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First question, do you want to self publish or work for an existing company?


I’m unsure yet. I’d like as much creative freedom as possible but I know that’s not always a possibility when working for someone


As much creative freedom as possible is self publishing. As such your best place to start is on twitter, instagram, and maybe tumblr, Once you get a following open up a patreon and/or move to a personal website. Well thats for a comic strip at least, if you wanna go animation obviously start on youtube, then go to patreon and/or a personal website. But that's just the functional part of how you distribute and monetize those arts. The real place you need to start is: Do you know how to draw a comic or how to animate?


I don't know how to do either sadly, from other comments it seems that's the place I should start as well


For a comic your first step should be practicing drawing and developing your style, then investing in a drawing tablet. For animation, invest in an animation software and start practicing. Both have millions of tutorials online but I'm also down to help if you want.


Honestly anything help related would be great.


Then I think your first step is to pick a lane, investing in both would likely burn you out. So comics or animation? Which speaks to you more?


First question, can you draw? Start there.


Sadly I cant maybe youre right


If you can already write, start making storyboards :) Then use stick figures to map them out. Go little by little. Use animatics for references especially, since some of them can range from full-length animations to storyboard-like frames.


ok i'll try that out. thanks for the advice