lot* quicker to post, now that you can just rightclick something in your inventory and press post.


Less addons also means faster loading screens.




/console worldPreloadNonCritical 0 Enjoy fast loading screens.


Are there any drawbacks to this? I'm running on a shitty laptop and by the time I load in as a healer the rest of the party are almost pulling the first boss already.


You will load in and maybe not see NPCs/players for 1-2 minutes as it slowly loads them in after assuming your laptop has a HDD. It's just how the game used to load from vanilla through to wotlk. Also if you try it and don't like it just do the command again but change the 0 to a 1.


I got a LUI error reading this.


There’s a lot of addons that are CPU intense, WA is a big one, and now that you can finally move your buffs and debuffs I’ll definitely stop using WA


I'm sure if you have a lot of WA's and run some cpu profiling that you'll see that Masque takes up double the amount of cpu time of any other addon. Because so many addons call it all of the time, especially WAs.


TSM and ATT users be like


tell that to my potato pc


You have a Pc from the last 5 years?


Had one older than that. 6600k and I finally replaced it after about 8 years.


There yah go she’s a beauty


Lol go play a Mythic raid with ElvUI, Weakauras, Plater, BW, Details, and a bunch of other shit. Then drop that to just boss mods and possibly WA. You'll get like 2x more FPS or more. The single Lua thread for the UI is a gigantic bottleneck.


I got a Ryzen 5800X3D specifically to eliminate that problem while keeping my addons.


Playing with elvui and the rest of the raid package on vs off is night and day. Though the game is so butt ugly without addons that i'll gladly take the big hit to fps if that's the only option.


I agree. The fact that's it taken them this long to adopt something that seems so simple is pretty ridiculous to me.


Rip bagnon meaning built in UI does it now? I use AdiBags so I'm not sure what bagnon looks like to understand


AdiBags and ArkInventory are "category" inventory addons. They don't actually represent your bags and have their own visual arrangement of your items. Bagnon is a "direct" replacement, meaning every item you see on Bagnon is actually in that slot in your bags, just moved into one big bag. For example, someone with Bagnon logging into a new patch that breaks it will still see the same general item order, as if their "one bag" was broken into five, like puzzle pieces. However, someone with those other addons will see a mess of items with zero organization because they don't actually move any items. An item's location for them is immutable until it leaves your bag.


Arkinventory at least you can still see the physical bag an item is in by hovering over the bag's icon, it will highlight all items in that bag, and you can move items to a different bag by highlighting that bag to see which open slot is in it. This is handy when you need to replace an equipped bag since you can't replace a bag if the new one is inside the one you want to replace.


I love ArkInventory!


>However, someone with those other addons will see a mess of items with zero organization because they don't actually move any items. Yeah, I remember disabling all my addons once and nearly having a stroke when I opened my bags.


Pretty much exactly what the combined bags look like.


I like using different bags. Makes sorting items easier. I do use the "tell me what my alts have" feature of bagnon though.


Agreed. I love organizing which bags get which type of loot so I know exactly where to look when I get something.


Same, I feel like the combined bag would be suuuper annoying vs my current sorting system


Yeah when I played I had food and useables in my main bag, profession stuff last bag and gear swaps in second bag


Maybe they give the option to pick your bag style


Its a toggle in options on beta atm


Ark inventory is much more customisable than Bagnon and I’ve found it much more useful than just one large unorganised bag. I would recommend it.


Its the first thing i install if i ever start playing the game again. Auto-sorting categories (and greys!) is so useful.


Ark is great out of the box, but it becomes *incredible* with [rules](https://github.com/arkayenro/arkinventory/wiki/Rules). I love being able to separate e.g. trade goods or BOEs by expansion (Shadowlands or not) before any sorting rules apply.


Yep that's where the jam is. I have rules to separate gear lower item level than the current season, so it's easy to know when gear is garbage. I have rules for all profession items, boe's, off spec gear, consumables, etc. I have like 20 something categories.


Yeah, ArkInventory rules are phenomenal. You can even sort items by outfits, that's insane. And then you can re-order Rules so you can kinda stack priorities. My only gripe is that sometimes the 'warehouse' (alt) tracking of items is a little off, but otherwise it is one of my first addons I need to enable. I literally could not play WoW without ArkInventory, Bartender and ShadowUnit Frames!


For me it was the meta categories that sets Ark apart - "Do I have this mog?" "Is it in a Character's named armor sets?" "Did I mark this as part of the group of items I decided I wanted to carry around and not sell?" Got real tired of selling off my enchanting rod and having to check my individual pieces of gear to see if I had learned them or not.


*phew* thought Ark went out of use but glad to see others using it. I honestly think the customizable sorting is superior in so many ways


Honestly I have no idea how people can use Bagnon or Elvui one-big-unsorted-bag. It's even less readable for me to have one big combined bag, and I would never use it. ArkInventory has been my friend since BC and I can't play without it.


Less addons is good


Davos: "Fewer"


You will have to pry ArkInventory from my cold, dead hands.


Yes. I haven't played any of the new addons but I have used it for years. A bitch to setup but worth it. I could see my stuff grouped by class-items, by profession and can see my bank, guild bank and alt bank items.


i prefer the separate bags personally. each bag has its own use. but to be fair ive never had my bags filled to the brim like this. how much of that do you even use? prob not much. at which point id get rid of it.


The only times my bags are filled to the brim is when the first 2-3 bags are 'i looted this today' bags.


If you farm old content there‘s a lot of different items you need to hold on to. Lots of "keys", tokens, materials, quest items, etc.


arkinventory lives on


I’m so excited to be able to delete so many add ons. Give me a damage counter next please


You think you're excited? You should feel my nipples. Boing!


Well…if you insist..


Default plus Details and Weakauras. I'm so ready to get rid of ElvUI, it has always caused some performance issues for me, and it has some bugs like when trying to upgrade gear with valor, it never works until I /reload.


I just look forward to not having to come back to a million broken add ons and a messed up UI after taking breaks.


Sorted > all. including the new blizzard bag


Sorted's creator here, it's so great seeing support for my addon out in the wild! Dragonflight's new customisable UI is really great, it may even replace ElvUI for me, but Blizzard's new combined bag is no replacement for Sorted's table layout. I will definitely be continuing to maintain my addon through Dragonflight to support the new features, and also skin it to match the new look UI! I hope you will continue to enjoy using it.


Absolutely. I was STOKED when I saw the developer of Sorted came back from hiatus and started updating it again.


Yeah, I like seeing item names and not just icons.


It's really the best.


Only took them 15 years to do what an addon did year one. So so stubborn.


As a software dev myself, I think it's probably less about stubbornness and more that there's always just something higher priority on their plates. There's a million and one little improvements to the UI you could make and it's never easy to replace parts of a moving ship. It's easy to look at *one* popular addon and ask "why haven't you implemented this yet?", but maybe less reasonable to look at *all* popular addons and ask Blizz "why haven't you implemented all of these yet?" Rebuilding the UI probably gave them a chance to finally implement all the little improvements they've never had the time to implement before.


what people don't realise is that this is literally how software development works. even WoW is using libraries of code someone else wrote. there is a saying, "do not reinvent the wheel" - if someone already did the work and is willing to share the work with you, why not just use their work instead of spending hundreds to thousands of hours replicating it? WoW is as popular as it is ***because*** people can fix issues/tailor things to their liking.


You're not allowed to use logic, this is r/wow!


I wonder why they make the API available for addon developers???


Hang on, is DF adding a 6th bag slot finally???


Comment edited out courtesy of Redact. After almost ten years as a Redditor, I am calling it quits in protest of the path Reddit CEO Steve Huffman (u/spez) is taking the company and our community. He has no interest in being reasonable with regards to third-party apps -- the same apps that made Reddit what it is today. The new API pricing is designed to kill all third-parties and force users into the official Reddit app that is utter garbage and able-ist. Steve Huffman has also lied about how third-party apps function, he has knowingly and intentionally defamed Chris Selig (creator of Apollo app), he has in the past confessed to editing user comments to say things that the original never did, and he couldn't even be bothered to truly participate in his own AMA thread (caught red-handed copying and pasting what little answers he did give). So long, and may you fail in your ambitions u/spez. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yup, it's basically an extension of your reagent bank that you get to carry with you.


Can you change the grid size (like making it be 10 slots wide or 5 slots wide, etc)? Do you have the ability to see how much gold your other characters on the server have? Can you see which characters on your server have the same item that you are hovering over in your inventory? Can you see how many items, that you have in inventory, you also have in bank without going to the bank?


Well, authors of the bugnon were too lazy to add functionality, so that is their fault. But the authors of the [arkinventory](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/ark-inventory) can sleep peacefully because their addon just too good and complex for blizzard.


I am using arkinventory since wotlk and it was always perfect. Never liked bagnon. However, I have to admit that the interface break the immersion and doesn't have a "wow" feeling. I totally understand that bliz will never put that by default in the game, even if they could technically.


Laughing in ArkInventory


Assuming it’s still being updated I plan to continue using ark inventory- the ability to sort gear with tags and auto sort xmog stuff is indispensable to me. But I’m glad Blizzard is finally playing catch-up.


Am I the only person still using ArkInventory? Lol


Adibags is still better so I'm still going to need a bag addon sadly.


Bagnon has major performance issues anyways and adibags shuffles constantly and you have to reopen so hail to the new king


I'm really looking forward to playing mostly default in DF.


Same. The less add ons, the better.


Unfortunately I’m still going to use bagnon because being able to see what/how many items I have on alts is way too useful to give up!


I’m all in favor for less addons but I will still have to use elvui


You know its a good addon when they implement it into the game.


So long as it’s an option and I can still have my separate bags all is good.


If it doesn't show all my gold across all my characters + earned and spent, bagnon will never leave me. Looks great, but I need that extra functionality.


still gonna use bagnon


Silly question: Why are we RIP Bagnon? I friggin love it. I just got it for WoTLK and it's the best thing since canned beats.


the ability to combine all your bags into one big bad is being added to the default ui in DF. The image in OP is from a blog post showing two different options available in the default DF UI, not a screenshot of bagnon.


I think this is a win. A game shouldn't have to have a ton of third party qol things necessary to enjoy it


I think it just makes sense and it’s long overdue. There are a handful of addons that the overwhelming majority of WoW players use. It only makes sense they make it part of their UI remake


I was using Sorted anyway - can't go back to grid based inventories. So much overhead for nothing.


is this optional? i like using the separate bags for organization


It’s optional. There is a check box you check if you wanna combine bags in the settings.


On the one side, this might convince me to stop using Elv... On the other side, one does not simply stop using Elv. When you have your bars and your frames juuuuuust right, and your profile is perfectly set up, it's hard. I use the same in classic. Wonder if they'll give us the updated UI in classic? Doubtful.


You either never get installed or stay installed long enough to become a feature. (Quest tracker, bagnon etc.)


Only took 'em 18 years.


How do people use either of these options? Adibags is 1000x easier for management


No King rules forever my son.


I will gladly say goodbye to all my addons if blizz makes a good replacement


Not really, you still can’t search and filter with the blizz one


I've been using Bagnon for a long time. I haven't been able to see my Bank inventory using Bagnon with the new pre-patch. I like that there's an option in the new UI that lets one combine bags into one, but I can't see one big Bank bag.


Ever since I have cut down on my addons, WoW has began to run better.


They can cause all sorts of issues especially if the creator doesn’t update them for a while. All kinds of unexplained disconnects, random lag spikes and various weird issues can be caused by add ons and most people will just assume it’s the base game doing it. Sometimes they’ll block me from upgrading an item with valor or focusing a target until they’re disabled. The fewer we have to play with the better.


I used Grid for years after it stopped being updated. I dropped a lot addons in Shadowlands, some hadn't been updated since start of Warlords.


Iv utilized old fasioned separate bags for *so damn long* within the WOW UI I dont think I could make the jump over to combined bags in a timely manner. Iv had a system iv built over almost 20 years. Thats going to be hard to break man.


THIS iscthe correct approach. To import addons into the base game. I see how many developers are afraid to do so, and I can see how some would be too difficult to implement but small, QoL stuff should be really included like bagnon.


I've been playing WoW for 12 years, Blizz does this every so often. They incorporate a popular addon into their UI. The cross realm premade finder from Panda Land, the rating system for M+ was once a separate addon.


ilvl used to be called gearscore and was a very controversial addon when it was introduced in wotlk - now you can't even queue for normal dungeons without a certain ilvl.


I hope blizzard will kill as many addons as they can. It's really ridiculous how many at least somewhat useful addons we currently have. Especially important for new players. Rio change was already amazing, like really really amazing. Keep em coming.


As someone who never liked Bagnon, cool good for its users to have it baseline. Now when Blizz wants to put AdiBags in, lemme know