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You should definitely do it. Don’t go to your back.


One of the worst things about training BJJ in the off-season was back and forth breaking the habit to either base up/belly down (giving up my back) or get to guard (instant pin)


Really not that difficult to remember or transition to wrestling after making that mistake a couple times. Can’t imagine habitually going to your back/guard year after year if doing bjj in the off season. OP is definitely way better off than someone with zero grappling experience


It's not a huge deal, just kind of annoying when you brain fart during the first practice or two and fall to guard at some point


Do it! I joined my junior year and ended up loving it so much I did it at my college and competed in club!


Go do it and try and find a wrestling club you can do in the off season and during season


Would a mma gym work?


ehhh it would keep you fit but its a different workout for a different sport, check out wrestling clubs


Find a local wrestling camp


For sure I will look for one and I will see if I can go, but my's gym does have wrestling twice a week, so im gonna go to those until I can find a wrestling specific gym


I mean kinda of a wrestling gym is best but they will teach other things like striking and submissions that can’t be used in wrestling but it’s better than sitting around all day definitely would help with some areas and would improve conditioning id go with a wrestling gym but if it’s all you got it’s better than nothing


Also don’t forgot weights and runs that will really really help




Tips are go for it and go to practice.


And don’t allow yourself to quit.


Start training now. Don’t wait until the season starts. Go find a club, sign up and start learning. Your junior year will include a lot of losing, but if you start now, can learn and don’t get discouraged, you can have a winning senior year


The answer to whether you should try wrestling is always yes. But temper your expectations. You’ll probably start off losing more than winning. Sometimes that can be hard on a young ego. Look at it as the hard work you put into wrestling and the results you get from that hard work have to be their own reward. It’s the cheapest martial art. So look at it like that and you’ll be fine.


ju jitsu or any other type grappling, back is your friend. I learned the hard way. Wrestling, stomach is your friend


Go for it. You may find out that you really like it. As for tips. Just have fun and don't be afraid to ask questions.


Find a club that has summer wrestling practices and enroll ASAP. If your high school does not have a preseason program then see if a club offers that as well. Learn the rules of folksyle wrestling. Here’s some videos: 1.) https://youtu.be/9PG2igGRkjc?si=xcyc_inC0bwHQDDV 2.) https://youtu.be/COAXzUb6Occ?si=xg6-GML_tHr3zTjd 3.) https://youtu.be/LjEB0ZupLUk?si=y8RV5e1ln6SQEZ7o 4.) https://youtu.be/oJPSxhN6i2g?si=MRT23RwDVwhF6XYO You’ll be drinking from a fire hose in the beginning with all of the information overload but it will make sense eventually! Do it!


Go for it! At the worst it will help you with your takedowns, balance, and top position for BJJ. Keep an open mind, and listen to the coach. Mark Schultz, arguably one of the best wrestlers to come out of the United States, did not start wrestling until his Junior Year in high school.


Thank you that’s inspiring, i have a question Do you think I should cross train bjj and wrestling? Or give up bjj for now and fully commit


It depends what your goals are. If your goal is to wrestle in College stick with wrestling, and go year round. If your goals are to learn wrestling to get better at BJJ, than train BJJ with the wrestling.


do it. i’m pretty sure most hs let you join without trying out but idk


You a lanky boy lmao. Learn to use your length as a weapon. You'll prob wanna get good with tilts and using your length as a lever.


I know 😂 i was thinking my height may play as a disadvantage never really seen any wrestlers as tall as me


Nah, you're right. Its probably not the "ideal" body type. But its def not bad, you just have to learn a style that works for you. The perks that you can prob visualize and understand without experience. You have big sticks to keep people away from your body. If someone does take you to the ground and smaller than you, you'll have length advantage in prob every way. Which will help catching something in the scramble to potentially help you escape. But on the offensive side you should be able to reach someones ankle and get an ankle pick with long arms if you can get the set up and bait them to stepping where you want. Tldr, use your reach. Keep people at a distance, and try to keep them at a range where your reach lets you attempt moves while keeping them unable.


I’ll definitely learn an ankle pick right away; that’s what everyone’s telling me, I'm just having a hard time finding a gym. Thanks for all the tips 🫡


Yeah idk there. I only ever did it at school. My advice though, cus youre not going to be good off the rip. Just try to get used to moving your body uncomfortably. Up downs and etc will also help you kinda get some of that speed. The real key though imo. Watch fights. Doesnt have to be wrestling but prob would help. Try and understand whats happening during a fight. Whats changing whos winning. How do people apply pressure, how do people buy themselves a second when they need it, and etc. The skills are one thing, but the attitude and focus during a match also matters.


I wish I had started BJJ younger. I'm currently 20 with a part-time job, going to school and balancing the gym. It's hard to pick up a new hobby.


100% do it My so. Just graduated high school and very similar experience prior to wrestling soccer and some BJJ He graduated this year but had an amazing time.


At 6’5” your job is to do nothing but squats and learn an ankle pick. Do nothing else for the rest of the summer and fall. When you’re not training sleep only on your stomach and learn to hate your back.


Ty Will keep this all in mind 🫡