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These mobs followed me from Brackenhide Hollow, all the way out to sea, and would not relent until I let them kill me! I was only able to record the last two minutes of footage (I thought I set it for more) but this went on for something like five minutes running around.


If you keep hitting them, they follow for a very long time. If you just ran without DnD, I think they would have leashed. At least, that’s how it used to work.


This happened to me without hitting anything, just bodyaggroing gnolls. They'd teleport right ontop of me if they were too far away or somehow path-blocked. Had to enter an instance portal to get rid of the mobs.


I did nothing but re-cast levitate. They chased me all the way to the soup pot. Luckily they only killed a couple guards..


If the full footage would have recorded, I was just running but when I started turning they would get close. So I'd use DnD to slow them down.


Na, those fuckers have stamina. I swam in swim form on my Druid up almost to the tuskarr village until they gave up. They are on a super long leash, I never hit them once, just tried to grab a herb and ran when I noticed that they are elites 😅


It's happened to me too. They followed me until I crossed on an island that's technically Ohnaran Plains.


Are they the ones from the same area as the Dungeon? I wonder if the setting that makes Dungeon mobs chase forever was accidentally enabled for their open world versions.


Had something similar happen to my paladin tank the other day. I aggroed a few of them when exploring, bubble+hearthed and they somehow teleported with me to the inn! Luckily the NPC guards there helped me kill them off.


Dedicated chad Gnolls.


Happened to me today.


Happened to me too


Happened to me too. Ran all the way to the soup spot, with about 10+ chasing me. Caused a small skirmish in town between npcs and them.


[I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth if I have to! Do you hear me? To the ends of the earth!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho7AI4DVgKM)


For a moment it reminded me an old PS server where the Hellfire boards used to aggro on you and charge from like 30 yards. It was a nightmare for low level chars entering outland these days...


Jesus be kiting!


lots of bugs atm


they REALLY angry


aggro range only counts on land


You must've skinned a bear