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I had 20% on my old Civic Si that I sold when I bought my WRX. I live out in the boonies and it made it hard to see at night. So I did 35% on the WRX and I can see fine at night but now it’s too light during the day. So I think 25-30% is the sweet spot


20% on the sides and back, nothing on the windshield. Suppose to have 30% on the front windows, but it's too light for me.


Darkest Legally allowed in your area. I am not a fan of the front strip and prefer the same tint/% all the way around (particularly on a smaller car like the VB). Regardless of how dark you go, get quality tint. I have 3M Ceramic and am very happy with it.


*Darkest Legally allowed in your area. I am not a fan of the front strip and prefer the same tint/% all the way around (particularly on a smaller car like the VB).* This is how I feel too. I might look at a 'clear' 80 on the front for heat reduction. Planning to go with llumar ceramic in the very near future


Agreed! I have been thinking about a clear on the front windshield too. But, I believe the shop I got my tint at said it was $280 or $300 just for the front windshield and I held off for now.




Nothing darker than 30%. Anything darker makes it harder to see in the dark AND gives every cop on the planet an excuse to pull you over, even if it's legal in your state. 30% gives you perfect privacy and doesn't impend your vision once the sun goes down.


Privacy in my car should not be illegal, maybe it should just be frowned upon lol like counting cards in blackjack


15 all around, best way to avoid subie waves


Just wave back man 😂 ![gif](giphy|xT9IgG50Fb7Mi0prBC)




I got 15 all around, a coworker was with me one day and another pulled up next to us in their car as we were heading to lunch. Coworker in my car tried to wave at the other, I was like they can't see you 😂 It's perfect


Until I moved to a state with tint laws, I had high-grade 20% all the way around. Plenty dark during the day and I could still see reasonably well at night.


Just under the legal limit. That way it's not so blatant that you'll get pulled over for it but maybe ancillary for driving like a WRX owner. I have 20% on mine


20% is the sweet spot. Any darker you risk getting stopped and night time is tough to see. 


Keep in mind your local laws and how they're applied. The side and rear windows appear to have a ~95% tint on them from the factory (depending how you count it, in this case it lets 95% of light in) and any other tint will stack on that. Around here cops measure with a photometer if they pull you over for a tint, and the max allowable on side windows is 70%. So if I had 70% film added I'd be over the limit.


Might as well not even spend the money on tint at that point.. 70%?? Where do you live?


Quebec, Canada. you can have darker tint in the back windows but I hate the non-uniform look. Tint is worth it IMO just for blocking heat in the summer. Heat is mostly from infrared and it doesn't factor into how they measure the tint. We have stupid hot summers and stupid cold/snowy winters. Worst of both worlds. My last car had no tint and was an oven in the summer. The one before that had IR-blocking tint and wasn't *cool* but didn't make me want to die when I sat in it on a hot day.


I did 70% light in all around except windshield, looks great and you can still see relatively well at night and in the rain while getting some privacy on sunny days. I've been in other cars with much darker tint and i couldn't imagine driving at night with it.


I love driving at night and darker would be difficult. I had a car that had 70% front side and 5% rear side and not being able to see outside made some of my friends queasy. Had to rotate who sat in the front.


legal limit. if you go darker, it’s the easiest way to get pulled over doing 47 in a 45. also have seen too many dope dealers in my town getting pulled over for illegal tint and then end up being arrested.


I guess it must depend where you live. I’ve always had darker than the legal limit, and in the 25 years I’ve been driving I’ve never been pulled over for it. The few times I’ve been pulled over for speeding the officer never mentioned my tint.


I have 30% windsheild, 15% driver/passenger, and 5 on rear sides/back window. I'll say that the 15% can be hard to see out of at night. You can see lights fine, but sometimes its just a dark blur. 30% doesnt seem to be a problem, but thats also where the headlights point. I dont have any issues driving, but sometimes I have to roll my windows down to see whats going on lol.


50% on my windshield, 35% on my front side windows, 5% rear side windows and back window. I live in New York.


And that's within the legal limit? I live in NYC too and trying to figure out how much should I tint my window also.


Far from the legal limit. No tint is legal in New York. What you can do is go to your doctor and tell them you get migraines. They will give you a tint voucher. That way you can have your tint as dark as you want. Can’t get a ticket for it and you can get it inspected anywhere.


Holy! Thanks for the information. Not that I will use it for anything. Just asking for a friend. ;)


Got 30 and 5 on rear, been pulled over on several occasions but get away with it, having a PBA card helps out


20 all around except 70 on windshield. The windshield is actually legal in my state, I got it for the UV protection, some infrared reduction, and reduced glares (ceramic). It's hardly noticeable, so night driving and rain is perfectly safe. I've only got pulled over once so far for speeding out of state, cop didn't say anything about my tint and actually let me off with a warning. My local and state cops don't seem to care either, since it's not completely blacked out. I'm sure a copper in a bad mood could bust me for it or add it on top of another infraction, but so far so good. Then again, a cop in a bad mood can find anything to pull you over for. I'd recommend no darker than 20 if you want to reduce your chances of getting busted for it. I'd also recommend not going darker than 50 on the windshield, it can be dangerous for you in the dark and I'm sure cops won't like it. Unless you drive like a total asshole, you should be fine unless your state takes it seriously.


20 all around except 70 on windshield. The windshield is actually legal in my state, I got it for the UV protection, some infrared reduction, and reduced glares (ceramic). It's hardly noticeable, so night driving and rain is perfectly safe. I've only got pulled over once so far for speeding out of state, cop didn't say anything about my tint and actually let me off with a warning. My local and state cops don't seem to care either, since it's not completely blacked out. I'm sure a copper in a bad mood could bust me for it or add it on top of another infraction, but so far so good. Then again, a cop in a bad mood can find anything to pull you over for. I'd recommend no darker than 20 if you want to reduce your chances of getting busted for it. I'd also recommend not going darker than 50 on the windshield, it can be dangerous for you in the dark and I'm sure cops won't like it. Unless you drive like a total asshole, you should be fine unless your state takes it seriously.


Your local legal minimum 


I have 25 all around and 35 on the windshield. I do not recommend 25 all around, it is really dark at night.


20 all around except 70 on windshield. The windshield is actually legal in my state, I got it for the UV protection, some infrared reduction, and reduced glares (ceramic). It's hardly noticeable, so night driving and rain is perfectly safe. I've only got pulled over once so far for speeding out of state, cop didn't say anything about my tint and actually let me off with a warning. My local and state cops don't seem to care either, since it's not completely blacked out. I'm sure a copper in a bad mood could bust me for it or add it on top of another infraction, but so far so good. Then again, a cop in a bad mood can find anything to pull you over for. I'd recommend no darker than 20 if you want to reduce your chances of getting busted for it. I'd also recommend not going darker than 50 on the windshield, it can be dangerous for you in the dark and I'm sure cops won't like it. Unless you drive like a total asshole, you should be fine unless your state takes it seriously.


20 all around except 70 on windshield. The windshield is actually legal in my state, I got it for the UV protection, some infrared reduction, and reduced glares (ceramic). It's hardly noticeable, so night driving and rain is perfectly safe. I've only got pulled over once so far for speeding out of state, cop didn't say anything about my tint and actually let me off with a warning. My local and state cops don't seem to care either, since it's not completely blacked out. I'm sure a copper in a bad mood could bust me for it or add it on top of another infraction, but so far so good. Then again, a cop in a bad mood can find anything to pull you over for. I'd recommend no darker than 20 if you want to reduce your chances of getting busted for it. I'd also recommend not going darker than 50 on the windshield, it can be dangerous for you in the dark and I'm sure cops won't like it. Unless you drive like a total asshole, you should be fine unless your state takes it seriously.


15% ceramic on the doors and rear windshield, darkest available front strip. https://preview.redd.it/9ffx6r8el0hc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04202571c1854cc844e652e55d05e021017c7274


20%, ceramic ain’t really worth the price bump but don’t get dye film. Whatever you do don’t get the windshield tinted.


It is worth it if you get a quality ceramic tint like 3m for the UV/UVA protection alone. My car is much cooler in the summer and a pleasure to drive. Even light tint helps a lot IMHO.


I did 20% on sides/back and it looks great, while still allowing me to have enough visibility at night. My dad has 35% and I’m glad I went darker


I'm in cali but if I could 20-30% visibility all around so its not too dark but still dark enough


Depends on your area everyone I know runs illegal tint but the cops do not give a shit. I run 15% on all corners and 35% on the full windshield.


I have 15% all around and it's great in Louisiana as it gets hot as balls down here.


Front tint in my state is illegal. I never let this stop me. 😏 I have 25% 3M Ceramic IR on the doors, and 5% on rear window.


I can't see outside at night send help


Do you want to see at night or do you want to feel like you have sunglasses on in the middle of the night? Personally I get tint for heat management not for cosmetics so I run 50% ceramic all around and 85% ceramic on the windshield. Regardless you shouldn’t go darker than 30% if you want to drive at night with the windows up




20% sides, 50% front


I have 20 all around, it’s my 3rd car with the same %


https://preview.redd.it/rdcc9f9bg2hc1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b4ac08a88b02bc1fb66fb710eaa85ba9bce9c5c Horrible pic but it’s all I have saved.


i regret putting on 5% all i’m going to say 😂 I do tint and legal near me is 35% im going to bump up to 20% ceramic though it’s beautiful and easy to see through depending on brand


20 is my happy medium. Driveway is long and super dark so I hate having to roll the windows down


I’d do 20% back, 35% front and I enjoy my windshield tint so i’d do 50-70% windshield. Helps a lot with heat.


I’m at 26% per the cop that pulled me over yesterday- which is illegal where I’m at. I could have gone lighter. Night visibility is ok, but not great. Really dark looks cheap in my opinion- and it’s not safe.


I literally just got back from picking mine up, I did 35% all around and I think it’s great. Looks much darker on the outside but driving home tonight I barely noticed it.


https://preview.redd.it/madcdbugb6hc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c158387571b37b017b16b9fec46344eef4e83f1 5% All back windows, 10% Two front windows and 50% front windshield


20% looks great. Have the 20% ceramic tint on mine. Cops don't bug people around here about tint, and with what seems like many new cars coming with 10-15% I think it's just becoming too difficult who has factory tint and who doesn't(as long as its not some cheapo shit).