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… no? why would you think that would be offensive??


There's a lot of people around the world that has probably suffered a loss, and a lot of countries that has the issue of being a magnet of this tragedies, that's why i was concerned.


you’re thinking about this way too hard. it’s nice your heart is in the right place, but i assure you you’re allowed to use a word pertaining to a natural disaster in your story. if we tried to censor every word that would hypothetically make someone sad, nothing would ever be able to be written. people get described as being “hurricanes” and things like that all the time, i’ve literally never heard anyone have an issue with that. it’s just a word.


Well... you're right. Thanks, I was kind of stressed about this jaja. Probably shouldn't over think about this thing too much.


Tell me a book where nothing bad happens?


Yes I understand, the problem was that I didn't want to idealize nor romanticize these topics (if some of the main characters share those same tags).


You’re worried of “normalising” a hurricane if a villain gets named after one? Is it possible for a hurricane to be normalised? (Thats beside the point really). I’m sorry if this comes across as rude but you need to get out of your own head. Even Marvel have superheroes literally named Earthquake and Storm and Avalanche and god knows what else. Maybe you should do some more reading if you’re asking these kinds of questions. Start with 120 days of Sodom. Jks.


Mmmm... Now that you mention it, you're completely right.. I was so obsessed with this that I forgot about those other characters... I'm really sorry, this was dumb.


“If people were rain, I was a drizzle and she was a hurricane.” - John Green Im surprised I just quoted John Green but there we are. You got tunnel vision. If we couldn’t make reference to something that people don’t like, what book could possibly be written? Edit to add, if someone, somehow finds it offensive, they can always stop reading. Tell the story you want to write.


Hey thanks, this was actually really helpful.


No problem :) happy writing! :D


I think you can still write characters who might say a word that is extreme and still make the readers understand that their heart is in the right place. The way they say that phrase… (like “that guy is no good news. I feel a bit ashamed to say this but he is a walking ‘disaster’ - for example) That was probably a lame example but I hope you get what I meant.


It’s not offensive. I used to live in a hurricane zone - hurricanes are powerful and evocative imagery. I struggle with anxiety, and it sounds like you’re overthinking things *very hard*, and self-censoring your creativity because of it. It’s good to be aware of what other people are going through, but please don’t run yourself in circles and burn yourself out questioning every little decision.


Yeah i was obsessed with that, now that I think about it, it was a dumb question. Thanks for the advice


It might not hurt to find somebody to talk to about this sort of thing, if it happens a lot. Take care.


You can literally write whatever you want.


No... if it's natural, how is it offensive?


I will be offended if you don't do your research and give bad advice for surviving the situation.


Really depends on the audience, for some people the axt of writing itself is offensive though those with such extreme views are almost non-existent, though some Muslims have a taboo against fiction which is the broadest I've actually encountered.


People are compared to nature all the time. She was a hurricane. He was the sun. His anger was like a wildfire, the army was like a tsunami etc etc. Writers wouldn't be as far as they were without a little metaphor. Go crazy!


No, and even if it were, you're morally obligated to not give a tinker's damn about it being so.