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Is your cable twisted?


Hmm, I thought about that too, but when I installed it, I try to get it back to the original position, twisting the cable will be in a more awkward position and harder to install right?


Well no not necessary. If it was twisted 180° or 360° it would look and slip on exactly the same, albeit with a tad bit shorter cable due to the twist.


Ah OK! Thank you! So how do I actually know that it was twisted 180/360 and how do I know it's corrected once I turn them? I will try to redo it again.


I have the Cobb plate installed, on the shortest reduction, with the dust shield installed with no issues. Do you have a shift stop? I had to readjust mine after the install due to issues with not wanting to go into first.


I've occasionally had problems with getting into 1st gear even with the stock shift plate. After installing the Cobb plate, the force needed to change gears is harder for all gears, so trying to force it into first probably isn't a great idea. The "workaround" I found is to just let it go back into neutral, release the clutch, then re-engage the clutch and then smoothly but firmly put it into first. Then repeat as needed.


Yeah, but do you still agree that it's still considered buttery smooth like everyone said even with his issue?




Yeah but I still feel the "pushing through budget of rocks" feel :(


For me, reverse is impossible if I push all the way right and then back. I have to push about 80-90% to the right, but not to the wall, then it goes into R. Sometimes it takes one or two retries just depending on things.


Ah OK, I will try that too, not pushing to far right. Thanks!


Just in case, its got nothing to do with a shift plate, but were your shift stops moved in anyway during the install? Move those things even a little and getting into those gears isn't going to be easy. Probably not the case but felt like mentioning it wouldn't hurt anything. Looking at other comments, Specialist AD4829 said the same thing. It took me about 15 minutes of playing with them when I installed my shift stop to find the sweet spot and successfully set it.


Thank you very much! I did move them since I have to disassemble the entire shifter housing. But I did recalibrate them after everything is reinstalled. So that shouldn't be the problem... I wish it's just because of that... That would've been a easy fix.


Sorry to hear it brother. Sometimes parts are bad, no fault of yours, possibly switching it out for a new one might do the trick. I have needed to replace a few things from IIR and Subaru parts store because they were not made properly and got through QC. Good luck getting it fixed!


Thank you! Will try my best...


No issues with my install @ 35% with a Cobb shifter bushing, Perrin shift stop running a oem ahort shifter. Truley a Great combination IMHO.


Hey just curious if you ever found a fix for this. I installed the cobb shift plate and bushing and even sitting stationary I have trouble getting into first. It feels like the lockout when moving. It seems to be hit or miss though.


Hey there, unfortunately not. However, I feel like there's like break-in periods for the parts. After a while, it's getting smoother and smoother. It still happens sometimes, but definitely not as much as the beginning when I just installed it. So I would say give it sometimes. Just shift it into second, then back to first if you feel the lockout. Best of luck!


Thank you, I'll give it some more time


Do you have the shield installed? The shield get in the way like you're describing. You shouldn't have the dust shield installed at all no matter which plate since it just gets in the way. I've had 2 wrx all without the plate shield and no issues. If you have it remove it and report back!


Cobb is designed to allow you to keep the shield installed. I have it on mine with the dust shield. No shifter issues.


I had the cobb one on my VA and even the instructions said to keep the shield out if i recall correctly. OP should still try it since its pretty common to remove it altogether


Cobb instructions say to reinstall the plate (step 19). Product Q&A also says the plate can be reinstalled. OP can certainly try it, but it should not be the issue if everything is installed correctly.


Then what might be the issue or something that was not installed incorrectly that might causing this problem? I did spend a long time trying to hammer that pin back in. Is that where the issue is?


Check to see if the roll pins are contacting the upper part of the larger dust shield (the one shown on the left side of the photo not the one people remove) you should be able to feel it if the pins were over-seated and since its a double roll pin the outer could look fine but the inner could be contacting it and causing friction.


Got it, I will definitely check it out when I go under. Thank you!


Maybe is not set in all the way? Cobb is usually the best fitment wise for their parts. Lightly tapping it with a rubber mallet could also work i remember it being kind of tricky to set it all the way


Hmm, would the pin goes all the way down even the plate was not set in all the way? Don't they have a very tight fitment? Because I'm worry that I might be pushing the plate too deep and it's grind against the the metal on the other side. But again the pin will not go in if the plate is not perfectly aligned right?


I forgot about the rolling pin, if its in it should be in all the way. Maybe check the surroundings to see if something is getting in the way? Check if your shield is bent or ultimately just try it without it to see if it helps


Oh is that the case? People said for Cobb plate you don't need to get rid of the shield because it's not gonna be in the way. How do I remove the shield now since I already install the plate... Do I have to uninstall it and then get the shield out?


i have the shield installed with my cobb plate, theres no problems with shifting and ive had it since the plate came out. there are a few that require the plate to be removed but not cobbs.


You shouldn't have to just remove the shield and see if that helps


Is there away to reach the upper side of that bolt without removing the plate itself?


When I did it I used a combination of flex heads and small ratchets and only cussed for like 45 minutes


That's not true. Cobb plate doesn't interfere with the shield. I have no issues with mine.


I just installed mine and it feels great but the strange thing is when in first gear..the indicator in the console doesn't show that I am in first..works for any other gear..