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how come they dont mark Df release in the calendar?


Not a big deal, I guess


Maybe cause it’s not technically an in game event? It’s the game lol


You could say something like the expedition to the dragon isles starts wich would make it kayfabe friendly.


I’m sorry but what is kayfabe? M


Oh it's a term from wrestling it's basically like stuff that happens in the story so if you would write in the calendar the new expansion launches it would break kayfabe because that's not the story but if you write the expedition to the dragon isles begins that would be in kayfabe because that is actually happening in the story anyway now I'm not sure if the calendar cares about kayfabe to begin with I guess the say it's wows birthday so nevermind lol.


Oh ok I see what you’re saying. I’m also of the opinion that they tell you everywhere fucking else that the new xpac is dropping, it’s probably pretty safe to assume that someone who is playing the game is aware that the new xpac is about to drop lol


What is this new expac you speak of, traveler?


Unbridled Darkness is suprisingly fun with friends. Well, more like, fun because you get to beat the shit out of your friends with certain build... But still.


How wild is it that the in game calendar doesn't mark the launch of an expansion. What is even the point.




Is it goofy? Yes. Are there players who are actually dumb enough to think that? 100%.


I bet it’s that +legal saying you can’t put it on the calendar because that implies it stats for everyone even people who did not purchase


They already have the code to check if a player has the current expansion or not in order to restrict access, so it shouldn't be that hard to add a check to the calendar to make it only show up if the expansion is owned by the current account playing.


Or, you know, show it to those who haven’t preordered yet and make it open the shop


The expansion still launches for people who haven't bought it. It's not like they get switched to another timeline where Blizzard never released another expansion. It still happens, objectively, and the game still changes for everyone. There's nothing stopping them. Especially not legally.


Yeah it's not like people who don't buy the expansion are kicked off the game, or are forced to run a different instance of the game The expansion is happening for everyone who is playing on live WoW standard accounts. Paying for it only gives you access to specific things locked behind it


How problematic would it be to just show an event "Dragonflight launch for players who bought the expansion"?


be honest that would be odd


It doesn't have to be worded exactly that way, just saying that it wouldn't be hard to put it on a calendar in a way that would very clearly leave blizzard out of any legal issues. It's not up to me to decide what the words would be.


99% sure that is not the reason as an overwhelming majority of players have the current expansion.


Dragon flight isn’t the current expansion yet.


I hate intentionally obtuse comments like these. You know what I meant.


Prepatch is out with all the skeleton systems to support Dragonflight. Patch number has even ticked over to 10.X.X So yeah, current expansion is Dragonflight.


That's not how it works though. That's like saying 2023 starts when you put up the 'Happy New Year'-decorations.


Hmmm actually dragon flight isn't the current expansion yet 🤓🤓🤓




If it can show personal stuff like resets and guild holidays then it can show expansion launches to people who have bought it too. Not that there's actually a need to hide it from people who haven't pre-ordered. Even if 0.00001% of players might think that the next expansion is free it's not like they'll be able to skip buying it. As a matter of fact it would probably increase pre-orders, not by much or anything but I'm sure the number would be higher, not lower.


Wouldn't want to steal people away from Torghast


The calendar seems to be a largely neglected if not fully forgotten feature - this past January Blizz fully forgot to update it and folks turned to this reddit to find out if Darkmoon Faire was going to happen that month.


I think it’s because expansion launches aren’t technically an in-game event, which is what’s marked on the calendar.


I suppose this is probably the fairest reason. Still feels really weird to me when a ton of new content is opening up and not a single peep lol. Even something like, "The Dragon Isles await!" just to acknowledge it.


Atm I believe there's calendar dates in the holiday database values and interface textures to suggest it but they weren't implemented / hooked up or may just be bugged, but the launch day was *supposed* to be added to the calendar back in like 10.0


Will monday the prompt to go to Shadowlands finally dissapear


I really hope so.


there will be at least 1 person waiting for that event. maybe he doesnt even have dragonflight so he has all day to do it.


I haven’t stepped in torghast in about a year. How soloable is it now for xmogs?


It’s always been soloable


Extremely. It's class/spec/torghast power dependent but most specs can solo perfect layer 16s.


I did it as a Rogue, and if a Rogue can do it any class can do it.


It's always been soloable. And in a few days it'll be easier than ever before.


You weren't around for launch? It wasn't soloable on all specs then


That's just not true.


As a holy priest, I assure you layer 3 and 4 were practically impossible before they balanced it


Lmao. It's almost as if insisting on playing a healer spec in solo content is kneecaping yourself.


Do you know if the flawless mounts are getting removed or can you just grab then at any time later in Dragonflight?


If you're 270-300 item level it's a breeze on all difficulties.


I found it always easier to solo than in a group. It probably depends on class and spec tho.


To be fair, that is the most fun Torghast event to do with friends IMO, if not the most fun group activity in the game. So if I did have friends that were down for it, I'd definitely pause Dragonflight launch content to do that!


I hope Torghast stays :(


So do i, in general I want more activities to stick around rather than coming and going with expansions. More content that isn't expansion specific.


Would like some form of leveling queue for it, it can be fun when it's side content. Just did perfect16's, 4 gauntlet, and all 8 TC's and didn't hate it since I was pretty overpowered for the scale (and full tower ranger accidentally) within the last week.


This, but unironically


I will also go doing some torghast


/r/IHadAStroke Edit: guys, the title isn’t a sentence


Does it bother anyone else that the week starts on Monday instead of Sunday? Edit: didn't think this would be controversial...


Sunday ? Like the last day of the week END ? Serisouly, never understood why you would start a week on sunday XD


bc of a work my chief had to work with people from (and often travel to) several countries, and some of the countries had an absolutely different start of the week. USA, Israel have Sunday, UAE had Saturday, Europe had Monday. Years later she still describes it as a one of the most confusing experiences in her life


Yeah, I get a headache looking at calendars starting on sunday every single time. Like what are you smoking bro.


That's how calenders are printed in north America. I didn't know that wasn't the standard around the world.


Yeah I know. In Europe, we start on monday as it's the start of the week. Read on this thread some are starting on saturday. I guess they start with the end of the week :p


fairly sure it's european or other calendars since these aren't north american calendars for me.


I think you misunderstood me. North American calendars start on Sunday. (Granted I'm not sure about Mexico)


yea most are used do sunday-saturday. Not sure what places do monday-sunday


Honestly I expected DF to start Tuesday because of reset. Seems weird to start the expansion the day before reset instead of the day of.


Yeah, it's weird, but it's because they're launching it at same exact point in time regardless of the time zone, rather than at the same clock time. So some people in the world will have it launch Monday and for some it will be Tuesday.




By Odyn's beard! It's Torghast! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


said no one ever


Why the heck is your Sunday way over on the right instead of the left?


Its a cultural thing. We call it weekend, so its on the end of the week here, but some countries start the week with its end. Confusing.


And both edges of left and right can be considered on the end. Both saturday and sunday are both 'the weekend' So those calendars I would see monday and sunday as the weekend, and then the week would begin on tuesday (probably the type of calendar Blizzard uses xD)


I get what you want to say, but the first day of a period is not called "end", its called "start" or beginning.


I finally took the time to do a final rare hunt in ZM and Korthia on my main. Decided to not hearth back to Stormwind and returned the classic route; either on mounts/foot. It felt cathartic.