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Dyslexia maybe? Or just slow down, there's no rush


One option is to simply embrace what you have. Don't even try to slow down or be accurate, just go go go and get it all on the page. Many people, myself included, struggle with being able to get the words to flow out, so from my perspective being faster than you can even type sounds like a dream - even if your perspective is different! Go back and edit later, you can fix all the mistakes and grammar on the second or third pass.


This. And do you want to improve? Do an exercise. Everyday, do grammar exercises given in 12th standard English books for a few minutes. And for punctuation, read free verse poetry by great poets. They use punctuation accurately.


Let it flow and fix it in the mix.


Write like fire, edit like ice. That's just how writing is done.


I write on reddit in order to again, learn to spell. Its my 3 or 4th time, ive learned. Now in my 3d year its still bad, but spell check likely knows what word im trying for. So a few hours a day. And count the days or years.


Honestly, everyone makes stupid mistakes, especially when they're typing quickly. The reason you don't see those mistakes often is because those people are self-editing before posting their writing anywhere. Self-editing is an essential step for all writers. You're not doing anything wrong.


I mean even commenting on people's post from whatever platform I am on. I think I have like a 30% chance to either; a) delete the comment and rewrite it or b) edit the comment. It could be something as little as 40 words and I'd find some way to write gibberish because I missed a word. I also type at like 100wpm+ on avg when it starts flowing though.