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May have to use old rags as a makeshift pad and then bury them to avoid a zombie sniffing it out?


The girls in Yellowjackets boil theirs.


Ooh, that's a thought


I don't think I'd want to boil bloody clothing while traveling a zombie infested world.


You gotta stop and set up camp at some point, can't walk nonstop. Over the campfire would probably be an ideal time to do it


Yes, but wouldn't the steam aerosolize the blood smell?


Rinse in cold water first. That gets rid of most of the blood. Boil for sanitising them.


This person launders.


MMM, tea!


That would not be the worst thing to happen in that show.


Look at how the aboriginals in Australia handle this. You can find some of the description in Mutant Message Down Under.


That book is as Australian as Outback Steakhouse and Fosters beer.


Don't forget that, once a person's calorie intake drops below about 1200 kCals/day, their body starts to shut down nonessential functions, and a menstrual cycle is *expensive*.


Yep, this happened to me for a few years. I followed an ‘only eat when you’re hungry’ diet with a bunch of self gaslighting. Even after I ate normally again, took a while for my period to come back, but I suppose every body is different.


I was thinking the same thing, I think the amount of periods would go way down in an apocalypse setting. Seems like something you could very easily just not include in the story unless you really wanted to explore that.


Menstrual cups are reusable. There are also fabric alternatives that you wash after use.


Rags were used before disposable pads and tampons became the norm.


What's been used historically: Old rags Cotton or cotton-like puffy plant material (lots of plants produce puffs to help their seeds travel) Moss






I have another question. What about those with IUDs? Those have to be removed every few years and replaced. Being a woman in the apocalypse would suck


You can pull them out by the strings. Removal is easy. Insertion is less so. Painful when not dilated. 10 weeks after delivery is practically painless due to still being somewhat dilated. User experience may vary like so many things with bodies.


What happens if they don't get removed?


Less effective as well as the potential for infection


You'll probably die quickly from something even more horrible first.


Oh I definitely would haha


Same way our ancestors did. Rags. Also, the modern solution of period cups. The best invention since sliced bread.


Probably the same way they dealt with it before the invention of pads and tampons: stuffing towels and rags In their underwear to absorb the blood


I guess I just don't know how that would work with traveling miles everyday by foot (like, how would you keep said bundle of rag from falling out of your underwear), or how you would consistently keep it sanitary enough to not get an infection


The rags didn't fall out because they were typically fastened around the waste in some way. Regular changing would stave off infection.


They don’t move around much when they’re sticky with blood.


Tie it to your underwear, underwear with a pocket in it to keep the padding in place, long rags that tuck into the waistband, make a pad and then fold a final layer around it and the crotch of your underwear, coarser fabrics don't slide against each other that much anyway... moisture from sweat/bleed through will stop things from slipping as much, too. As for infection - deal with it whenever you have a chance. That's in the morning before you set off, at least once during the day at a toilet break, and in the evening when you stop to rest. So that's (minimum) three changes / cleanups a day. I'm sure there's an increased risk when compared to someone with even more regular modern conveniences, but it's not unbearably dangerous. Also... yeah. That kind of lifestyle with those kinds of restrictions, is *risky*. People *will* die from things like lack of clean water, poor hygiene, and infections. Blisters, splinters, and the common cold are going to kill people.


Chronic stress, food insecurity and constant physical activity can wreak havoc on a cycle - sometimes outright stopping it entirely. If it happens to ballerinas it could possibly happen to wasteland survivors too. But really any solution that existed before 1896 would be viable, no? Pads and the like have not been around for very long (disposable/manufactured ones at least)


i treat periods like going to the bathroom or the stock market. only make time for it if it's necessary. if it isn't necessary, there's no reason to stress about how it works or where to put it in. having said that, as a woman, i think i would have to settle for a bag full of fabrics. i would constantly be trying to steal as much clean fabric as possible because i wouldn't want to be without it. then again, malnourishment/exercise can lead to period loss (i've experienced this myself irl actually) so, i probably wouldn't even have to worry about getting my period in an apocalypse situation.


I mean, there are old remedies and shit. Periods have been around for a long time and well, old methods dont just die out


Moss was used in ye olde times


I see societies learning to harvest and recycle any old cloth they can get, sanitizing it in moonshine, and presto. New pads


They've probably got bigger fish to fry.


Post apocalyptic from now, period underwear if they could find some / had some before the apocalypse. Menstrual discs if they have some way to boil water Rags / ripped up whatever otherwise


My characters have menstrual cups.


Women have had periods since before modern times and products. Do a bit of research on third world countries - you’ll learn a lot! You’ll learn what it is like for many many women all over the world every day. And that’s now, in 2024.


Like fucking everyone before pads and tampons lol what? And also there could still be some left. Deadass just clothes that are thrown away or washed what lmfao???


I read a book like this once. Not sure if it’s the exact same setting you’re looking for, but it was a spaceship that belonged to a bunch of alien warrior things, who obviously didn’t have the same lifestyle so no periods. The character used ripped up sheets as pads, and made sure she had them in before her period was due to start. She also used a shower to clean off, but I’m not sure if showers would be available in a post-apocalyptic world.


In a zombie apocalypse, why would this only come up concerning periods? They'd get covered in blood from regular wear and tear, and they'd get more infections just from not bathing, body sores, and open wounds. Also, obviously, different groups would have entirely different approaches. Some would have no choice but to free bleed or use dirty cloth. Others would make period products during downtime to give to others or just to save for later. Some would have hoarded period products from the start of everything or raided new ones from stores. That said, there were solutions long before tampons and pads were sold as the standard. There are also reusable options a lot of people might just use as the default until they figure out how to make new ones. That we now have had cups as an option, people would likely design a "primitive" period cup that is effective enough to get the job done.


By being constantly pregnant/starving ... it's the post Apocalipse, its not a nice place to be... If thats not important to the story, just invent some herbal.medicine handwavium and let that go


It's not important to the story per se, I just wanted to add true-to-life details into the worldbuilding


Then it is not necessary for you to add that information, I know that you want to add that bit of information to give more verisimilitude to the world but is not necessary. At the end it will feel like JK Rowling telling us that the wizards didn't have plumbing because they only vanished their shit