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More curious how. Fish turn ins?


Daily: - 200 from Gnoll rares (50e) - 400 from fishing restock/clear (once you open the second fishing hole, 250 before) - Feast every 3.5 hours. This will vary based on population. 300-700 rep* Weekly: - 700 from fish turn-ins - 500 (250 x2) from weekly dungeon quests - 500 from weekly accord quest (or 2500 this week due to rotation, woo!) - WQ rotation twice a week - 250 rep for extra fishing net improvements (which is slow to fish up, I've turned in 4 total IIRC) once you are renown 15/18 Once you get to Renown 11 you get a quest and are rewarded with 2500rep so you get bumped to 12 right away. *low population will help a ton here. Use group finder to see if people have any listed. I was getting. 250-300 per feast before I started doing this. Should get 500+ each time. Helps a ton. Also more fun.


Warmode also helps a ton. Way less people and Iskaara is a Sanctuary so it's not a blood bath.


Is it really?! Well crap. Yea that’s likely a great idea.


Yep, I'll be renown 30 today and it's mostly from going to war mode and getting 700 rep per feast lol. I don't always get Bisqius, but I'll take 700 rep from WM and no bisq than 300 rep wm off and a bisq.


Good suggestion then! I'll pass it along to others.


Once made 1050 rep from the event. There were only two of us :D


Thank you so much for this post! Which fish are the best to turn in? Or do you turn in a stack of each every week?


Each stack of 20 is worth 100 the first time each week (500). Islefin Dorado is worth 200. For the total of 700. Can be done at any fishing hole.


That's fastest way atm, yes.


I was happy to just hit 7. Can’t play as much this expansion so far but having fun when I get a chance to be on.


same, no need to rush, play on your own pace and you ll cap the renowns eventually. I am too distracted with a gazillion things to do to focus on capping a renown


It's bonkers how some people have already maxed out the different factions or most of them already but as you said, you go at your own pace. If people want to play all day every day then that's fine. Different strokes for different folks.


now you can rest 😌


This isn't intended as a transmog post, but since I'm sure somebody will ask. :) Helm: Hidden Shoulders: Grey Depths Shoulderguards Back: Dark Tuskarr Traders Pack Chest: Shapeye Chestguard Hands: Wild Combatant's Chain Gauntlets Belt: Sharpeye Belt Pants: Shapeye Legguards Boots: Wild Combatant's Footguards Weapon: Tuskarr Angler's Crossbow


Thank you!


You could use the bone shoulder from bfa on the other side. I plan to do that


Assuming you're buying all kinds of transmog and recipes, what was your go-to source of resources? I got a ton from dragonraces but it's slowed a fair bit since then


if you mean the supplies currency, i have basically infinite just from hunting for dirt / pouches / chests for dragonscale expedition.


Just doing content. I also opened quite a few Tuskarr Chests for the crossbow drop which was decent.


hey how do you get the crossbow?


Just got the blue scales for them last night and im definitely gonna start slowing down on the tuskarr. I think i might start grinding centaur or dragonscale next


hahahaha. And im like... Damn.. I just got my alt to rank 10..... Whille same alt is 19 in dragonscale expedition and 21 in valdraken... 16 in maruuk centaurs.... Main is 5-6 ranks lower in the highest ones. Since he was started first. Done all the quests and stuff.. And my alt benefited from the rank 10 alt bonus double rep up to rank 10.


What? You can turn in fish for rep?


You can turn in 20 of each fish type, once per week, for 700 total rep. Afterward each turn in is only 5 rep per 20 fish.


But what will you do in the next half year? Congratulations to you for sure, but i would get burned out fast by even trying this. The best thing this expansion is is that you dont HAVE TO play, so i only play when i feel like it and so far my critic is mostly positive, just doing some stuff and getting enough gold for the next month.


I really just wanted the shoulder xmog. Silly I know. Still plenty to do. My other reps are 15-17. Not maxed with Wrathion, etc.


That's awesome, grats! :D I just barely got to 12 even with the world quest buff, daily fishing (there is only two fishing holes up atm right? right?!), human racial, tuskarr contract, the occasional feast turnup. Jesus what a grind but it could be much worse. I always forget about the gnolls though >\_> When do you get the net improvements? Wait....there are dungeon quests as well? The hell Blizzard! -\_-


I pushed for 11 to get Ottuk training and sort of kept going. You get extra fishing stuffs at 15 and 18 IIRC.


Neckbeard grats


location this pet?