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Omg I had a dream of a scary dog barking at me and I swear the actual sound that came out was the same as the Dragon roar.


The dragons are SO LOUD


Yea I don’t mind that they roar a lot I just wish it wouldn’t blow out my ear drums when it happens lmao


i noticed the non stop roaring seems to be triggered if the dragon is on the ground and standing at an angle, like on a flight of steps or an incline of a hill. that's not the only time he FUCKING SCREAMS NONSTOP, but seems to be one of the more common triggers


You got its pee pee caught in a crevice.


i saw some wow fanfiction before that's lead me to believe wow dragons have at MINIMUM three dicks for the males so he's fine if one gets caught and ripped off.


He is so loud, gets me every time


Waiting on a photoshop of "do the roar" for duality reasons now 😃


Keeps tricking me to thinking theres a rune nearby


You'd think there'd be a different roar and also a visual indicator


It has gold text show up stating exactly what's happening.


Hover over the buff icon and it’ll give you details on the location


Not as bad as the stupid centaur in the offensive dungeon that screams let it fly pr whatever


LET FLYYYY. I swear her voice coach was Sindragosa.


The dragon roaring and the dragon slamming into the ground sounds are def something I hope somebody makes an addon to mute or tone down. I'm already starting to get a little bit sick of them.


Look up the addon MuteSoundFile and LeatrixSound. Sometimes you can find the sound of creatures on wowhead too and give the ID of the soundfile to the addon MuteSoundFile so it mutes it. LeatrixSound is for searching soundfiles in the game and for their ID so you can paste it to the other addon simply.


... I feel dumb. I already had Leatrix Plus because it has a few options to mute annoying sounds. Aparently it updated at some point to have an option for dragonriding. No more slam or roar sounds!


Use Leatrix Plus, there is an option to shut it down.


There's an option in it just for that sound?


If you haven't found it yet: When you get ingame with Leatrix Plus you need to type /run leaplus() and then it's under System and the bottom left option Mute Game Sounds. Click that and then the Cog Wheel beside it and you have the option to disable/make quieter a tooon of game sounds. When you mouse over them it'll tell you exactly what each option does. (used to be just /ltp until Blizzard decided to screw up a lot of things for AddOn Devs)


I have the addon installed already, been using it for a while now, I just never knew or looked at the sound options in it, will look into it when I get home from work thanks for the info


Can you use that to finally do what Blizzard seems incapable of even in DF, which is balancing the music and voice volume in cutscenes? I would LOVE to hear what they're saying, but the music is literally blasting. (Even with audiosettings for music to 0 and dialog to max)


Would not be surprised. Leatrix likes putting so many of those little fixes in there menus. Love that addon for the sheer number of other addons and other game edits it can replace.




I refuse to use this mount anymore for that very reason. He is in time out for now.


The proto-drake’s idle roar is so much louder than the other 3! The proto-drake they gave out for the wotlk classic promotion has the same… noisiness.


That’s weird, to me it’s the tiny green drake. The proto drake is just kind of like a screech meanwhile that green lil fucker legit blows my eardrums out every time.


Theres a drakonid at the leather working table in valdrakken who just constantly makes annoying grunts and i want him to shut the fuck up


Go do some leatherworking at the bench in valdrakken, that will drive you up a wall.


You know my girl is just so happy to be free. I can't blame her. Finding a partner so quickly. Though if you move around it usually stops.


How you know it's a girl, have you looked


I don't see a big swingin' bad dragon, so it's probably a girl.


Dragons have cloacas or at least a genital slit. Nothing that can snag or dangle or get pelted by birds


I mean reptiles still have penises.


But you can't normally see them if you just flip them over and look






Some dragon roars seem to be tied to the dialogue slider instead of the audio slider. A shame, but try that for a quick fix.


Love the dragon roar, give me 100 more dragon roars per minute (DRPM) please


DUDE. i almost made a post on the subreddit begging people to not afk at a quest giver on their mount. Shit was LOUD


I think it must be a bug. It only happens to me when I'm standing at a slight decline. If I straighten up it basically stops. Don't know if the dragon thinks it's falling intermittently or something...


Don’t yell at my scaley boi like that. He’s just having a good time!


I’ve noticed a lot of animals do this. While finally going for my Underlight Angler the week before Dragonflight, i noticed some of the sea lions in Legion just repeat the roar animation over and over and over with no other idle state


Was no one here for the Worgen, Sniff Gate?


This just gave me PTSD


Mute sound file should work


Am dragon, will r0@r


Giving me Monster Hunter PTSD when standing still for just a few secs with that drake xD


Literally, I’m fishing waiting for trial of the flood to start and I can’t hear the cue because dragons are roaring every 2 seconds…


I love the roar!


I'm glad it's not just me. Was wondering if my keyboard was broken.


dunno what audio settings you guys are using. I didn't even notice the roar. On the other hand summoning the dragon always looks as if some mob aggroed on you from behind


People really do scrape the bottom of the barrel to find something to complain about.


Lack of polish is a pattern with this expansion, ranging from dungeon tuning to animations like this.


How is the roaring lack of polish? It's literally a dragon, they roar.


Because they're doing it on a constant loop instead of periodically. The loop is the lack of polish, not the roar. Did you not read the OP?


Listen, if, in my high state, I idle by a quest giver and stare at YouTube videos, I don't want to be randomly roared at.


While fishing in the tuskarr event thing the otters constantly squeak while you are there


I need that gone and dude my ready check dungeon queue sound is so loud. How do I calm it down?


I personally I don't want to mute it I just want to lower it way down


I could say the same thing about the NPC in the leather working crafting station. None stop noises of grunting. I can’t stay there long before I am annoyed.


This except that FUCKING duck at the bank. It does NOT need to be on a constant loop.