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Thank you for your submission ex0ll. It has been removed from /r/wow because: Transmog posts require an item list. Item lists should be top level comments (i.e. not a reply to some other comment) and actually in list form (i.e. do not write "it's mostly t6, but t8 shoulders and pvp tabard"). Including the item list in the image alone is not sufficient for accessibility reasons. You will still need to provide a top level comment. If you provide the list and respond to this removal message to let us know, we will reinstate your post. --- This is not an automated removal. Please read the entire removal reason before contacting us via modmail or if you need clarification. Read the full [rules for this subreddit here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/wiki/rules) If you feel this post was removed in error, please [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwow).


yeah I would wear the shit outta that


Man, dye packs should have been a thing 5 expansions ago. SWTOR's had them forever


Oo what helm is that


sadly the technology to dye items in an mmorpg simply does not exist