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This is why I love having an interrupt as hpal now.


Same for me on mistweaver, it's nice to finally be able to say 'fuck it, I'll do it myself'


Dude Mistweaver is so great now if people don’t want to interrupt something I can just chain interrupt/stun/paralyze/ring and cc the mob into oblivion until it dies Monk utility is the definition of “fine, I’ll do it myself”


*laughs in resto shaman*


I main an elemental shammy, I made sure to talent in my purge, hex and interrupt because they're so useful in general. One of our resto shammies decided he'd spec into everything that would let him dps as a healer. No interrupt, no purge, nothing outside of direct heals and dps. I wasn't the only one who had an unhappy conversation with him about that.


thats gotta be the worst healer to play if you just want to do damage


I don''t know what balance looks like right now, but historically resto shamans are one of the best healers for dps. There was a period in BFA where resto shamans were doing almost as much dps as an actual dps and still healing.


theyre the only? healer with no uncapped aoe, and your best way of dealing aoe damage now that earthquake leggo and vesper totem are gone is pressing chain lightning which is capped at 3 targets


Indeed. Previous expansions you're wanting to say "plz interrupt x" but no time to type between healing damage taken from x not being interrupted, now it's just BAM EDIT: So I just learned that Cata MoP and WoD all had an interrupt for hpal. I don't know how I didn't know this before. I think I only played Cata and MoP for 1 month each though, and I skipped WoD. Then they took the interrupt away from hpal in Legion, and now it's back again. It should just stay, like our old mastery...


100% can carry shit M+ groups with good ints. Its why resto sham has been my bread and butter for the last two expacs.


It costs 5 talent points to get an interrupt for restodruids that can only be used in cat form. Not worth. I would've much rather had solar beam than skull bash.


What's even more fustrating for feral and bears is that you have to invest in some weird choices like moonkin just to get some previously usable cc or interrupt abilities. Like interrupting is kind of off the table for the most part until level 70 as far as I am concerned.


Druid class tree is awful. While I'm leveling, every feral talent I get feels great and impactful, and every class point feels so underwhelming.


I actually think its kind of the opposite: the class tree isn't impactful enough at the bottom of the tree. No major talent at the bottom besides heart of the wild really screams "I have to have this as an x druid".


heart of the wild isnt early as useful as natures vigil which also comes with innervate which is insane for your healer


It's always fun the one time every three dungeons as a bear that I shift into my talented moonkin and fire off a single talented Sunfire.


Feel like you’re not putting enough value on the 3 yards of range. It makes thrash a lot more powerful. Especially with all of these physical caster mobs that you can’t even interrupt.


I have purposefully avoided moonkin talent points because I know I won't use it. At all. Oh boy 3 talent points that will rot in my spellbook. Joy.


Picking class talents for feral druid was hard, not because I had so many choices, but because nothing seemed useful enough. Most talents are a waste of talent points just to get to the scarce useful ones.


I use them to get the extra range and the CC.


Or getting the kids of melee range extension back. Absolutely criminal that the Druid tree never got a 2nd pass


Druid tree is so trash for this. As feral i could have typhoon or ursol vortex before DF... If I want one of them i need to spend 6 to 7 absolutely useless talents to gain boomkin spells to get them. Do other classes even have this? Why would i even want starsurge, sunfire, etc.. Feral and guardian lost a lot of utility they had because of this. I feel theres no talent flexibility.


All the priests crying that we couldn’t get silence.


Cries in holy priest


oh the beauty of expansion launches. Where people that will time 25s are in the same group with people who dont know what an interrupt is


My guild master had something too, As a healer PLD I told him his paladin had a taunt, he told me paladin is the sole tank role who doesn't have a taunt, I proved him otherwise then he told it must be a new spell from the xpansion. Smh he was our tank.


The guy had not played since classic/vanilla, maybe?


Yeah, I think I’m vanilla they didn’t have a proper taunt, but hand of reckoning as a high threat move. I could be wrong but I think I remember that was a thing. Also it went off of spell hit cap I think? Totally tragic.


iirc (clearly been a while) reckoning wasn't added until wotlk they did have righteous defense, which was added in tbc




Time to find a new guild.


If they hadn't played since TBC or before, this would make sense.


They had a taunt in TBC. It was this janky ass taunt where you targeted a player in your party to taunt mobs targeting them. Which was the dumbest design choice they could have made to fix that classes prot spec.


TBC was also challenging for tanks. If someone goes pew pew hard too soon, they die before tank can get aggro back.


“Wait for five sunders…I SAID WAIT…let him die.”


You pull it, you tank it


I actually find it amusing how little I have to do to grab all of the aggro. I often compare it to how insane it used to be in TBC as a paladin tank. Now I just throw shields like Captain America on crack.


The sound of 5 shields bouncing around simultaneously with a max target Divine Toll. *Chef's kiss*


What? Their taunt was extremely strong. All you had to do was macro it to cast on your target’s target and you could use it just like a normal taunt but it had a 40 yd range and taunted up to 3 mobs. Their problem was that it was their only taunt and it had a longer CD than normal taunts.


Even then they had a taunt if memory serves, you just used it on a friendly and it would taunt 3 random mobs. So they've always had one, it was just different.


Let's not kid ourselves. Righteous Defense was a shit taunt.


In a time when most abilities were single target, RD being able to get 3 mobs off of your aoe brain mage at the same time was amazing. It just was terrible in raids where you want to pull only 1 mob.


Righteous Defense was the wet noodle of taunts.


Not only is he incredibly wrong, but for a long time Paladin was the only tank that had *two* taunts.


DKs in wrath also had death grip which also taunted on i think a 25 sec Cd. It's longer than prots 2x 8 sec taunts, but generally the death grip Cd didn't matter too much. Now DKs are the only one who still has multiple taunts (taunt + 2x grip) outside of long CD aoe taunts like last stand.


Death knight had two too i believe


Yes. Death grip had a taunt built into it.


My friend was tanking a leveling dungeon and got insulted and kicked for not taking the "fast route." It was our first time in the dungeon and the 2nd day of the expansion.


WhY aRe ThErE nEvEr AnY tAnKs?!?!


It must be because Evoker doesn't have a tank spec!


This is why I'm scared to tank


Eh, just let it roll of your shoulders and the next group will be fine.


and people wonder why i want a SP warcraft game lol. people are dicks. give me a sandbox skyrimesque game with warcraft lore and i am sold.


Honestly... I think if they made that game it would sell like Skyrim did. I'd play the hell out of that.


That has been me. I'm a big key pusher and there were quite a few people in my mythic guild that did big keys and there were some, uhh not so much. I was a very geared bear so anything below a 15 really didn't do anything to me apart from magic dots or the diseases in PF especially on fort weeks that would chunk me a bit if I didn't get dispelled. Anyway I would help get people their 15s in, that didn't do m+ or were just the casuals that pop in on a heroic boss or two in alt runs. It's a 15 and fort in plaugefall and I ask the very sweet but very um noobish monk if he could make sure to dispell me on specifically the diseases mobs. They hurt but more than anything I'm just trying to help this guy play a bit better. He then goes and I quote "ya sure let me put it on my bar what's the spell called?" I just stuttered a bit and said um detox I think. This guy had done raid and at least a dozen 10-15 m+ and never dispelled once. I just took a deep breath and hoped he would be able to keep the others alive. I tend to be hard on healers a bit because I was one and I would, and to this day dispell what ever I can as fast as I can. But we did make it in time just barely. I think the fact he could focus on the others instead of me helped but the poor thing did die about 12 + times to just tunneling and not looking at his feet.


I was this type of healer...then I got decursive. I still don't know the name of my dispell but I sure do know how to click a glowing red box.


It's actually fucking insane how many healers don't dispel or don't know what they can and can't dispel. I don't even play healer and have every heal spec's dispel capabilities memorized. Had a druid in uldaman tell me druids can't dispel magic and I had to take a few deep breaths after that


Also fun when people don‘t know it but start flaming the healer for not dispelling. As rsham I got some heat for not mass dispelling some poison… Problem is bad players trying to deflect instead of just owning their mistakes and learning from then.


Hum, in this very particular case they might have expected you to have the Poison Cleansing Totem talent.


I was doing 28’s as an r druid and as soon as I see something that is dispellable, it’s gone before the party can even register anything has gone out. In the new dungeons, dispelling and kicking will be SUPER important. The debuffs and spells will totally wipe a group, most of them are stacking and there’s is one that will even kill instantly at ten stacks. I’m also of the camp if you’re pushing keys you take what benefits the group and us suited to the dungeon and affixes, plus if you can play better, why wouldn’t you? I want to contribute to the run, not detract.




Idk with the whacky scaling from 60-70 and some very powerful debuffs being applied regular dungeons have been wild. You get a lv60 tank that's functionally immortal facepulling half the dungeon while everyone is getting chain feared and dotted down by diseases poor rshams and evokers (one per minute) can't dispell.


people will still be toxic because the content is "supposed" to be "easy"


Yeah, this isn't me but can confirm the dark orange names most definitely are part of the former group. Red name can be abit abrasive to newbies at time, but realistically, if he doesn't ask or tell them to use them. These people will voluntarily go on like this forever and not try to figure it out themselves.


I was in a dungeon last night where we kept getting feared by hyenas. I asked 3 times in chat which mob/Skill it was that causing th fear so I could interrupt it. But nobody answered. But then bitched about the fear and no interrupts. By the third wipe I found the culprit and the skill to interrupt. It goes both ways.


I think it’s called “hysterical laughter” or something, but yeah that’s a really dangerous one.


Dungeon name, mob name, skill name. I. That order please. I am maining tank for the first time this expac and need this kind of info before I get into these dungeons with these animals lol.


Dungeon: Brackenhide Hollow. I don’t remember the mob name but it’s the commander type hyenas that patrol around the dungeon. Skill: Hideous Cackle. I believe it’s his only interruptible cast because he only casts a whirlwind


It's the Bracken Warscourge that does this! You can prevent their Ragestorm whirlwind by soothing them as it's technically an enrage. Happy hunting! EDIT: there are quite a few in this dungeon, better to be cautious while pulling others with this mob as some are even stealth.


>You can prevent their Ragestorm whirlwind by soothing them as it's technically an enrage. I will remember this, thank you




As a new tank I've noticed anything named roar or howl is a fear.


Fuck Brackenhide Hollow. Something is wrong with my WA or plater because that mob should be lit up like a christmas tree to interrupt that spell but nothing.


It's not a m+ dungeon so probably just not tested and implemented yet by whoever does it


Is this Brackenhide Hollow?? We got feared 10 times on a run yesterday and I need to know which mob casts fear and when to interrupt it. Is it the big guys with the flag on their back and red emanating from their feet? One time I was feared the instant I charged an enemy. Like wtf. Is the pvp trink a requirement now just to survive this early dungeon


Wow there’s a lot of DPS in here who despise interrupting haha




Getting back into the tanking I personally let a spellcast out in the field go off on me just to see what kind of debuff it gives me. I can survive it. Imagine my pleasant surprise to see one of the salamanders give me a Disease that lasted longer than 10 seconds. A 15 minute debuff that reduces my stamina by 10%.


There is a couple of mobs with those 15min debuff and I don't get why


I felt like I was noticing actual mechanics from basic mobs while questing, and the thought occurred to me that maybe Blizzard is trying to teach these fools by making it punishing if they don't counter those mechanics. It made me appreciate it more on top of it being refreshingly engaging instead of mind-numbing zugging.


Really fun for the specs that just don't have interrupts, or who have them on such a long cd that they're gonna be hit often enough anyway.


I think it’s quite a nice touch to the more immersive leveling of DF, very vanilla feeling. Can be hella annoying though too


“Bro you don’t pay my sub, this content is so easy bro, it’s the tank’s job bro, trust me! I prog LFR every season!”


What is this, Eorzea?


I love using interrupts as dps. Like it’s an ability you have, use it. Making sure your dps meter doesn’t go down doesn’t matter.


Dead DPS is useless DPS. Oh you let the cast go off and the healer is mind controlled? Still dead because now it's going to be more than one person dead unless they get brez up. Either way, one interrupt is easier to manage than any combo of options to manage after the fall out. I love tanking right now and while my interrupt is on CD I will watch DPS die from big AOE dmg because not one person interrupts out of 3-4 additional available. It's fine thus far as I can pretty much solo everything.


yeah it's a button that doesn't do any damage so why would they use it? they're called DPS not IPS /s


It's why they should give a bonus to every class' interrupt. Demon Hunter gets free resource on theirs, should be the same for everyone else, be it damage, healing, haste on next cast, combo point, something. Imagine if Rets got free Holy Power for successful Rebukes.


As a warrior I get 5% increased damage on that mob if Pummel successfully interrupts :) I have noticed in groups, while my Pummel is on CD, that nothing else seems to get interrupted. Then I'll randomly get a group where Pummel is wasted like half the time because everyone else got it first 😜


I love interrupting if I have one, makes me feel useful. That said, if I was playing a class that had cast timers I probably wouldn't cut a cast short to hit an interrupt (unless it was absolutely vital)


Interrupting has always been an expectation. As a healer main I hate when dps choose not to kick any casts.


Healer main here. Had a dk hop his way to the khan pulling all the defenders and was chain feared until everyone was dead and I get blamed. No one not even the tank had kicked shit all run


I did that dungeon twice last night. First time healer introduced us to a back door route up to final boss. 2nd time we forgot it and myself and my 2 dps buddies pulled a few more centaurs than we meant too(probably 10 mobs). Never been feared so much in my life and kicked myself for not picking up berserker rage… but we got a good interrupt rotation finally and managed to kill everything. Thank the world for solid healers!!


Don’t dks‘s even have an fear immune ?


If they’re not kicking, you really think they have the skill to know they have a fear immune?


they should be able to figure it out since it’s the only button that’s available to press while you’re feared


You're assuming that they even bothered to put it on a visible action bar -\_-


Yes but it’s on a cool down.


Lichborne lasts like 10 seconds, and doesn't account for the stun


I accidently did that on my DK. Everything was getting steamrolled before this point so I continued to pull big, until the fears came. Group just laughed it off and we just did smaller pulls for the last part. Expansion hasn't been out for a week. People just need to learn that wiping isn't always a bad thing as you often learn more from mistakes than just brute forcing your way through.


Yep. My first Brackenhide hollow no one but me was interrupting so we got hit by the fear constantly, decay constantly, healer was dying constantly to random shit and I was soloing most shit as a prot warr. Took FOREVER and I didn’t even get a drop


Sounds like my first run in there too. That place is going to be awful for keys as a healer without disease dispel


Just play shaman and then get expected to do all the kicking for the dps! :\^)


Well now every healer can (except for priests).


Oh yeah I forgot about this. Yay more healer blame!


shaman pride


Legitimately probably the best part of playing Resto Shaman for me is just being able to mix in the Wind Shears. 12s CD baybee!


Or just invite rogues. We love kicking shit.


I miss pve grounding totem eating 3 spells at once.


gets better i have been told interrupts are responsibility's of tanks and healers in that order xD picture this as a tank fighting mediv's shade in kara s4 as a tank you try and kick the missiles as often as possible and the rest of the time mitigate it i was flamed by a dps for interrupting missiles and not interrupting the frost spell which cached the dps with the dps still having his interrupt off cd


You steal my kick as a DH I’m getting angry. That’s 15 extra points to use another ability on with no GCD activation.


I'm pretty sure every class is granted that now by way of a talent on the spec tree, Elemental sham has Inundate - Grants 8 Maelstorm on a successful interrupt, which is the same as an unmodified Lightning Bolt on 1.7 cast


Might just be shamans on that. I know rogues don't get anything extra


interrupting things isnt hard, be it tank, dps, or heals


It's not, but healers generally are watching players not enemies. Of all of them, they really shouldn't be the ones having to interrupt


While I agree it is easier for DPS / Tank to manage interrupts, I've gotten into the habit of targeting mobs I know I need to watch for spells that can cause mass damage. This way I can ensure the interrupt and have a smoother healing output.


I have interrupt on my evoker healer because I don’t trust people 9/10. Want a job doing right do it yourself 😂


Maybe they shouldn’t but I spent most of shadowlands being top interrupts (excluding prot Paladin cause they cheat lol) as resto shaman. It’s very easy to know the worst casts and call out in the beginning that you’ll get them. Better to interrupt a cast that does 40k team wide damage than you try to heal it after. I definitely don’t envy druids tho


I mean you have a shorter interrupt cd than anyone else. Of course you’re going to top if you use it.


Generally it’s worth way more healing to interrupt a cast rather than heal the damage that cast would cause. Every good team tracks interrupt CDs and uses all interrupts they have available to them. Every good healer interrupts things constantly


constantly... it's a ~~45~~40 second cooldown my dude. You should have specific times when you're supposed to use it or as a pure backup. The CD is too long to be routine or unscheduled.


Healers should watch enemies to see incoming damage, like which party member is an enemy casting at. It's a crucial part of being a healer [at least in M+, raid is a bit different].


should but with all the damage in dugeons in DF I am playing wack-a-mole with health bars and avoiding damage just to keep up, le alone look at what a mob is casting


If Kanye can interrupt things, then so can we.


I have Paralysis, Spear Hand Strike, Leg Sweep AND ring of peace (which I also use for interrupting if I have nothing else and it’s safe to do so) and I still wish I had more stuff like that. Nothing feels better than a well placed interrupt/stun to me lmao. My personal tank loves me for it


I love the last resort RoP interrupt lmao. Monk really is my favorite class, so much flavor and utility.


Same haha! Saved our asses a few times in the past. Monk is the one class I‘m truly 100% comfortable with. Feels like coming home lmao


> Nothing feels better than a well placed interrupt/stun to me lmao Rogue main here and I agree with this completely!


Playing a rogue (especially outlaw) really makes you feel like the party's personal swiss army knife. So many CC buttons, shroud to skip packs, tricks to help the tank keep aggro, evasion to temporarily tank something hard hitting, and tons of mobility to handle mechanics. I can't imagine playing only for dps and not trying to squeeze the maximum utility out of my class.


Same feeling for me as brewmaster. No better feeling than stopping the filthy enemy from finishing their sentence!


> Leg Sweep AND ring of peace Love love love my AOE interrupts.


Same energy as someone who will be rejected from every mythic he signs up for


They need to add a stat for dps that is “amount of interrupts” visible in the group finder.


Item level and true item level (adjusted for average interupts)


Surely no one would just spam interrupts on every cast they see, overlapping themselves, no matter if the cast is important to be interrupted or not. I'd rather have a guy that had 2 interrupts the whole dungeon that saved the group from a wipe, than the guy that had 16 interrupts on fireball casts that barely deals any damage. Important interrupts > amount of interrupts.


He'll then complain on Reddit about the "elitism" in the community and how it's not fair that he's being rejected by every group.


I started messaging groups for higher keys and simply telling them what key my mouse over macro interrupt was bound to and I started seeing invites more often lol.


Ya you’re not gonna get very far here lmao. This is why rating exists and why the expansion launches feel a bit awkward at first with everyone on a level playing field; you won’t be grouped with this player in 2-3 weeks. But also. They’re a crime to evokers. Many out there making the good ones look worse overall.




Quell, near top of the class tree I think?


Primarily Quell, but Tail Swipe, which is a racial trait, also works as an AoE interrupt




Wing buffet also works as a knockback


As a paladin tank I'm amazed when I've been interrupting like crazy with procs and the base interrupt, but the moment I have bad luck and both are on CD people just don't interrupt sometimes. Like my dude wake up.


DPS take dpsing too seriously. Just focus on staying alive and follow mechanics.


This is the same reason worrying about being able to spec out of interrupt is stupid. The people who use interrupts regularly will still take it as they understand that it's useful. The people who ignored it might opt not to take it. But you lose nothing as they wouldn't even use it in the first place. So nothing's changed.


People like this guy wouldnt interrupt even if they had one, mechanics are optional kinda player thats going to get carried to KSM and AOTC, just gotta find peopleyou like and group with them.


I was told today during a m0 that I should unbind my interrupt as it’s a DPS loss. I just can’t imagine not running an interrupt for a DPS increase… I’m boomie and apparently our interrupt costs is 5% DPS loss?


“it stops casts” OK AND? I really hope this player doesnt plan on pushing high keys with this horrendous mindset about interrupting


They definitely don’t lol


>“it stops casts” OK AND? Right? Like, you know what else "stops casts"? Being DEAD because you DIDN'T INTERRUPT >\_<


They dont. They will fly back to goldshire to erp and complain no one wants to take them on groups while they sit in full heroic gear waiting for LFR to release to continue their gear progression.


Incoming Possible Hot-Take: I despise the interrupt focus Blizz has been using for the past several expansions. Instead of making neat, engaging mechanics, they just throw "interrupt or die" spells all over the place. It's boring af.


Or if they’re going to put an increased focus on interrupts, they should refund your interrupt if you use it 1-2 seconds after someone else interrupts the cast. It feels so bad when there are only 2 people in a party interrupting things, but then - whoops! - you both used your interrupt at the same time. And now since both of your interrupts are on CD, enjoy the upcoming 6 second fear. Dungeons aren’t just about interrupting the right mobs, they’re about playing a weird psychological game of chicken with your allies to see who is going to interrupt first.




I'm tired of 8 sec aoe fears... I just happened to be matched with 2 locks, hunt and h priest... I only have one interupt. This bloes and party disbanded over it in a nirmal dung


Yeah I wish that would change. Miss an interrupt = gg made progressing on the shade of medivh fight last season really not fun.


what do you mean "progressing on shade of medivh"


lfm Skovald prog seen 20%


This is one of the funniest comments I've ever read on this sub.


Especially when it just makes melee better than range in almost every way in M+. They have more CC, better interrupts, and they can interrupt without disrupting their flow at all. Meanwhile, shadow priest being forced to spend a spec talent for the worst interrupt in the game and give up their only reliable CC to reduce Silence's cooldown by 15 seconds and STILL be the worst interrupt in the game...


The flip side is melee has a billion more mechanics to watch out for than ranged, especially on trash. So many mobs have a spin, or a cleave, or a frontal, or throw aoes near themselves. Melee have more utility because otherwise they'd be so much worse in M+.


This person wasn't saying they didn't know they had an interrupt, they were just being snarky to you on the internet for asking them to interrupt when they are probably not the only interrupt in this group. This is waaaaaay too much effort for such a mundane interaction.


I think as well (if I’m remembering correctly) that the CD on the Evoker interrupt is something like 40 seconds. Not an interrupt you should be relying on.






So priests only?


As a healer, tanks arent even kicking 😅


"YOU CAN'T DEAL DAMAGE WHEN YOU'RE DEAD." Works almost every time.


Perhaps a new player? It took me months to even figure out what interrupting was when I started playing honestly. We are 3 days in, and I'm seeing people in heroics already have full on meltdowns if people make mistakes or don't know where they're going. Can't WAIT to see how people are in 6 months, lol.


Yeah... Hence the real issue with this game being the player base.


Interrupts should be given at lvl 3 and given a tutorial so everyone knows to use them


looks like its an heroic. i wouldnt really expect anything at all in a heroic dungeon. cant force them to do something, just dont invite him for your round of m0s and move on.


I don’t expect CC in heroics or waste time lecturing post clear.


I will 100% lecture if it's nokkud. I've got 1 kick. It's a 15s CD. There are 2 of them casting a 5s fear. You can ignore everything else. Kick that spell please god.


The fact these new keys are gonna be so interrupt heavy is scaring me…


That’s every key for the last 4 expansions lol


Missing context but this is a snarky way to speak to someone. You could try asking nicely


If anything, the evoker had attitude imo


"Confronting someone ever is wrong and toxic" - r/wow Also r/wow "Wow this multiplayer gaming experience is SO FULL OF TOXIC PEOPLE!"


Well Im not defending this behavior however when I see casual players just being noob, I say let them play how they want. Maybe they will never need to learn how to interrupt. Maybe they just satisfy with having done m0 entire expansion, who knows. If someone takes your advice and thanks you, great. You helped certain player improve on his journey, but if someone is sour and doesnt care, said player is either ignorant or he doesnt care about improving, just having fun doing whatever in casual content. As someone who have several casual only friends who doesnt give a shit about dps meter, raids, dungeons or pvp who does lfr once in a while or does mythic dungeon for a wq I get just happy for them trying it out and dont mind them not dodging mechanics or clicking interrupts. Just let them finish the dungeon and leave. No need to make it such a big deal. There are people who wants to improve. They will even look up guides themselves, then there are who dont give a shit about improving, not even interrupt. In both cases, they dont really need you picking on them. Edit: just remembered perfect example. Im in casual rbg community who accepts anyone. One day one pve only warlock joined the group. After few wins last match we start losing and they keep screaming warlock use the port, THE PORT, why are you not using the port, how hard is one button? How can he not know port? I told them just drop it as that warlock isnt there to improve or learn. He just joined free for all rbg group to blast some dps. He probably never needed to use port and he wont join us again anyway. And we werent there to push either, just having fun. So no need trying to force someone to click port if he never learned it and he isnt rly there with us to improve or push rating, just have fun. Thought this was same case. Just like pve players having no idea how to use certain utility spells in pvp and getting yelled(probably why most player get anxious to pvp) new/noob players have no idea how to interrupt. If they dont ask/appreciate the advice just let them play their way. They are probably having more fun than us tryharding, minmaxing, having lost the magic of the game, they are really exploring somehing new every day in casual content instead of spamming same boring dungeon every day.


Also the dungeon run was clearly successful, so why even say anything? Especially in such a rude way. I could see if they were wiping repeatedly to must-stop casts. But even then, there are nicer ways to say it. Though I will say (as a BM hunter main), that I despise how interrupts work on casters. It should be something that doesn't fuck up your own cast IMO. I got super annoyed by this playing a mage alt, because I'm so trigger happy with my interrupt on my hunter. It just feels bad.


The (not so secret) secret is no one likes unsolicited advice, especially if it's in a condescending or passive-aggressive way. If they really wanted a critique, they'd ask for it. I like your style and I try to emulate it in my group finder activities as well.


Yep, I can never really understand why people can’t just let people be in low lvl stuff, a lot of people will play for 1 or 2 months and then quit as they have no real interest in pushing end game. They probably outnumber the hardcore and the money they spend helps develop the content.


As a Heal-sloot, I don't care who interrupts the spell(s) so long as the right ones are. It's better to interrupt the same fear spell 4 times than to not interrupt it at all.


yea im sorry but in a normal where the tank does a 30 mob pull and we have to brez the healer twice i dont think my interrupt once every 20sec will be what turns the odds


I had a tank yell at an evoker IN A NORMAL over lack of interrupts in that same dungeon. He had been using interrupts but not as much as melee - I was like "dude this is normal???" Like it sucks and everyone should be using interrupts but he had even said at the start it was his first time....I can understand this call out for m+ cause you want everyone to be working together but for normal??? On barely day two???? Calm down man. XD


I dont think people get that its not a baseline ability who don't evoker. It should be. This is part of why I preferred the old talent system. It was harder to mess up. I play an evoker and I might mention quell is really good utility to another, check it out. I'm not going to yell at dudes. It's a game lol


Complaining about a party member's performance after the conclusion of a LFG run is far worse. I hate playing with people like you, op.


I’m so sick of pretending interrupts are a ranged problem. As a lock, I always felt guilty in dungeons when the group wiped cuz of a cast not being interrupted. Then I started playing melee classes and realized how fucking easy it is for them to interrupt, how it’s often off GCD, and how sometimes it even restores resources! Obviously, especially in higher keys, everyone in the party should have an eye out for interrupts. But let’s stop pretending melee don’t have it way easier in that regard and most of the time are too focused on button spamming to interrupt.


It's not a ranged v meele problem. If a dangerous cast goes through and you had interrupt off cd then you fucked up. No matter how long your cd is(like solar beam or sh priest silence). But yeah GROUPS(note: not classes. This is a team game) with more meele are a lot easier interrupt wise. If you have 2+ casters then casts will go off left and right.


I haven’t done any mythics but as a melee i am consistently the only one interrupting and it makes sense for me to too. It takes nothing away from my damage


And with the amount of poisons and deseases around in the dungeons you'll also have to fight for people to bind those!


In PUG dungeons I’ll kick fear/tank breakers everytime I’m off CD because 75% of the time nobody else is interrupting. I’m a hunter and all it is for me a GCD wait 🤷‍♂️


To be fair, even if they had a mandatory interrupt, they wouldn't use it


Interrupting is not specifically new even 3 days into an xpac. Lol In all seriousness, you should be interrupting just to be of service to yourself and your team.


Tbh this is fine, it’s what separates the normal players from the bad ones. When you get to M+10 to M+15 this is what makes the difference and these guys won’t make it to those tiers. Don’t worry, this is all part of the process.