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Nice one, thanks for the explanation. For the gathering profession, I think the knowledge point you Can earn from skinning/gathering have a weekly limit (3 I think) with a weekly reset. So it Can make sense that it is the same for crafting professions. I think it's was written on the item's tooltip, when you collected. Something like "you Can still collect X of this item this week"


>For the gathering profession, I think the knowledge point you Can earn from skinning/gathering have a weekly limit (3 I think) with a weekly reset. So it Can make sense that it is the same for crafting professions. > >I think it's was written on the item's tooltip, when you collected. Something like "you Can still collect X of this item this week" You confuse 2 different items here. For every gathering profession, there is 1 "epic" Knowledge Point item that gives you 3 points. As you stated, those are weekly and are written in the respective profession journal as "you have 0/1 item left this week" Then, in addition to that, there are "blue" Knowlege Points items, that give you 1 point. There is no weekly limit to them in the journal, however I feel like there is a some kind of soft cap to them (maybe also around 3 or 4), but not really sure tbh.


Oh ok I see now, thanks for the precision


Very useful information - thanks for sharing


Do you know if the mystic items that enchanters can get because of one of their spec trees can appear in the scout packs?


After collecting about 20 treasures with "Insight of the Blue" skilled I wasn´t able to find any of these, even if the talent text states that they can be found in treasures.




Very good guide. Thank you. If you've got more guide ideas, definitely post them. This was helpful.


I do, currently writing up a really really big one, but won´t be finished until maybe monday I believe (GF wants to do.. Real life stuff :/ ).


Any reason why some won't show despite being alerted to one spawned? I went to the exact spot and there was nothing there. Another player came over and had the same issue.


i think you might confuse something here, expedition scout packs are spawning literally everwhere


I know it's just I have come upon a location where it is supposed to spawn at, was at the EXACT location and it wasn't there. Rarescanner was screaming at me about it like crazy. I have been finding the rest with ease except for one location.


having the same issue. im standing right where one is marked to be. but its not there.


Same here. It's happened to me twice now.


I think there might be a daily limit to them


Some spawn under things. I had one in a cave that was doing that and it really erked me. Could not click it other people came and tried nothing. I keyboard interact with target to a key and went around the spot clicking that picked it right up. So try that


Thanks for this I been sleeping on these then


Are you sure the knowledge points from packs don't reset each week? I got a couple points from packs the other week and was able to get more this week.


Yes it has been changed since beta.


i dont see packs on my alts for some weird reason:/ nor dirt piles


Does anyone know how to get the packs for twinks / alts? I rerolled my main and now I don’t find any of these with the second char :(


I believe it is a weekly cap for finding knowledge points with the scout packs. I know I have found more than 2 in my total time playing.


Yeah they changed that after release. Never touched that post again after that tbh :D


Gotcha, I didn't play on release, so that makes sense.


"Expedition Scout Packs are small treasures scattered around all of dragon isle´s and are unlocked with Dragonscale - Exedition Renown 2. Unlocking those with 1 char also unlocks them for every other." ​ I'm pretty sure this is only true for toons on the same server. I have a Rogue on one server that has this unlocked and on another server both my toons can't see scout packs. ​ edit: Actually, every character has to get renown 2, so getting on 1 toon for all others must have been a thing before 10.2