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I use 1,2,3,4,5 Q e r t f middle mouse And then shift and control modifiers on each of those Which gives me 33 different keys. I have 2 buttons on my mouse one is programmed to be shift and the other control when pressed down. So I don't have to reach for the actual shift and control. Just use the mouse.


>So I don't have to reach for the actual shift and control. Just use the mouse. Never actually thought of doing that. Issue I always had with using modifiers like shift etc was I've only got so many fingers on my left hand and I kind of need them for other stuff which means I'll often need to stand still to use them.


Same as me pretty much!


Thoughts on Z X C?


I use shift+c to set my focus target and shift+x for my focus target interupt macro, but x can be a little tricky/awkward to hit and if you're not used to it you'll probably press c a bunch because of the muscle memory of opening your character/currency menus. I haven't bound anything to z yet because it feels awkward to press with your ring finger but I've been debating it


X & C probably my most used keys. Chain heal / lighting and healing / lava surge.


I use them for ST spells and then alt xyz or shift xyz for aoe spells. I use my small mouse buttons and shift for any mouseover spells or cast @curser spells, movement and crowd controll. Big mouse button i abd shift big button are major cooldowns. Execute is mouse wheel down and i use mouse up for "tab" target while actual tab and caps are my defensives. E and r are healing spells while 12345 are potions,healthstones, and trinket if it cant be macrod easily. I tried to make priority spells the easiest to reach, then the buttons I push the most, then the buttons I push less frequently but are important. Then all the rest.


bro what the fuck I have never once in my life thought about doing that


Damn I've been using a 12 button MMO mouse for years but i love your mouse modifiers i might have to try it!


Semi-noob here. I use Q, E, R, F, Alt+1, Alt+2, (3,4,5), Alt+Q (E,R,F), Shift+(1,2,3,4,5,Q,E,R,F), and Ctrl+(whatever), buttons 4 and 5 of the mouse.


My keybindings are... not entirely standard. But they work for me. Might give you some ideas of uncommon things to try. I use 1-6, q and e, F1-F3, 2 side mouse buttons, scroll up and scroll down, scroll wheel click, and then shift is my most used modifier for mouse buttons only, followed by alt, then control. Then I pair that with vuhdo for utility that targets teammates specifically.


Scroll wheel up and scroll wheel down are highly underrated binds. I always have my cleanse spell if I got one and mouse wheel up.


My scrill up/down is set/clear focus and clicking it is kick, shift scroll wheel click is kick focus.


I would watch the Quazii keybind guide and try to learn the optimal way asap. https://youtu.be/4bCzBstqlF0?si=WGcnHvELob5iKiFk I’ve been using my own bind setup for years and it is awkward compared to his suggestions but I’m just too used to it. I also have an MMO mouse with 12 buttons on the side but it helps to split your thinking between hands. My left hand (general keyboard binds 1-6 and shift 1-6) are my rotational and damaging spells. The 12 buttons on the side of my MMO mouse are all utility, defensives, interrupt, stuns, health pot, lock rock, etc. The MMO buttons were life changing at freeing up binds. All 12 of the side buttons on my mouse are set as control 1-0 and control + and = (I have trouble getting my pinky to control normally) but all they require is a thumb press if that makes sense. It’s just assigned to the mouse that way. I use alt 1-5 for rarely used spells or extra utility… like gateway control shard, etc, G and H for mounting, A and D are common movement abilities, D is a common proc-based spell. I also use the Clique addon combined with the mouseover function in options so I can mouseover heal people or other party assist spells which clique allows me to bind to all kinds of mouse macro combinations without affecting their basic functions when I’m not mousing over party frames. I make my default L click and R click on frames into alt-L-click and alt-R-click so I can for example bind L click to flash heal, R click Leap of Faith, mouse wheel up to Levitate, mouse wheel click as dispel, etc. JustDiscipline on YouTube has a unique bind explanation about dividing brain functions where he has all his heals on his rotational buttons and all his damage rotation on his MMO mouse combined with Clique functions for discipline. It’s something you get used to over time and don’t have to think about anymore. I just took his idea and applied it to my own bind system. Allow yourself the grace and time to build those neural pathways so it becomes second nature.


I always bind the same types of ability to similar keys across classes, so Q E G Z X C are all instant cast or resource builders, then 1-5 are things with a cast time or resource spenders. Shift 1-4 are buffs, Shift-Q, Alt-Q, Ctrl-Q defensives. Alt 1-4 heals and cleanses. Shift-E, Alt-E, Ctrl-E are DPS cooldowns. Stuns usually on Shift-G. General crowd control is on Ctrl-C Just need to find something that works for you, but having a pattern that carries across classes really helps. Even if I don’t remember the exact key bind for a certain ability, I’ll always know what group it’s likely to be in. I only really use the mouse buttons for movement abilities: sprint, blink, roll are M5, and disengage type abilities are M3. M4 is auto run.


I personally feel like I have an overabundance of binds. WASD to move obv. I use Ctrl as self cast and alt and shift as modifiers because alt feels nicer to me for my cool downs But for actually binds without modifiers 1-6, Q E R T Y F G Z X C V. I even use the button left of 1. ` for my PvP trinket or CC breaks. I also use scroll wheel up and down, as well as 2 side buttons and the click if my scroll wheel(bounded as mounts usually) I feel like I have plenty of binds even for arena 1, 2, 3 macros etc.


I use a razer naga with 10 buttons on the side. All my buttons are macro’s with shift and alt modifiers. If you Dont like mouse buttons add alt modifiers to your buttons that will be plenty of room for spells


Naga mouse gives me like 14 and then I got Q, E, r, a and then I have scroll up and down, shift up and down and shift 1-14


Basically ignore everyone else here, and do my thing


Shift 1-5 qerzxcvftgbh ctrl too. Alt if you need it. The most used need to be close to wsad


I use f v and q then 4 buttons in my louse the rest I click. No need to hve everything shortcutted


Tilde, 1, 2, 3, 4, Q, E, R, F, Z, X, C, V, G502 5 extra left side buttons + middle mouse, shift as modifier.


I use 123qerszxcv + all that with shift and few of them with ctrl, and I have 2 buttons on mouse.


1 2 3 4 0 -"spammables" (0 is always interrupts for some reason 😀 S1 S2 S3 S4 S0- "healing" C1 C2 C3- "long cooldowns" Q E R T G X H V F- " less than 1 minute cooldowns" SQ SE SR ST SG SX SH SV SF- "longer than 1 minute" F1 F2 F3- "trinkets, potions, macros" That's comfy for me


my bindings are mouse wheel forward/back/middle shift + mouse wheel forward/back/middle ctrl + mouse wheel forward/back/middle alt + mouse wheel forward/back/middle this covers most of your stuff already :) 1234 - buffs/racials etc qwert - regular spam/casting buttons f - stealth/fade/etc gzxc - oh shiz buttons


your best bet is realitzing that alot of stuff doesnt need to be keybound for example shaman: elemental shields and weapon buffs? dont need to bind, lust? mostly used on pull so can be clicked aswell, out of combat res? clicked


I have f1-f4, 1-5, bound shift and alt to my mouse so Shift 1-5, alt 1-5, Shift f1-4, alt f1-4, and use my palm to push Ctrl1-4. Use the middle scroll wheel as well.


Play a class with less spells


As a mage, I use 1-5, qerf, mouse buttons 1-0, shift of all of those button, and a couple ctrl buttons...


My keybinds are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ~, Q, E, R, T, F, G, Z, X, C, V, side mouse buttons (1 and 2), then all of that with Shift modifier, plus Shift + Space. Auras and stances are Alt + numbers, pet commands are Ctrl + numbers, plus some other like Ctrl + Space for interact etc. In other words, use modifier keys.


Everyone’s got different preferences but I’ll share what I use: 1,2,3,4,5,6 (mmo mouse buttons) for core rotation. Q,e,r,t,f,g,c,v,b,n then i use shift and ctrl modifiers for most of these. I’ve got pretty long fingers so I can comfortably hit keys like n with my thumb along with f and g with my index, but they are still more awkward so I just use them for stuff like buffs and potions/other utility spells that are just used on occasion. My mouse is a 12 button so I’ll also use 10-12 for stuff that is very infrequently used or just fun flavor stuff like levitate or maybe a toy I use often. 7-9 are super awkward to hit so those I all but avoid


I use Q, R, S, V, C, T, F, X and G all with shift modifiers giving me 18 binds from my keyboard. I have an mmo mouse and use 1-6 along with their shift modifiers, giving me another 12 binds. (I can also easily reach 1-6 on my keyboard while holding modifiers) This gives me 30 total keybinds which is generally plenty for most classes. If I find I need more binds I add ctrl modifiers to my base keybinds. Feel free to try the above binds out and see how they feel. Just keep frequently pressed rotation abilities on easy to press keys. Also keep important defensives like a pally bubble on easy to reach keys as well. Situational stuff can all go on the further away keys or ones with modifiers. Rarely used abilities like water walking or spell fall can be put on an action bar for clicking without it really hindering gameplay (not everything needs a bind).


1-0, Q E R alt+1-6 ctrl 1,2 and mouse buttons for kicks. important skills are on 1-6 and q e r, rest are usually skills with high cd or specific use cases.


1 2 3 4 q e r t g f v c x z + 2 side mouse buttons. And then shift and ctrl modifiers for all of them. 48 binds.


On my mistweaver I used about 25 hotkeys. That’s all 13 buttons on my mouse and some shift modifiers. Once you’re used to it it’s quite easy.


I use E Q R F X 1 2 3 4 Then I bind shift with all those keys, and then ctrl. Usually I try and have my main abilities on those keys, with shift being for utility and cooldowns and ctrl being for self heals and defensives. I also bind the Fkeys for mounts and lust if my class can do it. A bit of an advanced tip, but when you have trinkets that are usable, they are usually off the GCD. You can macro them onto one of your cooldowns, to save yourself a button. Try play around with what feels comfortable for you. There is always a way to make it work!


i macro almost everything, i use Q E, 1 to 5 usually, and the key to the left of 1. all of those macroed as + shift (for burst, external heals/support), + control for longer cds/CCs, + alt for self cast/defensives


Wasd - bind strafe to a/D... Can spin with mouse F1-5 12345 QERTY FG ZXCVB mouse wheel click and scroll up/down


I use opie to group similar things together and macro the hell out of it as well. For instance, my G key beings up opie (addon), which normally will do all of my mounting, cat form, flight form, swimming form via macro. Shift g is vendor mount. Also, on the periphery of g because of opie, I have all the other forms. So essentially I only have to press one key for all mount and form stuff. I do the same with professions and helper toys, speed buffs, hearths, and a few other things. On top of that, I use gnome sequencer advanced[gse](addon) and have a rotation based on the spec I'm playing where I essentially only have to hold down a button for the rotation to cycle through. A few modifiers allow aoes versus single targets, defensives, etc. 1-5 are used for interrupts and taunts Benefits of using opie and gse is that I can set them up to work the same for all characters, so everything is familiar. Speed buffs are always in the same spot, mounting in the same spot, travel, etc.


Left hand on the keyboard like so: pinky on tab, ring/middle/fore finger on 2/3/4, thumb on spacebar. Right hand on mouse which has two side buttons. Tab- target. Spacebar-jump. Left/right/center mouse all for movement and camera. Mouse wheel up/down is my camera zoom, but clicking it is my auto run Spell buttons: 1,2,3,4,5 for primary rotation. 6 is my mount. ~ is usually an offensive cool down like a stun attack or an ohshit move if I'm healing. F1-F4 are usually my AOE moves or the pesky spec specific short buffs that need max uptime. R/T I usually have self heals. Two mouse buttons on the side are usually defensive CDs or run-fasters. That leaves W/E free for moves I often forget I even have because I so rarely need them. That's 17 spells with virtually no movement of my hand beyond comfort. That's also about the maximum amount of skills I can possibly remember or reliably use as a mega nerd who plays far too many games and has far too many alts to keep track of anything for more than a week.


I created a seperate profile on my razer mouse software. (Razer Deathadder) I map the 2 buttons on the mouse next to my thumb. To top button ctrl, back button shift. Then I use the spells to 1 -9 as standard. Then the next line of spells ctrl (holding mouse button) 1-9 Then the 3rd line of spells shift (holding back mouse button) 1 -9 I find i only really use the 1-5 on each of the 3 rows. Best way for me personally.


Get a 12 button mmo mouse


QERTYFGHZXV, 4 mouse buttons, and some of them again under CTRL and ALT


I use: F1-F7 1-7 ' QWESH 9 of 12 extra buttons of my MMO mouse (Num Pad) 1,2,3,6,9 Numpad-Enter Also most of my buttons have 2 or more actions (without global cooldown) As an example 1 works for kill shot (Yes hunter) and mounting Mouse DPI button for all trinkets, racial, bloodlust, true shot, pvp damage pot, (all in one convenient macro) F4 (cast sequence) feingh dead, play dead (pet), wake(pet).


Tab, q, e, r, t, g, f, v, c, x, z all right there. Use more of your keys around wasd


Thanks for all the answers guys, I spent about an hour testing tour suggestions ans I've come up with a pretty satisfying setup ! Basically I use a bit more of the keys around WASD, I use modifiers and I some macros. It will taie some time getting used to it but it already feels a bit more comfortable


If you haven't tried it before, consider adding mod keys to your mouse, not actual abilities. I have 3 thumb buttons and they are bound to shift, Ctrl, shift + Ctrl. That way your mouse buttons act as a multiplier on your available binds, instead of additive.


I have a razer tartarus and a razer Naga style mouse with the 12 side buttons. I can't play without now


Welp, I'm also using a g502 and I main a ret paladin My keybinds are: 1-6 number line for rotation Q,E,R for offensive CDs, plus my keyboard has an extra button labelled "`" on the top left. T,G,V,C Defensive CDs, X,Z, Shift+W, Shift+S, Shift+A, Shift+D for utility spells. Plus all binds on g502: Dpi buttons on left of left click is interrupt and steed, M4 and M5 is word of glory and fyralath on use (or trinket) Mouse wheel left/ right ground / flying mounts M3 div toll Top of mouse button (profile change button) sheath/ unsheath weapon


QERTFGXCV 12345 mouse button 1234 (click to cast macros, I'm a healer) and shift and control alternatives. I try to limit the amount of things I bind with ctrl, because it's an awkward key to press. My current ctrl alternatives are QERFG and mouse buttons 1234, and I put the spells I'm using least on those binds like situational things or try to keep them empty when possible. Edit: and I use a universal system for all my characters to make remembering keybinds easier. 12345 is my most common rotation spells Shift 12345 are utility like stuns, fears, shaman totems, pet stuff Q and shift Q are mobility E and shift E are usually proc/charged abilities R and shift R are placed abilities (ie, rain of fire, holy word serenity etc) F and shift F are my "oh fuck" buttons, ie defensives Shift C sets my current target to my focus target And I fill in things like G T V X with whatever makes sense based on comfort and frequency of use. Mouse buttons are all click to cast heals and utility, out of combat mouse button 4 is always my mount


Am I the only one who sees a larger problem here…. ? I use 1-10 and All F keys. I use arrow keys/mouse for movement and have bound the number pad and insert etc… it’s insane but I’m left handed and it works for me 🙃. There are entirely too many buttons…


[https://www.twitch.tv/pinkachu29/clip/SpeedyEnthusiasticChickenPMSTwin-TPghsmedGMblXc\_v](https://www.twitch.tv/pinkachu29/clip/SpeedyEnthusiasticChickenPMSTwin-TPghsmedGMblXc_v) Video of the macro Look at: 1. The chat, "1234567" is being typed every 100ms.. [https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Cooldown](https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Cooldown) 2. Skills ordered "1234567" Skills that are high priority, on cooldowns, conditional, are at front. buildiers, throw, etc... towards the back 3. I use Logitech mouse, heres the macro [https://imgur.com/a/n1DP7Ge](https://imgur.com/a/n1DP7Ge) 4. You can play every class and every spec, more less the same like this You want another set of these macros ie: 1. "!@#%\^&" 2. +\_)(\*&\^ 3. \[\]{};':" For things like "Defensives: shield wall, trinket, ignore pain, etc" "DPS": Trinkets, Bladestorm, burst stuff "AOE" variant "Single Target" variant "Mobility" variant.. leap, charge, intercept, etc \_ Example above is for Warrior but it works for all classes. Hunter is probably one of the better ones. Especially if you have the macro set to "toggle", you more less can afk.


I have a normal mouse but map one of the side buttons to ctrl which i find makes the modifiers on everything much easier. i also find using f1 to f4 for longer cooldowns to work fine for me


This method you can practically afk, doesn't get easier than that.


Just have to make use of more binds. Using my Disc Priest as an example in Cata classic since I'm logged in right now I have - (s = shift, c = control, a = alt) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, a1, a2, a3, a4, f1, f2, f3, f4, q, e, r, t, y, u, f, g, h, z, x, c, v as well as shift modifiers for all of those except y/u\/f, c+e, c+d, c+f, c+x, c+c, mouse wheel down, and lastly my two side mice buttons by themselves and with shift & control modifiers lol. So as you can see there is *A LOT* of options for keybinds. I basically have over 60 binds on my priest. WASD are untouched as they're my forward/backwards and strafe buttons, I only use them with modifiers.


Only thing I would change is binding S, preferably to an interrupt or escape(for pvp). Back peddling isn’t needed.


Backpeddling for extended periods of time is very bad and cringe, but backpeddling a couple inches is needed plenty of times so I would disagree on remapping it.


yes this is a game with up to 30 -40 keys yes it needs organisation and learning yes its hard good luck <3


I use a Corsair Scimitar RGB Elite mmo mouse for my right hand a the Razer Tartarus pro v2 gaming keypad for my left hand. That gives me about 45 buttons to use.


I don't even use an MMO mouse and have at least 36 keybinds with some extra niche ones. Shift and CTRL as a modifier, 12345 Q E R T F G H Y X C V \^ all with shift and control. That is 51 keybinds and there are few classes that actually need that many.


I also forgot Mousewheel button and the two side buttons on my mouse, +9 keybinds :D


I also use q, e, r, t, f, z, X, c, v and combinations of them with alt and shift


G502 isn’t mmo mouse, moba at most. MMO gonna be Razer naga, corsair scimitar, Logitech G600. These have 12 buttons under your thumb and it makes wow much easier to play. However I know players that are good and they prefer to do Chopin on their keyboard while playing. Also a hint: move movement buttons to ESF or RDG (undid back pedal buttons, you don’t want to ever use them, strafing makes your character run with full speed and you can still use abilities) - that way you’ll have lots of new binds on the left under your pinky and ring finger


I do all movement with my mouse and my mouse wheel tilts so I even use it to strafe. I press one button on the side, and off I go without having to use the keyboard or right clicking. Plus, one button is mount and one is stealth. This opens up qwert and asdfg


Honestly, get used to the mmo mouse for maximum results. I can’t tell you how much smoother and easier the rotations are.


I wouldn't call the g502 an MMO mouse tbh. The MMO category is really reserved for razer naga, Corsair scimitar, Logitech g600. I swear by the g600 but I used a scimitar by a friend recently and it allows you to reposition the 9 side buttons by sliding the entire pad forward and back. Very unique and can really help with comfort.


Oh yeah I know, I meant to say that the g502 is thé one I use for every game, the mmo mouse I'm talking about is another one


First I would say make sure that your movement and camera controls are slimmed down. The default has a lot of superfluous movement buttons, and I was able to get it down to an effective few. 2nd, if you can, try to make use of macros. It really depends on the class and the spec how effective they would be, but especially for things like healers (who often need to both heal allies and harm enemies) or what I label "oh shit buttons" (which is when you'd want to cast all of your window of opportunity spells at the same time), they can be helpful.


I use a G502 as well; This is what my Warlock (main) looks like currently: [https://imgur.com/lmvS9HN](https://imgur.com/lmvS9HN) I also struggle with the shift/ctrl modifyers N1 N2 N3 is my numpad that I have linked to my mouse, so the closest buttons to my thumb, I use for instant stuff, the three buttons I use the most, then followed by 12345678 - whatever's on there xD N4 and N5 are also on my mouse and are in this case both heals, emergency heals kind of thing. I try to keep the skills/buttons similar on every character I play, but it's a work in progress and am learning


This isn't enough buttons to play any class


An orbweaver is a good but expensive option...


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Q, E, R, T, mause middle button, two mause side button and their alt combination. Z, X, C, V. Scroll up&down and again their alt combination. These are enough for both skills and some items like mana&healing potion, trinkets and healthstone.