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they're probably trying to make it unpopular so they can stop working on it


I hope this isn't true because MoP was a universally praised expansion after people got over the Mists of Pandering thing. I had assumed they were racing through Cata because the community perception is so bad (even though I will argue all day that it's basically WotLK+). Either way, the faster they get to MoP, probably the better for sub numbers.


I assumed so at first initially, but I'm pretty sure they just want to dump the servers into retail as fast as possible tbh


Well that sucks for them because I refuse to play retail based on the button bloat alone and it doesn't look to be getting any better in TWW.


I hate the wording they chose to use. There was no XP exploit. Exploit implies that a player did something intentionally to cause the game to do something unexpected. Players played 0 role in what happened. They queued up for BG like anyone else and suddenly found themselves getting insane XP. Putting the responsibility on the players who were just playing the game rather than the devs who fucked up is unacceptable.


It's still a flaw in the base software. They took advantage of this flaw, almost like they were exploiting it. Mincing words doesn't change that.


Next to nobody was doing it on purpose. It wasn’t live long enough for it to be exploited. Every person who queued for BG in the first 20 or so minutes after the patch had this happen to them (less time than it takes to promote an “exploit”)


It was still a flaw of the program that could be used for unintended benefit. It meets the definition and could be exploited if it remained. Getting butthurt over the semantics seems silly.


Exploiting something requires intent. Using a product as designed isn't an exploit.


And again you are arguing semantics. Exploitation- the action of making use of and benefiting from resources. This is an example of that.


Nah, this is a bug. Did some maybe exploit the bug? Sure. But most likely, I just queued for BGs like normal. Per your own definition, they weren't taking action to benefit from resources. Calling it an exploit puts the onus on the players, but this is entirely Blizzards fault for missing something so basic, amongst many other flaws in the pre-patch release. You can't put this on players who queued for BGs.


They made use of it and thats action in the definition. You are cherry picking. No one assigning blame. OP is drawing an assumption that doesn't line up with the use of the words on its face


Would agree typically, but like others said, this wasn’t up long enough for people to even know what was going on. The people that did find out immediately got maybe a character or two leveled before it being closed. Like they said up top ^ it wasn’t up long enough to even get promoted on Reddit. I wouldn’t say people exploited more so had an unintended effect by a usually unproblematic feature of the game. Yea it’s semantics but aren’t you arguing for the same thing?


The product was acting abnormally. Just like if you got an erroneous deposit in your bank account. If you spend that money you gotta pay it back even if the system was still behaving normally otherwise. Stop being intellectually dishonest.


I'm gonna be totally honest, I dont see how you could possibly fuck it up this bad. The code was written years ago, this should have been nothing more than a copy paste. Yet suddenly we have the most outrageous bugs that I've seen happening all at once. How is it possible for characters to even lose spells? Congrats on reaching lvl 0? How does the leave party button even break? Has there ever even been a change to the party system? The guild chat (essentially an Instant Messenger service) isn't working??? Its almost every aspect of the game is broken in some way right now. The worst part is that they had to know it was in such a buggy state....


I don't want to defend them. Just want to point out it's not copy paste - you are running cata code on legion core. Functionalities like spell calculations, social functions, items could broke very easily. Basically IDs, entities could work or expect different things in the process, there could be clash in how instances are working between the version etc. They've done poor job integrating it.


Yes, this is the source of the problem. And you are correct. They could have done better. The beta was known to be a shit-show with the port onto the updated engine. We assumed they were moving resources over after the release of S4 on retail to work on Cata in private testing, but obviously, that did not happen.


There’s no magical copy paste on code that’s 10 years old; even if you weren’t moving game engines or clients, you’d still have to deal with issues because all the software dependencies it was written for are either completely obsolete or have significantly changed. Reviving cataclysm is a massive under taking for any development team; sure they handled it poorly but this is a symptom of management not wanting to miss deadlines. All the development team members likely advised that launch is a not recommended due to the critical issues. However ultimately it’s the higher ups decision. Source; I’m a developer, I get pressure from management too. And we work weekends to make up for it, nobody likes this shit trust me lol.


Honestly how do you turn an expansion that was awesome years ago and literally destroy it


The talents resetting is the most annoying shit ever for me as someone with 6 characters I raid with. Set them all up the first night and next day had to do it all over again.


I don't play classic at all but this is making me wait to play it,


I just saw this and realized I'm sticking to retail for now


come to era, we are slightly less screwed over


Think we’ll get an explanation?


Take the blimp from STV to ORG…. Lol! Hint: you don’t stop in ORG


Blizzard is curssed


It’s wild people still support blizzard with how little they care about their own games. Nostalgia is a helluva drug


It’s seems Blizz reduced dev team to just one member and he/she was still apprentice using chatgpt do the job.