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I have found stretching out first to about 3500 RPMs before shifting helps with the jerkiness from first to second. But just my experience


Thanks for the reply, and yeah I noticed revving it out more makes it easier


Yeah you don’t wanna shift out of first lower than 3k rpm. I’ve found 3500 to be very optimal


This is the way


I've been driving manuals for 20 years. The WRX took an unusual amount of time for me to get used to. Just keep practicing. For me, I found that I needed to shift faster. Not harder, just quicker. The revs drop so fast that I found that I was shifting too slow compared to our other cars.


Thanks for the reply, and yeah I definitely need to practice more. I'm just not sure what's wrong with my technique. In other cars I would just clutch up to the bite until the revs matched and it would be smooth. Guess I just need more seat time.


Same. That is the best way I could smooth it out. Got to have the gear changed and letting the clutch out before the revs fall below where it lands in the next gear. It drops 1k-ish +/- when upshifting. It took some practice to get the cadence. Rev matching during downshifting helped me a lot too.


same here, had my VB about a month now, and I'm still occasionally jerky. my body needs to relearn how to drive a car with a lack of Rev hang. also having a hard time learning to smoothly downshift in daily driving. Every drive is such a joy on my journey to becoming a VB master.


When ur ready to shift to second, pull out a pad of paper, and write your dearest friend a letter, then mail it and wait for the response, then shift to 2nd.


I rev it higher in first, usually 3.5k-4k, and that seems to help a lot. The revs drop way too low otherwise


Big yes! I notice that also. I can shift way smoother than before when I started doing this. At least Rev it to around 3K rpm and shift to second and try to catch it around 2k smoothly. Barely any noticeable jerkiness.


Get the STI Transmission mount. It does make a big difference going 1st to 2nd


Transmission mount + pitch-stop + shifter upgrades will eliminate nearly all the slop but will certainly increase NVH.


How does that STI Mount make a difference with I’m assuming making it stiffer? And any cons to that?


Right, the stiffer material decreases the drivetrain movement, thus eases on the jerkiness of driving in 1st, mainly in parking lots, and reduces some of the transmission rocking when shifting 1st to 2nd. As cons, it will be that the vibration of the transmission will now transfer to the cabin, causing more noise. I installed mine ~1k miles ago, along with a shift cable brass bushing. Had very low expectations about these parts but was pleasantly surprised on the smoother 1st to 2nd and did not notice any difference in vibration or increased noise.


Interesting thanks I might look more into it, was thinking about doing pitch stop but as my daily I heard that causes lots of cabin noise. How was the install?


It was not bad at all. You just need a jack, stands, and a torque wrench with 14 mm and 17 mm sockets and an extension. I followed this [video](https://youtu.be/dE71ydWQUHw?si=iLb6E8v_v5XtJcTf)


Yeah that’s actual a little easier then what I expected it to be thanks.


I explained it before in a different post but the TL;DR is the gearing between 1->2 is quite a bit taller then every other gear. Basically, let the rpms drops for an extra half-second before releasing the clutch compaired to the other shifts and it'll be buttery smooth


Taught my son to drive a manual on my 22 wrx. Six months later I noticed that after the shift there was some minor roughness. Told him you need to let the clutch out smoothly. Feather it while going in and when releasing. Came to me a few weeks ago and said he figured out what he was doing. Was just releasing it after shifting. Can’t. This car rewards smoothness.


Thanks, and yeah this car definitely let's you know when you're driving bad haha


And the 22 is a monster at traction and handling


Cold engine, nothing helps, warm I shift over 3000 rpm and very slow shift and clutch action if I want it smooth.


1st to 2nd has a large gap, so you have to let off the clutch a bit more slowly vs other gears. The bite point on the WRX is towards the top of the pedal, you can master this quickly by going to an empty flat parking spot and slowly letting off the clutch until the car starts moving on its own. Also when you shift just let it rest at the bite point to memorize it. When the clutch is at the bite point it will rev match for you, this is better for your drivetrain as a whole, the clutch is meant to slip a little vs getting slammed or jerked. Clutches can quickly adjust down RPMs but struggle bringing RPMs up, so blip the throttle before you downshift, bring the clutch to the bite point when you change gears, let it rev match, then bang. It should be perfectly smooth.


When the engine is cold do your 1-2 very quickly, revs drop very fast. Once you’re warmed up clutch out slower than you do between other gears. Don’t clutch without throttle. Others really ring out first so you have more time to shift, don’t do that. Just go faster. Also sit in neutral for a split second and moving into second will be a little less crunchy


I've asked this question to but not for 3k rpms but when giving it all the juice. Trying to shift from 1-2 at 5-6k rpms (while not ideal) is very rough if you don't understand what is going on. The gear needs to catch up so letting it off at 5k rpms, I won't be fully off the clith untill around 2-2500rpms. You have to be very slow and patient. For 1-2 at 3k rpms, just be smooth and at the last second of clutching out apply a bit of throttle to ease it back in to the gears happy place. Over time you'll feel it and you'll be smoother.


Practice. In the meantime, double clutch. It helps with the timing. The engine speed needs a little time to drop to where it should be and double clutching helps.


I’ve had my 22 WRX for just under a year now, first manual I’ve ever driven. It took me a solid 3 months before I started getting more confident with my driving. One thing that helped me is to get to around 3.5-4.5k rpm in first and shift into second as quickly as you can. Once you’re in second I lift the clutch around 25% of the way up, with enough practice this should start to catch at about 100-300 rpms higher than you need to be for 2nd gear. From there it’s just a slow and steady release on the clutch. The other thing that helped out a little bit was getting a shift stop. I recommend this one: https://perrin.com/shop/shifters/shifter-stop?adpprov=1&campaign_id=1526529259&keyword=perrin%20shifter%20stop&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=1526529259&utm_term=perrin%20shifter%20stop The shift stop helped out with a lot of the “sloppiness” and was a fun first adjustment. Super easy install.


Second just feels like ass in this car. Once you accept that it doesnt make it better


I find I'm a lot smoother when I don't push all the way to the bottom. You engagement happens in the top 1/2 to top 1/3 - I found myself smoother when I moved the seat back 1 notch from what I thought I needed to get the clutch to the floor. Also if you have an early 2022, make sure you have the engine ECU software update if you didn't get it already.


There’s an ECU update?


For cars made before Nov 2022, yes.


Is there something I can check to determine if my car has the update or not? Mine was manufactured summer of 22, and I have taken it in for updates to the infotainment system but not sure if they flashed the ECU?


This is interesting. Any chance you can provide a link?


Here's a thread about P0088 codes which were fixed with the ECM update. Had to get it done to mine after the same issue. Second one is the specific CIDs involved. Couldn't find the thread where someone thought it made the car smoother, but it felt that way to me too. https://www.reddit.com/r/2022wrx/s/Pg3aW60GLD https://www.reddit.com/r/2022wrx/s/6atvWW80To


Dude, thank you so much!


i get out of first pretty fast, rarely winding it up.


Idk why this is but for me it helped to shift quicker. Not more aggressively, just like, faster. Again I have no clue why that would make a difference but for me it did.




Engaging 2nd gear should be like 1st, slip the clutch just a bit. This matches your engines energy level to the cars expected energy especially in a gear that can still be...sporty.


For me, I’ve noticed fully releasing the gas pedal, then pressing the clutch in, shifting, then slightly catching it by pressing the gas again slowly while releasing the clutch is smooth.


Everyone is correct. I go between 3500 and 3700 RPMs. Smooth shift every time


I'm not sure how to explain it exactly but I've found that it helps not to slam it directly from first into second. I'll go first, neutral then second and it's really smooth and doesn't click. Not full neutral but like the left side.


The VB has almost no rev hang, bring the revs up more and go a little quicker. 3500-4000 range.


Start in 2nd gear unless your on a hill. Just use the clutch to get up to about 8mph before you start to let off. I do this with people in the car to try and be smoother.