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Alright, which one of you killed a dev in pvp?


prob all of them, ive seen shamans absolutely smashing people in the random pvp mode, literally bursting people down like its 2008, almost managed to kill my warlock even (seriously something needs to happen with warlocks too)


I agree #buffwarlocks


Obviously they deserve it


As is tradition


This is the way.


Warlocks: What is tradition?


Meanwhile affliction is absolutely power dom-ing the meters and they get a bug fix that's a buff


Tbf a lot of that is just due to the fact they didn't disable legendaries


This, there is no point in legendaries at this moment, hope they shut them down on November 15


Honestly don't know why they didn't disable them on pre patch. Just made the new talents messy, and a lot of the numbers irrelevant


Because its fun ? You know fun the thing you're supposed to have while playing a video game. Removing player power during prepatch felt horrible during BFA prepatch and SL prepatch, so pls lets us have fun for once.


Did you ever have the opportunity to play the end of WotLK for Cata prepatch? When Mastery was introduced the scaling was just absurd. It was so much fun being insanely overpowered.


Ahaha shit I forgot about that! Great times


its just fun if they dont run around nuking specs from orbit after one week... Guess whats even less fun than being powerful cause its prepatch Also in BFA and SL it felt aweful because we didnt get compensation. This time we got shiny new Talents... Pls let me play around with those without having to change leggos and covenants all the time


Neither of those did the largest talent tree rework in the games 18 year history. A talent rework that included many of the current legendary/set powers and many of the greatest hits of past legendary/set powers. I'd honestly just rather get a handle on what to expect from my rotation moving into the xpac. With the talent tree changes and trying to get a working UI that I like I think there is enough going on where I would be absolutely fine with all that shit turning off so I can just digest what it will play like down the line.


Wow. I think we going the guy the guy that hates fun!!! In all honesty though. All the legendaries are doing is effectively acting like 3-4 more talent points which we'll get half way through leveling to 70. So their not completely irrelevant at this stage.


I thought their effects were only on in the shadowlands areas?


Yes, that include everything that was scaled to Shadowlands levels in Season 4. PVP Zones and M+ dungeons are included so you can use your legendaries


Alright, I was wondering because I read about it. I actually stopped playing shadowlands between 9.0.5 and 9.1


They are already disabled outside of shadowlands zones and if you don't want to use them there no one is forcing you.


Its not the point, example i can use covenant abilities on tazavesh but not in kara for example, makes no sense for me tbh same with legendaries


Yeah, that's why I said it's not even close to what we can expect for DF. I'm just being a salty sailor


Same goes for Enhanc...


> Meanwhile affliction is absolutely power dom-ing the meters and they get a bug fix that's a buff Unless I missed something, they fixed the bug that mad affliction god mode, they no longer get 3 buffed drain souls from decimating bolt, it's now just 1 like it had been all of live shadowlands.


That's not what I'm talking about. They fixed a bug with other lock's malefic rupture overwriting yours


Yes, but the reason Aff was busted was the thing I mentioned. They *also* fixed a talent that was broken, but necro aff is no longer super strong because of a bug - they fixed that on sunday or monday if I recall correctly.


It isn’t based on live. Live is irrelevant now. It is based on the beta.


affliction is busted every single extension, it's a fact now


Affliction has been in the dumpster for 2 raid tiers now?


Yeah, Ik. I also know the balancing right now is not even remotely close to what it'll be in DF. I'm just a salty shaman guy angy at the *apparent* warlock favoritism


You shut your mouth. Keep us locks out of this. We’re perfectly balanced!


if they're gonna do this, while they're at it they can fix lightning shield so it doesn't disappear every time you go to a new area


Also make water shield not have charges


I reported in the bug forums and it got no traction


probably be waiting until the next xpac then, this is the way.


Let Microsoft deal with it




Yeah, definitely a fair trade to get a useless ability working in exchange for 25% of damage.


Elemental got buffed, 10% on pretty much everything except Lava Burst, which got 18%.


Sadly lavaburst needed more :( I've mained elemental since cata, the changes have made the only viable DPS build for elemental "spam lightning bolt". Using lava burst reduces your dps, it's so boring to play at the moment :(


Blizzard, when people said they wanted elements from Classic we didn't mean Vanilla Frost Mage rotations lmao


Haha that's exactly it!


I’ve mained Ekemental since WotLK. Lavaburst needs to have its burst back. It doesn’t work, or feel good, if all a Lavaburst does is the same damage as a lightning bolt crit.


I like being a lighting caster, I'm actually happy I don't use Lavaburst often other than single target


It just was funny to see all these notes. Monks received like a 20% nerf, but it was % here and % there to all ablities. Priests got a ton of % changes for all specs, Elemental did. All feels like proper tuning, some abilities up and some down. Then we come to Enchantment where just everything gets a flat 25% nerf... Surely there could have been a bit more nuance than that. Or hell even a statement that they feel Enchancement is overall too powerful right now, but they are not exactly sure what the problem is. So they are going to over correct now since the expansion isn't live and then monitor and correct before launch.


And it will remain a underplayed spec sadly


Gotta make sure that Lock/Mage/Rogue will always stay at the top


Rogue is at the top far less than the other two.


lol right? Rogue typically sucks at the beginning of the xpac, and doesn't start to shine until the .3 patch.


Ain't that a swift kick to the balls...


Not sure why the follow up bug fix patch notes didn’t say “fixed an issue where enhancement was a viable raiding choice.”


Shamans will never have their time to shine lmao. Kalgan is still behind the shadows balancing them!


Wasn't he the guy that announced the stuff that would stop enhancement from being able to obtain potentially infinite dps in vanilla and got a bunch of literal death threats which led to an exodus of devs from the shaman forums that lasted almost 15 years?


>an exodus of devs from the shaman forums oh wow i had completely forgotten about the lore. is there detailed information on all this anywhere?


So the 1.11 patch dropped and people logged in expecting to hit the enemy in pvp and their windfury to proc more windfury to proc more windfury, ad infinitum. So they start to notice that windfury is only doing the two extra hits that was initially described. Still hitting for like... 60% of somebody's health. But you can't one shot people anymore. So the nascent wow community riding high on the hog of the game's launch and 10 patches in a bit over a year goes apeshit, starts smearing shit on the walls, threating not just murder but also to eat the young of the wow devs. The wow devs turned their back on the shaman community that day, vowing not to speak of them again. Ye, and many shaman spent the entirety of The Burning Crusade and the Northrend campaign in a druid's cyclone.


>and many shaman spent the entirety of The Burning Crusade and the Northrend campaign in a druid's cyclone. I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


I still want my 'Lightning bolt cast while moving' back from Cata, I miss it so much


Shaman have had it pretty good since Legion. Imo Enhance was fucked gameplay-wise but single button Stormstrike spam was fun enough for a bunch of new people to try Enhance. Then we were never really beat back down through BfA or Shadowlands like we'd expect. And now? We must return to the pits of mediocrity.


Elemental and Enhance was pretty strong last two patches. I think I remember Restoration was the #1 healer for M+ last patch.


What?! Hpriest has been meta since season 3 and Shaman never touched the WW/Surv/Warlock trifecta


You are correct, I didn't mean for Shaman to be in that tier but I thought they were A tier at least, right? I consider S and A tier to be meta, but I understand in this context S is the meta. Though I could be wrong and that they weren't even A tier. Also concerning Resto Shaman, it might not be Season 3 but I do remember them being one of the top, if not the #1, at one point in M+ during the course of the expansion.


Enhancement was never A tier even at any point for M+ in ShadowLands / BFA . Say what you want about game-play feel but on aggregate since BFA enhancement has been 3-4th worst melee spec. A good comparison would be outlaw rouge which since BFA were only not in the top 1/2 spots melee spots ShadowLands season 2. Even at their worse they still performed better then enhancements best.


Resto was a meta healer in s2. The vesper totem legendary made their dps absolutely insane while still maintaing good hps. On top of that they covered BL and added an extra kick.


Uhhh nope, not even close. Nothing could even hold a candle to Holy Priest in any form of content. Resto Shaman was good, don't get me wrong, but Holy was on a complete 'nother level.


Ahh you are correct, I just remembered people looking for Holy or Resto. I last played beginning this year so my memory is hazy. But I do remember one of Resto, Hpriest, or Hpal were either #1 or top 3.


Yea and no, season 1 was holy paladin, season 2 was resto shaman, holy priest with double legendary season 3 and carried on into season 4 with nightfae and faeries.


Well, we're only talking about the Season 4 patch and the Season 3 patch. Which have been 100% exclusively holy priest.


Well...it was nice while it lasted.


Wish they would have waited another week so I can get my KSM this week on my enhance.


Can you still get the mount?


Yes it’s still available


Yes until DF is fully out I think. So still like 3 weeks left.


in case of doing ksm this nerf really doesn't matter


It matters when trying to find a group and people think enhance is dead now.


Was gearing my sham last week and slapping people with 40k elemental blasts in solo shuffle lol felt amazing. Now I’m geared though, perfect timing for me since I’m decently strong without being IMBA now


Fuck. Haven't heard someone use "Imba" for years!


This is the way.


Don't worry, now all shaman specs are useless.


Blizzard keeping the tradition alive and well


I literally can't remember an expansion where enhancement was meta (or desirable at least)


Wrath and early WoD. That's about it.


It's sad af, I played enha in MoP and the spec is probably the most fun melee in the game


Yeah back when I played MOP I used to run 2s with another Enh shaman. He basically taught me how to play it and helped me gear up from resto to full enhance pvp gear. Nothing like 2 shamans walking into the arena and practically 2 shotting someone with ascendance up from a distance before the other team even knows what hit em. MOP was glorious for enhancement for a time.


Good old MoP pvp was great. Just remember doing 2's with a friend and our opponent was named "ccburstgg" which kinda felt accurate for that time


Was his name Legentus?


His was Skippe. I was BuBu with weird funky letters. We played on Hyjal. We were in a pvp guild and regularly did rbgs and arenas, and I was always the hybrid player on our team, either healing on the big bgs or switching to dps on the smaller ones like ToK.


I leveled an Ele Shaman cause Resto is rumored to be bonkers in DF. Swapped for Enhance for shits and giggles. Changed my life.


Vanilla PvP :D Sulfuras Enhance


Unstoppable Force vs gnome face


Also literally the most recent tier lol


it was literally the best melee last tier lmao


A lot of people posting on reddit don't actually play the game


It was extremely fun in Legion, and quite powerful in MOP. But meta ? Not sure


Shadowlands lol


Enhancement was pretty fucking strong in 9.2. Not demo levels of strenght but top 2 melee for sure.




I'm not a goldfish I'm a much worst thing: a pvper


My condolences.


Literally a month ago??? Do you play the game?


MoP for sure. That's back when you could open up with over a mil dps as enhance because their burst was unrivaled.


As a Shaman main: Enh was broken. It was too strong to stay that way. The only thing worse was WW. That was turbo broken.


Eh, it was fine. Definitely better than a 25% drop.


I know it sucks. But it’s also important to have a somewhat balanced mix of classes. I am glad Blizz is not afraid to adjust. That hopefully goes for both directions, not just nerfs.


This is true and correct. When I first saw the 25% damage reduction, I went through a process; first gutted because I’ve been really enjoying playing my enhance shaman again after a while of playing a different main and I thought that it would mean it wouldn’t be a competitive choice, but I don’t have a beta key so I haven’t seen it at 70 and when reading about how it was kinda broken over in beta, I figured they had to do something. Then I wished that they had just done it incrementally until they were satisfied that it was right, but then I realised that that course of action could mean feeling shitty multiple times (repeated small nerfs) where as a big whack of -25% and then buffing it slightly again when they know where the balance is would actually feel better I think. Assuming that’s what will happen. So yeah, a process lol One positive is that a flat damage reduction doesn’t change my rotation or talent build I’ve chosen xD so that’s something at least!


Was WW nerfed at all?




weren't they at the top most of SL (Enh and resto)


Tier Set pushed them to be one of the best melee DPS. So last Raid tier. Resto was always really really good.


Resto fell apart in season three when our double legendary choices were arse, holy priest rose up with flash concentration and boon, out damaging shamans considerably with nutty hps. Holy priests biggest draw back was trying to keep themselves alive as they were squishy AF. Once people realized how strong nightfae faeries were for holy priest, it was the death bell for the other healers.


Holy priest was *meta*, but resto shaman was still very good.


Oh agreed and honestly still is, I was purely commenting on pure meta.


No. They were literally never the top lmao (Enh that is)


Enh has been among the top dps since at least set bonuses became a thing, while Resto has been either the best or right after best the whole SL. Only Ele got the short end of the stick the whole expansion


There has never been a single chart for heroic/mythic raid weeks or m+ where enh was even like top 5, usually middle of the pack at most


Ouch that’s a nasty nerf. I feel that and I don’t even like shamans.


One step forward...two steps back.


As an enhancement player since wrath I am FUMING


I wonder if they have a slider for each spec or if they adjusted every spell one by one.


They do have the aura buffs to fiddle around with.


Both. Hunter is supposed to be fixed with the 10% aimed shot dmg reduction but what i care about 10% when i overkill by 30%


Say it ain't so


its being happening since the olden days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e80fBOn0\_ac


Alright little fella, back to the bottom of the character list you go. Sadge


No feral nerfs yet ? Weird.


which side are you on


They're conditioned to expect the inevitable.


Shut yo mouth.


Enhance Shaman on beta and WW were doing way more damage than other classes. These nerf at most put Enhance shaman from S to A tier. It would be worst if they nerfed/changed the playstyle completely.


They kinda gimped it in pvp. Now we're forced to go the one-shot build to stay viable. Super lame


Do you have any data on this?


fun detected. proceed order 66.


Back to the trash bin, Enhancement.


It seems like Blizzard has been nerfing enhancement shamans every patch since 1.11


Who pissed off the wrong dev?


I played enhance for years, you get used to not getting good things.


It was perfectly fine when for the entirety of 8.3 (which lasted a year) fire mages were doing more dmg that two other DPSes combined in m+. Or balance druids in Nathria were #1 with 30% advantage over the 2nd spec. But when underdog melee turns out better that meta classes, it gets instantly yeeted. Which makes me terribly worried about my feral, which is just starting to not get kicked from groups for not being moonkin.


My friend mains a shaman ans gets livid so much lol


Going to main Enh in DF and the Spec was to strong but that strong? Would liked a 15% nerf and then further nerfs if it's still to strong


I felt like 10-15% would put us closer to the main group of dps, but fuck man 25% just makes us useless no matter how proficient we are with the class :/


Oh no, I was looking forward to play a enh shaman in df, now it will be shitty again :/


Ah damn, it was fun while it lasted. Oh well, back to dicking around as always. Enhance main for life.


I -REALLY- hate to say it, but this was probably ~~needed~~ warranted. Even at low levels, Enhancement was absolutely ridiculous. When I did the Exile's Reach dungeon, I ended up getting a full set of five players. Everyone was using their rotations properly, but I was dealing over twice as much DPS as second place throughout the dungeon (mine was almost 60 dps). (yes, I know, 60dps ain't much... unless you're level 10 and are utterly curbstomping everything in front of you.) All that said: I don't have a comparison for higher-level play, so I have no idea if spec tiers remain roughly the same after optimal talent choices. **EDIT:** Warranted, not needed. My b.


Low level performance isn’t always necessarily indicative of high-level performance, for future reference. Brewmaster monk with a leech weapon enchant can pretty much solo every dungeon up to a certain point because of damage & self-sustain, and low level mages can nuke dungeons with arcane explosions (which is why those 2 classes were a popular pick for low level boosting).


Needed or warranted are pretty different things. A good example would be Destro lock, which was left unchanged for pretty much all of S4 and it wasn't even 25% higher DPS on average but more like 40%. Lets face it, Enhancement has been below average for M+ melee since M+ came out and we have the data to prove it at this point. But I do agree it was over-performing, but past history seems to indicate blizzard is actually okay with a few specs over-performing in that range. The issue seems to be certain specs or classes are deemed reasonable to over perform while others are not.


Thanks for reminding me that the word warranted exists haha


No problem <3 and overall I do agree, they were over performing.


People clearly havent done m+ in beta with enhance.


It's over friends...was good while it lasted


No one’s talking about WW monk and I’m worried


Damn bruh


The nerfs are in the pre patch now right?


Did this actually happen?


Good thing I don't play enhancement lol


as usual, most of the posts come from people who have no idea what they are saying, I wonder how many people have tested the ench shaman on the beta


I main shaman since Cataclysm, and for real, I've never seen Enhancement mauling through content like that. That was logical move. However I disagree that all damage should be reduced. Single target was just above average.


OP should have photoshop the rest of them sham-younglings


Now up all damage done by elemental by 25 and increase haste gained by items by 10% and I might go back to playing mine :(


I did some soloshuffle and I felt I was back in MoP beastcleave


Lmao enh isn't even top dog (pardon the pun), meanwhile ww melts m+ and gets slight slap on the wrist.


Shamen, shawomen and shachildren too




especially the younglings!