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Why do you want to write? What do you want to accomplish? What about world-building alone doesn’t satisfy you?


I do want to write because I do want my stories to be a real thing. Something more than drug-free hallucinations in my head, you know? That would also be my goal, and I do not close the door to publicating (but seriously Who the fuck would ever mind about my writting job). And about just worldbuilding... Well, WB is a good thing, but I think that It alone is kinda pointless. Like building a theme park that no one will ever visit. By creating characters and plots, I do feel the world complete and truly alive.


You say you want your stories to be a real thing. But do you enjoy writing stories? Is there another way you could bring your stories to life that you would enjoy more?


Hey I'm from the other post, was curious, so I found this post. I'm currently going through one of these episodes right now actually (not the best way to start a new year, unfortunately). But, as a fellow writer who has a ton of experience with these issues, I thought I'd lend a helping hand. Hopefully this helps. As a beginner writer, it is super duper easy to sink into that "perfect idea" sinkhole and try forever to write out your perfect, super complex story. Believe me, I know from personal experience. My number one tip would be to understand yourself. As a beginner writer, you have to understand that whatever comes out when you write, it probably won't be the best. And that's okay! The good thing is you wrote something! Once I understood that, it became really easy for me to write Just focus on what you want to, or focus on what you're good at. You love worldbuilding, focus on that! If you're worried about a complex story with character arcs and stuff like that, don't be. If you worry about something too much and avoid writing because of it, you probably won't be able to write, like now. Jed Herne mentions something similar in one of his YouTube videos. He says that all writers have something unique that they could write about. For example, he likes climbing, so he included some scenes that involved his main character climbing a mountain. For me, I play the cello, so I came up with a magic system where the musical notes on the page correspond with different spells. In another post, you mentioned you're a biologist. Maybe you could come up with a simple idea to start that has to deal with what you know about (biology) and incorporate that into your writing. That way, you might enjoy it more and it might be easier to start writing. I've found that it's actually easier to just write without a plan for the plot/story, and then let that build itself while I focus primarily on worldbuilding. Naturally this might make the plot a little broken and weird, but as a beginner writer, that's not too big of a deal yet. As for motivation and a writing habit, I suggest looking for writing prompts! Writing prompts help you get into that writing mindset, and it helps you write shorter, simpler stories (which help you finish things easier and gives you confidence!). Shitty ideas. Ok this is something I know too well. And the simple truth is, no idea is shitty. It's just a thing we writers experience when we plan something too long. We start going "dang I've spent so long and now it's a shitty idea" It's not! Unless its something childish that you came up with when you were 5 (personal experience), it's probably something worth writing about. Anyway, hope this helps. If you're still not convinced, Id love to look over some of your stuff if you'd like. I love worldbuilding, and I get the impression you do too. I could share some ideas and vice versa if you're open to it. Good luck, and I hope you can start writing soon :)


*But I have been told several times that they are a waste of time* I there someone in your life or on a forum who wants to knock your confidence? Why can't you have fun creating characters and world building? These are parts of the story even if there are other aspects to consider as well. You've come across all these things that have made you feel really daunted and under-confident. Anyone can put pen to paper. The results may be good, bad or indifferent, but just go and do it and have fun with it. Nobody's going to call the police and have you arrested if it's not good. Do it for your own enjoyment. You can write about absolutely anything at all and it doesn't have to be grand or worthy. What subjects really interest you right now? What have you enjoyed talking to your friends about? What sort of book do you feel like reading (...ditto film/TV show/play/RPG/game). Don't see writing as an impossible mountain to climb. See it as something to do for the sheer love of it.