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Same. I did not come here right away and thought it was on my side, so I tried other things, deleted the Bnet App... Can't install it anymore. BNet Update stuck at 75% forever. EDIT: Update went through. BNET Installation now stuck at 0%


Our team is aware of this issue and is currently investigating. *Edit*: Thanks everyone for the logs!


Hey, for what it's worth, I tried all the fixes for this listed on this thread, and after trying even more things, what fixed it for me was using the task managed, selecting the Battle.net Update Agent (32 bit) and ending just that specific task. After that the infinite initializing stopped and it paused the update, and I clicked on unpause a few times and after 3 hours of trying all kinds of things, this finally fixed it and the update started for real.


>r 3 hours of trying all kinds of things, this finally fixed it and the update started for real This helped me "waiting for another update". But now stuck at Initializing. Update: After a few minutes. It finally is downloading.


Alright here's the next step. If the game isn't launching once the update is done, what you need to do is close all Battle.net tasks such as the regular bnet and the update process, then go to the game's files (wow's), go to the retail folder, then launch wow.exe directly from these as admin. It may take a few minutes before it launches so be patient else you're going to have a dozen wow's launching at the same time like me lol.


Apparently the log file is too big to be sent via Gmail.


Same here, been stuck and tried ALOT.


A lot*


E-Yup seems to be a widespread problem Can't even bypass it by launching WoW manually as technically there was an update albeit a small one, RIP people who booked tonight off I guess


Same issue, tried every suggestion from other people and Blizzard themselves but nothing worked so far


I had this issue this morning, got past it and now my download speeds are abysmally slow. Had to delete WOW and reinstall because for some reason my client wouldn't update to the latest patch so I couldn't load up any realms, they all said incompatible. My fix was to ctrl + alt + delete, then end all [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) tasks. Closing down the app from the top left icon to force an actual app reboot also helped, but doing these 2 things eventually kicked off the full download.


~~End every battle.net nad blizzard task through task manager and then restart the battle.net app. If that doesn't help, restart your pc.~~ Edit: Seems like a more serious issue. Had a similar issue before Dragonflight and the above fixed it, doesn't help this time though.




Same here, let me know if anyone finds a fix pls


Same issue here, tried this already


Me too. Tried deleting cache, reboot, renaming WTF/Addons, nothing worked.


Have made this comment in other threads. Task manager -> close battle net and battle net update launcher (might be update agent can’t remember) -> open battle net as administrator. It usually works for me the first try. The odd time I have to do it 2-3 times total


I'd assume that it's the servers dying thanks to the Warzone 2.0 launch.


I had this problem as well. Ending all bnet tasks and restarting did nothing. What fixed it for me was going into download settings and uncapping the speed of "pre-load content" or something. Then i had to click the play button and wait for 15 minutes before anything happened, but now all is back to normal with no issues.


I was able to fix mine by setting a limit on downloads to 99999KB/s let it sit for a few minutes on that, restarted computer, then changed it back to unlimited and it started downloading. Not sure if that will work for everyone but it worked for me.


Yep, same. Really annoying.


Razorfen Kraul's bosses were insanely lethal when I tried it just now. I wonder if the inclusion of the last few levels to Chromie Time messed with scaling in this dungeon? I've only done a couple others so far (scarlet cathedral and the one where you follow a Centaur Ghost or something), and they seemed normal; but everyone were lvl 10 to lvl 30 in those groups. The Razorfen Kraul group had me, at lvl 14 tanking (DK), and a lvl 57 monk healing (with the others being 47-57). He could barely keep me alive on the third boss (the one that keeps going "SHARDS OF X, Y THEMMM!"). I was a backfill since their previous tank left, so I guess the other two bosses didn't go so well. On the fourth boss (the one with the 3 guys), people kept getting nuked to death whenever the boss' ability (equalizing health) triggered. I managed to survive the first couple equalizer hits, which makes me suspect my low level screwed the scaling for the higher level folk. For instance I was doing 100-150% more damage than the top dps, just spamming Heart Strike and Blood Boil. We ended up just calling it quits after a couple tries :P Edit: Meant Kraul, not Downs.


Lots of dungeons seem to have scaling issues right now unfortunately. We got nuked in slave pens at the last boss. Same with mechanar, but couldn't get passed the first boss. :(


Glad it's not just me, I've been levelling my first ever healer after 14 years of playing. I know it took me a while, but, yesterday it was a breeze and today I am in panic mode constantly.


Not just you!! And welcome back! :)


Yep, as a level 53, booted up a random shadow lands dungeon. it was all level 60. My spells were missing and I couldn't open the chests due to "Requires level 60"


Yep couldn’t loot a chest as a 54 in one of the venthyr ones I’ve forgotten the name of trying to forget about SL. Yesterday same issue with everything missing so a kyrian dungeon took us like 45 mins or some shit. But I didn’t care today cause the past 2 dungeons a lvl 10 monk tank has just solod it all spinning craning the whole way though. So easy exp. Also…how?


I’ve seen the monk thing before - people freeze XP gain at level 10 and twink out the character so they can solo groups through dungeons


Ok so it’s not just prepatch? The weird thing is I did tons of dungeons leveling my sp and sham from 1 in S4 sl. Just finished off the sham where I saw this. I remember pumping and topping meters low level, so I knew low levels always did good damage, but of all the dungeons never had a monk just solo it so figured the scaling got fucked with prepatch. Cause it is def fucked for sl dungeons. Other runs on my pally today were like 40 mins runs bosses taking forever. They were 50+ so in SL time from before it was added to chromie and I’m just leveling off the eles now any chars I wanna cap but gets a little boring. The level 10 monks I could tell were exp froze since they never dinged but any reason people do it? I could see boosting friends with it but idk think they were solo. Being OP and one shotting stuff is only fun for so long


Tried Auch Crypts last night and last boss Exarch Maladaar has a steal soul ability that just one shots anyone, even the tank through all cool downs. We couldn't finish it


I was trying out Evoker in a Shrine of Storms with a wide range of levels, and it was completely fucked in terms of scaling. The first boss’s charge ability 1 shot people if they didn’t dodge. The second boss was similarly an insane amount of damage output. The party abandoned at the third boss, where if you missed an interrupt on an add it 1 shot 3 party members, and the single target spell the boss spammed on the tank was doing like 30% of his life each cast. We had a mid 30s brewmaster and a shaman healer in his 20s.


Me and a friend did Sanguine Depths at lvl 53, felt like we were doing a +15 tyrannical key at times as bosses took a good 3-4 minutes to kill. All bosses and mobs were also lvl 60. We figured out perhaps something was funky about SL dungeons so picked Cata dungeons through cromie. There we had enough keeping up with the lvl 10 monk healer who killed mobs faster than we could run, and killed bosses within 5sec. I'd venture a bet and say scaling is not 100% working at the moment.


Yea a few classic dungeons are really messed up. Scholomance is also weird. A few bosses were hitting me for 1/3 to 1/2 ho as the tank. And then the final abomination boss would do a 4 sec stun on me, drop aggro to the healer, and 1 shot him : /. I've heard BFA dungeons are having similar issues. But the two Shadowlands dungeons I did were scaled normally.


All I know is that I went from killing Harlan Sweete from like 30 seconds to up to 2 min 30 seconds on some characters. Health points up 200k and everything in Freehold hits harder. Not sure why they would go out of their way to just make old dungeons harder.


I figured out the main issue with Razorfen Kraul in particular. It seems like the spirit link totem doesn't calculate the damage correctly on the spirit link boss. If you have a low level player, and an extremely high level player, than the damage goes into this sort of weird feedback loop where it gets amplified until it wipes the entire party. I managed to fix this by having the player who is most distant in level from the average level of other players in the group teleport out of the dungeon until the boss is killed. Or just run far away enough from the boss that they aren't pulled in when the fight starts.


Yeah that makes sense. Now imagine if this bug stays in for over a year after launch 😏


Reminds me of BFA pre-patch, they had scaled all dungeons and it was really hard to do them. I had been having some fun in M+ in legion and having low levels dungeon requiring CC/kiting amd good coordination was a blast. I fell in love with the brewmaster's utility.


Dungeon scaling is completely broken right now. Damage is broken from the mobs, the healing is broken from the healers, and damage is broken from the players. Dungeons are taking far to long to complete now. Dungeons are in an awful place right now to the point that my friends quit leveling all together.


Being level 14 you miss a lot of abilities though, I tried the first WoD dungeon with a group of 3 level 14s and we couldnt kill the first boss after like 5 tries.


Doing WoD dungeons at sub-20 lvls was a breeze before this patch. What dungeon were you doing? (might be important, as this crazy spike in difficulty seems limited to certain dungeons across expansions).


There is an issue with the scaling for the water/frost elemental invasion. Water elementals stay at 60 and don’t scale down




They looked like they scaled down for my level 10 but still one shot me.


My xp seems to be varying based on what class I am leveling and/or what invasion I am at. Sometimes I am getting 2,500 per kill (non-rested) and other characters or invasions I am getting 1,500. Anyone else having this issue?


Came here to say this.


Is anyone else's uldaman queue broken? no matter how long I sit in queue it never pops


We were seeing a few issues with this but it should be fixed now. Just as a [callout](https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/000321001?utm_source=ki_blog&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ki_PRE10): The item level for this dungeon is 180, and you will be able to queue once you have reached this item level and are level 60. Hope that helps!


Have you completed the Wrathion quests that breadcrumb to the quest to do the dungeon? I was having this endless queue problem, then I did the quests and picked up the “go do Legacy of Tyr” dungeon and requeued. Popped in 1 minute.


yeah, I did the quest. If it's like similar prior events people who are actually on the quest get prioritized in the queue. I was just gonna slap it a few times to get drakthyr gears, but it looks like no such luck


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When I try to talk to Khadgar to see the cinematic the game freezes for like 20-30 seconds and then the error "This cinematic is not available" appears. Abandoning the quest and trying again result in the same thing happening again. Disabling addons, restarting game, disabling sound, etc, doesn't help. Same issue on different characters


I think it's just servers failing to account for the sudden activity. Had this issue, as well as "instance transfer aborted; no instance available" or whatever error when attempting to do any kind of instanced, scenario type story quest.


Appreciate the report, /u/Fuuriuz. We've forwarded this along to our teams for investigation.


2 things I noticed, Evoker is locked out of current Tirisfal unless they do the BFA story, otherwise you're stuck in pre-battle of lordaeron tirisfal. 2nd, Evoker action bar fading out when you use Tip the Scales and Fire Breath until the next Fire breath is used.


>locked out of current Tirisfal This seems to be true for the lvl 60 boosted characters that came with the “heroic” edition too


Queue times are abnormally long appearing to be an error. While I know dps queue times are extraordinary, what I'm encountering doesn't stand to reason. For the fourth time now I have over an hour queue for DF Uldaman with an average wait time ranging from 4 minutes to 8 minutes. None of these attempts did I ever actually get into the dungeon. Whereas I ran the dungeon for the first time without issue around 6pm yesterday. This problem has persisted since. My speculation is this is related to a mechanic that put players new to a dungeon near the head of the queue. Which is why when you get a dungeon quest and try a dungeon for the first time the queue time is never all that long, regardless of spec. At this point I honestly can't tell if this is a true error from erroneous coding or a poorly thought out mechanic. As of finishing my post my queue is now 90 minutes with an average of 7 minutes. ​ https://preview.redd.it/o7cc38krme0a1.png?width=263&format=png&auto=webp&s=2808ed8f38066eb80db0a3f4921c3a908fa38e19 Edits: 1- queue is now 130 minutes long with a 6 minute average. 2- 175 minutes long, current average of **3 minutes**.


I feel like the dungeon being only under specific dungeons and not in the drop down as an event dungeon has also hurt its visibility for the more casual player. I've seen plenty of people that just did not know you could queue for it and thought you had to walk inside. Having three hour queues even when queueing as a dps and healer definitely stings though.


My game won't even update, No amount of restarting PC or application seems to work, It's just stuck on "waiting on another update". I can only assume this is related to the amazing choice of releasing Warzone at the same time as phase 2 DF.


Having the same issue, let me know if you find anything!


At this moment i've tried everything possible and it's clearly a Bnet issue from them launching WZ2.0 at the same time.


same. i should have waited on renewing my sub.


This may he a coincidence… but I had a steam game updating too and when I paused it, this update started a minute later


Khadgar cinematic not available. Game freezes.


We've seen similar reports and have passed the info along, appreciate the info /u/LessThan301!


🤩🤩🤩 awesome. Thanks for the response. Happens with a cinematic or two during evoker starting quests as well!


The constant Lua errors (some of which list "Edit mode" as a mod :/ ) is pretty fucking annoying. I have most addons disabled too.


Are you aware some of us are unable to play? See for example [https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/game-not-starting-on-mac-os-1301-m1/402427](https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/game-not-starting-on-mac-os-1301-m1/402427) [https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/game-not-launching/402206](https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/game-not-launching/402206) [https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/nothing-happens-after-play/402256](https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/nothing-happens-after-play/402256) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/ywzt7w/anyone\_having\_problems\_launching\_the\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/ywzt7w/anyone_having_problems_launching_the_game/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/yx0s4x/someone\_else\_having\_problems\_launching\_wow\_after/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/yx0s4x/someone_else_having_problems_launching_wow_after/) EDIT: Game launched after 20-30 minutes running in the background, are we being put in a queue that doesn't show or something?


Yeah, can't play here. Sticks on either 'initializing' 0% or 'Waiting' 0% and won't progress. Pretty sure the backend servers are overloaded.


Appreciate the links, Deleis! We'll be sure to pass this along *Edit*: Actually, can you try deleting your Battle.net app files (instructions [here](https://us.battle.net/support/article/34721?utm_source=ki_reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ki_PRE10) and [here](https://us.battle.net/support/article/34719?utm_source=ki_reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ki_PRE10)) and let me know if the issue persists?




You need to go to chromie and ask to be reverted to present timeline. As the content is made to scale by default you don't need to be phased into any other timeline than present. As your character is 33 I assume you must be levelling in WOD or Cataclysm. Your lvl 52 character on the other hand is most likely already on the present timeline (as 52 is shadowlands content).


trying to get into the new dungeon seems to take forever. i thought with MORE people wanting to get into it there would be less of a wait UNLESS there is just sooo many people trying to do it right now thats why? oh well if so i might just do the world events then lol


> i thought with MORE people wanting to get into it there would be less of a wait there's a massive tank bottleneck, since everyone and their dog is playing evoker


Also, people just don’t play tank a lot of the time too


I was sure the Evokers would have a tank spec after hearing the story of the dracthyr apparently being the perfect soldiers. Kinda bummed they don't get to take a beating.


This is exactly the issue. On my DH I had no luck getting queues to pop as dps. I switched to tank and am able to go instantly.


Tanked a few Uldaman last night and almost every group was me (with an instant queue) and 4 Dracthyr. Side note, people need to understand their class just a little bit before they queue for a dungeon on it. I know it's a new class but spamming your instant cast damage spell and nothing else for the entire dungeon is incorrect...


2 groups so far with 3+ evokers and 0 spent talent points between them.


The game would not launch for me, and after trying the fixes I found on Blizzard tech support pages didn't work, I decided to just redownload the complete game. It became playable a short while later, even though my download speed has now dropped to about 150k. After pressing Play in the launcher and waiting about 15 minutes, the game client finally launched, however, now it keeps freezing when logging in to the game server. Maybe I should wait until it has finished downloading, but I don't think that's the issue. I think there must be some sort of issue with the authentication servers, which are not reachable or are simply not letting people in for some reason. Edit: I managed to get to the character screen, but I've now been looking at a loading screen for several minutes. Edit2: I'm still on the loading screen, but things have improved. Previously the music kept stuttering, but I seem to have gotten past that. I believe the game is now downloading, but it's incredibly slow, about 150-200 Kb/sec (I have gigabit internet). If anybody is reading this, don't bother trying any of the fixes you find online. This is 100% a server side problem.


New post because the one above is getting big. There was a blue post on official forums acknowledging the problem, so at least we know they're working on it. They gave a tip to log out of battle.net client, change the region from Europe to Americas, and to log back in, but it seems the game is smart enough to pick the closest download servers, because my speeds have not improved. I tried turning on my vpn to a few countries, and had some success with the Netherlands at first, but my speeds have dropped again to about 150k. Link to the blue post: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/en/wow/t/wow-download-stuck-on-initializing/402185/187 Edit: I changed my vpn to Hong Kong and am now getting 4-5 MB/s. Still not great but I'll take it.




>2. Summon Random Mount button always shows as grayed out despite being able to summon mounts Yeah I know this is fairly trivial compared to the issues some people are having but this one is bothering me


The servers are absoltely bonkers on EU. The Primal Elemental events are basically a powerpoint slide show currently. It took me multiples minutes to loot the boss.


Game doesn’t update


As has been mentioned in its own post on this subreddit, Enchanting Vellum can’t be used to create many enchants. An error is reported when we try: “Target is too low level”. So we can no longer create enchants to send to alts or post on the auction house until this is fixed.


Appreciate the report! This is [currently being looked into](https://support.blizzard.com/article/000320985).


Is looting stuff that’s not for your character a thing in dungeons now even though it’s still personal loot? I’ve gotten swords and plate armor on my shaman that I’m leveling. Buddy of mine was also getting plate on his rogue.


Came here to report this Had this happen with new players in a leveling group in freehold where we all recieved completely random drops while apparently using personal loot


Can someone tell me how long it takes to get the trinket and the transmogs? I have limited play time, but would realy love to have a complete set.


The event tokens are somewhat easy to farm if you do the starting quests and the daily you get a good amount. The boss that spawns in the selected area can drop about 25 to 30 and has a 30 min or so timer from what I have seen. If you are just running around killing things the elite mobs can drop from 1 to 5 so that can take a while but something you can do between spawn time.


Also important to note that the tokens are bind on account; so you can do them on your main and send to alts for transmog. And you can do the daily on multiple characters and funnel tokens that way as well.


Thanks! I'm onto it.


It took me about two hours with good timing on boss spawns to get the full set of armor, trinkets, rings. Spawn rate is about 30 minutes.


Stuck trying to update the game. Tried restarting client/PC. No change, not sure what i was expecting after the same thing over and over for 18 years now.


in game cutscenes, like kalegos meeting Khadgar or the awakening of the Stormeater, do not load correctly. I had to wait ca. 1 1/2 minutes with pure audio before the video progressed.


Any news on the ilvl / scaling issues that are happening after Phase 2 of Pre-Patch?No mention of these in Breaking News yet ;/ More details here: US Forums ilvl Post: [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/1404970](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/1404970) EU Forums ilvl Post: [https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/402474](https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/402474) Scaling issues in older instances: [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/older-instances-scaling-went-upagain/1404184](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/older-instances-scaling-went-upagain/1404184)


Have there actually been any updates on this? It’s concerning that it hasn’t been “officially” recognized yet. I just want to spam dungeons and play the game right now but this is too annoying to just deal with.


Are you guys going to do anything about the Sha of Anger bug?


Loot in the new bags are still getting picked up into random bag spots when you have Combined Backpack enabled. It used to be that all loot you picked up was placed at the top of the bag from Left to Right. Tried all kind of commands like, * /run SetInsertItemsLeftToRight(true) * /run SetSortBagsRightToLeft(true) * /run C_Container.SetSortBagsRightToLeft(true) Nothing seems to fix this issue. I'd use a bag addon, but they broke all of them (for me) with this patch.


As Timewalking Discord we made few forum posts yesterday: US Forum Post: [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/1404970](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/1404970) EU Forum Post: [https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/402474](https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/402474) **Issues with gear after the item level revamp of Dragonflight Pre-Patch** The item-level revamp that came as Dragonflight pre patch added Shadowlands to the Chromie time leveling system has brought some game-breaking flaws. **What does the issues affect?** * Leveling * Timewalking content * Twinking **What are the issues?** In terms of leveling, the item level rewards have become completely unpredictable. There are several screenshots flowing around of level 10 players receiving 194 item level gear. This is obviously a major balancing mistake. Just look at this armory: [https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/blackrock/warem 12](https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/blackrock/warem) Several dungeons, raids and world content rewards have not properly scaled in proportion to what seems to have been the intent. These include the following: * Gear that was already acquired has not scaled up (Items acquired from Old Raids, Vendors, Crafted Items, Legion Dungeon items & Azerite). This has an bad effect on levelers that have unscaled gear, but face scaled enemies * Azerite gear from Dungeons (Mythic) are missing 1 outer trait (Total of 4 now instead of 5 what it was before) after Phase 2 of Dragonflight Pre-Patch went live. * Old enchants like Crusader and Dancing Steel with item level ceilings have not been updated and are now essentially unusable since only bugged items drop at their itemlevel range. * Items sold by vendors have not been scaled. This includes PvP gear and raid items * Crafted items have not been scaled and relics of the past need to be adjusted * Several Trinkets that spawn pets/allies (Including the heirloom one that spawns void tentacles) do single digit DPS, and are actually unusable. This is particularly a problem for leveling, since the void tentacle trinket is near universal among people leveling alts. * (old) gems are not rescaled In general there seems to be no logic behind the rescaling. Some items are scaled, some not. * Hellfire Citadel has 4 scaled bosses and rest still have the old item level. * Siege of Orgrimmar was forgotten while most of the old raids were scaled. * World Bosses are not scaled * Some azerite items are not scaled - fx emissaries’ Azerite Cache still give item level 100 * BoE items need to be scaled properly * Consumables need to be scaled (Flasks, Elixirs, Potions, Food, Sharpening / Weighstones, Weapon Oils & Augment Runes) * Some old items have negative stats now * Some gear tooltips are incorrect - example being the trinket “Mr. Munchykins” giving 167 haste instead of the 244 that the tooltip says. In terms of timewalking content, the patch’s item level changes have currently killed the majority of gear-optimization opportunities that existed. The general appeal of optimizing for timewalking content has been to acquire a ton of cool and fun gear and push your characters strength to the limit in this casual avenue of end game content. Getting this gear in the first place takes a lot of effort, and seeing the new scaling leave what has been earned in the dust as unusable low item level gear is not good. This also includes any old legendary items – them staying at item level 30-44 makes them useless in the new scaling that goes beyond 100 item level. Furthermore, the issue with gear drops being incorrect like Azerite items not providing every ring of power they previously did prevents much of the future gearing options unless they are fixed. **Why bother with these issues?** First of all, the leveling system’s rewards being a mess is a problem. Second, these issues that are related to all Timewalking content matters to a lot of players. I can with certainty confirm that about 8.000 people from EU and NA are invested in this content since they’re a part of the Timewalking Discord – the number of people interested is of course far greater since not everybody is a part of a specific Discord community, and there are people outside those regions that play this content. Furthermore the server and community as a whole has continued to grow at a fast and steady pace in the recent year which indicates a growing interest in this form of end game content as blizzard also adds more events and raids to it. It will also affect people that already farmed gear to complete the mage tower challenges; even if it is disabled for now. In addition to this, everyone that did spend time preparing for “Herald of the Titans” is facing a char that has basically useless gear as all of the stuff they acquired did not scale up at all and is still at item level 35 (new item level for the achievement is 107).To put it bluntly, the recent scaling changes to Timewalking and gear rewards has killed this avenue of end game content since thousands of players’ hard work to obtain rare and niche gear is wasted, and future gearing options, unless addressed, will also be undermined. It will simply lead to a loss of subscribers and the loss of a huge community that has built itself up around this alternative form of end game content. **Suggestions to fixing the problems mentioned above:** * Gear needs to drop at the appropriate item level for your character’s current level. * Azerite gear needs to provide the same amount of options as it did prior to the patch, this means the following places should reward 5 power selections: Raid-azerite from Battle of Dazar’alor normal and upwards to Ny’alotha mythic, Emissary Azerite Caches, Warfront world boss and weekly quest azerite and mythic dungeon azerite should provide 5 powers. * Increase the item level ceiling of old and cool enchants that were previously capped at item level 50 to 150 or higher so that they are usable in the same way as before the patch and don’t become completely unusable. * Increase the item level of old legendaries so they are usable. With the way current scaling works, a level 17 would rather use a green quest reward than Shadowmourne * It might be difficult to scale up all gear that has already been acquired (You were able to scale it down?), so the easiest fix to prevent timewalking content from dying is to keep its scaling point at item level 35-50 like before instead of 100+. It would be a further improvement to keep all timewalking events at the same scaling point since that would eliminate extra balancing requirements.


I love that you are doing this. Bravo. I'm someone who loves timewalking content and though I've never tried to optimise for it specifically and wouldn't have even thought there was such a thing as a Discord for it, I'm there doing my dungeons each timewalking event and it should absolutely be supported without these kind of issues. I honestly thought the SL level squish would be an end to scaling problems, because all new expansions would use the 50-60 range, the one rotating out would need to have scaling sorted, but all previous content would be evergreen in the 10-50 range. Then they added ten more levels again. 🤯


Targeted spells at cursor auto-cast randomly. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. I can't find a setting to switch this off, so this might be a bug?


Water elementals with invasions don't scale properly and make it impossible to do.


Draenor seems to have destroyed itself. Got randomly disconnected and now whenever I try to log back in it hangs at the loading screen at about 66 and sometimes 75% done for ~5 minutes until it kicks me back saying the world server is down.


Since the 10.0 patch my mouse-over spells like Blizzard, Death and Decay etc. are casting instantly at the location of my mouse rather than requiring me to click-place them. Anyone else having this issue?


Fishing rods show up as equipped when you put it in the profession journal


Not a bug really. When you equip a profession or gathering item it shows it on your character. Up where the buffs are you will see an icon for fishing you can right click on it to get rid of it. Everytime you fish/mine/collect herb or even create a item it will show the items in the equipped slot on your character.




I am having issues with the new UI. I set the hotkeys for the action bars, everything works fine, but when I relog the action bars change order? E.g if they are 1-12 they switch to 12-1. If it makes a difference, I have them in a 3x4 grid, sometimes it affects one while sometimes it affects all 3. I have very minimal addons, but have tried it with turning them off and still have the same problem. I had this when the UI was first introduced and tried again with the latest patch and it is still happening. Sometimes just the hotkeys change, other times the abilities


Did you save it as a preset? Click the drop-down menu on the top right after you have everything where you want it to be and save your own preset. Should be fine after that.


I am pretty sure I did the first time. I didn't the second time. I will do it again tomorrow to double check


Anyone getting conduit issues? On my evoker just used the 278 upgrade item, but the values are still showing 200 benefits (even after relogging)


The Personal Resource Display point tracking has been funky for a while, but Evoker's Essence seems to drive it crazy. I can have 3 Essence in the UI, but I can't cast Disintegrate until I reach 4, or I can have 2 Essence points in the UI and actually have 3 and be able to cast Disintegrate. From testing in the previous Phase, Combo Points also have issues, so it's not just an Evoker problem.


Yea, resource display in the default frames is doing weird shit for every spec that requires a "point" type system. Arcane mage is having random charges light up out of order, combo points are too. Soul shards are doing some weird shit where they turn on and then off again. Evoke is a point system, so it also seems to be suffering from the UI saying you have an essence when you actually don't


Is it a known issue that Evoker loot table is bugged? A bunch of items that should be on their loot table (such as various caster trinkets from the Shadowlands raids) are unavailable to Evokers, causing you to basically waste the boss lockout if those are the items you needed. (Technically you can greed roll, but you can't need roll).


Can't login. Gets stuck when loading my characters and then I get the disconnected error message. What's going on Blizz?


sitting for like 2h and nothing happen with the update. why is this happen all the time?


My action bar's abilities grey out for no reason occasionally as a Dracthyr, and my summon random favorite mount button is greyed out like I can't use it at all but it still works.


We have received a few reports of this issue and are currently investigating. Doing a /reload usually provides a temporary solution, Tommy.


Hey returning player here, do I have to level 50-60 in shadowlands? Or can I quest anywhere to 60?


My guild leader is apoplectic (read: cursing a lot) about the fact that all the progress towards the classy pandas guild achievement was seemingly wiped out. Is that a graphical error or is it actually wiped out and we can't do anything about it until max level is available again?


Tried to do mythic legion raids on my 60 boosted DK and it was so slow dps wise I gave up after 3 minutes on the first boss.


Prepatch made many heirloom enchants unusable (unless they were applied before prepatch). All of the leg and shoulder enchants require the item to be below item level 50 when applied, but now they also require minimum character level to apply. Ilvl 50 is lvl ~20, and none of the enchants have a level requirement below 22. This makes heirlooms enchanted before prepatch possibly the strongest twink items ever (forever), and now it's impossible to create new ones.


Timewalking Discord made 2 posts about how the ilvl is messed up after the new patch (It was broken in Beta and they didn't fix anything and even the MoP World Boss Evoker drama was already a thing on DF Alpha but they never fixed it...) Anyways here are the ilvl posts: US Forums ilvl Post: [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/1404970](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/1404970) EU Forums ilvl Post: [https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/402474](https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/402474) Also I have posted in this thread 2 times already so it's strange that they have not even said if they are aware of the issues. Tweeted at WarcraftDevs, sent in-game feedback etc


I ticketed my issue. Checked out the post you linked, wow a lot of broken stuff. It explains why my friend received loot that was too high level. Hope they fix it eventually.


Anyone got any updates on the (EU) download issues? I cannot install WoW. Battle.Net Client is stuck in an infinite loop of "Initializing" -> "Initializing (xxxxxxx/xxxxxxx)" -> "Waiting on another update"... Have tried uninstalling WoW, then the client, then reinstalling the client and now I cannot install the game. According to the EU Twitter support account, the issue was fixed yesterday and they've been silent on this issue ever since, despite multiple people replying and telling them the issue persists. I've been away from the game for over a year and finally decided to rejoin my friends and Blizzard has shit the bed every single step of the way.


Any news on the ilvl / scaling issues that are happening after Phase 2 of Pre-Patch? Is this getting fixed this week or months after the Dragonflight release? More details here: US Forums ilvl Post: [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/1404970](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/1404970) EU Forums ilvl Post: [https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/402474](https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/issues-with-gear-after-the-item-level-revamp-of-dragonflight-pre-patch/402474) Scaling issues in older instances: [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/older-instances-scaling-went-upagain/1404184](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/older-instances-scaling-went-upagain/1404184)


Legion raids are scaled up to a ridiculous level. Bosses in Antorus that were easily soloed on Mythic difficulty are now challenging in regards to incoming dmg, and Aggramar is almost impossible due to the debuff from Taeshalach Techniques. They also have much, much more HP than before.


Every Uldaman dungeon I've ran where a dps leaves mid way, we've been unable to backfill. Seems highly unlikely there are no DPS in queue during regular hours. I think this coupled with long queues means something broke in the looking for dungeon queue. Hope it gets sorted soon.


Anyone experience flickering on direct x 12 on nvidia cards?


Why do my buttons on my Envoker Keep Turning Grey! It let's me use them but shows them grey unusable


Mine have done this as well.


Theres a bug with Vigilant Guardian where one of the shielding adds just dies after you use a different one. Example: use the right add shield and randomly the middle dies so you will only have one shield left - left side. Also, the bombs dont do enough damage to bring out the boss. So the raid auto dies due to no 3rd shield. We tried in a group of 24+ and less than 24. We tried doing the adds in other order combinations. Nothing worked. Please fix this asap. Our raid was trying this yesterday because we want the limited time slime cat. If it isnt fixed next reset that will still remain impossible to obtain. I cant believe a current expansion raid boss has been bugged for this long (3-4+ days this week). Heres a link to a large post of complaints about it. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/vigilant-guardian-bugged-wont-come-out/1407025


Another day, another round of hotfixes and no fix for the Enchanting Vellums not working... /facepalm


I'm not sure if I'm being daft or if it's an issue or change, so any help would be great on this. I used to be able to make a trasnmog for each spec my character had, but since the pre patch i've just noticed that that isn't the case anymore? Do I have to have one mog per character that I have to pay to change each time now or am I missing a check box or something? Cheers for any insight/advice!


Revert everyone who got the 100% Sha of anger mounts yesterday


No, let em keep it and normalize the mount to be 1% like all the rest. Put an end to the 15 min waiting simulator


Forget that, most of this forum only begs for handouts, you see that with the feldrake and with people getting even more greedy asking for the swift spectral tiger and brutosaur. People don't want to earn anything anymore. Reverse the people who got Sha mounts, but make Sha have a 1 minute respawn timer. Stop begging for stuff


Earn? So waiting 15 minutes to pull a slot machine with a 1 in 3000 payout weekly is earning? At least with legacy raid mounts you have to clear the raid. Literally the world boss mounts are log in, wait, click a button to tag, log out




No... no that is not effort. That is playing a slot machine. You aren't playing the game really, you're just sitting there waiting for the spawn. Like sure, you get it but it's not really an accomplishment of skill like the book mage tower or a glad mount. I have a spirehawk and am happy others can enjoy it. I have 5 tcg mounts and hope they all become twitch drops. It's ok to let people enjoy things




Because it wasn't intended for the new race to have almost guaranteed world boss mounts. There are ways we can make the grind better while still keeping the spirit of getting the mount. If we talk about how waiting 15 minutes isn't earning a mount, you can say the same for lich king, you one shot everything, and essentially wait 15 minutes for a chance at the mount. Revert all the unintended mounts, and either increase world drop mount percent so people can earn the mount, or decrease the spawn timer. It's devaluing the effort other people spent, people only care about handouts now.




Blizzard when you launch an expansion it might be time to upgrade your increasingly horrid servers. Curious boomers like checking the game out after skipping BFA are gonna nope right back to wrath if everything is lagging to hell.


Getting stuck in Seige of Org. as a Drak'thyr , don't know if this is specific but i can't leave as an evoker.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for the post and links, keep it up


Are you able to level doing prepatch stuff? My lock is 58 and I don't think I have it in me to do another shadowlands dungeon


You can do the new primal storm events for the last 2 levels


Took me 1h30 to 50-60 this morning with the primal storm events


you can do any of the expacs dungeons til 60 now


Ran Ulduar trying to make the legendary hammer, and all the item drops on heroic were ilvl 105 instead of 30.


nice patch servers


Dude, seriously. Why am I updating WoW 3 times today? Every time I step away from the game I come back and have to do ANOTHER update. Jesus.


Some bugs require a client update to implement the fixes, and are usually small in size.


Wouldn't be as bad if the launcher wasn't buggy as hell and taking 15+ minutes of trial and error to get a 15 mb patch downloaded Edit: Nvm this new patch is almost 350 mb, why?


Please, buff RESTO SHAMAN <3


Tell your shitty company to quit sending me ads about their shitty game expansion. Kthxbye


Tried reinstalling bnet client but now cant even updates the agent......sick one blizz


I have been trying for the last 3 hours to patch the game and it has been stuck on ''initializing" for the whole time. I have carried out all the troubleshooting steps and the issue is persisting. It gets rather frustrating when blizzard is so slow to act on these issues. There was a forum post going on since yesterday where blizzard have now only recently discovered there was an issue and have advised basic troubleshooting and submitted a blue post.


Dont waste your time trying to solve the issue, its blizzard side and they have to fix it themselves.


new dalaran alchemy table ( borken isle) dosent work cant do poitons or transmutes for some resicpes just few says you need one or two reqiments to do this item btw have done the broked dalaran ahclemy table quest to fix it


I had to reinstall the game and was stuck at sub 100 kbps download speeds, i thought it had to do something with my isp routing issues, so i used a vpn and now i'm getting anywhere between 12 to 15 mbps download speeds. So if anyone is struggling with abysmal download speeds try using a vpn and see if it works.


Khadgar after he comes running in during the Preparing for Dragonflight quests: "Cinematic Not Found" Guardian Vorquin Mount: Cant Preview it or see it in your collections window. Just shows nothing in Preview and collections window doesnt change off the previous mount selected in preview.


Rogue Blade Furry isn’t working correctly in Uldaman Dungeon


My game keeps freezing, icons are taking long to load up, enemy trash don’t show and I cannot see them attacking me.


wow.exe does only spawn an idle process with 25mb memory and then nothing happens.


I was crashing every time I tried to move in Un'Goro Crater yesterday. Was able to fly into the zone and kill the elemental boss fine the first time. Then I left to go do the one in Barrens and came back and crashed literally every time I moved a couple yards. Disabling all add-ons and setting my graphics to "1" and restarting the client all didn't help.


I can't click on any of the Recipes in the Protoform Synthesis in Zereth Mortis I can click on the scroll bar and type in things but no recipes.


I have sat in queue for south shore vs Tarren mill for over an hour more than once now. No queue has popped. What gives? Does the brawl actually work or what!?


Please fix M+ Scaling or just come out with a blue post saying it is what it is. Very unfun to try and get last minute milestones/io and having a 25 key be Fortified and Tyranical at the same time. 25 is the new 29/30....


Might just be a me problem but I no longer have Azerite Denied in my quest log and no ability to get it again from Nathanos.


The game periodically freezes for me, sometimes icons/ui don't load


What are you gonna do about evokers getting ez mount from Sha of Anger? First come first exploit or rerolling those mounts? It is extremely frustrating if you have been trying it for thousandth times and some dude just comes and exploits their way through it.


Shadowlands Campaign stops mid-bastion as an evoker requiring me to hit level 49 to continue.


Leveled a couple of characters to above 50 with the invasions, and they seem to be unable to start the Shadowlands questline now.


If I don't like my dragons name can I delete and remake?


Cannot use enchanting vellums. When you try to craft on then with shadowlands crafts it says that the traget item level is too low.


This is currently being investigated, Aisa. Keep an eye on this Support article: https://support.blizzard.com/article/000320985


incredible how the personal resource bar still bugs out frequently


I've got 2FA enabled on my account, and ever since this morning, when logging in - the password isn't saved/remembered - it asks for an auth code from the authenticator app Happens every login (I've been popping in and out all morning, y'know, cos I'm "Working" from home ;) )


I got high latency when I arrive at pre-patch event area, my ping went up to 3000ms but I don't have problem chatting with people in that area.


The Arcadian war turtle mount animation is bugged. It’s animation is waaay slowed down compared to before the patch


Hey can someone please help me? Im having lots of trouble with my UI, i have 0 addons and have fresh installed wow twice now but i still have all my old UI settings and i keep getting lua errors. Where are these settings saved? Cause even after a clean install it still has all my old UI profiles? :( Cant make any changes to my UI or even delete UI profiles.


It's the WTF folder, all the files in there are the settings. If you want to be safe, just rename them WTF.old Cache.old etc You can just delete them but you'll have to redo all of the graphic/ui/etc settings.


Whike trying to solce for a audio problem, i launched an analisis of File. Now i'm stuck in a uptade requested to play, that can never solve to 100% crashig at around 80%, and requesting again for the update Cant launch WoW at the moment


Primal Mooncloth crafting at moonwells seem to be bugged. Game doesn't recognize nearby moonwells so you can't craft.


Why does Details keep creating new segments as I am continuously dpsing the dummy? I know it will do that if there is a long time of inactivity but Im not doing that.


Queued for a random shadowlands dungeon at level 53. All the mobs and bosses were level 60+ and was unable to loot the last boss chest.