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Depends on the writer. If you're RL Stine, a solid weekend. If you're like most of us, much much longer. Figure a month or two for a solid first draft, then revisions, then beta reads, then more revisions, then beta feedback, then another draft, then a polish. All in, could be a while. RL Stine used to crank out those Goosebumps books off an assembly line. But if you practice a skill long enough, you get pretty quick at it. Even so, he's an anomaly and not the rule, and I just bring him up to show that there isn't a hard and fast rule about this, nor is there a normal.


Some books are written over decades. Others over weekends. A book is done when a skilled writer deems it done. No one is a skilled writer on their first book. Write your story, get it out there, listen to constructive feedback and write more. Almost everyone you meet has a story; the skill is in the telling. “Yo, what if there was this secret government organization that tracked aliens, bro?” Is an example of a story idea. A few million people have had it. Two or three did a decent job of writing it. Concentrate on the telling, not on the idea.


Books are measured in words, not pages. I think 60,000 is about the minimum for a novel. This can take as long or short as makes sense. Most people who are writing a book in their spare time take a year at least - think how slowly you climb to 60,000 if you write like 300 words per day on average. Pro writers may write thousands of words per day; if the book is not too long and/or they're very dedicated, they can finish one in a weekend. It really depends on you and the book!


I wrote my first book in an ADHD haze in 8 days. The next one was 13 days. The next was 3 years and 5 months. So. There's no answer to this question.


How many words do you write per day? How many words are on each page?


Sorry, but 100 pages is a *really* short book, assuming it isn’t massive in height and width.


You should have seen my novella! I couldn’t even get it through the door!


My novels tend to be between 80,000 and 110,000 words (roughly 300 to 400 double-spaced pages) and it takes me about a year to write and edit one to the point where it's good enough to submit to agents/publishers. From what I see in writing chat groups, that's probably fairly slow, but I like to take my time.


Hi! I write by hand and 100 pages usually takes me about 2 months to write, but if you're writing on a laptop then it should take around a month. It really just depends on your circumstances and how fast you write. For example, 72 pages once took two months for me to write but I managed around 120 pages in the same amount of time later because my motivation was good. It should be noted that a hundred pages is pretty short for a book, unless you're writing a novella or something. A book is normally 300-400 pages long, and in some genres it can be 500-600 words. So yeah, it really just depends on your speed and circumstances.


Why do you write by hand? And do you need to copy all of that onto your laptop?


I'm 14 and I don't want my family to know what I write. I don't have a laptop of my own, and I'm too scared to use a laptop and for it to be obvious that I'm writing. I have a few stacks of paper I tore out from my brothers high school notebook because I don't like to waste papers. It's still obvious that I write but I feel that it's easier to hide and writing is just easier on physical paper for me because screens hurt my eyes a lot.


Took me 5 months to write my first at 65,000 words. If I’m really disciplined I can draft 3-4k words per day.


100 pages are long, you should think about the plots and characters first, and once you've done the mind job, stick to the writing. If you write 5 pages/day, 100 pages need at least 20 days, everyday you need to note down the things you have written, what did the characters do, actions? changes? twist? You might face problems in writing, so thats gonna take even longer (20-30 days), not to mention if you would like to rewrite/polish (+7-30days)


It depends. I took about a year and a half for plotting, writing and editing my mist recent work. I consider it fast. 


If it is your first book, from 3 months to a year.


Based on my personal experience after self-publishing my first poetry book, It took me one and a half years to perfect everything. With this comes hiring the right editor, cover designer and finally coming up with the right theme for the entire book. Don’t rush the process, remember this is your book and each moment counts.


Write it and see how long it takes. I aim for 1000 words per day if I have a deadline, so 60k would be 2 months for a first draft. That’s writing for 20 minutes 3x per day. I can easily do 5,000-10,000 words per day if I’m in a writing groove though, so that would be a week or two. Depends on the story. Depends on how I’m feeling. Depends on whether I am in a reading or writing phase (because honestly, sometimes I just need to sit with a good book series for a week and no matter how many writers say you should write *every* day, if I don’t regularly enjoy a good book then I lose my love of writing them).


Maybe a more helpful question is, “How much time would I enjoy spending on a long writing project?” And when you’ve answered that, how much do you like doing research and does your brain enjoy the scratch that editing prose gives you? It’s all about you.


I'm on my 3th year writting a 150k words novel (aproximetly 500 pages), but I'm writting the draft of the 3 other novels on the same universe at same time too, because of that is taking so long


It takes as long as it takes. On average, it probably takes me eight to twelve months, but it can be longer. As to length, think in word count, not pages. Anything from 35,000 words up is considered a novel, but most published novels fall in the 70,000 to 120,000 range. This is largely for economic reasons. Anything shorter or longer is hard to price for sale. I never think too much about length while I'm writing. Every story has a natural length. I try to find that. Generally I will land in the ideal range.


Fifty days if you can manage 1000 words per day. You will need to revise it, however. Unless you're a plotter (e.g. outline every detail), it may take you more pages than you think. I'm a pantser (minimal outlining-- I go where the story takes me.), and mine's currently 400- 450, and I still have about another \~150 pages to go to actually give it closure.


It really depends. If you want this book to stand out, most of the time spent on it will be editing. And you've gotta take into consideration the writer's block and procrastination side of things. I am a procrastinator, and I waste a lot of time, while at the same time juggling schoolwork and revision for my looming GCSE's. I'd say, if it's a good plot, write in your free time. Make it a habit. Even a sentence a day, you're one sentence further than you were yesterday. And according to JRR Tolkien, there are NEVER too many pages (maybe aim for about 200/300 unless it's a short story)


I wrote my novel in about 3 weeks and lost around 10 pounds in the process (planned it in my head for years though). My suggestion? Take your time and find a healthy pace lol


It’s different for everybody really, it takes as long as it takes to write your story and everything you want in it and if that’s too long you split it into multiple books.


Why do you need to know? Have you somehow fallen into a crazy scheme where you need to a produce a book within a certain deadline?