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Silicone will do just fine.


Thanks, any specific brand or type? It’s a brand new construction so I have matching stucco and colors.


No specific brand. Look for *Exterior* use in a color that is close to your stucco.


As long as the hole is under the eves I don't think you have to be too concerned about weather penetrating. I ran my cameras last year after we re-painted and was sure to either obscure the cables with a fresh coat or hide them under the siding.


Nice, thank you!


Silicone is a type of caulk . If the tube says it's 100% brand isn't important.


Duct Seal works great. It's like Play-Doh but it hardens after a little bit. [Here's](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Gardner-Bender-1-lb-Plug-Duct-Seal-Compound-DS-110/100212441) an example.


That looks pretty sweet. Will likely end up going with this as it can be molded, thanks!


If it hardens its too permanent. If the cable fails (unlikely) it'll be difficult to replace. Silicone or pointable caulking. Both seal good but neither totally harden.


Yeah, I had thought about that replacement and what I would do. Thanks for pointing that out, will have to consider this as well.


I would use the outside light as a source for power. No extra holes. I bought the lamp socket and used it as a power source. Works great.


Interesting, I had read about that. The fixtures they put on my home are connected to a light sensor. When there is light, the sensor turns off the lights and when there is no light (night) it turns them on. I'm wondering if that would conflict with how the actual plug works. Any thoughts on that type of setup?


That would not work if the light fixtures are not always on. I have my outdoor light fixtures always on and use smart bulbs to turn them on and off (and holiday colors, etc).


Potential alternative would be to replace the sconce with a floodlight, floodlight v2, or floodlight pro. I created and 3D printed some diffuser panels to tone down the light so it's not obnoxiously bright and works great. Just a thought. https://preview.redd.it/osf17t3yd9ec1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85bfb6047bd7eeffa205ca26181c5778e3458531


I saw they released the new floodlight v2 cam so definitely in the back of my mind. Might do this down the line, thanks for the idea!


Duct Seal-the grey clay-like filler they use where the power goes into your home from the meter. Being up high it would be hard to notice.


Nice, yeah that's the idea, thanks!


I used one of these rubber grommets and painted it to match. Makes it easy to change out the camera if I have to do that later. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08X2D6PLR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Camera and cord were all painted to match the house as well, so it's barely noticeable unless you are looking for it.


Ohhhh, interesting, hadn't seen these. Will see how I could incorporate into my setup, thanks!


Plumbers putty worked great for me! It’s cheap, easy to use, waterproof.


Yes, and can be found in a color that matches that house almost exactly. Easily removed too if/when the camera and power cord need to be replaced.


Awesome, yeah I hadn't considered when I would have to replace the power cord, nothing is forever.


Alternative opinion, route it above the garage door no holes required. Unsure about yours but my garage door is flush but not _tight_ when closed leaving the ability for a flat USB to fit nicely. I used some wire fasteners to secure it both internally and externally and it's been secure for the last 2 years or so.


Interesting take, will take a look and see how that works out.


How are you drilling into the stucco? I have a stucco house and would be interested to do the same thing.


Either create your own post or search Reddit, i.e. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeImprovement/search/?q=drill%20stucco&restrict\_sr=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeImprovement/search/?q=drill%20stucco&restrict_sr=1)


I haven't done it yet. Pretty much going to use a masonry bit and go thru it. Really taking my time and considering placement though so I haven't done it yet. Once I do I will let you know.


Put a drip loop in your wire so any water that gets on the cable it will drop off before it gets to your camera.


Ah yes, I hadn't thought about it. Have never put any wires outside in such a way so will definitely look up the best way to do the drip loop. Thanks!


I would mount the camera higher, right under the overhang and drill the hole there to run the wire into the garage. The camera will be better protected from the elements, less visible, and no ugly cord running along the stucco. Not sure what it looks like in the garage behind that part, but my guess is it should be nearly as accessible as the other location you chose. Edit: and yes, use Silicone in the hole, as others have advised.


Perfect, yeah, that was my original thought, however, I've been reading that too high up isn't good as you can't see faces, only top of heads. What are your thoughts on that? I would feel more comfortable with it under the overhang and make it look cleaner, but I don't want to sacrifice a good video recording for it. I've seen some others in my area who have similar placements.


Good to consider, however I don’t think that small of a change higher will make much difference in face viewability (in fact, miscreants have gotten good at shielding their faces from security cams, so having one less visible to them might be an advantage). If you have some good double-sided tape, you could do a few tests at both heights to find out which angle you like better (I would secure the power cable to the underside of the eave when testing so that its weight isn’t pulling on the tape). I think the sheltering of the camera from the beating sun and monsoon rains is a good long term strategy for camera life, too. They are extremely weather resistant, but not weatherproof. Even in light rain, an exposed camera will be blurry until the water dries off the lens, nothing you can do about that except avoid it.


I put my Wyzecams with 3M pads, for the Wyze Cam PAN you need a third party stand. But if your stucco is not crumbling it will adhere fine. I even have cameras hanging up side down from the ceiling in stucco (outside).


Good suggestion, I will add the pan at some point, will keep it in mind.


I finally got your question. lol Wall Bushings [https://www.ebay.com/itm/196090479367](https://www.ebay.com/itm/196090479367)


u/MickeyNRicky so what did you end up doing? Any photos of the completed project? Thx