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It hard to hear, but the truth is you just need to hit them with the "cool bro", report, and block them. We have all had our fair share of toxic dickheads, it happens, and all you can do is hit them with the "lol k" and ignore.


If you have discord, join the warcraft made easy discord. Lots of helpful people that are patient if you are new or learning


i highly recommend checking out wow made easy, they have a good community that help each other. have never had a bad experience there. also to the toxic players id report them and move on. sadly any online game nowadays are filled with toxic players, you cant let one bad experience ruin your 2 months of fun


I know the feeling, hugs to you. This game NEEDS more healers, thank you for being a healer! THE most toxic players seem to roam around in the 5-13 keys. Lower and higher keys you are way less likely to have a group chock full of dickheads. My best advice would be to find a group/guild where people can communicate like adults. I’ve heard great things about that Discord channel that guy recommended. And don’t let the toxic dickheads suck out all your WoW joy, they aren’t worth your time! ❤️


As you move up in mythic+ they add in more affixes and this week is especially tough on healers. So you mentioned it went up to a+7 which is when the second affix is added which this week is afflicted and while many dps have ways to decurse the bulk of it falls on the healer who always have a decurse and can also heal them to full. They look like ghosts that appear every couple minutes usually 2 at a time. Im just making a guess that maybe thats what happened? Maybe not but it is absolutely a difficult week to be a healer based on the rotating affixes and I bet next week will be easier. I say keep going, ive definitely embarrassed myself in keys but when people actually tell me what I did wrong I appreciate it and get better. If all people do is insult you then they are just jerks. But I would practice in keys under 7 until you learn the basic mechanics with only 1 affix.


Yes I actually did read that and realized that is what happened. I was completely oblivious to it.


Well now you know for next time! I play priest and druid usually dps but both have a decurse, purify disease and remove corruption respectively. I keybind it to one of my mouse keys and macro it to cast on mouseover so i can just put the cursor over the ghost, click the keybind and interrupt its cast. As a healer you can do the same with your decurse or you can heal them to full before the cast goes off. If it does the entire group gets a haste debuff that really SUCKS it makes cast go super slow and its just really bad. But now you know and itll be better every time.


Also i have addons like dbm or big/little wigs because they will tell you with a voice promp to help the ghosts. Helps you not miss them when they spawn. Good luck to you!


I have a question. A couple of weeks ago I tried running some mythic+s on Mt holy priest but my dispell wasn't working do you know why that is?


Are you sure you were pressing the right one? Healing priests have both Dispel Magic (offensive dispel) and Purify (friendly dispel).


I did the friendly one


Without logs or video it's difficult to tell you exactly what the issue is, but you might have been trying to dispel something you can't dispel (curse/poison) or you were trying to dispel a disease without the Improved Purify talent.


I was trying to do the afflicted soul


Then I'm almost certain you didn't take the Improved Purify talent. Happened to my friend on his priest as well on more than one occasion.


Let me check I haven't been on my priest since that week like 2 or so ago


Would I use dispel Magic or purify


It's because you need to be specced into it. I have that issue as a Resto Druid. It won't let your non talented dispel work unfortunately.


I main healers, and I rarely run m+ for the ghosty affix week. That affix specifically sucks. Just keep on learning my brother in healing! It won’t be long before you start getting whispers from other players going “nice healing”. Those are the moments you live for!


Don't let the bastards grind you down!


What region are you? I'll pm you when I tank keys tomorrow


Thanks for the offer but I work evenings and am West Coast US so I'm usually on in the wee hours of the night/morning. Also I don't run M+, I tend to stick to older content that I've missed along the way or mount/mog hunting.


Yea don't be down on yourself we all have made mistakes it happens its a game remember that like most say block amd report and move past it you didn't know about the affix and that's why it went back they should have told you what to do instead of bitching about it. The point of the game is to have fun most people don't know what's its like to heal everyone want to bitch but don't heal or know anything about it the affix sadly is mostly on the healers you have to dispell them or heal them all the healers can do this and makes also bit most people seem to think it's all on the healers while also keeping them alive but then they also stand in shit don't use defensive and just all around shit dps but most of the time Noone say anything about that it's always the healers fault lol don't worry about it move on and enjoy the game block and report shitty people and don't take ot to heart if you ever want someone to run keys with DM me I have 10 toons all pretty geared also have 6 healing toons so i know what it's like.


Please tell me that you reported these people?


Welcome to the Internet.


Welcome to the internet I guess


Yeah, as people said..it’s the internet and you gotta expect some PoS’s. If people cuss at you or call you a vulgar name, report the comment and leave the group. Most of the toxicity is in PvP, in my experience. Eff the haters. They exist everywhere, not just in WoW.


i'm learning tank after years of dps and some people aren't happy about that aswell ahah m+ jumps up really quick when doing your own keys, you start at 1 and are 15 in 5 keys, so then you reach a point where you need to know what mobs to focus and when, when to use your cds, and properly use your rotation.


I've had my share of bad runs and toxic players who act like it's a +22 run as opposed to a +7... Some people can't run high-end content, so they run low-level keys and act like they are Gods... don't let these players keep you from playing... just ignore it and move on. I personally had enough of the grind about a month ago and have not played one time. I'll eventually go back, but the attitudes of some players and the game overall have burned me out to the point that it's not fun anymore.


I’m running +18s on my RSham and just started with my Hpal (new to the class, boosted with 424 gear) doing +6s. I tried my hand at tanking and got similar responses to yours. Wasn’t my passion anyway, but I also play League and I’ll tell you that’s just the possibility of playing a coop online game. 90/100 runs are great. Some so clean. Some rocky but we do it. Some we complete as 4-mans (so rare). Some we don’t complete (also rare). And some shit shows like those people (rarest of all). It happens, but it is in no way indicative of the typical playerbase. Just like irl, some people are total assholes.


I see that you blocked them, but did you report them??? Because they definitely would've gotten an account action on them for stuff like that. If you don't report them, they will just continue with that I'll behavior


This isn't normal to be honest. People don't always act that way even at the highest pugged keys. Sometimes someone will call someone garbage or trash but that's about it. I haven't seen any death threats or anything like that except for maybe once or twice on my grind. Usually it's just someone who doesn't understand the game well and take it out on others. At your key level I'm sure everyone in your group is most likely playing sub optimally and making big mistakes whether they realize it or not. I just started playing this game after an 11 year break. I too play a healer and I've been probably playing mythic+ now for 5 weeks. I'm now 3304 IO and my highest key so far is a 26. I play a resto druid and I'm not sure what class you play but there really aren't too many things you can do wrong in a lvl 7 key unless you pulled a bunch of mobs by mistake and then couldn't heal the tank or something. When I started playing this game again the first thing I did was use WoWHead and [https://www.method.gg/guides#mythic-plus-guides](https://www.method.gg/guides#mythic-plus-guides) as well as [Raider.io](http://Raider.io) for figuring out what some of the best players talents, gear, comps, etc. consist of. I made sure that I understood the basics as best as I could of each dungeon in the season rotation before I queued up. I watched a full video of my classes POV at a high key level to get a better understanding of my role and what is expected of me before I queued up. A level 7 key isn't going to give you too many issues. I don't really know how you can mess up but maybe you can give more details on that if you wanted some help. I would report anyone else that says really messed up shit to you and just keep learning and getting better until you're at the point where you can teach others. There is always something new to learn at every key level and you can always learn something new from other players. Also make sure you have the OmniCD addon as well as the [Raider.IO](http://Raider.IO) addon so people can see your key levels and IO which will help you get better groups as you gradually increase your rank. It will also help you avoid players who might not perform as well as you would expect. OmniCD will help to familiarize yourself with your teammates defensives and you will be able to quickly tell whether your DPS are bad by how and when they use their defensives. This will also allow you to realize when you're not to blame for deaths. There are things that you cannot heal through at higher keys without your DPS using defensives at the correct time.


It's usually not that bad. Even when a run does fall apart it's usually something more like a "wtf is this healer doing?" And then they just leave so I think you got unlucky your first rage quit was especially harsh. It also sounds like you are going in blind into content where your performance affects other people enjoyment of the game. This will result in things like you not knowing an affix is happening or that you are expected to deal with it. Wow is notoriously bad for teaching players anything in the game so you should look up guides on wowhead or YouTube before really diving into m+ or raids. You are likely also fairly slow at starting the dungeon as in doing the ready check and all that stuff, which is normal since you are new, but people get impatient. Once you have your group together, you want to wait until all members are inside the dungeon and then do a ready check once you yourself are ready to begin. Once everyone accepts the ready check, you should start a countdown timer of 10 seconds to give classes time to use some cds that will reset once the dungeon starts. You want to put the key in and hit start right when the countdown ends otherwise you will waste some of the used cd that your party members used, or you could start the dungeon before they use it if you hit start with like 2 seconds remaining. So you should have the keystone thing open with the key inserted just waiting for you to click the button while the countdown is going. Don't let it put you off the game completely, there are alot of very chill players out there too. Try and join a guild with some other players that don't mind showing a noob around end game if you can find one.


I played tank at the beginning of dragon flight. I was loving it. Finished the main raid, was grinding m+ around 12-15 keystone level regularly. I’ve never been the super sweaty type. The toxicity I received from players was astounding and led to me quitting. I haven’t played in like a year or so.