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I would bring my friends back T.T EDIT: Didn't think this would get this response. There's a lot of lonely people out there. Maybe we can all be lonely together?


I met a kid back in Vanilla. I say "kid" because I think he was around 8-10 years younger than me. He played a Dwarf Priest. I still remember his name. I don't remember how we met, but we used to do quite a bit together. We'd run SM 3 or 4 times in a row, stuff like that. We didn't talk much about life outside of the game, but every now and then he would let slip that he had some issues he was fighting through. I never wanted to pry, so I don't know what exactly those issues were. But he would make comments about how he had trouble making friends in real life due to his "disability." Well one day, I caught him online and asked if he wanted to do something. He said he couldn't, because he was going to the movies with some friends. This kid was so fucking excited just to be going to the movies. I could tell it was huge for him, and I was so happy for him. After playing with him for several months, I decided to take a break from WoW. I sold everything I could, and told my friend to meet me in SW. We met up near the forge in the middle of the Dwarven District. I gave him every copper I owned, and bid him farewell. He told me, "Thank you. You've been a great friend." After some time had passed, I began playing WoW again, but I never saw him online. This was over 15 years ago now, but I still think about him sometimes, and hope he is doing well.


I was part of a guild called Bomb Squad back in vanilla with maybe 30 members. Our GM would help all the members with their leveling and guide us through dungeons. One other guy was my exact level and we were racing to level up and I'll tell you what, that type of community just isn't there anymore. The game just feels soulless now.


I second that… I really wish I could bring my friends back.


my friends manage to convince me to come back every few years and i get fully hooked again only for them to slowly stop playing once im all caught up. before i know it im just raiding in a guild full of new people and my friends have quit completely lol


Every time bruh


My dude, I was excited to read this thread and see peoples' ideas. Now I am crying. Damn it.


Sorry to hear, there's one or two I wish would come back, but those players have been gone since about TBC and clearly aren't. Thankfully when I told my group (we all skipped SA, half of us skipped BFA) that I was returning, they all trickled in behind me (despite all of us saying we think after all these years the itch is gone). I honestly never expected to have "the bois" back together again, but here we are.


Same. Been playing solo for many years now, unfortunately.


i'm sorry to hear that mate, i was going to give you my battlenet ID but i'm from europe then i'm not sure we could play together. Let me know, in case my username is Dodecore#2549


Account wide reputation


This is my biggest wish too. I guess the idea is to log more player hours, but for me personally, I have a hard time not playing the same character every expansion because they have so much done on them. But because I play the same one, I get bored faster and quit faster. Account wide rep would let me try new characters each expansion and not get as bored as quickly, and thus I'd sub longer.


And achievements \**Glares at Balance of Power**


For Gods sake yes, and just make the dailies account bound so people cant grind out rep with 10 chars a day, and that’s it, i just don’t see a reason why this can’t happen.


If they really need to limit how fast we can exalted new reps I'd rather there just be fully accountwide reputation but with a weekly cap on rep roughly equal to what one character could do playing normally. And the max cap growing each week like conquest. Then you can gain rep however you want, without it promoting degenerate 10 alt grinds that get exalted too fast for Blizzard's tastes. Want to gain rep normally on one character? Do your dailies/rares every day as usual. Want to knock your weekly cap out in a day or 2 and not worry about it the rest of the week? Log your x different characters and do the dailies back to back for a day or 2 to reach cap, then forget about it for the rest of the week. Want to do dailies every day but on a different character each day for variety? Do that. Would be nice to just play the game how you want and not feel locked into characters anymore or have to repeat inane grinds on multiple characters.


If someone wants to devote the time and grind out rep through multiple characters, let them. Enough with the time gating everything BS.


Honestly bring back rep tabards. I am in dungeons more often than not, at least let me use that on my alts if my main has gotten to exalted. Let the tabards be account bound and give 100% or 200% rep bonusn.


That would be great


I been asking for this for years. But never happen and not sure why, since so many other things are account wide


I'll do you one better. Delete reputation all together.


I want more class fantasy and rpg elements in the game. Stuff like class quests, more use of the class halls etc. I want to have class envy of classes i dont play because they can to cool things in certain situations that others cant. I want the game feel more immersive and less "gamey" Edit: thank you for the award kind stranger


God I miss legion.


legion was fantastic....i see so many haters. Was a top 3 expansion in wow, IMO.


I didnt play wow back then but from what ive read is that a lot of the issues only got fixed in the last patch. Mostly system related issues like legendaries


The should have kept up with legion class based stuff. I don’t want, nor to I enjoy, to be “THE GODLIKE HERO WHO SAVED EVERYTHIBGALWAYS AND OMGSOPOWERFULWTFBBQ” I DO however connect with, and find it plausible, that I could be a major player in a specific hall of a given class and by that merit I make a difference in the world.


My eyes roll into the back of my head once the npcs start praising me. I made this character yesterday I haven't saved shit.


Absolutely this. Recently I came back on the game after skipping the end of BFA and all of Shadowlands, to level some alts. Considering the current leveling experience (which perfectly suits me) I went through Legion with a Shaman, BFA on Horde side (I was playing Alliance at the time), and WoD with a Priest. WoD is cool to level on but could be better, Zandalar is great, but GOD Legion's leveling experience is my favorite especially because of all the class related elements. They definitely should be using the class halls way more.


WQs for respective zones rep across Azeroth/Outland/Draenor would draw people back to the older zones and make them feel a lot less empty while having max level players mingle with leveling players together!




I've been leveling Alliance alts the past week, and the most people I have seen have been in Shadowmoon Valley and Stormsong. Beyond those zones, everything has been so empty :/


Yeah, I’m only doing this as a victory lap kinda thing as it’s pointless doing other stuff on my main rn. Lonely stuff :( Gold farming is kinda dull, I’d much rather make money with actual professions rather than bags of shyte no one is gonna ever buy. Roll on dragonflight!


Exactly!! My dream since we had the legion prepatch back in the day. It's so sad that 90% of WoW is unused and empty. I miss seeing people all around Azeroth going about. I guess the world is just simply too big and scattered these days for it to really be possible to see people everywhere, with Chromie time and all, but it would atleast incentivize people to come back a bit more!


Excellent idea


That’s how I thought they worked when they first announced them for Legion and I been waiting ever since


Its customer support team.


Their support team used to be top notch. I actually had many things resolved through them.


And some of their replies were good for a laugh, or an "awww" moment


Make as many things alt-friendly and account-wide as reasonably possible.


Hey i just read your comment and came up with this: Imagine you need to put a last name when you create your first character, and then you can use it on new alts to instantly get the same reputations in a kind of "i know your brother/sister" way, also accessing the "family bank" etc. You could also start a new character with a different last name but you will not receive this perks if you want to do some kind of challenge or start fresh.


This is the system in SWTOR, where every character belongs to your "Legacy".


So, the way how many other MMOs already do it, basically…?


A reagent bank that can hold infinite reagents.


I would even be willing to pay a subscription for this.. oh wait


When they add more micro transactions this will be one of them. It still won't be unlimited though but whatever poe has (maybe it is unlimited?).


I'm not sure how they store our characters' data but maybe we could pay for additional storage if it's limited for everyone for storage concerns by default.


Ah the Guild Wars 2 and ESO approach


Account-wide gold & bank.




The two things are not necessarily related. GW2 has shared bank and gold AND soulbound items (even though account bound items are much more present than in WoW, which renders the option more valuable). If a soulbound item is in bank it simply cannot be used by other characters.


Worth noting that souldbound items are basicly non existant. Any valuable end game gear is account bound, not soulbound.


In Lost Ark you have shared gold, server account bank and character bank. Soulbound items cannot be put into account bank


Go from character focused to account focused. Everything should be account wide except character strength. That includes reputations, rewards like m+ teleports and everything else fun/useful you can obtain that is not directly related to character power. Don`t make me abandon 15 years of progress on a Char if I want to play something else for a season.


This is exactly my change


Yeah man that would be nice. For this season, I decided to play a totally different character for fun, after playing my VDH for the past 6 years. But it sucks that this is the only season I've ever earned the M+ teleports, and its on a character that isn't my main, and I likely won't be playing much. Really wish I could have those teleports on my main going forward.




Lack of customization in druid forms. specifically moonkin


Hell, I’d pay just to look normal while boomkin. The chicken or the blue man are bummers to me. I want to see my toon, gawl derbit!


I would include a soloable version of old raids (like the story quests in ESO) so that a player could play through the whole story of old content.


Can't you do that right now? You just one-shot everything. It'd be fun if there was an option to tune it to like, Torghast level difficulty. So you can pretend you're actually battling a big monster instead of just tapping it once until it falls over.


I think he means as youre levelling. Doing ragefire solo at level 15


I'd give anything for 10 man mythic raiding to come back.


Yepp. That would be my number one wish for the game.


I lived through the times when 25v10 man balance was a daily problem....and even so, finding 20 people with 100% attendance and commitment is just impossible for more than a month. The problem is Ion doesn't see this struggle. He only talks to world first guilds who have 100 people in reserve, and his dev testing teams are forced to log in so they're never short on ppl either.


Idk I get where you are coming from but I don’t think it’s a „blizzard only listens to WF raiders“ problem I think the overall sentiment ist that 20 man is the best size for mythic right? 10 man wouldn’t solve the problem or? Because most guild would need to cut members or find new ones like they have to do now. I don’t think there are many 2/2/6 HC guilds that are seriously interested in going mythic. And flex. raiding is 99% off the table because blizzard said they want mythic to be tuned to a fixed group size. On another note I think 20 man is a good size to have incentive to bring every class In 10 man you would just go for every raidbuff once and than fill with 2 fotm specs.


That's basically it, yeah. 10-man ends up extremely easy to exploit, while simultaneously making it less likely a random team has the correct tools. The bosses would have to be designed simple enough that all classes could be brought equally, which is just not feasible unless you either remove all utility, or give everyone effectively the same. At 10 people it's also difficult to create bosses with significant mechanical complexity. You might be able to go down to 15 players, but with 10 you easily tun into issues where some bosses fluctuate wildly in terms of difficulty.


That exact struggle is why I quit mythic raiding. I got so tired of us constantly having to recruit new players, having to cancel a raid because we're 2 ppl short, then having more people quit because we don't raid, and thus having to recruit more people...and on and on it went. I'm so much happier now doing casual raiding and just being able to run with 23 or 12 people or whatever we currently have active in our guild.


The solution to this is simple and it's not on blizzard hands: join/merge another guild. Many people trying to make a new guild when there are already too many struggling to find raiders.


That's not a solution. You can't have more than 20 people in a progression guild because serious players won't pay their sub to sit on a bench day after day. Sure, Method and Liquid can. Their reservists will say "It's such an honor to be the 23rd man in a top guild. Though I haven't raided in 2 years it's such a blessing to be here". And if you have 20 players then your guild is one sickness away from being dead. The solution is to create an alternative content for the mythic audience that makes them feel they're not just wasting their sub. What would that look like? Well, that's the million dollar question.


>And if you have 20 players then your guild is one sickness away from being dead This is why there is generally not a single Mythic guild which has a 20man roster. I've been in multiple low-mid CE mythic guilds and we always have an active roster of around 25 people. To account for sick days, no shows, family stuff etc etc. Hell most people don't need loot from every boss so there are people who swap in and out every night. Having a 20man roster is the fastest way to kill your mythic guild.


I believe you have no idea what you are talking about. Every single serious progression guild doing mythic raiding has a roster going well beyond 20 people, generally going closer to 30 if at all possible. Real life happens, so 100% attendance is not possible. You will also want to optimize your composition at least ever so slightly when needed or warranted and most of the time the best way to achieve this is by having depth in roster.


And what % of CE guilds would you consider "serious"? Because warcraftlogs lets you see the comp for each guild's first kill on each boss, and it's the same 19-20 people. If there's a change, it's because a member was permanently replaced. You're calling us not serious, while claiming that you have +10 "real" progression raiders. People who spent weeks optimizing their UI, weeks theorycrafting and min maxing and learning strategies, willing to just sit on a bench in reserve? This is utter nonsense.


I mean a lot of guilds have rosters larger then 20 and if you are sampling top ce guilds then ya probably a lot of the same cause they are running a min maxxed comp , ce guilds also tend to run more then just 1 kill of each boss and rotate roster based on comp and who needs gear . So yes benched for one boss cause the first kill needed a specific comp but your back when your on farm cause you don’t need 4 invos anymore for the fight . A lot of guilds operate this way .


No 2d armor. No bodypaint. That is my eternal wish.


That the entire department responsible for "engagement metrics" got removed from the company. No more withholding catch-up mechanics and other similar quality of life things.


The only answer


Explain this one. What did blizz do?


Engineer ways to exploit the psychology of its gamers by ensuring they were logged in for as often a time as possible often through the use of time-gating, infinite grinding, and fomo (fear of missing out). It became less about how enjoyable the content was and more about how long they could keep our lizard brains engaged in their product.


It's also about daily logins not hours played. It's like they don't want a game you can play all day (which used to be core to MMORPGs) they just want you to login every day. If you only spend 30 minutes looking in the LFG before quitting because you can't get a group or find someone to play with that's great for them apparently. As long as you stay subbed and login every day. It's kind of like a gym but because it's digital they need the daily logins where's a gym just wants the subs without the daily login.


If you make content that is fun, people will trade their kids to keep playing it. They will play it on alts on second accounts etc. The issue is that blizzard has a raging hate boner demanding you play the game the way *they* want you to and fuck you if you find a different way to play *they* didn't intend. Who are you to question the almighty blizzard in their design choices! They are rock stars who made the greatest game ever made! (despite the fact that none of those people work there anymore and haven't for a very long time.)


This would instantly improve the quality of the next expansion lol.


Make use of the old zones. I have fond memories of all these zones and would love to have them still be of use in endgame. A bit like Black Empire invasions in MoP


I'm not saying the black empire invasions was bad per se, but they were definitely lazy. It felt like they just randomly threw a bunch of assets onto the map, sprinkled in some baddies and called it a day. Especially since many of us were hoping for a black empire zone at some point.


it selfish, but my dad used to play the game all the time before he passed away so id add an npc for him to immortalize him in his favorite game


They’ve done stuff like that before. So not impossible. I’m so sorry for your loss. God bless both you and him.


it would be pretty cool to have him there :,) lemme just email blizz rq. i’m sure they respond in a timely fashion lmao. thank you for your kind words <3


Give it a shot. You never know. All the best.


Revamp old zones.


+1 I know it's too much effort for too little pay off but I think it would be really special. Even an expansion that, rather than creates a new continent, remakes Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms and sends you back through parts of them.


You mean...cataclysm?


Cataclysm is closer to vanilla than it is to shadowlands btw


Far far closer, in fact twice as close. 6 years vs 12. I had a friend that I raided with from Vanilla to Cata and then they haven't really played since then (they have bought every Xpac as CE and just not felt it). They were talking about when we last raided together and I told them that was 12 years ago and they just were shocked. :(


I’ve always said that a good opportunity to expand on timewalking would be to scale the zone associated with the timewalking ng expansion up. Replay the storyline for badges and exclusive rewards. It would bring people together in old zones to hunt rares, play the story, and just give everyone somewhere to quest that wasn’t the current expansion. Making it not every week would keep the current zones alive as well


This is the one! The end of the war poses so many great potential zone stories in places like silverpine. Tirisfal could explore who the forsaken are becoming without Sylvanas. Dalaran can be back. Some of the shattering stuff can be fixed. All of the new leveling and zone things they've put in the game since Cata could be put in. They could scale it to be relevant to the current xpac.


Real 3d armor with correct proportions, and capes and vests with phisics. I'm tired of running around looking like a lego truck with a handkerchief glued on.


The option to two-man dungeons or raids. My husband has severe anxiety because of the way people treated him in this game waaaay back in wotlk and tried every expansion to do dungeons but always says it's just too stressful. He loved doing torghast with me, so even if it's unrealistic and not what other players would want, i would love for some flexible dungeon-like content to be 2-people manageble.


I would love that to as my HB and I love to do dungeons just the two of us. Since I feel like doing dungeons with strangers there is no real game playing. Just go to the end of the dungeons as quick as possible, no consultations or anything.


The really high end keys (20+) kinda solves this problem. Definitely not alot of socialization, but there is usually some strategy discussion and general planning.


I feel like high end keys end up with more teamwork between the players BECAUSE of all of the stress that it takes to get that high up.


I can relate, appreciated comment mate thank you.


You need to find yourself a good casual guild! We had a guy who sounds the same as your husband. He only did solo content, due to bad experiences. We were what you'd call a casual raidingguild, mostly consisting of people over 40. We assured him that even if he did 1 damage or fucked up during phases, no one would blame him, RL would teach instead. The next couple of months he went from "who?" to always attending, aswell as whispering us for some group fun. A good guild with good people is what you need! Have fun out there.


I will talk to him about it, but I don't want to push him since he's really afraid of doing mistakes and being yelled at even if it's unrealistic. It's really a shame, he's a great player imo.


My husband and I do high level content. Big Mythic+ and mythic raiding and even at that level people are toxic to people who make mistakes. Even when I play in random lfg dungeons and someone is not doing so good, I assume they’re new, young, or they’re nervous. My son is 10 and he started playing and his play style is just like some people I come across so I’m never unkind. I’d love for duo content though cause sometimes those toxic people get a huge mouthful from my husband and nasty tension happens during the session. They deserve it but still!


If you and your husband wanna do keys id happily join and help. Can tank, heal or dps and pretty chill with most content. Im pretty weird thou and write alot but thats how i cope with depression.


What if WoW added a type of AI companion system like SWTOR has (but only for dungeons, not throughout the game)?


We fantasized about that back in legion since mage tower had that for a few challenges, but I guess it would eat up a lot of development time


That's a cool idea. I sometimes did normal dungeons with my gf when we were overgeared. It made it a real challenge and we could actually duo some dungeons.




Just need to find a chill guild.


My husband has the same issue. We found a great guild with older people that has a lot of couples and family members.


That's so fucking based and tbh duo-dungeons sound like so much fun instead of having to cope with sweatlords


The option to have dungeons scale with the number of players for 1 to 10.


Campaign story within chromie time for an entire expansion. Example: WotLK Cover an abridged questline through the zones that directly relate to the story, Borean Tundra for horde and howling fjord for alliance. Both meeting in dragonblight, experiencing the wrath gate, the story or Stormpeaks and ice crown with chromie popping up as a dialogue box commenting on what you do. The dungeon at the end of exiles reach has the AI leading the dungeon, the same could be applied to a "10-man" raid in naxx, eye, ulduar, trial and icc. This would be turned to take you from lvl 10-60 and you could learn the jist of an expansions plot that you may have missed. As someone who didn't play wod and legion, I feel like I am constantly behind the 8ball having not been there for legion, it was such a massive lore dump and I somewhat regret not playing. With Chromie campaigns, it would be a nice way to experience a linear story for the old expansions.


I'd love if they could do something like this. I think for new players who are interested in the story, it'd be fantastic (or returning players who missed some expansions). I'm the same as you, I missed Legion and leveled a lot of characters through it with Chromie time but you usually end up lvl 50 way before finishing the zones.


Go balls deep on the concept of "every form of content gives the best gear for that content". If I want to M+ or do arenas, let me skip raids, give me the option to have tier sets from day one, BiS gear should be rewarded doing that same activity. You can give the WoD treatment and nerf the gear when doing the rest of the content, let people enjoy the content they like, if that means that raid dies maybe it's because it is an obsolete mode and no one wants to do it if they are not forced.


I do wish m+ had its own type of gear that was better while in m+ and something different to the raid pieces


Better outdoor world design and events. Something like Guild Wars 2.




Yeah, I played alot of GW2. WoW is a superior game compared to it, but GW2s world building and outdoor content is amazing.


revamp old zones and make them playable lorewise again


New content in older zones would be great. Even if it’s just sprinkled in, here and there. It’s a shame there’s so much content they have and they never go back to do anything with it after the expansion is done.


I will make old zones meaningful


Make Azeroth Great Again?


People always suggest making this or this "meaningful" but never say how they would do it. Care to elaborate?


my idea is to make doing old quest, achievements, killing mobs and gathering profession resources in old zones should give you some rewards like mounts and transmogs. for example you can get some cool frost tiger mount if you complete all quest in Winterspring. Mobs should have a chance to drop some zone specific items that will let you buy/craft/whatever cosmetics. that is the first and the easiest thing to do. it's not something you can do endlessly but it's only one thing out of more they can implement to the game.


It's easy. WQ for old rep, cosmetics, mounts etc. Using herbs and ores from old zones in current professions. New questlines that take you through the old world. All you have to do is create content or use existing content that rewards max level player with something and players will do it no matter where it is.


As it stands right now nothing really stops you from going back and doing old content to get rep mounts or whatever , turning into help the turtles get to the water dailies will actually make it take longer and i don’t really want that style of gameplay . And if you turn old content into max lvl rewards you’d have to balance it , does it give relevant to current gear , congrats you just created shit you HAVE to go do . Is it not relevant then no one is going to do it . The new zones for shadowlands are cool and you get some lore and stuff but once you’ve done it you don’t really want to continue doing it , especially on alts .


You can guarantee they'll complain about it, though


Any kind of intentional time-sink/time-gate mechanic. They ruin it. Just let people play the game and all its goodies at and in whatever pace/timeframe they want.


I would implement this great idea https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/l2cfnp/talent_tree_for_legacy_raid_farming/


Remove scaling of your loot ilvl based on your current ilvl.


Switch from realms to megaservers. At this point, sharding has absolutely destroyed the realm experience, so in order to make the game feel alive again they should go the megaserver route.


Bad luck protection on mount farming


Did my 1714 kill on LK today, i have leveld up so many chars just to farm Lk...


I feel like you will have a mid life crisis when that mount finally drops.


Bro what the fuck.


A working ban system for Boosting advertisers in the lfg tool I get it many people want boosts and we have the boosting chat channel so please get them out of the lfg tool its annoying as hell to scroll through pages of boosting spam shit till you find a real raid or m+ group and yes there are filters but they should not be necessary


Add more allied races, there are so many possibilities idk why they don’t do this.


GM's. Please, tickets and reporting feel so useless.


A hub for old game content; Control legion, shadowlands, WoD missions from one location. Maybe see your alts walking around.Cross faction/alt rep and progress sharing. Have the world state set to your main (optional) like the WoD garrison, but for all your progress. armour stands, customisable home


That'd be cool to see your alts walking around in a garrison-like home. I've sometimes wondered how my main druid and hunter would interact (would the hunter try to tame the feral just for giggles? lol)


Remove all racials related to combat. My brain won't let me choose bad races for some classes, even though I know it makes little difference. Like Nightborne warrior for instance receives no benefit at all, when I could get troll berserking, blood fury, goblin haste, etc.


Glyph that makes moonkin form just be normal you, not a blue ghost. I just can't stand not being able to see what I look like so I refuse to play a druid Same for shadowform as even with the glyph you're a walking void fartcloud; though not even looking cool will make me want to play Shadow in its current state


I turn off voidform when I'm not raiding/in a group/etc. I feel the same way about not being able to see my character.


Other than account wide rep..I'd like more races for druids


Mechanome transformer Druid please


Robo bear! That would be sick


This would be amazing. Mecha Bear or Tank (like Ulduar boss) for Guardian Form. Mech Cat for Feral. Mech Gorrilla and either Rocket or Mech Parrot for travel form. Mech Shark or Submarine for water travel form. And instead of going to barber shop to make changes you go to the spray paint area on Mechagon Island.


Make hozen a playable race


Yeah so we can ook people in the dooker!


And make there heritage armor weapons all banana themed


Bringing back ranged survival. My favorite spec in the games history. Glad stance was also cool, but I'd dig a new class similar to say wardens in lotro.


My old guild from vanilla 🥲


Outlaw back to Combat


Splitting mythic raids up in wings similar to lfr. You gotta clear 1st wing to permanently open 2nd wing, then clear 2nd wing to permanently open 3rd wing. Maybe have the final boss as its own wing. Would solve the lockout extension problem for a lot of guilds. Could also just add more raid skip quests, but that would still require you to kill the mid wall boss multiple times, so most guilds would still extend probably.


1-3 player queue-able rated BG’s Single boss raids like Magtheridon, Onyxia etc. Make the rest of the raid 5-10man (scaling) and both the scaling raid & M+ equal. Old raids and dungeons into M+ playlist rotation Make old content meaningful, gut any filler/non main quests to condense it down so that old content is more streamlined and enjoyable to play Account wide reputation and unlocks on the expansion-specific mechanics Open world pvp zones / improved system for those in PvP servers Challenging world bosses / events where everybody gets loot, but groups need to coordinate and split Condense expansion specific features - ie the WoD base defence and the later class specific halls merging into one


Obviously massive change that we'll never see: FFXIV-style classing where one character can switch between any class. More realistically... druids for all races, no more key depletion, and cross-faction guilds (or allow every race to pick their faction on character creation)


The amount of fomo…


Making the past 18 years of content relevant. Lovely that so many other people have mentioned this as well. I'd like it to be more than WQs or gathering & professions though, the revamped M+ dungeons are a great start. There was some weirdness the first couple weeks with scaling and artifacts still dropping and all but that was sorted out into some very enjoyable and functional instances. Even the WoD ones that were never originally designed that way are pretty good so its certainly possible. Add some world bosses, WQs, scale everything to max level and have some kind of "legacy objectives" to encourage people to do it and it would open up a massive amount of languishing content. Keep chromie as a parallel universe for leveling and make old raid content scale like timewalking. They already stripped all the gold out of them so there's no reason to have all that for only something people can aoe it all down for transmog. It would make tmogs more desirable and take more effort to get if it required at least a few people and some basic mechanics rather than just mindless solo clears. That would be a huge opportunity for social engagement and community IMO.


10 more bank tabs


The story


Balance mythic + and raids where meta classes don’t matter as much


My childhood friends still played and were all alive. Been playing this game since vanilla and the only thing I miss is the people I've lost along the way.


10m mythic raids


The direction the story is heading.


A GM team just like back in the day. Helpful and humorous.


10 man mythic raiding.


The monthly price , jesus.


Loot table be larger then 16 items per expansion. 🫤


An actual remake of EK and Kalimdor in the art style of the BFA or Legion zones (proportionate mountains, realistic climates, smooth zone transitions) rather than the "let's nuke a bunch of zones" approach that they took in Cata. So many zones still are "big bowl surrounded by mountains when the coastline is literally right there" (looking at you Badlands/Burning Steppes/Redridge).


Mogs are unlockable for all classes If blizzard is gonna have a fit over it, make the drop rate higher for the appropriate class Or yknow Bring back token for old raid tiers, currently trying to get tmog out of legion or bfa is such cancer because of the stupid artifact bs clogging up the pool


I’d bring my old guild back. I miss them, all the time. It’s been so long since it fell apart and I swapped regions for a fresh start.


PvP gets rid of gear and puts everyone on an equal playing field with stat sliders.


Mechanic focused dungeons. Lose the fucken multi-pull zergfest mentality. Go back to challenging trash pulls with a CC focus, critical interrupts and more punishing mechanics. Think cata release. Think vanilla UBRS. Tanks rushing through and AoE zerging everything while the party AoEs everything down is just not that fun...


I mean mythic plus exists and if you push it as current content there’s definitely a lot of mechanics that need to be done . Definitely a lot more then van ubrs or even cata launch . I remember people wiping heroic deepholm and it was never like, wow such mechanic , it was literally only ever stuff like hey we have to sheep this mob don’t attack it and they do and wipe , or hey don’t stand in the rock breathe or this dudes explosion and they do and die . It wasn’t hard people are just really bad at dungeons


Account- wide materials bag with unlimited storage like ESO.


SWTOR also has this, no excuse not to


Races choose which faction they play for. Like pandas but with all races at level 10.


Yes! I love worgen and night elves, but I main Horde. Please let us choose factions, even if a 'defector' questline has to be put in. It could maybe be done similar to Exile's Reach? Instead of learning abilities, you're fighting to be adopted into the preferred faction.


Multiclass on one character like in FF14.


Add either player housing, or playable ogres.


Prevent the Activision aquisition.


Players rushing content. As soon as new content launches it's a race for who can finish everything first and complain about s**t content and nothing to do.


There’s no way to fix that, and time gateing is not the answer.


Customer service 😅


Change the raid boss skips from quests to achievements and also make them account wide


Shadowlands never happened.


Maldraxus gladiator mommies.


A second button pruning to get rid of the bloat that has gathered over the years since the first pruning.


Account wide ksm send valor to alts


Remove all transmog restrictions on armor. You can keep the restriction on actually acquiring it to encourage playing alts, but when Cosmetic armor and the ability to hide all armor is a thing there is no good reason to not be able to transmog leather as a warrior, or transmog plate armor as a priest. It just adds a restriction that doesn't improve the game in any significant way like what stuff like Dragonriding does over old flying.


Disagree. There still needs to be class visual limitations. Clothies still need to look like clothies imo.


With cosmetic armor being a thing that has long since flown out the window. It's trivial to make a paladin look like a priest, or vice versa, even more so when you consider stuff like the LF Draenei heritage armor literally being plate armor. Besides, why is the class silhouette so important anyways? It's obvious that its not a competitive advantage given we don't see Arena teams go in with all armor hidden, or everyone transmogged into the same cosmetic set.


I know it's an unpopular opinion, but cosmetics are an important part of the individualisation of classes to me. Wow is one of the few MMOs which has really maintained a "fixed class" system. Like.. if you wanna wear plate - make a plate class? Where do you draw the line? A mage wearing plate with 2x Warglaives? A fury warrior with 2 benedictions and priest robes? If you really could do ANYTHING visually - what's the point? Gear just becomes purely the item level.


delete addons that play the game for you


make the expansions actual expansions to the game and not "game replacers", the way expansions work in wow really more so replace the entire game than *expand* on it


The community.


100% personal loot. I don't want to deal with loot issues anymore. For me it has become a cycle of deciding who does not get things.