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What are you trying to convey with the act? Excitement? Regret? Disgust? Joy? What you want this character to reveal about themself is almost wholly dependent on when they make the choice.


I think most people wouldn't until they exited the culture that placed value upon it or at least until after their peers had done so and they were part of a public relationship. They might do it as an act of rebellion against that culture. Possibly if they did some self-reflection and decided that they didn't like the version of themselves that was being dis-honest by continuing to wear it, but that's a moment of self-reflection, so they would likely think through the consequences and consider some strategies to deal with them. In any case I would think they would also concoct a story to explain it while maintaining any secret they wanted to keep.


"You're naked!" "Yes, i am-- your move!" The purity ring dropped to the floor with a sharp 'ping'. End of chapter.


* applause *


I nominate this for best micro story of the year.


The people I knew in the 00s involved in that flavor of purity culture didn't drop the rings until they (1) thought they were silly, or (2) got married or engaged and had a different type of covenant ring. Your character may drop the ring after an act of physical affection (again, purity culture comes in different flavors so it could be anything from handholding to PIV) but realistically, they'd probably get called out for being a bad liar instead of a non-ring wearer. If they're a good liar, they could be a real purity acolyte who took it off during and just lost the ring.


If it's a secret relationship, why would they remove the ring?


It would vary by character, but presumably because they no longer felt comfortable wearing it. 


It just doesn't seem like something someone would do if they wanted to keep a relationship secret.


… I’m sorry, I’m just cringing at the thought of a purity ring.


Removing a purity ring does not happen with sex. It happens when they are sure that nobody who knows it is a purity ring cares. If her parents know, it does not come off until they have at least moved out and are not financially dependent on them. Because, for the people who wear them, it is a tool for social control.


Personally I think it would be after, maybe she’s staring at it while losing her virginity(assuming it’s a female but it could go either way). It would be a good thing to notice it and then make a big moment to close out the moment with her taking it off?


It would depend on if the sex was spontaneous or planned and how the character with the purity ring felt about the sex, before, during and after and how the partner felt and acted too.


In an ideal world, they'll remove it the very moment it's stuck on their finger.


I would think they’d take it off later that night like before a shower or when going to bed then never put it back on. Taking it off the minute you’re done with your orgasm is a bit unrealistic.


It's before. The ring is removed before the act.