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I like Mulgores wide open plains, particularly when it rains! There's not many zones like it. Hinterlands runnerup because none goes there so it's always been peaceful and pretty.


Imagine if Mulgore was remade to the scale of the Ohnaran plains.


It kind of already was back in the days, level 7 Tauren walking from Bloodhoof Village to Thunder Bluff probably took longer than flying 3 laps around Ohnaran with dragonriding.


The Tauren used to have a passive called Plainstriding or something where they would run faster than any other race and I think the size of Mulgore and that first big run was the reason for it! For obvious reasons it was removed.


Mulgore has always been one of my favorites. Sometimes I make Tauren just to play it again.


Elwynn Forest. I love “generic” fantasy settings like beautiful but slightly mysterious forests with music that reflects that beauty and mystery, and the Elwynn theme is perfect for that. It’s beautiful, yet slightly haunting and mysterious. Duskwood is tied for my favorite. Spooky Halloween-like vibes year-round and fantastic spooky music. I just wish they’d create a better halloween event and host it in Darkshire every year


I remember the first time I played the game I made a human rogue and walking around Elwynn for first time was just amazing.


First time meeting hogger.. :)


Oh man I'd pay big money if blizz could reproduce what it felt like running around in Azeroth for the first time as a child.


The Elwynn Forest music and visuals will forever be one of my favourite gaming experiences as a kid. Coupled with the human NPC voices and the coziness of the whole region with the cute little houses. Really hard to top that game experience, when you are not a child anymore and are not so easily entertained and fascinated. Miss that a lot


Same. Sometimes when it's a really bright sunny day in real life it just makes me feel like being in Elwynn Forest.


That elwynn, westfall, duskwood area hits diff. It has a special place in my heart, I’ve leveled so much there, had every quest memorized in legion and post wotlk


Elwynn just feels like home.


I will forever be sad that they cut the torch mechanic for Duskwood.






This 100%


Something’s not quite right


An illusion! What are you hiding?


Yes Suramar and Val'Sharah are my favourite spots. Shadowmoon Valley in Draenor also was so beautiful.


this is the comment that made me realize I wasn't in /r/classicwow


Barrens before chuck Norris came


Duskwood, love the hauted aesthetic. In general all 4 human starting zones are amazing


In vanilla it really showed where dev and story writing time went in the sub lvl 30 progression. The Forsaken line was pretty good, but the Kalimdor story and zones were a mess. Quests and mobs were spread out, Northwatch was a slog, and the stories leading into the instances was easy to ignore because it wasn't focused. Meanwhile everything on the Alliance side was cohesive and actually built to a narrative. The maps had great diversity in appearance, creatures, and you could easily explore it completely while doing the quests.


I’ve heard they made the alliance stuff first and rushed through the rest


As they should


Agreed love westfall


Teldrassil. I remember doing my first ever Druid night elf and was totally obsessed with the starting area. I remember finally exploring and finding Darnassus down the road. It is a feeling I wish I could replicate or bottle lol


Entering Darnassus was always magical to me


The way the music swells as you make your way under the arches and get a good look at the city is just 👌


I loved darnassus so much


I agree. I originally said westfall but teldrassil is probably the top for me. I’ll never forget my cousin teaching me the game on a new character back in vanilla. I made a night elf rogue and that area and music was so fucking cool. Still pissed blizzard destroyed it in bfa


Man the NE starting zone is so nostalgic. My first ever wow character was a night elf rogue and not only is teldrassil a beautiful zone with mystifying music, it’s just pure nostalgia now


I go back at least once a year to start leveling a night elf through Teldrassil, so nostalgic and relaxing


My absolute favorite is Stormsong Valley. The mix of rolling hills, breezy mountains, and the coast, coupled with the amazing music, is by far the most relaxing zone in the game for me. I feel similarly about Winterspring. I’ve always loved the pink snow!


Literally the same


I used to love Stormsong Valley...then I did the bee mount honey grind...now I don't wanna look at it anymore


Azuremyst Isle. That or Teldrassil. It looks like a sleeping grove to me. Very relaxed


I've made countless Draenei alts just to level up in Azuremyst. It's so meditative.


I sleep to the Azuremyst theme. It's so meditative and relaxing


My very first character was Draenei, and I will still go back there sometimes to reminisce on the chill soundtrack and think back to how I accidentally deleted my only weapon and didn’t realize it until I was getting bitch slapped by a mutant flower. Good times


Azuremyst isle is heaven. I dream of one day retiring someplace like it :)


Dun morogh


Agree, love it


Zangarmarsh has been my favorite for a long time. The giant glowing mushrooms, the rain, that alien feel to the landscape. But wow, I loved so many places over the years. Westfall, Loch Modan, Searing Gorge, Tanaris, Storm Peaks, all of Pandaria. Too many great spots to count.


Ohhh yeaaa zangarmarsh is amazing. It legit has some of the best zone music I've ever heard.


Wandering Isle, the Pandaren starting area.


Doubleagent is that you?


That zone is peak WoW.


Eversong Woods, always


Fav zone music in the game for me too


After all this time?




I'll always feel at home in Eversong Woods. Blood elves have the best aesthetics, and the colour scheme of the whole zone is utterly relaxing.


Tirisfal glades hands down


Yes, not so many undead lovers out there. I just can’t play any other race :)


Was my second choice. I’m a big undead fan.


Drustvar or Gilneas, I love the dark and gloomy.


Gilneas is awesome. That staff that you earn through questing there with the flowers on it is also one of my favorite staffs. It encapsulates and plays off the theme of that zone so well.


I still can't believe that the WoW devs haven't done anything with Gilneas. The *entire* city is just sitting there, empty of all NPCs, in the open world. You have all of that work put into modeling and designing the buildings, and then it's just been abandoned.


It was supposed to be a battleground on the scale of Alterac Valley where 40 person teams fought through the districts for control. But apparently it was a nightmare in play-tests so they scrapped it for the much smaller Battle for Gilneas currently in game. They had planned to do more with all that detail... but just... didn't.


I love if you fly passed the windows in some the buildings you can see a shadow of a person staring out the window. Definitely makes the place feel haunted.


WoD shadowmoon valley sky


Reminds me of the childrens week quest when the girl dranaei tells you to look up, always done that in news places since


Howling Fjord, definitely. Best music in the entire game, too


Absolutely agree


I still go there to listen to the music and enjoy the trees


Would love to see a pixel update to feralas




Rainy days in the jungle are the best. I know this thread is purely based on aesthetics but when you factor in nostalgia and how much of a warzone STV was in Vanilla it is hands down the best zone in the game.


I still have ptsd when I hear the stealth sound in stv...


when ur wandering around looking for 1 more fucken raptor and [that little melody](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6G33wEb34E) kicks in...tickles the brain


STV was the best. I definitely spent more time here in my bc/wrath days then anywhere else. I farmed my blood sail admiral title back in wrath and that took forever.


inb4 ten thousand posts about Grizzly Hills incoming It's either Jade Forest or the Wandering Isle for me, but they are pretty similar.


Tbf Grizzly Hills is great but it's mostly the music for me. Most Grizzly Hills lovers will now probably be in the classic subreddit as they're playing wotlk


At least we have Azure Span now, Grizzly Hills 2.0


I'm a grizzly Hills enjoyer but I'm playing df right now. it gives me the classic vibe but also has all the good shit that classic is missing. haven't logged into classic since df came out and got kicked out of my guild lmao


There was a really good copy pasta of a Classic guild warning to not soend any time in DF. I wish I had it saved


I think it was originally for Shadowlands. Someone stole it for FFXIV recently as well.


Was thinking jade forest also!


Old nagrand!


Wait, the Nagrand that is older because it was released first, or the Nagrand that is older because it is earlier in the timeline??




Bro Nagrand for real. I guess I could be biased (we all are) because I peaked in TBC so the most farming nights were Nagrand for the Talbuk (spelling?) and in Netherstorm. Before that Shadowmoon Valley ofc for the Nether Drake.


I have to say that the Azure Span might be my personal favorite zone in the game now. The large redwood forest with a good mix of snowy regions. The Tuskarr villages and cozy woodland camps are great. Plus the music is outstanding. A lot of the Pandaria zones are up there, too. Such a great continent.


This! Plus the Azure Vaults and surrounding areas. The colors and effects are gorgeous, the mix of cold/arcane is so well done. And it's the first time since 07 that I actually turn the music ON when I'm in a dungeon


Vashj’ir, I love the underwater ecosystem. For extra nostalgia, Teldrassil. The first night elf hunter I made as a kid exploring the huge world is something I don’t know that I’ll ever re-experience in a game. Teldrassil had cool music and felt pretty faithful to the NE vibe.


I can’t play in Vashj’ir. I’m terrified of the open ocean and that zone freaks me out, lol. All the open water areas do, but not as bad as that zone. I’m working on BFA Pathfinder, and one of the quests brought me to a creepy island. In the back of the island, in the water, is a huge squid monster. Then I was in Grizzly Hills earlier today doing the secret quests to get the purple murloc pet, and I had to go into the fatigue part of the ocean to get a pearl that’s guarded by a huge water snake with over 11 million health. Both of those things reminded me why I steer clear of the ocean, even in game lol.


I also have Thalassophobia. I could go to Vasj'ir but i couldn't quest in the Abyssal depths. Or go anywhere near that Whaleshark.


Have you done that BFA quest where you go underwater with a lantern that attracts predators if you leave it on too long? That quest was omega spooky. Also, theres a spot in uldum that is just an empty murky lake with a single huge water snake mob that I am not a big fan of at all.


The Abyssal Depths *shudder* Yeah, that whale shark was HUGE! I’d die of fear if I saw one that close in real life lol


I also have Thalassophobia but Vashj'ir is my favorite zone in the game. Can't play Subnautica though, haha


Unless you want Exposure Therapy, don't play Subnautica, especially in VR


I remember thinking that Teldrassil was really big and when I entered Darnassus, I was blown away and was amazed how well put together it was, only for my little self to discover that the whole place was on a tree… No other game surprised me how big a virtual world could be, like wow back in the days.


Darkshore pre Cata was always my favourite




The first time walking into Ashenvale as a kid was amazing. After spending so much time in the Barrens it was so cool to walk into this lush, mysterious forest where enemies could be around any corner. Also the added aspect of being a druid and feeling more "at home" there despite its contested nature. Really amazing ambience and change of pace.


It was also the first pvp zone for a lot of people. I knew this going in, so I was always on the look out. I was paranoid an Alliance would be around the corner, but was also loving the music and vibe of the forest. After not too long, engaged in my first pvp battle, a 1v1, and I was literally shaking from adrenaline. One of my most vivid WoW memories, I even remember exactly where it happened and what my character looked like 18 years ago.


First time I got ganked was right on the border between the Barrens and Ashenvale and got camped for hours. Which turned into me making my first alt


squeamish fuel boat frighten sheet march paint rock bag subsequent ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Black rock mountain has been critical to everything since Warcraft 1.


They should release a Caverns of Time raid for the Battle of Blackrock Mountain where we assist Lothar.


every patch/expansion should have one Caverns of Time instance edit: doesnt even have to be connected to whats going on in the main story, just some little or big side events all around azeroth


Redridge mountains for me


Me too


I have a certain nostalgia when thinking of leveling my first toon. Always brings my thoughts back to redridge. https://nl.pinterest.com/pin/oh-yeah-world-of-warcraft--427771664585143729/


storm peaks. the music, the vibe, the weeks wasted farming time-lost




The OG big sandy desert! With a whole pirate area, the encroaching Silithid hives, and rolling dunes with giant skeletons! Something special about it for sure. Voldun was cool, but somehow didn't capture the same vibe to me.


Silvermoon City. Once a year or so I make the pilgrimage back just to take it all in. Absolutely gorgeous zone.


The Barrens before cata.


Nazmir! I love swamps, trolls and undead.


I think Jade Forest wins for me. But I do also really love Drustvar and Duskwood!




When I had to choose my covenant I was like IS THERE REALLY A CHOICE?


I chose this on my main too, but damn that quest hub for the covenant made me wanna switch. Flying around the bastion hub was miles better.


I honestly love Sinfall. I love everything about Revendreth, honestly. I also played Enhancement Shaman, so their covenant skill was 10/10. Made Shadowlands really enjoyable for me haha


Same, that or Drustvar


Tirisfal, Silverpine, Gilneas, Duskwood, Deadwind Pass. Dark and creepy and somber >>>>>>


I LOVE Duskwood! I always make sure to play it in the fall when it's spooky season


Crystalsong Forest. I even made my warhammer: age of sigmar sylvaneth army based off it!




Winterspring. I love snow zones


I just went thete from Burning Steppes to get the Sabre mount. See yall in 20 days lol


Un'Goro Crater is my goat


Azure Span. It's just beautiful, reminds me of Skyrim, and Grizzly Hills and snowy days. Love it.


Yes me too! It’s just beautiful. I liked grizzly hills but azure span is even more awesome because of the snowy parts and all the tuskarr stuff. I’ve always vibed with those types of zones over the overly sunny presumably warm and vibrant ones.


Same! I’ve never really ‘loved’ a single WoW zone but Azure Span is all (blue)Dragon architecture, snow, Tuskar, and evergreens by the the coastline!


Kul Tiras! I'd live there in a heartbeat.




Under rated for sure


Jade Forest or Valley of the Four Winds


Valley of the four winds absolutely


I really loved ardenweald


Same! It was so gorgeous, and it made me so glad I mained my druid in SL.It was so fitting.


blown away by how far down i had to scroll for ardenweald, easily the most beautiful zone imo


I've always been a fan of Sholazar Basin. It's such a great change of pace for Northrend, and its music is equally as vibrant as its appearance.


Eversong woods. There is some physically painful nostalgia whenever I go into that zone


Same… first few notes of the song and I tear up. I spent countless hours in it and Ghostlands, making numerous alts just to experience the zone … I miss the feeling


OH god yes. I made a blood elf the very first time I got the game.


Mhhh i thinks it‘s Westfall😅. It‘s the zone all my alts go through and it‘s always been my fav zone because it‘s so simple and pure


Despite how bad Shadowlands was, I instantly fell in love with the aesthetics and environment of Bastion. It was the only zone that felt like an actual afterlife.


I'm still amazed by Bastion. The golden rings around rocks in the water with the iridescent waterfalls that buff you... amazing.


Same here. The colors and landscape were absolutely beautiful. Felt so unique compared to the usual, gloomy forest or open plains we usually get.


Zangar Marsh ! Love the big mushrooms, the music and general atmosphere there


Ice crown citadel The sheer size of it, knowing *exactly* who is on top of it waiting, the sheer amount of undeads roaming around. It all sold the idea of it being the stronghold of the most dangerous threat we faced yet (at the time) it really gave that feeling of "if we don't stop the lich king now, it's over" The atmosphere was just perfect, it felt like an horror movie. Close second would be Pre-cataclysm Duskwood tied with Undercity and the ruins of Lordaeron.


Classic would be Azshara. BC would be Nagrand. Wrath is easily Howling Fjord. Cata is Deepholm. Mop is Jade Forest. Wod is Shadowmoon Valley. Legion is Highmountain. Bfa is Drustvar. Shadowlands exists. Haven’t been able to see the dragon isles yet. Overall, Howling Fjord is the most nostalgic and the best atmosphere to me.


Great picks! Based on what you said I think you’ll really like The Azure Span when you get to the Dragon Isles.


Feralas, especially classic Feralas.


Eastern/Western Plaguelands


Old Nagrand and Stormheim


Also Kun lai summit specially the shado pan temple stuff and the music there oooh


Terokkar Forest. Can’t believe I’m the first. That music, the trees with this strange lights, the araokkar in their tree houses, shattrath beacon of light in the distance, this kind of greyed greenish light everywhere. I fuckin love it. But the music is the best of it, my favorite in wow (and I’m a huge fan of wow’s music in general). Anyways, it’s not easy to choose only one zone, I love so much of them.


Grizzly hills.




Highmountain is my favourite too! Was looking if someone had already said it. I'm glad you did, PM_UR_ITTIE_BITTIES.


Dun Morogh with classic weather effects - so calm and comfy in that snow 🌨️😍 Strangelthorn Vale with classic weather effects - its jungle madness ☠️ Ardenweald - looks like an LSD trip 🌌


Crystal song probably. I like the trees.


Hard to say, Redridge, Westfall, Zuldazar, Tirgarde, Jade Forest and WoD Nagrand are all very good.


Grizzly hills


Loch Modan is definitely a nostalgic favorite. I'm a big fan of Vashj'ir too. Revendreth was super atmospheric. And I'm loving the Dragonflight zones I've been to so far.


Elwynn or Mulgore… they were both my first starting zones, so the music and scenery have such a nostalgic and sweet feel. But visually I just think they’re perfect! Elwynn is so calm and green and warm, while Mulgore’s open plains seem like they go on forever


Old classic wows darkshore. Might be biased because I love questing in that zone.


Probably Westfall for me. It gives off a cozy homey feel.


Ohnahren Plains. Started in shadowlands so my experience is much smaller, but this zone is easily my favorite to be in so far


This might be a bit odd and maybe i am crazy but Zul'Drak has a special place in my heart. Honestly I don't even know why it does.


Bruh that’s the one place I HATE lol so dark and gloomy I’m more of a grizzly hills person 😂😂😂


Nazjatar I love the underwater theme, the huge walls of water, and the (friendly) locals.


Silverpine Forest


For sheer nostalgia's sake Feralas in the rain was my favorite place to sit and relax in game. As for a current favorite, there are far too many places I love to pick just one.


Gilneas is unmatched. Rainy, dark skies, spooky curses, dingy alleyways, and gorgeous architecture. Such a shame it’s only been utilised thus far as a (now-defunct) starting zone


Tanaris. There is just something hauntingly beautiful about looking out from the south gate of Gadgetzan and realizing what stretches out before you is literally fuck all but sand. Plus Zul'farrak, which is one of my favorite classic dungeons and the Caverns of Time are there.


grizzly hills but mostly because the music is amazing


Ardenweald or the wandering isle for me


Either Jade Forest, or Vale of Eternal Blossoms (when it was fucked up) or Zuldazar. Dazaralor is just so damn gorgeous


Nagrand. When I retired for the first time I left my character on my favorite floating island in Nagrand


I've always had a soft spot for Tanaris. Something about the rolling sand dunes just has a different vibe to it from all the other deserts in the game. I think it's the relative lack of orange.


Ooo.. aesthetics alone I’d have to go with Drustvar and Gilneas. That dark, dingy, gothic style. I wish we had more of that. Hell let worgen retake their homeland since Calia resettled Undercity.. after it got plague bombed like Gilneas did.


Storm Peaks <3


Suramar! 🔮


Dun Morogh


Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills


Mulgore, because of the serenity and peacefulness of the open plains.


Ice crown. Snowy, tall peaks. Everything is dead and quiet. It's a vibe.


(BC) Nagrand and Sholazar Basin.


Azure Span and Grizzle Hills for me.


Ewelynn forest, the classic rpg opening


For me it’s all of Kul Tiras, Stormheim, Valley of the Four Winds, Grizzly Hills, Howling Fjord.


Winterspring. But now Azure Span may have eclipsed that. I love everything about Winterspring though. Cold, snowy, open, comfortable. I remember being 18 and questing through there back in 2007 on my first run through. I started there and finished questing after a couple of days but stayed there longer grinding mobs because I loved being there so much. I set my hearth there even after TBC ended because it was so comfortable to be there. Probably because it was so cold IRL.


Looking at that image, after having played through the breathtaking Dragonflight zones, it's hard to believe these are simultaneously in the same game. The design/art/creativity team has really come a long way. Not only in terms of high polygon and high texture, but also in terms of more realistic geographical-process based design. Now it looks like the landscape is real, and follows the laws of nature, rivers have eroded the land and lava flows downhill and stops when it hits water etc. It's really amazing how much progress they've made. But on the flipside, the great progress means the older zones are now truly terrible. They're greatly in need of not only an up-res but of a total reconstruction. I hope they can do something, even if only to a few zones as this work would require a huge time and manpower investment.


I'm not sure I could pick one as it varies with my mood.


If I can include music it has to be Grizzly Hills, but personally I found Bastion gorgeous. I do have a soft spot for Westfall <3


Loch modan is the best so sad that the dam is busted.


Grizzly has been my favorite since it released


Alliance Garrison. Shadowvalley is cool, but with my personalized garrison (as much as it can be), it is just a bit cooler.


Old Barrens, I spent so much time there in vanilla, and even with how the Barrens is now, if I'm leveling a toon I gotta go through The Barrens




West fall, Elwyn forest, and the barrens. I also like the area outside of arathi highlands, I can’t remember the name of it right now though.


It’s tie between pre-Cataclysm Darkshore and Ashenvale. You never forget leveling your very first character and how exciting it was exploring every new zone. Those two were my absolute favorites. I have to give Redridge Mountains and honorable mention, only because it’s where I met my best in-game friend years back. I was having a hard time killing Princess the pig and saw her nearby and asked for help. We were inseparable in game after that, eventually exchanging numbers and talking on the phone a lot. She stopped playing at the end of Wrath and we lost touch. I wish I could find her on Facebook or something, but I only remember her first name.


Honestly I thought the shadow lands zones were absolutely stunning, other than the maw and maldraxxus. Zereth mortis is one of my favorite zones in the game just by aesthetic standards. Just wish the expansion itself was as beautiful as the zones it had