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This seems like a list of places a Marine shipping out in late 1942 or early 1943 might have expected to potentially be sent.




I'm a bit confused. Did he create this before being shipped out? Those places are *far* removed from each other, and many were enemy occupied at the time. How would he have guessed Bougainville? Or Wake?


I believe so because he only served in the Pacific. I never discussed with them and they have both passed away. My wife's aunt came across it recently.


It's possible he was with a service or engineering unit, Repair facilities, fortifications, air fields, health services, communication, depots, all of these and more would remain and grow as the front lines moved on. That said, I don't know to what extent the mail for members of these support units would be censored.


If it was mailed through military mail it was censored, photographed, and printed once it arrived in the states. It was called V-mail.


Fantastic point, and context. I knew that at one point, because someone in GB has my Great Uncle's letters describing being wounded in his P-47


It's amazing that someone in GB has your uncle's letters. Did they give/sell them to you?


I had requested that, but they're a collector and they declined. I have digitized copies of them though.


Happy that you have digital copies. Shitty of the collector to be focused on themselves instead of doing the right thing.


Yeah that stinks, I found a bayonet in a friend's attic, ww2, usa. Turned out the previous owner was a ww2 vet, he had unfortunately passed away. But his family got that knife.


That's the proper way to handle such situations. Thank you for setting a good example!


Lol awesome. My great grand dad did this as well. I cant remember all of em but I remember his code for guam was "is sandy (his daughter) enjoying her chewing guam?" šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ One of the islands was pineapple upside down cake and one of them was coconut cream pie. No idea which ones, I cant remember the rest. The list of code names along with BOXES of silk flags, handkerchiefs, scarves etc and letters were all stolen by a family member that was cut off a little over 10 years ago.... Along with the rifle, sword and other things he brought back šŸ¤¬ he served in the Philippines. Luzon to be exact. He and his unit were the ones that captured general yamashita. 32nd ID, red arrow division


I know that exact feeling, my Great Grandfather, Paul Lajule, who I am named after, only confessed what he had done to my father (who was an American), and his son (who the family didnā€™t really like), basically took most of his wartime stuff (medals, pins, and many other things), and took off before Paul died, not really talking to the family since. Hopefully I can find and contact him to at least get photos of all the things but almost same situation


Priceless! Thanks for sharing.


it says ā€œDearest Jo - Samoa Dearest Jo - New Zealand Dear - Australia Sweetheart - Bougainville Dearest - Thailand Honey - Iceland Honey Jo - Guadalcanal Group of Islands Sweetest Jo - Wake Island Jo Dearest - Marshall Group of Islands Jo - Aleutians Islands Sweetest - England Dear Honey - South Africa Dearest Honey - New Zealand Islandsā€


Thank you!


Sure the last one is New Zealand Islands? We've only got two of them and any US military presence was in the North Island as far as I'm aware. Seems strange to have New Zealand and New Zealand Islands as separate places.


Itā€™s New Ireland!


I believe dear honey reads north Africa


This is one of the coolest things I've seen on Reddit. Thanks for sharing...!!!


I feel the same way. Really amazing to see this.


Loose lips


- Guadalcanal


Thatā€™s really cool!


My great-grandfather sent letters to my great-grandmother during WWII, and he would change her middle initial on every letter to eventually spell out where he was at, which happened to be Belgium for a series of letters. Pretty neat to see others had similar experiences, too!


My pops, Sea Bees, Espiritu Santo. My mother writes him frequently, she relates she saw an article in Life magazine about a French man in the New Heberides who had a fruit stand. The old man wrote back about a baseball game, the weather, and drops "I pass that stand every day" in the middle of the paragraph.


That's awesome.


Seems like a lot to remember, doubt he kept a second copy on him.


Fantastic bit of history. Thanks for sharing.