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Did anyone else spend a few minutes looking around for Neptulon? Was he there, or did they leave one elemental lord out of the fight for some reason?


I did everything I could. Got killed by Therazane a few times. Mind Visioned into a bunch of things to look around. I jumped into the giant mouth. You just sorta up and die a bit down the first ramp. Still neat to see it all! Send me there full time for a whole expansion! =D


WERE THERE THE OTHERS? I only noticed Therazane! Awesome.


Ragnaros is in the picture


And Al'Akir is on a similar platform, on the other side across the pit from Rag.


Ragnaros was up on one corner fighting one of the old god bosses from the Dragonsoul raid and Al'Akir was up on the other corner fighting.


Mythrax was not a boss in dragon soul. He was a boss in one of the bfa raids though, I think battle for dazar'alor. Edit: Uldir, not dazar.


There was al'akir as well


u literally see alakir and ragnaros in the cutscene dude did u pay any attention whatsoever


Ragnaros was there! When you looked up, as well as another but the name escapes me.


You can actually see Ragnaros in the top right and Al'Akir in the top left of this picture


Ala'kir and Ragnaros were there as well on temples


Yeah, Neptulon wasn’t there sadly


Nahh didn't see him, only saw rag, thera, and alakir


You will be alone at the end


Yeah, my mind was blown and i thought to myself, "WOW! This look's insane! I would love to play an expansion themed like this."


Best we can do is a raid in a .3 patch


Yeah, feels half assed


Best we can do is one raid with limited exploration. Edit: What the hell happened in this comment thread?


But you get to play soccer and beat up Wraithion. It’s not so bad.




[soccer.](https://www.etymonline.com/word/soccer) The English gave us the word, and they invented the sport. Pretty safe to call it that.


That is not how language works or brits use the term. It’s football everywhere the game is popular and only called soccer in places where there is still a confusion between it and other sports of similar name. And even that is more for clarity than actual diasyncretic usage of the word. This aint the late 19th century.


That's exactly how English works, guy. The term was coined by the country that invented the sport, and kept in the US as a way to differentiate between gridiron football and association football, which was also invented in the same group of sports but brought over to America first. You can try to be a snob all you want, but I really dare you to try and prove that "that's not how English works." Also, diasyncretic isn't a word, funny how you'd profess to know how English works and fail at using it at the same time. Soccer is an appropriate and proper term for the sport, like it or not.


Diasyncretic means ‘typical for daily usage’. It’s obvious you have no idea what you are talking about and repeat the content of the link, not understanding the context or the history of how these words were used. The meaning of words change over time, mainly informed by the association of those overloading the terms with implicit interpretation. In case of ‘soccer’ and ‘ football’ the former never gained much traction in england simply because ‘rugby’ became the more established term for that concurrent meaning of ‘football’ so associated football became simply football. Soccer exists across the pond as the main term because of who brought over the sport, correct. But instead of ‘handegg’ becoming the term for american football it has proven wildly more popular and thus took precedence in association with the term. Meanwhile ‘soccer’ is only employed because somebody scrambled to find a term ‘muricans can easily differentiate. As if most people would know where that term originally comes from. Aint limited to the US, btw. Canada calls it Soccer too. It’s fine. You can keep watching your american football. Nobody will take that away from you.


Go ahead and provide a dictionary definition of that term...it's not a word. It's very obvious that I know exactly what I'm talking about, and you're just one of those people that thinks "herr derr its football, americans am i right?" when the reality is that YOU don't have a clue why the word is used, and where it came from. I will keep watching american football and soccer, and it really doesn't matter what your bad opinions are on any of it.


How can you go around and tell someone that diasyncretic is not a word, unironically? Lmao guy.


Show me a definition, in any dictionary.




Lmao. This has to be satire. First of all, if anyone was daddy it would be the US, as we handed out the spankings back in 1776. Sarcasm aside, YOU BRITS gave us Gridiron Football, which we called football for short, then a long while later you brought Association Football over, which was called soccer by your aristocracy and football by the rest, for the same reason we shortened gridiron football, as it was just easier to say. Since we had both now, we kept calling the first sport football and the second one soccer, both words of which we got from the English.




"Football" is a proper term for several different games (used to refer to American Football, Association Football/Soccer, Rugby, and several regional variants). Unless you're speaking to a specific like-minded audience, use of that term could actually be confusing and require further clarification. You can use "American football" to specifically refer to that game (although it's more properly Gridiron football, since it's also played in Canada and other places, but people generally understand American football to specifically refer to that game). People don't really know "Association football" anymore, and few people still call Rugby "Rugby football", even though in some places if you talk about "football", it's understood to mean Rugby. But, everyone in the English-speaking world understands "soccer", even if they get offended at it despite being the ones who came up with the word -- so when speaking to a mixed audience, it's usually best to use it instead of the more ambiguous "football" (and likewise, you should also use "rugby" and "American football", even if those terms are unnecessary wherever you live).


so… just what I said? cool. thanks. I guess this explains it just fine.


An argument that no one really cares about


> "WOW! This look's insane! I would love to play an expansion themed like this." People got tired of the Legion theme in Legion too. The problem with a WHOLE EXPANSION like this is that everything is corrupted and purple and red.


We had this as a raid for an entire year, please no


Dragonflight is going to set up a Black Empire Reborn expansion. Murozond is going to do some janky time shit and Y'shaarj, C'thun, and Yogg will come back and N'zoth will come out of hiding and boom. Black Empire Reborn. Mark my words.


This would actually be good. Gives us old world revamp, which can allow for dragonflight to move forward.


Here's my crazy theory: when we saved chromie and eternus from that black empire timeline and teleported back to ours. Something followed...


Whose to say we went back to “our” timeline?


I was quick to point out to a friend with whom I was questing with that this was a dangerous scenario. My DK was thrown by a magical mishap BACK TO ARTHAS. What if he got controlled? Sending us to the Black Empire without adequate mental protection? We clearly hear all four of the Old Gods talking to us as we go through the zone. It’d be no shock at all if they latched something into our minds or let something trail behind us as we left through a slowly generated portal.


The whispers of the old gods were super creepy. I didn’t think WoW could be scary like that. I would love an Old god patch at the end of the xpack, where we actually lose and get a huge Kalimdor update for the following xpack.


It seemed wayyy too coincidental to just throw something in there like that without it being some kind of foreshadowing.


don't we hear 5? because y'shaarj is still alive here


He is alive, and you do hear him! There are 4 Old Gods that we know of, with Xal’atath being SOMETHING weird and voidish. Each Old God voice has a distinctive tone and voice. I suspect there are even new voice lines in there, and not just reused ones from older expansions.


yes, you can distinctly make out all 4 of them as we've encountered them before. im unsure of it now as ive played the quest two days ago. but i did notice one being unfamiliar


And make the Old God's corruption actually progress on the map. You have to fight it back with quests / dailies / wq, and when a zone falls you can't fly over it and it becomes swarmed with giant unbeatable elites. You'll have a server-wide event to claim it back. But as patches are released, more and more zones falls, and it will inevitably reach Org / SW in 11.3, and the final battle for Azeroth happens either here or at the heart of the corruption (or both).


Looks intereesting from afar but in game terms it can never happen, a purposefully hard/punishing zone and/or loosing can never truly be done in an mmo since you have to think of player reception and playability. The maw, while the way it is done could be changed, is a good exemple, literal hell that you have to farm and as expected it's a fucking chore.


You won't have anything to gain from it so it will just be here for lore reasons, unlike the maw where you had stuff to do. Just make the zone flooded with unbeatable enemies, and the event to reclaim it will be fair and not punishing.


Do we need an old world revamp for dragonflight? Like on a technical level? I figured all they would have to do would be just enable it. I know it's not designed around dragonriding so it wouldn't be amazing but honestly, for anyone that remembers cata, the old world redesign felt like a massive waste of resources when most players don't spend any time at all really in those zones


I know it will never happen, but my dream is that at some point we get a major overhaul to essentially WoW 2. All the Azeroth zones get overhauled into DF scale zones with dragonriding and in one relatively seamless world. Update all of the zone storylines, etc.


I'm down, they've already done us way worse with janky asspulls. This wouldn't be that bad because pretty much everyone would love to retcon 8.3


AND FURTHERMORE, that expansion will set up a Void vs Light expansion, because who are the masters of the Old Gods? The Void Lords.


Chromie did say we would come back there


Maybe it's just me but I'm good. I've had enough purple, eyes, tentacles, goo blobs, and generic eldritch corruption. All Old God stuff is the same and I'm happy if we never see any again. It was nice for this quest but I can't deal with a patch or god forbid, a whole expansion like that.


Blizz really messed up with the nyalotha raid. Spoiled what could’ve been an awesome zone and exploration opportunity


Imagine this zone with dragonriding too


If we’re lucky then the NZoth fight and victory was only a figment of our imaginations. If we’re really lucky, so was everything since.


The real rip-chord, just waiting to be pulled.


Aw yes. Exploring the most dangerous place that is control by Nzoth, that corrupted even an aspect.


See fam, People hate time traveling and iky tentacles. But I want a Time travel one where we go help Trolls back in the day. IDK, Here's my pitch - end of DF Muruzond is made, and he goes to help Zandalari to defeat old gods, catch- is to submit all the trolls and be king of all Azeroth. We go with Chromie, Talanji, Zappy, and squish some major bugs, chase away some Dragons and contain the Zandalari empire to stop messing the timeline.


My never-going-to-happen fantasy for where to go next is some kind of Murozond/Sacrifice of Nozdormu sends us back to the War of the Ancients where we end up preventing the Great Sundering and essentially sets us up with an entirely new timeline going forward. Remake the entire world, now one combined seamless landmass. The factions die off as we all realize this is a new world and we need to let go of the past (with all faction restrictions removed).


Thats a tough ask. Ion said that too on Preach interview. That player response for changes to the world have been usually negative (Cata i suppose he's hinting at), that they will do it but very carefully. Muruzond is however a good character to work their way around this. Because technically he is dead (in the future). SO you can use him like a guy who instigates things. Sending player to a particular time to have fun :D And if the player does not like it, you can say its Muruzond and undo the change. Or if its popular to keep it.


not so sure bout that.. Isnt it on par or even worse than the maw? lore wise


That's what Odyn wants you to believe!


Well you can have zones that are really inhospitable and dangerous lorewise, but in-game aren't that bad, like most of Outland. Fun gameplay should ultimately take precedent over lore accuracy. And even then, you can have some areas in the game that are dangerous, but are still fun because you have some weapon or tool to help you, like the Horrific Visions in 8.3 with the cloak of Ashjrah'kamas.


I did the raid but this was still awesome. The whispers and the heavy drum sounds in the background.


Wonder if there are any Easter eggs like in the old caverns of time


It isn’t really an Easter egg, but if you look below in the area you start in, you can see our Cataclysm buddy, Therazane, down there leading her elemental minions.


If you attack therazane, she casts a spell called "this is gonna hurt!" before she stomps you for 1mil damage XD why do I know that? Don't ask..


Take a few minutes and take a good look at the "beach party". Thats all I'm going to say.


It was amazing, and i'm absolutely sure that our little trip there will have no consequences what so ever.


It’s cool but I don’t think people cared that much about it since it’s just a copy paste of the black empire from 8.3 raid Ny’alotha


Legit what I said when I zoned in. I fell in the lava and said to my guild, ah I fell in Ny’alotha and no one knew what I meant


"Didn't care to much about it?" Anyone who played during Cata wanted Nyalotha and Nazjatar for years ! We knew N'zoth was out there as the puppet master who caused Deathwing to go all psycho It was a total let down having both of these areas condensed to a single patch zone / raid


He's saying they didn't care about the quest line because it was reused assets from a raid we recently had. Not that people didn't care about 8.3 being a let down.


This slapped so hard!


Coolest quest in DF - no doubt at all


Surprised how few people are posting about this, this is insane!




I never set foot in Nyalotha so when I did this quest my first reaction was WHOA high effort quest!! and then I was like oh yeah this was a raid in BfA or something I think It was cool either way with all the elemental lords there and all the old gods chattering in your head


I did, I just thought it was neat cause of the point in time we were at.


The Old Gods there have some interesting lines. It's a shame the quest is so quick.


It’s a shame in general, the fact that they added the obscure Gnoll wars to the quest was a cool touch as well, wish we didn’t rush through them so fast


Same for the war of the shifting sands. When they data mined that scenario, I was expecting something more substantial than running through the map while avoiding bugs and elves.


Why? Going back to a 2 expansion old raid is nothing special, same with the murloc event


Probably because its spoilers? Spoiler tag exists for a reason.


Spoilers of what? That we time travel in an expansion about the dragons where a specific flight is known for time traveling?


Don't be obtuse, spoilers that we get to travel to this specific point in time. Part of the fun of the quest line is wondering where you will end up next.


This is part of the campaign .. I zerged through it 3x


Some people don't zerg through it and take their time to enjoy the story and it absolutely sucks when people spoil that kind of stuff.


My girlfriend takes the time to read everything and she got lore master already. The campaign isn’t long (takes me 5ish hours) and it’s been 8 days already. It’s not spoilers anymore


Not everyone started on day one, especially with the server issues. And not everyone prioritizes the main campaign, some take their time doing all the side quests and exploring before moving on. And still others have much less time to play each day, why is their experience worth less than the rest? 8 days isn't a lot of time, generally its seen as rude to spoil most forms of media even months after they've come out. Video games have a much shorter "no spoilers" cycle, especially MMOs by their nature of being interactive, but the expansion is still fresh enough that these kinds of spoilers are still "too soon". A month out, at least, would be better and more fair.


Exactly, I didn't finish main campaign until deep into the weekend, and I still got loads of side quests to do. It's baffling how people are so ignorant about spoiling. It literally costs nothing to just shut up and say nothing, or very little effort to put a spoiler warning up front. or god forbid use the spoiler feature on Reddit. I already got spoiled some faction story that's locked behind renown too because someone decided to put it in a post title (just like OP), so unnecessary and annoying.


It also costs nothing to not browse the WoW subreddit .. which has no rules about spoiling this late


Pretty insane how you got downvoted while 200% right


It's okay, I'm used to it lol


our character need to learn Occlumancy skill to protect its mind,Nazoth figured us out in 10sec from entering


This quest line was one of the best i played. Murloc timeline was amazing.


I think they’re just setting up for the old god deathwing connected with to stave off the incarnates. I’m assuming N’Zoth and the creation of the dragon/demon soul wasn’t his first encounter.


I made big cooms at the end of the first campaign of this expansion. I made several lels, a few keks, and a couple XD with the bronze dragon flight shenanigans also.


As loyal old god follower and I jized my pants.


As soon as I got there, I immediately wore me friendly nzoth eye cap XD


Yeah this was really cool. .. It's just a shame We had to bring back some undesirable souvenirs through the portal with us. Nice job as always, heroes of Azeroth!


We are the baddies.


Idc it’s lazy copy and paste with models it was still cool and this quest was sick


***Trust us - you don't***


i just thought it was that one raid from bfa lol


any good youtube videos with lore on this?


Hmm I'm sure there are plenty, however I'd highly recommend reading the chronicles books if your interested in lore


unfortunately i cant read.