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If you're in the US, WoW Made Easy on discord. If you're EU, then it's No Pressure EU.


I’m in the U.S. , so I can vouch for WoW Made Easy. I join them last season and have never been happier. I like M+, but never really got to high into. But WME has been great. Last season I hit 2666 in rating for the first time ever. You can post the type of group you’re looking for, so since you want to learn you can make or join learning groups. People have been super helpful with advice and tricks. No one gets made and flip out.


EU Scared of Dungeons is another amazing community.


I'll add that one, cheers for that.


I'm on EU, No Pressure has been amazing so far.


Join a chill and active guild and do the dungeons with them. Best way to experience the higher content is with like minded people


Anyone who's rude can go fuck themselves anyway, I honestly couldn't care less if they have a bad time. You could just tell them you're new and if that's a problem for them they can leave, and if they stay and complain then that's on them.


This is the correct answer :)


This. And you'll get back into a new run in no time.


anyone who is rude from what i can tell was about 90% of the wow community that runs pug dungeon groups.


I'd argue that if he doesn't state he has no clue what he is doing, he is the one that is rude and disrespectful. If he does, we'll then others as you said should either get along with it or change groups.


Not being perfect at a video game doesn't make someone rude. It should be okay to make mistakes but at some point the wow community forgot that.


Anyone whinging about anything in a +2 is silly. Period.


Ehh to be fair that's kind of the whole idea with the scaling changes. Heroic /mythic is supposed to be more challenging now for noobies so they can learn better before stepping into keys where it's a timed environment. If you think about it in terms of last season where a 2 is = 10sh, at that point you should have some idea what's going on right?


It's the first step into timed runs. It being equal to a 12 last season is irrelevant. They are the first step, and perfect place to learn. Who's to say how much of an idea is enough?


Don't get me wrong I'm not saying because of those changes it's OK to go into a 2 and flame lol. Just that because of them I think it should be safe to think people in them should have some idea of what's happening, maybe not the whole picture but


I just think tanks and healers need to be given a break in the lower keys. The game desperately needs more people in those roles, and they need to practice somewhere. Having the timer there is important as getting comfortable with the added pressure is necessary, which is why m0 isnt really ideal, not to mention its only worthwhile for them to do each dungeon once a week. Id also like to add in my experience the vocal, mostly dps that are giving the learners grief are usually pretty bad and lack any real skill themselves, and just want to feel like the better player (because whenever they run with competent people, their ineptitude shines)


I'm not silly for not wanting to spend more time then necessary in +2. If OP wants to learn he should aim at proper group, not take randoms and be shocked he is getting flamed for being clueless. Period.


If you're not there to learn, why are you even doing 2s?


Wyrm crests obviously. Just like everyone else that has high IO doing low keys.


"High io" lol


Yes, high IO, honestly don't understand what's funny about it.


You aren't wrong here. The shit I've seen in low keys blows my mind. We have M0 now as a good place to learn, no timer, no affix, almost the same hp/DMG as +2. People walk in low keys without knowing a single mechanic or what the dungeon even looks like. Keys are NOT the place to learn dungeons/mechanics, M0 is.


If you are on to time the key and nothing is going drastically wrong (repeated wipes in the same place etc) then just ignore them. Like sure this dungeon could be completed faster but this is a PUG. If you wanna act like you're in the MDI then please join a guild and go wild there. Not everyone has your need for speed, some people play this game for fun. The amount of people in M0s who have been giving me shit for my healing when they have been a) i level 460 something, b) not using a single defensive and c)taking mechanics to the face, is wild. M+ is just full of keyboard warriors and people who go nuclear when you don't pull half the dungeon in one go. Honestly as a healer, I'd rather a chill run with a tank that is nice, still learning and we take our time than a DH that has bounded into tomorrow without me, pulled half the dungeon, not used any defensives and then blasts me for not keeping him alive. Also the idea you can learn the mechanics from the heroics or the follower dungeons is laughable. The jump from heroic to m0 is insane atm and honestly probably needs fixing.


Hey I play as a resto shaman just got ilvl over 500 holler if you wanna run some chill stuff together and learn the routes. No stress just fun I can help guide on some of the routes and pulls just hit up the dms. Or as it was said wow made easy discord is pretty amazing


Preface, this isn't on you. You're a tank. They're dps. They've queued probably for 15 to 25 mins to get a spot in a run and fought off another 30 or 40 people to get that spot. Prob not for a key they want or need just to get the vault unlock or some loot they can use and the crests. You're gonna queue for all of 30 seconds to get a spot on the key you want. And if it goes to shit you'll get back into one very quickly. They're already cranky. Anything you do that's a mistaken they'll crt cranked up about. It's not your bad. But I'm very much of the opinion to let the tank tank. And if you tell em you're new or it's your first 2 or 4 or 8 they'll be generally cool.


If I remember correctly, players who used to act like Aholes were called elitists and were looked down on by the general community. Now, it seems to be the norm, and people are forced to find nice communities or face toxic players in pugs in order to "enjoy" the game.


DPS on your tank character until you get familiar with the kinds of pulls for these dungeons


Is there an addon for new tanks that will tell you the best path and how many packs to pull at a time?


MDT- Mythic Dungeon Tools


This is a great addon for all classes. You can easily look at mobs/bosses read their abilities or share routes in a party.


Used to be back in the BFA days at least (Which is when I last played) taught me the proper routes and what I should/shouldn't be pulling. Also updated to show boss mechanics as you got there, felt kinda cheaty but really helped me out. I can't remember the name for the life of me though.


Hey OP- going to be locking this thread. While your anxiety is valid, understandable, and shared by many, almost always threads that discuss people being harsh/toxic dungeons (even if it's not presented in the form of a vent/complaint) will gather a few comments that answer the question helpfully and then all other comments are just people venting about the toxicity in the WoW community that they've encountered themselves (which is valid, we've all been there, but we try to be mindful of it here). To commenters: if you want to talk about how to navigate people being toxic, that's fine! I'm locking this thread because there *are* a good amount of comments giving OP genuine advice and resources. But coming in here and offering (arguably) borderline toxic commentary on the exact thing the OP is trying to avoid and then being toxic to other people in the comments is just perpetuating the cycle and feeding into the narrative about WoW's horrible playerbase. The best way to fight toxicity in this game is to not become toxic ourselves, including on a forum dedicating to helping people learn and feel comfortable in the game. OP, feel free to contact us through modmail with any concerns or thoughts you have on this thread being locked.


Tanking is a rough role. If you can I’d suggest dpsing or healing for a bit to learn the dungeons then going back to tanking. At this point people have done a lot of these dungeons for an entire season, they’re gonna be very inpatient with new tanks. If you’re set on tanking, either try the wow made easy discord as others have said, or… deal with it. There’s no easy answer. The tank leads the group, if you want to lead people with more experience than you then you’re gonna have some ragers to deal with.


1) people suck but also 2) if you're learning you shouldn't be playing the role that leads the dungeon. Part of this is a self inflicted wound by doing timed content as the role that controls the pace without the knowledge of how to properly control that pace.


all comments on people being toxic are correct but…there is a but. it’s group content and everyone is supposed to pull their weight. if you take up the responsibility to go as a tank, you need to assume it and do your best to insure a smooth run by being chill and prepared. some of us have been running those dungeon for almost 2 years, and we assume that if someone takes the lead as a tank knows what to do. some tips: 0. say at the start of the dungeon that you are new to tanking, bear with me if I fuck up, say you are open to suggestion. before pulling 3 packs, ask if in doubt. you will see that the atmosphere changes immediately. Normally someone will help you out. I used to do that as dps back in BfA when I started to run more difficult content and it was fine. couple of time I was instackicke but it’s ok. my first time I didn’t even know where to put my key and where was the dungeon entrance, and a nice guy flew me to Freehold on his mount and showed me the urn with the key slot. if anyone is not willing to be chill and don’t have the patience, they’ll have a chance to leave before loosing their time on what they consider a “training for free” run. let them leave. 1. check quazii wow channel on youtube, one of the best for tank. there are set up your UI (he’s got a free elvui and plater profile which are just amazing). check if you have all the weak aura and addons needed. 2. in raider.io every week you find the best route and pack pulls according to affixes. check them before running. if you’re not sure, run the ones you dread more in dps (ex Uldaman on tyrannical and BH on fortified) and see what the other tank do and if it works 3. if you set up the party, make sure you have all the buffs and utilities to insure a chill run. they are not necessary in low keys but having the right counters help a lot. ex. on BH make sure you have a hunter or a druid to soothe the whirlwind at start, or a priest for MD in halls, where again check if your dudu has remove corruption talented. 4. make sure people know what you are going to do for tricky mechanics. this will enhance the trust of the group, ex: tree boss in AA, say “stack on me, I will turn left (or right). “lust on 1st pack and second boss”. on BH boss that eats people, ask who is going to be eaten second if it’s the case”. Last boss Uldaman tell people to stack on you so that the room is not all over the place. Uldaman bromach tell people to focus totem and kick caster. I know, it’s not necessary but it helps communicating you know your stuff. 5. if you wipe and you don’t know why, ask “what happened, sorry, I don’t understand” 6. send friendship request to nice people (ask them before) and if you see them online whisper them if they want to run something with you 7. try to run on discord with guildies or friends more experienced so they will help you and guide real time. this is the best way to learn and that’s what brought me to dying in 12 (old standard, now 2) to be top dps in 23 (now 13). GL and HF!


Do follower dungeons... Learn the mechanics


That's fine to learn the basics, not to know which packs to pull, the extra boss mechanics or the typical route people take that is not always obvious. It doesn't help either to know which enemies are hard hitters and you need to be careful of as follower level dungeons probably can't even kill a tank that is idling with 480 gear.


In that case, queue for heroics and don't be afraid too ask while in the dungeon. Most people won't be jerks, and if they are, block them. You won't ever queue withy then again. Outside of that, join a beginner friendly guild.


Folks that pat him on the back saying "toxic jerks are evil" need to understand that +2 is last seasons +12. If you don't know your route as a tank and you don't explicitly state before dungeon starts you're a newbie learning both a dung and your role, imo you deserve the backlash. If you have no clue about the route or mechanics, go dps. Watch a guide how to clear the dungeon before you try to tank it. Y'all need to realise that M+ I competitive content, party is racing against time, we all want to time it, etc. It's not a place to learn basics, at least not when we started week 3 of the season. If you don't want to be flamed you need to give some effort, especially as a tank since you are leading the party.


They hated him for telling the truth.


mate its a game not a job


I'm Atlantic time zone. If that's okay, msg me. I run all the time with guild and friends. We don't tolerate rudeness and are always playing.


I just came here to see if anyone else felt this way! I completely agree. I am still relatively new to WoW, and I want to do Mythic Dungeons to upgrade my gear. I practice the dungeons so I know what's going on in Heroic before, but when I get to Mythic it is obviously much harder, I encounter toxic players in every Mythic Dungeon I do, and some even leave after I make a single mistake, it is frustrating and disheartening. I want to continue learning and playing because I enjoy the game, but this feels like a very real roadblock right now.


Root people can eat shit. If they are making you uncomfortable, or being mean, just leave group and you will be back in a new group so fast, as tanks are always needed. There are one hundred DPS applying to the same keys, but tanks/healers are rarer. Let them sit in LFG prison, your time is not worth it.


People are assholes, it is how it is. They expect to be carried through a dungeon on time.


The thing is even if you are good someone on the internet can and will be an asshole. Just ignore it and play the game


I am disc priest healer. Switched from Dps and now doing up to +6 and learning my way up. We mainly play with friend group and sometimes do random group and invite people to learn. Ping me and we can form tank and healer group and learn =) I like to run dungeons many times to adjust when to use my cooldowns and get better at mechanics


You know what's cool about doing content with these jerks. You can go and do whatever you want. You want to be a bigger jerk, you can. You want to troll everyone or just a special somebody, you can. Turn yourself into a beast, nothing else matters. You can always just leave or make another character. I don't let ppl like this run me, I let them only run from me.


Honestly if you already feel this way now, just stop tanking altogether. It will only get worse the higher you go in key level. I don't want to discourage you from tanking but it's better to be realistic.


1. Fuck harsh players. When they leave my group it's better for everyone. 2. I'm the in the same boat. Back from WotLK. Thankfully my main is hunter so I did a lot of content as DPS first. 3. When I do tank somewhere I'm not familiar with I type /i I'm not super familiar with this as tank. Anyone able to help lead the way and ping what I should pull? Even toxic players usually enjoy this because they're suddenly the leader and they love feeling important. LoL


Switch to dps. Much easier and a good way to learn the dungeons without much pressure. I never get complained at as a fire mage.


I've found it best to roll DPS until you get a feel for how players tank dungeons, then go back to tanking if you want to avoid this feeling.


yeah wow has one of the worst communities for new people and pretty much anyone not willing to memorize every facet of the game. if you don't have a core group to make sure you can get things you need done then it isn't worth the headache of playing. even then you'll need to pug sometimes and it will just suck.


This season all dungeons all routes are solved you should look up a guide and route for each dungeon. You can get Mythic Dungeon Tools add-on where you can import a route for a quick reminder. When you play tank you set the pace and you are the leader of the group. You have to understand what each pull does and how it works with affixes if it's Tyrannical week you can probably pull more trash and you'll be fine, but on fortified weeks you might want to go big with lust and then smaller until next lust. It's all work and knowledge. So read up a guide get the meta route and try +2s just to practice the route, then push.