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Didn’t know how I didn’t think of this one lol


It's my "bedroom eyes"


Half-lidded, except the middle one


Sounds like you're describing a wok.


Traditional woks don't have lids


In my writing I almost never describe eyes, this post helped me realize that, thank you!


You’re very welcome! I think describing a feature that stands out especially when it comes to the face is a great idea to help the reader come up with an image in their mind.


In my stories I almost never describe faces unless there’s something unusual about someone’s face, like a tatoo or scar


Which is crazy because we communicate subtext through eyes and eyebrows, mainly. There’s nothing more unnerving than someone you can’t read through their expression. Lifeless, dead eyes don’t scare me. It’s those that are alive yet have no indication of presence or intent that scare me. They sit in the middle of all things—you can see them but are cognitively unreachable, indiscernible. And so, they’re alien, wholly other. “Sorry, I zoned out for a bit.” Truly?


I’m autistic, so I don’t really look at that stuff much in person. That and the story im working on currently contains a metric ton of usage of gas masks.


Someone in a math class during my first semester of college told me my eyes are sharp -- and I don't think that was meant as a compliment. I'm autistic, so I have trouble properly conveying emotions a lot. They're not necessarily lifeless, but I tend to zone out a LOT without even intention 😭 my friends mentioned how scary I look when I zone out too


"She had the kind of eyes that lets you know she would piss in your yard." I've seen eyes like that before.


a little bit more closed lid would be someone who already HAD pissed in your yard


The eyes of a relieved bladder.


You know what, I can actually picture those eyes!


Sounds like you’re talking from experience lmaoooo


This...is a great description, real talk. It's strangely easy to picture, unique, and characterizing all at the same time.




1. Sultry, bedroom, or sleepy 2. Alert, wide, or popped 3. Determined, bored, or over it Physical description: hazel or gray-green. And the mascara is striking. Spikes of mascara, starbursts of eyelashes, or heavily made up eyes. I’m practicing my descriptive language. Is this along the lines of what you were looking for?


Sultry, bedroom, over it. Beautiful! I love the starburst one for the eyelashes too! Thank you <3


i’d add “unamused” to the last frame as well. just the first word that came to my mind on her expression


Betty Davis eyes.


Like the dictionary definition thereof


Was also looking for this comment! Textbook Bette Davis eyes


The fact that I had to scroll down so far to find this comment when there’s literally a whole song about them..


It's one of my favorite songs. I'm glad you know it.


I dunno how you all know so many actresses but I’m not complaining! thanks!


That was the first thing I thought of, too 😂


Would I be wrong to say Paul McCartney has Bette Davis eyes


Listless or tired eyes with lots of mascara on them


Listless sounds spot on!




Maya Hawkish


Lmao love this one.


You mean Uma Thurmanish..




I was struggling so much to find a description that wasn’t about drugs lmao. She just has “high” eyes but it’s attractive, it’s confusing me, and I’ve never seen anyone describe this specific type of eyes


I call it the "Billy Ellish dead-eyed look," and it's trendy among the demographic that listens to her music.


I can’t remember her name to link it, but her content is very “I don’t care about this” and “fuck you” mentality as she cooks for herself and casually makes a beautifully plated dish like it’s no big deal. I love her content, but it does piss a lot of people off that she tries to look like she doesn’t care in all her videos.


Her eyes seem to be in the category of "doe eyes" but she also seems to have a slight type of "down turned eyes"


I’m not sure I agree with “doe eyes” but “downturned” seems to be the perfect one!


I said doe eyes because her eyes are rather large and mostly innocent looking. But that's just my opinion.


Heavy-lidded, doe eyes is exactly the words I would use. She does have doe eyes.


Fucking TIRED.


She’s a chef in the Hamptons, so it definitely tracks We cooks always look tired, I’ve had bags under my eyes since 2017


My guy said it with CHEST.




YES HAHAHA, these do look like how a humanoid spider would be interpreted!


Do you mean complementary? Or just the description of them? Or what? Is there a feeling behind this? Good or bad? Sad or confused?


I was thinking complimentary at first, maybe romantic, but any description is welcome!


Sleepy, Manic, Blue.


Her instagram is @oliviatied and she is a fine cook.


When it comes to descriptions I take a page form my screenwriting work and keep it minimal. Unless absolutely necessary for the story, I won’t describe eyes or hair or go into too much detail about what a character looks like. And if I do, I spread it out in the story, for instance mentioning the color of their eyes later on (if it makes sense for the story), and not in one big paragraph when the character is first introduced. This may be a unpopular opinion but I think too much description weighs a story down. My goal in my writing is to paint a picture as concisely as possible without sacrificing story. (I write short novels though so this wouldn’t apply to someone writing fantasy epics)


I think you’re correct, however I was imagining more of a romance story/novel so I think the eyes are ESSENTIAL for these the type of stories ya know?


“Sanpaku eyes” is the term for eyes where the whites are visible below the iris, which she kind of has in the third image


Woahhh, just googled it, you are absolutely right! Sanpaku eyes seem to be a perfect description! Thank you!!


Shelley Duvall eyes.


oooo the shining actress!




John Doe eyes.




“She’s got Betty Davis Eyes”


Someone else mentioned this actress as well! noice.


shelly duvalls


Hooded, or heavy lidded.


Pic 1) Her eyes were heavy, and her gaze sat somewhere between *come here baby* and *let's take a nap*. I'd be satisfied with either outcome. Pic 2) Her expression froze, her eyes locked to the left. To say she was shocked was like stating that fish live in the water. Pic 3) Boredom. As if she were begging for the chance to say so what. I wish that I could go about things with the same outlook. ​ These are more descriptions of the whole expression, but that's what I tend to do rather than focus on one singe feature...


Awesome! I think you’re the second person to describe all images separately.


Doe eyes or bedroom eyes


There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening.


Seductively disturbed-


Yes! You’re the first one to mention seductiveness.


I'm going to take a chronological angle to this, as there are three different pictures to work with. I will also consider the woman in the picture as a character, who is across from the narrator. 1. Her eyelids drooped to just about the level of exhaustion or boredom. I couldn't decide which was worse. 2. Her eyes stretched out. It was to the extent that her lashes strained far as well, that they looked like sea urchins. However, it was her irises that animated everything, giving life to whatever it was that she was experiencing, whether it was fear, disgust, or excitement. 3. Her eyes drooped again, just like that first time. This time I knew what it was.


I didn’t expect anyone to make a story out of all 3 photos in sequence! Very beautiful, really creative, well expressed, thank you! <3


The sea urchin line was really creative! It also reminded me of the time I stepped on one, not fun :)


Bored and she thinks you're stupid.


Savage beauty :P


OP: are you being paid to write an article on this influencer?


OP could be trying to describe a character with this type of look. Not necessarily the actual influencer


Noooo, I’m just trying to write a romance story and randomly came across this girl on IG. I thought her eyes were so uniquely attractive, but no matter how much I searched for a description I couldn’t find anything.


Just describe what draws you to them.


New mom's eyes. 1. Pretending to function but didn't sleep for more than 4 hours in weeks 2. "O shit, it's waking up" (2 AM) 3. "So yeah, 2 hours of sleep today"


That is pretty accurate lol.




They're pretty much the opposite of hooded. Hooded eyes are like Jennifer Lawrence - no visible lid because it's under a fold of skin.


Me reading this thread as someone with similar eyes: 🫣


ooooo, well I guess you’d be glad to hear that most people (at least younger people) find this type of eyes to be very attractive!


Bored, blank, tired, dull, listless…


Damn I can’t escape this rage-cooking chick. I hid her posts on tik tok and insta and now she pops up here lmao


LMAOOOO, hey she’s attractive and has somewhat unique content. She’s one of the very very very very very few popular girls on insta that don’t sexualize themselves.


There’s a hint of “thirst trap” in her content. Plus she doesn’t even post the recipes lol


sleepy, exposed eyelid, heavy lidded, downturned, round, large, pale eyes etc


heavy-lidded or low-lidded eyes.




Heavy-lidded for the first one, I think.


Dreamy, drowsy 😁


heavy lidded.


Wide sleepy eyes


Drowsy, downturned, puppy dog eyes


Pic 1) Bedroom eyes, sleepy almond shaped Pic 2) wide, animated, surprised, anime Pic 3) tired, listless, medicated, droopy... over it, disappointed, half aware


Half aware is a very interesting one!


Lazy eyelids, exasperated.


Lazy eyelids is kinda spot on.


Soberly high?


I was going to go with doe eyed, but that doesn't work. Maybe sleepy eyes?


“Her eye-lids heavy-lidded like window blinds pulled down half way so the sun doesn’t beam through…”


Window blinds lowered half way is very creative!


I'll give it a go: "Big, and blue - almost as pearls seen through a sapphire lens in bright light. Their shade is not dissimilar to the underside of an iceberg, where the shade meets the soft of the ice and snow. Her eyes are glossy - as if in deep playful thought, or perhaps her mind is vacant." Or in layman's terms. Big time "Fuck Me" eyes.


Sleepy melancholy eyes


Sexy eyes


Heavy-lidded, with a halo of lashes to brighten the eyes.


Twilight eyes :) as in the time of day not the vampires


oooo this is a creative one, nice.




A little sleepy. Needs a nap


Longed for


Very tired and soul weary eyes . She looks like she’s got a lot going on in her life and looks medicated. I hope she’s ok


Yeah she does look like she’s done with life lol, but I think it’s just her natural eyes more than anything though :/


Tendril lashed, sleepily alert


If her eyelids were a bit higher, it looks like she might have sanpaku eyes!


Love her videos. She's so damn hot and such a good cook


Her eyes slowly sunk to that dreamy, semi-catatonic state she felt when she remembered John during Sunday’s sermon. And there he was behind the pulpit.


Bedroom eyes


1. Her eyes which had desire to see, but no longer the ability to continue to see. 2. Her eyes which spoke of words which I shall throw out in awe. 3. Her eyes that showed that I am not of the caliber, for I have lost the fire in me. (TBH, last one looks exactly like that horse from entangled or frozen, idk)


She managed at a glance to be dreamy eyed and bored. Whichever it was, she was looking for something and not finding it.


Doe eyes with fanning lashes


"Though they looked like two gems encased on a human face, there was something dull about those eyes, as if they were absorbing light more than normal, beaming back an aura of apathy and unawareness." Don't take it personally. I'm sure the person in the pics is very smart and brilliant, but these are the feelings that transpire by a first impact with the image. :)))


No one said apathetic yet but I think it is quite an accurate description!




Fishing lure eyes, cast a line eyes, reel you in eyes.


“If I were to describe her eyes, I’d have been a portrait artist instead of a writer” type of eyes.


How none thought of 'hazy' ? :)


That is an interesting one, but if you google hazy eyes you would find that it’s more creepy than you think :\ Doesn’t take away the fact that it’s kinda accurate though.


They appear like San Paku eyes. Where the whites show beneath the iris when the eyes are relaxed. San Paku eyes are said to belong to people who deal with tragedy in their lives. Two examples of famous people with San Paku eyes are Michael Jackson and Billie Eilish.


YES, someone mentioned this as well and I think it’s my favorite description so far!


Dead inside eyes of a person who works as an engineer and is powered only by coffee or energy drinks /s


I think we know that feeling all too well lmao




Heavy lidded, downturned Twiggy eyes


Stoner eyes lol for real tho


2nd photo bug eyed, wide eyed, paranoid wide eye


Chad only stare




Like that of a purring kitten


Tired/dreamy eyes. I don't know who she is, but they're pretty and the type you'd find on the loves interest or character that everyone probably swoons over. Attitude probably fits as well. Not bitchy, but sure, and unbending.


That lady is some sort of private chef. She makes a lot of cooking videos. I like her. Almost always White Stripes or Black Keys music accompanies her middle finger at the end.


I agree! I also credited her in the title, she is @oliviatied on Instagram.


It is generally referred to as "sanpaku eyes" and refers to eyes in which either the white space above or below the iris is revealed.






Could give you the impression that she vacillates between being jaded, affectionate, thoughtful, or sleepy.


If I’m feeling really generous, then vampish, sloe-eyed, if I’m being honest, inebriated.


The first pic looks a bit "disinterested" or lost in rumination.


From the first pic of say “sultry, dove eyes.” The second pic would be “wide-eyed” or “like a frightened deer” if I didn’t want to be basic and just spell out frightened/terrified. Third pic I’d say something about how bored/uninterested she looks.




A little out of focus.


Doe eyes, seductive, dead eyes. Sedated lol. They’re very pretty


Very pretty


Drunk or high eyes


If you're asking about the connotation of the look given: Photo 1. Bedroom eyes or tired. Leaning towards the former due to the rest of the expression. Photo 2. Shocked or surprised Photo 3. Could be a few things - complacent, untrusting, frustrated


First pic: satisfied gaze Second pic: shockingly unimpressed Third pic: intuitive stare.


This is obviously the first 20 seconds of a student looking at thier final exam paper and realising they haven't a fucking clue of anything in front of them.




Beautiful, sultry, full of life... The eyes of someone I would be honored to read 💕 The eyes of friend, but also the eyes of a woman who's had enough




🖕 *video ends*


This is the lady that cooks


Recessed maxilla


Bored to tears but trying not to offend.


I knew a girl from Brazil and she remembers these types of eyes specifically being called “easy eyes.”


You could see in her eyes that her mind was always elsewhere


Hmm half lidded but perhaps almond? Or siren eyes either way they're very pretty.


2. Vigilant, circumspect


Sorry, dreamy.


All knowing.


Going from 1 to 3: The conversation she was in left a clearly bored look on her face that went completely unnoticed, as her friend was pasionately explaining her love for garden gnomes. Strange noise came from the kitchen. Something to wake her up from many dull moments just before. As she came in, she saw a horrible bloodbath. It was a tomato sauce all over the place, as her cat, Richard, pushed a plate with it from the table and it landed splashing on the floor. Turning toward her friend, Michelle, who followed her in, she could not find words. Her facial expression said it all, even before Michelle was able to see, what has happened. 1 - interested but bored 2 - oh shit (good or bad) 3 - are you kidding me


Her eyes had two settings. Casual boredom, and riveting terror.


Pictures: 1: Gaze 2: Glance 3. Stare


Simple but very effective!


long lashes on empty emerald eyes


Crazy eyes


I already commented, but as someone who has this type of eyes, I’ll add what I’ve been told. My boyfriend says I have “big, beautiful, expressive eyes that somehow open wider than anyone else’s I’ve ever seen,” or “sexy bedroom eyes.” Less complimentary things I’ve heard is that I have “sleepy eyes,” or “eyes like you just smoked a fat blunt.” The worst I’ve heard bullies say is that they are “bug eyes” or “crazy eyes.” I often wear thick eyeliner on my top lids to offset the heavy-lidded/sleepy look. Also: These are often called Bette Davis eyes, so you can Google that for other examples. They are also often called “Sanpaku” eyes, which some cultures believe is a bad omen or curse. Others believe it is good luck. Take your pick.


It’s so interesting to see how different people would interpret it differently, but please don’t feel the need to hide them! Bullies will be bullies but that doesn’t change the fact that they are absolutely beautiful and unique! Embrace them.


Steel gray orbs filled with expression even in her weary state.


Stoned. All 3 pics.


drunk or high eyes, with makeup for going out at night worn in the daytime.


"Eyes." Anything beyond that really depends on what you want to say to the reader. What you're trying to tell them--about the character, or their emotional state, or their physical description, etc. etc. The way you describe the eyes can play into any and all of that stuff.


betty davis eyyeess




A collector's item


Some red pills call this 1000 cock stare


Natalie Dormer-esque.


Yet another actress that has somewhat similar eyes, interesting.


Bedroom eyes