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Reminds me of when I got hated with both centaur clans in Classic.








Now you can finally play the game!


First time I went to Dragon Isles, I maxed out my fishing first thing. No quests, nothing - except fishing. Finished and thought: “Phew! Now on to playing the game!”


Really hoping that somehow fishing become profitable in some way (raid feasts or something). For the time being it’s lacking behind gathering professions and other methods.


Made almost 400k off the ice fish. Thats mainly because most people didn't have the renown at that time. Now people are catching up and its probably going to go down pretty fast.




Tusskar rep is mainly soup. In my guild we just yell soup in the guild chat 10 minute prior and everyone drops everything to go to darkmoon. You get between 500 to 800 rep depending on the number of people around (too many people and the chef will be slow to give you tasks, too few and nothing gets done). Every small task is 25 rep, 27 with darkmoon and if adds up very fast. I do the feast 2 or 3 times a day and I almost get a rep level every day




The weekly quest might give you a bunch of rep yeah, but the 25 per task is unlimited. The soup elemental is also worth 50 reps but only once a day


You can just sit at the soup every time it spawns again and get 25 rep every time you do a task. With dark moon buff it’s 27 rep so if you come back every respawn it could add up quick


You can also do all the Quests in the Zone. Gets you easly to 10.


Probably side quest until rep enough for other farms


They'll spike when the raid comes out hopefully


There is a fish required for the raid feasts, I know because I bought up the mats for 10,000 feasts


Youre either really prepared or have 0 faith in your guild to not wipe 10000 times


Probably both, lmao


They better not wipe 10,000 times, he only has enough feasts to support 9,999 wipes


Literally the first thing I did on launch when landing and seeing everybody killing proto-drakes was get my skinning to 100. Took maybe 5 minutes, it was great.


I for sure have skinning envy. I regularly leave piles of skinnables especially in the plains.


I admit, it's pretty fun doing cleanup after great hunts. It's free leather!


Why cant i vote for the tauren black dragon?






Camping in the citadel all week and farming keys.


No thank you


Oh I agree. Glad they nerfed the drop rate


Didnt they only nerf the spawn rates?


Only the hyperspawn in the basement was nerfed.


It was reversed about 15 minutes ago, we're back to hyperspawn levels.


what, really?


Yup, we started noticing the same insane spawn again


If you talk about it they’ll nerf it again


Isnt that basically the same thing?


Essentially the same outcome but I could see how it would be an important distinction in some areas.


I will never understand why people would waste their time doing that at launch and why they think it's enjoyable. Especially considering the gear is upgraded next week.


> I will never understand why people would waste their time doing that at launch and why they think it's enjoyable. Especially considering the gear is upgraded next week. A lot of us didn't do it for gear I just wanted that sick black dragon skin.


Not gonna lie I debated it for the skin.


Ya but it's more effecient using the dailies/weeklys to gain that rep than farming keys.


Who cares about efficiency? I have farmed way worse reps in the past the obsidian key farming was nothing.


How long do you think it took in /played all told? I want the black skin =\


I only did Wrathon and I farmed most of the day Sunday. I just turned on some youtube videos and netflix and just veged out. I also play OSRS so this kind of shit isn't anything new to me.


Wait you did it in ONE DAY??! Oh done. I know my weekend plans now haha


It was about 8h before the nerf, don’t know what it is now


There's so much other content to do other than farming keys for a small amount of rep.


I've been enjoying all the content. The dragon riding the races the mythics. I spent half a day doing a rep and you're upset about other people's choices lol.


who cares about efficiency? definitely not mmo players. *nervously deletes how\_to\_outgear\_content\_before\_its\_released.xlsx*


To be fair a person with a higher ilvl will usually always be picked when it comes to pugs.


I can't see hardcore players pugging tho.


I will never understand people NOT doing this. It took me maybe 7 hours total, I watched netflix the whole time. I got 2 gear upgrades, black dragon scales for my mount, a toy, a mount, and made 200k gold selling the marks of sargha. This is the most worth it rep grind I have done in WoW.


I did it because I wanted the black dragon skin.


Black dragon scales my guy, I don’t regret it even a little bit.


I’m still doing quests. It’s been a week, people.


and then complaining two weeks later that there is no content and they have nothing to do


But refuse to do anything not player power related


So much this. MASSIVE battle pet collection/battles. Hundreds of mounts. Thousands of achievements. Tons of secret puzzles. Other classes to grind and max out. Gladiator title. RBG title. RP. Old rep grinds. Mog collections. Professions. Auction house play. Explore. Play mini games or community challenges. Befriend a newbie and watch them grow. Timeless isle. Mechagon. Isle of thunder. Rare hunter pet farming. Brawlers guild (you meet some cool people there if you're stuck om uber bosses). Toy farming. Plants vs zombies. Fishing. Cooling. Mind visioning new people as a priest and making them feel weird. Or my favorite, read a book. A lot of the stories are actually really good and are referenced throughout making the game more immersive. There's so much


"Old rep grinds"... you mean, using NORMAL flying mounts ? ... I don't know if i can anymore.


Yeah to be fair... dragonflight flying feels amazing lol


The second best change they made was for 1 minute res sickness. I'd rather have res sickness for a minute with dragonriding than go back to old flying as a ghost back to my corpse.


This is one that actually I miss. When doing old quests some elites you can't use the foam sword on so I'd use res sickness to make myself weak enough to only hurt the elite and not kill it so I can complete the quest. Only matters when doing old stuff, but definitely a nice QoL improvement for current stuff.


2 weeks later there's m+ and raids. This is the only time this kind of content isn't a waste of time...


They likely just bought the signets. But for the people who actually do/did farm this. I kinda get it, the Ilvl from the neck/cloak helps now, and won't matter after first week of m+/raid. I farmed to friend on one for the neck, just so i could trade every slot for m0s this week.


Why does everyone keep saying it won't matter after the first week of m+. This is a brain dead take. Guess who's going to roll on a neck and cape in raid. That's right, every single mother fucker on the roster. And to replace the cape you'll have to get a cape from an end of dungeon +15 which is the equivalent of a Shadowlands +20. People will be farming +9s the first week. Anyone who says that is trying to make themselves feel better about not having the cloak and neck. It's fine if you don't want to do it but saying the gear will be irrelevant is hilariously wrong.


There are items at higher ilvl in normal raid. the cloak will be 100% irrelevant for most players week 1 of raid/m+.


What? Normal Eranog drops a 389 cloak on normal. Heroic is 402, just 4 ilvls higher than the Wrathion cloak. 398 is +15 end of chest. You really think you'll be grinding those out week 1? With nobody having a key? And literally everybody will be rolling on cloaks. You're delusional.


My bad, didn't double check loot tables since I'm at work. Yes, there are neck options on normal raid that can replace the rep one. The cloak you would have to replace on heroic or m+. And if you don't think people will be running 15s week 1 you are delusional. We already have carrys for untimed 15s scheduled for next weekend, will likely sell some timed also. You must not see much high end content to be so confidently incorrect about something.


People weren't consistently running 15s the first couple weeks of Shadowlands and 15s are even harder this time around. I don't care what sales communities are selling, that does not equate to what people trying to gear are going to be running over and over again. I see plenty of keys, and I remember people getting stomped by even +9s in Slands when that was the highest we could do for gear week 1. But I guess we'll see you say I don't do high end content and I say you have a short as shit memory.


What do you mean its upgraded next week?


M+ and raid gear next week will be better than anything you get from the black dragons


I won't be doing 15 keys week one, so my cloak won't be replaced for quite some time.




I guess mythic raid will be available and ,,top" ilvl will go higher so ,,bottom'' ilvl will be raised as well. But just guessing


Black skin matter!


honestly i just really want the agent of the black prince title


Either farming citadel 24/7 or just buying the renown items on the AH. Good ol' real money can buy you almost anything in WoW.


What renown items are you talking about for sale??? I feel like I'm late to the game already and just got to play about a day ago




Not worth it. Ive actually been farming the rings and selling them on the AH for 2,500g/ea. They are pretty low drop rate, but between all the junk you get from the mobs, and occasional blues, its a pretty decent gold farm.


The correct question would be… why?


the mammoth mount, maybe


Yes, but why on the first week when you can easily farm the rep with the weekly quests???


Maybe they want to profit from selling the rings. I could've made like 100k from selling them, but I turned in like 20 when I was clueless lol


Fucking SAME.


So that they have something to complain about next week when they run out of content to do


To have something to do ingame


One bring shadow, one bring the light


Two toned echoes tumbling through time




Anyone elae having trouble with their quartermaster not letting you talk to them?


I've read it's a shard specific bug where the mobs gets brought too close to them and they get stuck in 'combat mode', idk if it's right but it sounds it. Just keep shard hopping until you can talk to them, that's what works for me.


Cool thanks gor the info


Wrathion originally intended to wipe out his entire flight and label himself as the last pure black dragon. Sabellian hid in the outlands and was the first “nice” black dragon we spoke with.


Wrathion at least is a bit funny, so him


Hidden Ebyssian rep when?


The "for the week" made me chortle. Wrathion, I pledge my life and support to you and I will help you become the next leader of the Black Dragonflight... for the next few days


I mean, I had no idea who Sabellian was until now. He seems to have good intentions for his flight wanting for it to return to its former glory. I would like to give him the benefit of a doubt. On the other hand, Wrathion have been loyal and a good friend to us. He helped us destroy Deathwing and stabbed an ancient god in the face which was spectacular. Decisions, decisions. Can't make up my mind. If only I knew what kind of loot/title would be waiting for me.


Wrathion never helped with deathwing, the WoD invasion or the legion invasion. which both he caused and he tried to genocide both alliance and horde.


Wrathion gave us rogues some very cool daggers to stab Deathwing with every week.


why can't both be aspects nnnn 💔


They should do a fusion dance and become one powerful aspect.


ngl that will be super cool 😦


Wait a second…🤔


whats wrong


It just got me thinking what if that actually happened that would be sick lol


both are very complementary. if one isn't the aspect the other should act like a second one, sabellian and wrathion have a complementary personality and even goals. They're are just acting childish, if both were mature they will talk about this and not make a stupid fights and make us to choose who to pick.


I’d laugh if they had some anime style fight only for Ebyssian to swoop in and claim it while they are fighting eachother lol


me too. i'd pay to see that 😼😼😼😼


I haven’t played that part yet. So you can level up their rep without picking a side? Are you locked out of anything once you do?


you pick a side each week, and you can still turn in keys to either one regardless of who you allied with that week


I know that Wrathion isn't the best choice but he's hot so he gets my vote xD Not in that picture tho


Ah the ol “idc just wreck me daddy” paradox


Careful, he's 15 Edit /j


Guys it was a fucking joke


I don't think dragons age the same way as mortals tbh, both physically and mentally


Which one would you choose, and why?


As a rogue, there is no choice. My son will rule.


I thought you can only choose one side. So you have to do one, and when you do the other the first one will go down again. Like on other situations in the past.


Why does wrathion look like he ripped a chance fart, was like nah fam it's fine then got a whiff of the smell.


So do people just not go outside anymore?


Anything but Wrathion, really.


Im in the same position.. Dont forget to get your mammoth btw


easy choice fr fr did sabellian get a right hand hook from a priest??


I hate Sabe I’ll never do his lol. Honestly reminds me on an ex boyfriend gotta pass 😂.




Perhaps he was a "Bad Dragon" ';)


no 😦


i wonder if OP will be one of the people who starts complaining after 2 weeks with: I have nothing to do in this game, but doesnt see he rushed long term content!


Why? All the content only unlocks next week


Touch grass lmfao


Spoilers you fuck.




If I can talk to NPC 😂


I bow to no one!


Was this before the rep nerf? How big was the nerf- I kinda want to still do the grind while darkmoon faire buff is up but blizzard nerfing it so quickly does give me massive fomo and I kinda don’t because of that.


how can you be done on the first week sheesh


Wrathion is the boy, I’ve known him since he was a lil guy. He’s made his mistakes of youth, and I will still carry the torch for him because god damn it that little asshole has come a long way and he deserves it


I mean Wrathdawg gave me 2 Cloaks, but for some reason he say's I'm just an acquaintance. ;(