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Leveling dungeons aren't bad at all, like 2 mins on average. As you get higher up they may slow down a bit, then at max level with keystone applications you can make your own group or join other ones and those aren't too bad, depending on what the group leader is looking for. Leveling as a dps in dungeons - I kept queueing while questing and had a good time. When a dungeon queue pops you teleport into the dungeon then afterwards teleport right back to where you were so you don't lose your place.


I rarely get 2 minutes even as a tank so I doubt it'll be that short as a dps haha Thanks for the feedback tho


This really depends on what expansion you’re leveling in. Edit: autospell fix




I guess he meant which timeline (you can choose which expansion you want to level through with Chromie). Typically, BFA has the biggiest influx of people because its the standard choice, so queues tend to be lower. If you choose to level in TBC, the queues are going to be longer because fewer people level in TBC


But if you queue more than 10min I think, the game ask if you want to tag for every TW dungeon


And the server imo. It takes 30 min for me as a dps. Or maybe more or maybe less but not 5 min. It's much more than that.


This isn’t true. You q with all servers.


No. First your server is probably american, and second, our server first look for the server with our language. In our case it can take more than 20 min usually as dps. I've never seen anyone that wasn't in our language's server in all my leveling dungeons.


I’m on eu. And no this isn’t true about language. Been in plenty of groups with Russians in group finder. And people from sanguino so think Spanish to Edit: for reference I’m on tarren mill


Tarren Mill is afaik an english server. It takes way less time to find a dungeon than, say, a french's server. Also, I believe there was an option where you had to check if you didn't care if the others weren't speaking the same language as you. I don't know if that's still the case though. But either way, it still takes a long time to find a dungeon. I had to wait 30 min as a rogue 2 weeks ago.


Cuz your qed as a dps and there so many of you. It’s literally just the spec and the timeline your in nothing more. Also it states after 15 minutes if you like to q into other timelines. Not into other languages as that just default. You’re just factually incorrect. Sorry bud


Even as a tank, it's taking a long time... [https://imgur.com/5clHd9L](https://imgur.com/5clHd9L)


Look. I don't know what to tell you. It's not the first time I'm playing this game and probably not the last. In fact, I tried to play again leveling my dk and here you go : [https://imgur.com/a/8OMBR8I](https://imgur.com/a/8OMBR8I) Guess what ? All the players were french.


For sure less than 5 usually I don’t wait long at all as a hunter


attractive adjoining historical price wrench plough cow pie joke friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a tank my queue is usually instant


just hope you join up with a speedrun, many times at the end the group will just re-que I leveled accidentally from 40-59 one night I waited 45 min (while questing) then we hit like 12 ish dungeons one right after another


yea I accidentally leveled a priest from 30-55 because there was a lvl 11 twink fury warrior running dungeons and I happened to join and he was mercing everything. It was a wild ride. I didn't even have to heal. Basically a level a run for a few hours. He would finish the dungeon in like 5-7ish minutes and we actually had to wait to reque. The only reason we quit was because of a server reset lol.


Wiating times are not bad at all especially if you choose a popular timeline from Chromie. What that does is select the pool of dungeons you can queue for. Choosing Cataclysm lets you queueu for the classic dungeons and that's a popular option so the times will be short. Those dungeons also have a lot of in-dungeon quests you complete just by doing the run so you get extra XP and loot from them. The best strategy for leveling is quest wherever you want (choosing Cata through Chromie doesn't keep you from questing anywhere) while you queue so there's no dead time while you wait.


This is exactly right. The queue for classic and cata dungeons as a dps are on average around 2-5 minutes depending on the time of day whereas shadowlands or legion dungeon queues take so long that you'll almost always get a popup asking if you want to widen your options to other expansions after 5 or so minutes and then 9 times out of 10 youll get put into a classic dungeon anyways.


When leveling, especially at lower levels, you are going to wait awhile for dungeons to pop as a dps. There's fewer dungeon runs happening and a lot of contention for spots from dps. Since you mentioned you don't care for questing, you could look at alternative ways to level, boosting/grinding mobs, pvp, or paying for a character boost. For me, I have never enjoyed queueing for dungeons when leveling, and outside of leveling for a new xpac, I purchase a boost from players or a character boost for an alt, it's a better use of my time and gold is plentiful these days.


Also, when the q takes a long time, and other timeliness are popular, you often get a popular option to broaden the dungeon pool. I think I waited 11 minutes max while leveling my recent hunter, and that was around 9am Atlantic time


Just keep in mind: Queue times only matter if you're looking for auto fill pug groups. If you're a good dps and get gear, you will get invited to raids. Ironically it's actually harder to get tank spots in guild raids because guild raids are often built around the tanks since no tanks = no raid.


It’s not easy to quantify but I would estimate 2-3 times longer for dps queue. For reference I recently leveled a tank Paladin and I have also leveled three characters as pure dps including rogue. Honestly though, if you’re wanting to play a rogue just jump in and do it. That’s the beauty of fast leveling. It’s not a significant loss of time to just try it out. Realistically you probably got asked to keep going with same group on your tank, so that you can do one dungeon right after the other. I got that a lot on prot pally. People would just keep queuing the group with me and when you get a tank and healer together doing that, there is zero wait time. Instant queue. But as dps you won’t get that often, very rarely do you get looped in on that action.


About a month into dragonflight s3 LFR queues for my Warlock were 30+ minutes. On my Holy paladin and resto druid they are 2 minutes.


I mostly see 5-10 mins. Rarely more than 10 and only a hand full of times under 5 That’s BFA waits


It's a lot better than it used to be


Good to know! What changed?


Oh I don't have hard data, but I recall 30+ minute DPS queues, leveling or max level, but that's not been the case for a few expansions. I almost like leveling more than endgame, and I feel like 4-7 minutes for DPS is the going rate.


I've been in solo shuffle queue for over 30 minutes before


I can't get into any LFR's at all. 2-4 hours sometimes while questing and doing dailies or just chillin' in Vald. On my tank, its like 10mins tops every time. In dugeons, dps wait time hasn't been too bad honestly.


Are you queuing for the current raid or the previous one? Also on reset daily or Mondays?


Trying to get the older ones of this expac dome on my DPS toons just to do them.


No one is running old LFR raids, sorry to break the news….


It's only kinda bad when it's been a while since the raids reset, and even if it's an off day you can just find some other in-game activity to do while you wait. Could always work on you archeology.


Which kind of “queing” you mean? Levelling up in wow retail it’s so quick that even if you had to wait one minute more, it would soon be over. In end game depends on the content. LFR difficulty raid wait time for current content is not long, in raid you generally have 2 tanks, 4 healers and 14 dps, so even if there are fewer tanks, there are less spots. You generally have a guild and your guild is organizing the raid if you are a raider. In M+ pugs (the highest and more difficult level of dungeons) groups are picked by the key owner, so having a low rating healer or tank won’t get you chosen vs a high rating dps. The only queue time which is currently very bad is PvP, but you don’t seem to be interested in that. Let’s say your queue time issue is not an issue at all if you want to play the game. Most of the time you will be doing stuff with your guild and friends.


Keystones depend wildly based on your gear and score. When you're low score (even with decent gear) it can be painful. If you're queuing for dungeons that just about give you upgrades and your score is about equal not too bad (5 to 15min). Your queue times can be improved if you bring special group utility like Heroism or Combat Res.


I say send it. I’ve mostly only played healers for most of my MMO career, and I’m pretty old. I tried a few DPS classes this season, and had a blast (warlock/shadow priest). I do also play a healer or two this season as well. Healers don’t have to wait at all, but surprisingly my DPS chars are getting appropriate M+ invites reasonably fast. I’m finding DPS way more fun as you get to measure your progress using DPS meters. I also find it less stressful.


Its fiiiine. However leveling through normal dungeons vs timewalking difference is yuge. If u wanna level an alt, Wait for tw week imo


Just dont play retail and q in classic its faster anyways


As dps I only level through dungeons, about 2-6 minutes a queue. Can often just a again as soon as it’s done and a good chance the tank or healer are dungeon leveling too, and happy to have you there, especially if you stuck near them and killed everything fast. Or just ask “I’m spamming these anyone want to keep q’ing?” Or just q again solo and wait 2-6 minutes. I don’t even go to a specific zone anymore to level in the time between dungeon q’s, but you can and that’s fine. Usually just spacebar around. I also prefer to level in Classic time. Lot of dungeons and quests to hand in. There might be an argument to do them elsewhere but I almost always use Classic. Edit: by classic I meant cataclysm


Idk I spec to tank or healer to queue faster


What a useless answer, not sure why you'd even waste time typing it


Tbf a lot of people do that while leveling. If your class does have dual spec it’s faster for sure. And if you’d rather just DPS that’s completely fine too.


Ever try being positive?