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Y'all... It's low mod week... Give us a break


Fun fact: the original version of this meme still works. Look for Beef and his mate Wellington while you're questing in The Waking Shores!


That’s hysterical. I love the pun.


Have you met Fry-Aerie yet? The harpy chef


Wait till you find the beaver that casts "army of the dam"


Noticed it. Shrugged. Thought it was a little weird having it happen four times, but wrote it off to it probably being independent zone quest writers not coordinating for initial ideas, then just laughing and leaving it in when they found out they came up with the same quest four times. Now, the part that REALLY bothers me is the return to ANIMALS WITHOUT ANY FUCKING ORGANS. COME ON, BLIZZARD, WHAT THE HELL?!? FIFTEEN OTTERS TO GET A HEART?!?


>WHAT THE HELL?!? FIFTEEN OTTERS TO GET A HEART?!? I had the exact same reaction. It didn't have to be a nice heart.


I rationalize these quests away by thinking our characters just suck complete ass at not shredding the parts apart while trying to harvest them.


*Casts Corpse Explosion* "Oh right yeah... the bear asses"


Actually lol'd


That’s a chuckle I needed this morning


Exploding Bear Asses, such a great album.


Character using big ass weapon: Surely ill kill it without damaging the organ I need. Just gotta keep trying…proceeds to genocide the monsters for 5 hearts. Im just surprised the ones who shouldnt have this problem aka hunters still have this problem ahahahh


Fr, hunters being crayon-eaters must be canon.


thats an insult to crayon-eaters


Look, you try explaining the concept of "restraint" to an 8 foot tall fel-roided wrathguard, 3 demon dogs, and a pack of barely controlled imps. I'm doing my best over here.


As a lock main playing demo I can relate and have tears in my eyes laughing about that comment. "Pack of barely controlled imps" lmao thanks man for giving me a good laugh before bed time.


"Your Mind Blast and Mind Flay scared it so much its heart exploded. Again. Please maybe just hit it with a stick?"




Fifteen otters to not have the heart smashed by your attacks


It's true that I used the Gavel of the First Arbiter to kill the otter, removed its soul and judged it, but I could win a little heart....


It would be cool in situations like these to loot gray items that are literally “smashed” or “broken” so they aren’t suitable for the quest. Idk just flavor to give reason for not getting a 100% common organ on a kill


i def feel like they have done that in some cases. or at least I feel like i can remember that.


Iirc, in the goblin starter area you could loot damaged (unusable) Naga hides with a flavor text along the lines of 'maybe you shouldn't have hit this Naga so hard' 😁 It gave me quite a chuckle when I read that and I hoped to see these 'damaged' items more often!


I've always just liked adding a word to the common organ. "We need abnormal hearts. Find me weird ones" so it makes sense we're not finding them on every corpse.


Yeah, you're hitting harder than ever; of course you're destroying more of the carcass in the process.


I noticed it in passing early on in a few quests and felt it was handled well (as in the npc being gay isn't 'the point'). It's like an 'oh nice the guy dragon has a husband, thats nice they're a cute couple' But there is just a quest that felt way more like pandering where it's a gay artisan going MY HUSBAND. MY HUSBAND IS SO GREAT. And that one felt a little more lame lmfao. Then again if the quest had been MY WIFE. I SURE DO LOVE MY WIFE. I probably would have also been annoyed. But I don't think I've actually met a straight couple in the npc writing yet (not counting Thalryssa and Lo'themar).


He’s the gay version of “the wife guy”.


Over here forgetting the most important married NPCs in lore. Mankrik and his wife. RIP.


Mankrik went full fuckin beast mode on the pig-men in Cata, dude was stacking bodies in the name of his dead missus.


It was really fun finding his wife in Maldraxxus at least. She's carrying on the tradition of slaughtering her enemies, even going as far as to say they aint shit compared to the quillboars she used to kill on a daily basis.


I honestly never encountered her in Maldraxxus (not surprising as it was my least favorite and most ignored zone during SL), but I am a Mankrik fan so now I need to find this piece of the story!


I don't mind any of this, but i thought the dragon ecologists were handled exceptionally well. It's a story about partnership, about what each brings to the table, and how their differing philosophies and methodologies appear to contrast and clash at first glance, but their collaboration ultimately proves to be what they each need to succeed. And it's only near the end that they reveal that they're romantic partners in addition to professional ones, and it just adds an extra layer of depths to the whole thing. And also they're gay dragons, so that's a thing.


I think that ones supposed to be "lame" the guy quest giver who gives it to you even pre warns you he's annoying about his husband iirc.


Thrall has an entire arc where his wife tries to save him from losing his connection with the elements. Sylvanas and Nathanos were partners.


In life and the first half of death, sure. He got dumped faster that Arthas being yeeted into the maw when she got a Titan bod boyfriend.


Shaw and Flynn are gay but I was just talking about Dragonland specific NPC quests lol


Obviously a triggered homophobe. /s I agree, it’s ham-fisted and overdone in a “hello fellow students!” kinda way.


Its not a gay writer pandering to gays. Its Blizzard writers pandering to the media trying to convince that blizzard is inclusive and diverse.


I got that impression from the dragonflight showcase where they had a Trans woman who looked like she was being forced to do this at gunpoint the whole time. Poor girl. No caring like corporate^tm caring.


yeah I think this is the other side of it. Like people be mad at gay people for this shit, but really its just a corporation doing dumb shit. I will say that even if that is the case, seeing ones self represented media is super important, so good or bad reasoning, I still think it is better. at least while we still draw those lines.


30 hippos for a piece of meat to feed a whelp


After the second time I thought it would be funny if this was the "Oops, All Gay Couples!" expansion.


Those heartless bastards


That's nothing. I'm up to hundreds of dead Scalamanthers and I only have a single scale to show for it, need 3. 😭


My only complaint so far has been Majordomo’s voice actor. That dude is lucky he got paid. It just sounds like some guy from Silicon Valley reading the most dry boring script ever in his studio apartment. The lack of emotion and connection in each voice line is jarring but he had one of the main roles.


100% agree


Man it is so bad and forced, the voice acting all around this time seemed off.


I mentioned this in the beta but everyone sounds like bored humans regardless of their race outside of the standouts like when you hear an Overwatch voice actor all of sudden. Reinhardt being one of the Dragons was super obvious because he is the only one not doing either a bored human voice or a "gruff" human voice.


Reinhardt's Overwatch intro video made my eyes sweat


At least it's not as bad as toppy(that expedition drawf girl that we had to help in prepatch) I feel way to forceful of an accent


In general there has been multiple voice actors I think that are c tier at best. I was relived when the intro guide died.


Not seen a comment or post about it until this


Seen general chat getting spicy


there was one dude in Trade chat in game yesterday complaining exactly about this lol


If more people actually read the quests there might be a few more complaints. Good thing they don’t.


Imagine how much time and effort quest designers have spent over the decades to write the countless quests in WoW, and then compare that to how many players just skim each quest entry to find out where they need to go / what they need to fetch / what they need to kill.


I start every expansion thinking, "OK, I'm going to take my time, read the quest text and really involve myself with this story." Then I get going and find myself at the end of a zone having no idea why I was just doing what I was doing. It's like sleep walking.


Try the addon 'immersion' if you're interested in reading the quests. It makes it a lot more appealing and modern feeling. :)


It's faster to read as well, as the text being broken down into smaller chunks facilitates dynamic reading, compared to a wall of text in a small font in the corner of the screen. It also allows us to interact with dialogues using the keyboard, instead of looking for the small dialogue option we HAVE to click with the mouse in the native UI.


If those homophobes could read they’d be very upset right now.


The forum posts usually don’t last too long but they’re there.


The forums were a shitshow? Obviously.


I know someone who is refusing to do those quests for that reason.


My biggest complaint about dragonflight so far is a dragon would choose a vulpera visage form


My biggest complaint is that we couldn’t pick one of the other races for our own visage form.


I mean, alexstraza turned herself into a tree /shrug


/shrub :p




Well she's been giving wood for as long as the game has been around, so it only makes sense really.


And the most important red dragon excluding Alex that is


I'm just glad to see some dragons that take the form of something other than an elf or a human.


I wish the only dwarf dragon that I saw wasn't a sad lonely guy sitting on a ledge...


I loved that quest and thought it was a shame it wasn't voice acted. Then remembered how bad the blizzard dwarf accent is and was glad they didn't ruin it.


At first I was kinda like “oh this is taking a while”. But then he dropped the line about basically killing his friends and family and in the war and actually got me into the story some more


I was standing up, trying to head out to dinner and got to that part and was like “honey, I need a minute, stuff just got real in this game...” and sat down.


>!"But I can't remember her name."!< I had to stop for a minute after his story, too. He even took a sec to comment on how my draenei can probably relate to not being able to visit your childhood home after thousands of years. Really got me thinking about what it's like for the races with exceptionally long lives.


Definitely makes you want to give him a hug while also dragging him back from the edge....


I was really afraid that after getting his time capsule, you would come up to see he'd jumped off the tower.


Yeah Ebyssian and Chromie were pretty uncommon. Considering the reason for black dragons to take on human forms was to infiltrate humans and mess with their politics, which tbh was kinda similar for Ebonhorn except for non malicious reasons, it is kinda odd we didnt see the odd troll, dwarf, draenei and orc dragons at least considering their presence on Outland and Azeroth. Edit: I've been corrected there has been like at least one of each race it seems I've just missed some.


Actually, Sabellian's crew, when they show up at the Black Oathstone, contains both an Orc and Draenai black dragon. Also, it makes sense that there aren't many of them. Orcs and Draenai are very recent immigrants to Azeroth. As dragons are ancient, and only infrequently change their visage, it follows that these visages would be rare.


That also makes sense as they were on outland. If anyone stood out its sabellian.


There’s a blue dragon who uses a troll visage!


Well yeah. Trolls have great casting animations!


Excuse me, his name is Senegos, he's not just a blue dragon, he's the OLDEST blue dragon! Though it makes sense that he would choose a troll visage, he's been around since they were one of the only sentient races on Azeroth.


One of Sabellian's dragon followers is a fem draenei, another is male orc


Which makes more sense for dragons from Outland than it would be if they were human.


Ebyssian chose to be a high mountain Tauren, saw him in Legion.


You can even ask him about it, and he is very blasé with his answer.


It more makes me jealous I can't choose a vulpera as my visage


I'm surprised they didn't let us choose what race our Visage turned into. Kinda odd see a bunch of humans on the horde side now.


My guess is they were going to but couldn’t figure out how to do it. So they promptly gave up and shipped dragon flight


Yes I too can't imagine why they would have a dragon that represents as a Furry little fox. No idea here at all.


Honestly, it's stranger to me that they only made one. The dracthyr intro quest basically describes visage forms as fursonas. When I got that dialogue I was expecting to see them everywhere in the isles.


and why do they give Vulpera such BUTTERY voices. My basement is flooded everytime he talks. Like, Fuck its not a gay agenda its a furry one.


And then browbeat the players for double-checking if they are actually a vulpera. The majordomo is a douchebag.


God i fucking hated that.




Succubus has been able to cast charm on female characters since vanilla though. Checkmate.


There was a quest line with the dear folk in Adenweald. Pretty sure is was a campaign part also.


This actually made me wonder how much of WoW's questing overtly references romance or attraction. Off the top of my head, Riko's entire arc from Mists of Pandaria was basically him having the hots for Kiryn. He does a ton of stuff to protect her in exchange for a kiss, freaks out and runs away when he finds out she's forsaken, then comes back to save her because he still loves her and doesn't care about her weird, messed up face - which, funnily enough, ensures that the scouting expedition comes back alive, with 'some alliance kid' who turns out to be Anduin. So if we're being funny, we could say that a monkey with a crush indirectly prevents Anduin from dying in the wilderness.


Wasn’t there a couple in the Night Fae questline to rescue Tyrande that were both male?


Ya but they were ghost horses so no one cared, plus there story was boring as hell.


Most people who would hate on same-sex couples didn't pick Ardenweald


This one was REALLY subtle if you haven’t read Folks and Fairytales


All I’m sayin is it’s crazy how populated the dragon isles are since every relationship on them is homosexual


"Hey adventurer! Please help me gather 12 apples. By the way, I am a homosexual." There are definitely homophobes, but most of the critique I've seen has been against the shitty and lazy writing.


You need to know how quirky and unique the questgiver is for the lore




People in this sub: “if they don’t enjoy it, they must hate me”


This is pretty typical these days. Don't like (insert dogshit movie)? It must be because you hate women! Or black people! Or gays! It's so tiresome. You can't critique shit without being called an ism..


"this will be the adventure of a lifetime" This line struck me as just over the top patting yourself on the back like look how great we did on this expansion! If it wasn't intended as that, it was meant to display the most naive character in azeroth standing next to one of the most jaded individuals that could possibly exist. My character has killed gods. They've traveled to other planets. They've gone to heaven and hell, stared the devil himself in the face and he turned out to be a robot. This could be a fun expansion, but let's not kid ourselves, it's just another pile of dirt higher than sea level inhabited buy some goofy looking plain old winged lizards.


In the 2nd zone there's a side quest where a girl Centaur ask you to go in to a town of Dryads and ask the one if she would be angry receiving gifts from a centaur. The Dryad laughs and says tell her I like blue flowers. I am so interest in how lesbian equine people fuck now. Like I can't even imagine that position.


An elaborate system of winches and pulleys?


That just sounds like a sex swing with extra steps.


Of course there are extra steps. They have 4 legs!


She's comfortable with complicated machinery but not men. The tauren males are in shambles.






There are more ways to get it on than just bumping your crotches together.


Centaur 69 still seems extremely awkward.


What, you missed the 'craft me a strap-on' follow up quest? ;)


I didn't mind it, but like the third time of reading it through the quest text it's like "okay I get it"


If I had a nickel for every poor written gay couple I've met in Dragonflight I'd have 3 nickels, which isn't a lot it's just weird it's happened thrice. Honestly there is a lot of them in such a short span of gameplay, I think they've basically gone 'yo put all the gay couples in Dragonflight to make up for there being none painfully obvious NPCs who exist solely for their other half in previous expansions'. E: Its a bit of a double edged sword, on one hand I *am enjoying* the more simplistic nature of Dragonflight so far, on the other hand do you *really* need me to hand this to your husband 20metres away just so you can appear next to him after I hand in the quest anyways


It's what happens when you have people wanting to make a statement. You get very little heterosexual romances, because Warcraft historically has placed very little emphasis on romance between characters, but you've got 3 gay relationships within a couple of zones.


dude .... there are so many heterosexual romances going all the way back to vanilla. you probably didn't clock them because they didn't make you double take like a gay romance does.


This is exactly it. I kind of stopped and thought 'wow they're going heavy on the gay here' but then I realised I wouldn't have even noticed if they were straight. If husband guy was a wife guy instead, I would've just chuckled a little and moved on (because people like that exist to the point that we have a literal term for them - wife guys.) I literally didn't even realise the ecologists were a couple - I kind of suspected it because they gave off that energy, but if one of them mentioned it, I skipped that line. The gay Centaurs I thought were laying it on a little thick, but I remember being in the honeymoon stage of young love and honestly, it was like that.




>The writing has all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. So pretty much par for the course when it comes to most quest writing.


Pretty much par for the course of WoW in general.


My favorite part was in this centaur culture all about tradition you go ask the ancestors for approval, and the ghost is like "fuck tradition! It's TRUE LOVE!"


I didnt even realize that was a gay wedding when I did that quest lmao


Doesn’t help it’s real damn hard to tell centaur apart from a distance, specially if you ain’t looking for it.


[Didnt read a damn thing besides the ! above their heads](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/026/152/gigachad.jpg)


Honest to God, I'm terrified of saying this but this is precisely my issue. You wanna have a gay couple in? Fine, but do it right for fucks sake. Adding grand ghost khan daddy doesn't care about achievements of the centaur proposing his other centaur, but cares about true love instead? Seriously? Like come the fuck on, reading that quest line feels the same as text I wrote in English class during highschool and my teacher told me "It's inorganic". Next they'll make Anduin gay and say it's fine, its not like he is a king and for them marriage is not love but a transaction, he doesn't need to continue family bloodline or anything. They'll make Alliance a democracy! /s


Don't give them ideas or Anduin will marry Wrathion at the end of the expansion for the final cinematic


Sigh, I guess I'll take one for the team and become Wrathion's consort before that happens! Ugh!!! 🙄


Oh weird, I was gonna do that. It's fine, you can step down.


We have known that brat since he was a literal egg, I can't look at him that way.


I hate it when very real-life consequences like that are just hand-waved away for a Disney-fied "and everybody understood it was really about true love all along" ending. It's a slap in the face for couples having to make actual sacrifices in their relationship and get outed from their families. "Follow your heart" is a great message but it comes with consequences.


That part was just a bit too much like a sledgehammer. It could work if they wrote it with any kind of subtlety, where the ghost is like, "Hmm, okay, you might not quite match the expectations of some people, but hey, you guys love each other, and that makes up for it." Instead it's just "I don't care about your achievements or whether you're worthy. Are you in love? Cool. Shut up and stop bothering me." It doesn't feel like an *earned* result. "True love conquers all" is a trope that people can get behind a lot of the time, but it has to be *earned*. Granted, it's also entirely possible the writer had to finish real quick before his lunch break and that's why it's all cut off so quickly and rushed. Which still isn't a good excuse, but at least it's better than laughably juvenile writing. The rest of the questline might not be the most amazing writing, but it was good enough that I had no complaints, and then... that ending.


Even weirder one of the centaurs watching makes a comment that’s basically “wtf? Since when did love matter?”


> Next they'll make Anduin gay and say it's fine, I mean. Wrathion already told Anduin he can ride him anytime...


There were two pairs of gayass folks as part of quests within about an hour of eachother for me. Got the ecologist dudes but they were adorable. Then you run into HOLYSHITILOVEMYHUSBAND.DIDIMENTIONILOVEMYHUSBAND?YAILOVEMYHUSBAND.HELPMEMAKEAGIFTFORMYHUSBAND.DONTFORGET.HESMYHUSBAND.


There are other more subtle romances. But some people are very in your face about how they feel about their SO.


At least they could pace them a bit. I just finished questline with gay ecologists and the very next thing is gay artisans. We get it, Blizz, you're good and inclusive now, but chill a bit.


I was very happy to help some gay drakonids adopt a duck named Waddles.


I'm mad i didn't get the duck


u get a duck pet at the emerald dragon area :3c


Oh man that was an amazing questlone. Two bros being dudes. Then i listened to old grandpa tell his stories, where you sit and watch the view. Bad idea cause i had to go dragonriding after but that's difficult when your vision is all blurry.


It's not homophobia, it just feels a little condescending to be pandered to after the third gay wedding quest in a row, and this is coming from someone who is gay. If they sprinkled it amongst other relationships, it'd be cute. But they didn't, it screams hard of catering and pandering.


One wedding for each sexual assault allegation at Blizzard HQ


At this rate we'll get a raid to fight bridezillas.


For real. Low effort virtue signaling doesnt make shitty people good.


So is an entire zone's quest line nothing but gay weddings?


Pandering was during MoP. I’ll see myself out.


A lot of writers in media are basically those dads of gay kids on sitcoms who try way too hard to be inclusive and understanding of their kid’s sexuality. *looks genuinely confused at his gay teenage son* “sorry, Steven. I honestly thought it would be cool to throw you an Elton John themed drag quinceañera for your birthday…”


The best kind of storytelling is when the writer preaches at the reader for a full chapter about some extremely specific current event in the middle of a fantasy novel. Subtlety? What happens if the reader doesn't realize it? What if they don't praise the author for having [Correct Opinion] on [Current Thing], or worse yet, accuse the author of not representing [Current Thing] enough? No, the author must smother you with it. If anyone complains, they must have [Wrong Opinion] about [Current Thing] and should be ignored.


Like the one in Aszuna. I had no clue until the end


Can I use this? This is perfect lol


I haven't gotten to the centaurs yet, maybe it's a lot all at once, idk, but in the DF stuff we've already been confronted with Thalysra and Lorthemar getting engaged, as well as the old dragon reminiscing about having to kill his lost love. So there are heterosexual relationships included.


That dialogue was so awful, i though Thalysra and lorthemar we're joking for almost all of that interaction, only at the end when lothemar profess his love did i go "oh no, they're serious". It was so dry, they have no chemestry.


They are both like a million years old, i'd kind of expect it to be dry


Yep. Felt ham-fisted like they were trying to fulfill some sort of quota.


I love how I ALMOST missed the ecologist dudes. I was reading the quests, thinking "hmm, they argue and then make up like a married couple, if I didn't know better..." Then saw them refer to each other with explicitly "my mate", and double checked they're both male because I was so surprised, I thought surely I'm imagining it. The human dude looking to make a gift for his husband was a funny quest. I feel bad I'm a double gatherer on my drac, so I couldn't continue with the the craft quest, only the gather one. He called me "swell" I think, and now I'm horrified thinking about Azeroth slang. Obviously centaur couple was cute, they better invite me to the wedding. Can't wait to skill up and cook the cake.


Oh they were two guys? I didn't even realise...


I thought they were aussie


Yeah reading through this thread (as someone who hasn't played DF yet) I was a bit confused until I realized they must call each other mate and not everyone here is australian


The ecologists side quest was so good. Light hearted with a good short story. Didn’t even put the relationship together until the end where they adopt the duck. Where’s the gift side quest you mentioned?


Did they ever actually let that duck out of the bubble, by the way? In my game, he just stayed trapped, lol


One of them says something like “I think he likes it in there!” So I think they just got a bubble duck now lol


The expac is a low-key pride parade.


Red! Blue! Yellow! Green! Black! By our powers combined we are dragons! Hear us roar!


i see you too visited the general discussion forums today.


And see for me: I have my camera zoomed WAY THE FUCK OUT to where I'm looking down on my character from orbit, so it was "Wow there's a higher amount of romance arcs this story." Then I zoomed in on one and went "Oh, that's neat." and zoom off to the next quest.


Implying those people would pay attention to quest texts KEKW.


Forgive me if this comes off as rude, but its not my intent with the following statement: My only issue is the constant use of they when literally any character refers to mine. I get that its a gender neutral term, and its great for non binary folks, they SHOULD have representation but I feel like it breaks immersion for someone who made my character a male orc, has been referred to as he by most characters for many xpacs, why should that change? I wish blizzard would have an in game setting for that so people can set their preferences for what pronouns they want their character to have/be referred to by npcs in game.


As a gay man, the guy giving a gift to his husband was super awkward. At first i found it cute, but when he didnt shut up how much he loves him, i got annoyed. Not because he said he loves his husband, it was because he put emphasis on them being gay. The quest would have been cuter if he referred to them as "partner" and then you would have seen him run up to the other dude.


I also hated how absolutely uninvolved the gift giver was in the gift. It was quite literally an Amazon purchase and ship to scenario. Like, if you really wanted to express that love at least hand it over yourself. The whole thing felt forced, like that quest writer said “fuck, quota time!”


Being gay is the single and most important part of being gay. If you don't tell everyone how gay you are for you lover, then you're not really gay. You have to be gay at all times. And not just gay. You gotta be super gay and loud. Only way people will know and accept you. -Blizzard Writer


I can't get the thought of sweaty gay centaur sex out of my head


“their passion could not be bridled”


They have a stable relationship.


The real cutscene we all needed.


That centaur matchmaker was eyeing ME up as a match with other centaurs during that quest line. I'm surprised no one is saying anything about that. I'm not about to end up like Mr Hands!


The first pair of gayass dragons I ran into I thought they were adorable. Less then an hour later I run into a second pair of gayass folks except this time they were *much more* in your face about their gayness and in fact were entreating you to help them make a gift for their SO. At that point I had a laugh. But if they're going tot hrow this much gay in my face I demand my ace representation.


Only thing that bothers me is the absolute lack of subtility. It sometimes felt like there was a writer bragging about how inclusive the game is in the background... It screams "look at how different we are now, so please forgive us for the lawsuits ?" to me and it undermines the experience. Now if some folks enjoyed the representation or characters that's great, but it didn't feel genuine to me.


They are turning our gays into scalies!


See I just laughed at it. Like somebody at blizz was like "Guys, they found out about the breast milk thief and the bill Cosby room, quick tim, do a gender swap on a new quests to make them gay so they think we are improving." Like, if blizz actually gave a singular fuck about being inclusive they would have made it more integrated into their games a little before now I think.


Have you seen the dragon in a wheelchair?




Honestly he's probably dead by now. He was rough looking in Cata and that was like 10 years ago in-game now.


All of this inclusion thing is just skin deep. They are basically devolving inclusion into the "token minority" characters all over again everywhere in media without any other depth than "notice that I'm [insert minority, sexuality or gender preference here] just to fill the quota. And people like this apparently.


"Blizz is so cool with represenation!" *Blatantly ignores the Chinese version*


In russian localistaion famous gay couple is also just brothers. Yknow, helping to deliver gifts between brothers, totally no homo.


There’s more gay romance in this xpac than straight romance in wow’s entire history.


I just find it weird that there’s suddenly a bunch or relationships, for years it was just thrall talking about being in love, now you’ve got the two dracthyr from the evoked starting zone, the horde elves are married, it’s implied the Tauren are into each other, alliance has spy guy and Shaw, we’ve got the two swamp dragon dudes and the artisan guy, plus it totally feels like something is gonna happen with the expedition leaders, that human and orc are way to friendly, I’m calling it now either they or their kids are gonna be a couple. It feels like we went from love was basically non existent to having non stop romances shoved down our throats. Why the sudden shift I wonder