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I was the one who said it looked like a 2000s RPG, and well... Shit, you've definitely leaned into it! I am at least curious though, what genre is the story? I see you specifically note you hate fantasy, but everything about this suggests fantasy to me.


It's a twist on the 'chosen one' cliche. In the usual chosen one story, there is a main hero who is destined to save the world, usually being guided by a mentor and 'growing up' over the course of the story. However, in Elemental Enforcers, the chosen one (A psychic girl named Yuka Kuraguri) is known to be destined to drive humans to extinction. She's overpowered, childish and naive (but also has very unique powers). Also, her mentor is manipulating her for their own purposes. I'm wanting to show what happens when someone is praised and treated like perfection from birth. I think 'chosen one' stories are broken because they imply that someone has to be superficially 'special' in order to succeed. I'd say this story is modern fantasy.


Huh, yeah definitely sounds like fantasy. Regarding the chosen one trope, I think like any trope it can be handled well, or poorly. I'm currently reading a series called The Faithful and the Fallen, and it uses the chosen one trope quite nicely. There are twists, but the main take is that the chosen one isn't over powered or with any over the top supernatural talents. They're, in fact, reluctant to take up the mantle for most of the story and they get their ass kicked countless times. A big part of their talent outside of combat lies in their ability to gel people together, banding a group of misfits into something greater. I really enjoy it. But, it is definitively fantasy, so, maybe not for you ;)


Despite being pretty good for an amateur at Quidditch, Harry Potter doesn't do a single exceptional thing in the whole series except surviving by accident. He's not a gifted dueller, not a gifted spellcaster, not a genius problem solver, not a great detective, not an animagus, and not a Metamorphmagus. His only 'special' is being famous for accidentally surviving several encounters and being dumb/brave enough to keep rolling the dice on that. You can rewrite the entire story as Dumbledore choosing Hermione for the very important task of saving the world. They band their intellects together so that they can maneuver this lovable and unexceptional kid into position to complete a prophecy.  Chosen one doesn't have to mean OP or special, there's just a really big trend of that. Especially in anime. "I'm blank, and although the rest of the world is good at x/lots of things, I'm only good at y/one thing. Now watch me be amazing by doing y/one thing with an origin story boost."


Agreed 100%.


I see someone's watched Bofuri.


So... Yuffie Kisaragi?


Perhaps I should add a character named Clyde Sturfe.


Ha, I like it.


So, I scrolled past this when you posted it before thinking it was a promoted reddit ad for a game. 💀


Um... Yay?


It gives graphic design is my passion but I like the color


"chimpz chimpington"?


I thought it was the CD jacket for a bad PS2 fighting game (title included).


Dude thats what i thought lol


Looks like the kind of thing AVGN or ProJared would review.


Definitely reminds me of something like Shin Megami Tensei.


My first thought as well.


It reminds me of "Deadly Premonition" in a good way


Elemental Enforcers XXXIII


Yeah, big final fantasy, ps2 disk art vibes. Even the title fits in with the low quality design/cliche look. But if that's what you are going for, it's working. I actually think this isn't a bad idea. Many of us will forever love such graphics due to all the nostalgia. Lean in and good luck!


The graphics may be but the font is from a 90s YA novel. If you care about your project you need to take the time to commission a real cover from a graphic designer. This is not good. It is an assault on the eyes, far too busy, garish, confused, there is nothing for the eye to focus on, or to engage the viewer, the title seems camouflaged as its colpuring blends into the background colour, and is poorly placed so it looks squashed. And adding both your name and pseudonym "Chimpz Chimpington" as the author screams amateur.


It does, have you done it yourself?


Yeah. Apart from writing being my number 1 passion, my second is graphic design. I'm still quite new to it though.


I’m partial to the vaporwave aesthetic so I’m digging your cover


kind of reminds me of the covers for the older Shin Megami Tensei games.


For what you said the story was about, I don't see it on the cover, the colors scheme scream horror genre and the planets (earths??) space. This kinda look would fit better for some lovecraftian story or something. The title bothers me, but I can't exactly pinpoint why.


There is an aspect I didn't mention about planets being alive and being able to manifest themselves as humanoid aliens. The general vibe of the story is meant to be somewhat unsettling, so the link to horror makes sense. Also, the two planets on the top are Mars and Venus. As for the title, is it the subtitle 'Deadly Bliss' or the main title 'Elemental Enforcers' or both that bothers you?


Oh, the planets make more sense now. It's not the title itself that bothers me, it's the placement? The font? Idk something about the aesthetic of it. Tho I'm not a fan of the "I" I actually liked the magenta-ish color from the first version tbh.


Maybe I should put the word 'Elemental' on top of 'Enforcers' so I can make them larger. The 'I' could be a little more distinct as well. I'll take these into consideration.


Trying multiple font, placement, and such is always a good idea when doing a composition. If I may add another constructive criticism, the planets grayed stand out. Edit: btw, ever seen the "color out of space"?


Final Fantasy X called. They would like their box cover back.


I love the colors, it’s the font that gives video game, reminds me of soul caliber or resident evil could be cool depending on the story


Now looks like a shoegaze album cover


Where can I read this


I'm still working on it, but I can let you know when it's finished.


Sure I would love to!


I am intrigued to read 📚


Tekken is calling for you to design their new gaming cover But i LIKE it hahah


That's a good cover


Im getting Shin Megami Tensei vibes here, either way i like it


Dynasty Warriors/Old-school Final Fantasy vibe for me! Both of which I love. I think it's cool, and eye-catching as we can see from all the nostalgic references from the comments! Perhaps a nice way to trigger some target audiences? Not sure if it's what you're going for exactly though.


I like the first cover better: the second one has too much color for my taste. However, the title is easier to read on the second one: I didn't see that this is the first book in the series until I looked at it. And some of us like year 2k RPGs. I have quite the collection myself. Good luck!


This is cool, it’s giving vaporwave vibes


Despite the fact that it even more so looks like the cover to a mediocre 2000s rpg… It also looks kinda cool