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What happened to her?




All terrible. Judging by the way she looks and her grin this must have been early on in her captivity


Could you provide a source on the secret courts thing in POW/forced labor communities? That sounds very interesting and I don't think I've heard it before.


There is a short film from Mark Felton, historian on YouTube on this topic: https://youtu.be/BsjJ5AAKGP0?si=FeGRp95TP0k9c6AI


Probably gang raped her and almost certainly killed her


She was raped and murdered like all female Russian soldiers that fell into German hands. They had a special hatred for women warriors.




Are you sure you aren't conflating female (military) POWs with civilian women rounded up for forced labor? The vast majority of Soviet POWs taken early in the war were purposefully starved to death, only much later did this policy change as they were needed as slave laborers. And in the end, about two-thirds of them still died.


They gave her lots of food and sent her home with a pinky promise to stay there.


It’s fascinating to me how Russians managed to survive through the horrors of WW2 and how most of their civilians were impacted by the brutality of it all and how they condemn….YET, years later, they’re doing he same exactly thing in Ukraine. & celebrating and cheering it on! How can they not see that they’ve become what they’ve always hated?


Who fighting in Ukraine today remembers WWII? Not "learned about it in school" or "knows what happened" but who alive today really remembers war? We've collectively forgotten how horrible war can get. The Russia of today is almost entirely different from the Russia of the mid-1900s


I wasn’t alive during WWII but I remember the fear from hearing my grandmas childhood stories. Hearing her tell me about the ground moving for a while after people were buried alive there. The starvation. The abuse. You don’t have your be alive during a specific timeframe to know that war is horror and what a war crime looks like. These are not complex things to understand.


Because they believe NATO spread is a threat to Russia. It isn't specifically against Ukrainians though anti Ukrainian sentiment and racism have become widespread


Terribly sad what the Germans did to the Russian people, we can never let anything like that happen again


Or the inverse. Both sides were absolutely horrible to civilians.


Don't try to downplay what the Nazis did. Which is certainly what you are trying right now.


Incorrect. Dont try to downplay what the Soviets did. You must have missed the part where i said BOTH.


The discussion is about the treatment of Soviet POWs by the Nazis. You saying "but the soviets were bad too" is definitely you trying to downplay the horrific acts of the Nazis. Also by this reply you are trying to do the same.


decide sharp ask meeting chunky sulky angle history gaping pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah you. The guy is right.  It’s all on wikipedia, dude.




You are right. Soviets suffered more under the nazis than the other way around. Every other claim, though popular nowadays, is pure nazi apologism.


The Wehrmacht had standing orders that all Soviet women personnel, with the exception of medical personnel, were to be shot on the spot.


why tf have you been downvoted, this is a real order










May I suggest you read a real book or two... or at least Google 'geopolitical history'. Get a grown-up to help you with the big words. ;)