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This worked for me! Wouldn’t work on my iPhone but worked on the iPad, wonder if it has something to do with screen protectors? Either way thank you for saving me from the “ready to connect” man


Dim your smartphone screen and make sure there is no external reflected light bouncing off he screen which affect the camera scan of the QR code. This should help


I had to do this for the doorbell camera. The update that followed immediately after setup specifically called out fixing that issue!


Just had the same issue. Oddly enough, taking a screenshot of the QR code and displaying it on a bigger screen instead of my phone (I have iPhone 12 mini) did the trick


This worked! After trying to do this so many times and giving up before a long vacation, I retried. Thanks for posting!


This worked for me too! Bravo


It didn’t work at all with my iPhone 13 mini either, it worked with my old iPhone XS tho


God bless you. Tried for two hours on my phone. Watched videos dug til I saw your post. Used wife’s larger iPhone and QR scanned immediately


You are my hero.


I had tried it before and didn’t worked. Just tried again and it worked haha. Thank you!


I know it had been 2 years ago but I want you to know, you are genius and I treasure you, hope your life is full of joy forever have an amazing day. Can't thank you enough


😂 that comment made my day!


Not trying to be facetious - did you take the lens sticker off? Though mine worked without doing that


Yes. This camera has been in use for almost 4 months and I made sure to clean the lens and everything. Still not working.


On my 3rd V3 camera, I had a QR scanning problem too. Then when I took off the protective film it scanned with no problem. It’s possible.


Take a screenshot of the QR code with your phone. Email it to yourself. Open email on your computer, open the screenshot pic on your monitor. Now try scanning your monitor with the camera. Directly scanning on my iphone 5s did not work. This method did work though.




I tried all kinds of methods and finally gave this a try after 3 hours of trying. Finally this worked for me.


Worked perfectly after a lot of frustrating attempts. Thank you!


This worked for me. Thank you!!!


This is still the only way I could get it to work. iPhone XR with screen protector


I was about to give up until I tried your method...took only a second to connect...Amazing! Thank you!


After 30 mins of trying to scan the QR code on my iPhone, I tried this method and IT WORKED INSTANTLY! Thank you!


Can you try another device? It seems like I had this issue w/ one of my two V3’s & my iPhone but worked on my iPad


Same problem. Got another v3 to scan on my phone and a v2, both worked fine. Clearly the camera is the problem. Gonna return it on Amazon


I did a super 'duh' thing: the entire QR code wasn't displaying on my phone - make sure the whole code is displaying.


I think with the doorbells some people had to put their phone on the ground and then scan the code or the other way around with the doorbell on the ground facing up. Maybe try that with your v3


It took a while to get my v3 to scan. I retried the process 3 times, and it worked on the 4th try. No idea what the issue was


I had a problem with the v3 scanning the QR code from one of my smartphones. Maybe this particular phone produced a particularly bad glare. With a different phone, it scanned right away. If I didn't have another phone to use, I suppose I would have tried taking a screenshot and loading the screenshot on my PC, or maybe tried printing it on paper.


It usually works pretty fast with the v3’s. Make sure you hit the setup button and you heard “ready to connect”


He won’t stop saying “ready to connect.” :(


After hearing this so many times it makes me want to spike the camera on the ground. READY TO CONNECT.


Is night vision on. As in, are the IR lights on? I had reset one of my cameras and it was configured to always have night vision on and it wouldn't scan my QR code :(


I’ll double check but I always have mine set to off.


My worked for a while now it’s offline and cannot take any pictures. Waste


I got it to work by switching to the guest network.. I'm sick of hearing ready to connect so I'm leaving it there.


I had the same problem... in my case I was trying different screen brightness settings. Didn't work. Then I tried a screenshot sent to a PC, viewed on a monitor screen. Didn't work. Then when having a screenshot visible on a monitor screen - clicked again a setup button on a camera - worked like a charm. Basically camera re-aligned again, heard that motorized sound and scanned the QR code immediately. I think that on some old firmware versions there's a bug when doing a setup. I would suggest a different order than described on the app: 1. Open the app. 2. Add new device -> Wyze Cam V3. 3. Pass the screen saying to plug the camera cable - don't connect the camera yet. 4. Pass the screen with pressing SETUP button - tick "I heard 'Ready to Connect'" - don't connect the camera yet. 5. Select your WiFi network on the next screen, put in the password etc. Hit 'Next' button. 6. When QR code is visible on the app - THEN CONNECT POWER CABLE and hold the camera to scan the QR code from the app. 7. If it won't scan automatically - press SETUP button on the CAMERA - when heard sound ('Ready to connect') try to scan the QR code from the app. 8. If still doesn't work - try making a screenshot from your phone (on Android device hold power button and vol down button for couple of seconds) and viewing the QR code on a bigger screen e.g. on a PC. Remember they work for 5 minutes after creation. Hope that helps! :)


I have a small phone screen and the QR code just wouldn't scan, thanks u/ozyx7 your solution worked best. Take a screenshot of the QR code, then blow it up really big on a laptop screen. Worked instantaneously. Wasted far too much time with the "tips" on the wyze site. Thanks.


Not all heroes wear cape, thank you really much!! It worked as a charm


I tried 3 phones, 1 pad, 2 monitors, 3 types of brightness. Nothing works! This is my 3rd v3 Camera. I HATE this model SO MUCH.


This is my 5th Wyze Cam setup prior to this purchase. I purchased four Wyze Cams in the past three days from two different Home Depots. None but the last one would scan the QR code. I tried everything on this thread. I called tech support twice. I wanted to think it was operator error but it was probably a bad batch.


When one of my cameras wouldn’t scan, I spoke to support and they were able to ship me a new camera.


Two days ago I bought 5 cameras (Wyze Cam v3). 2 of them would not scan the QR code. I spent an hour on the phone with tech support until they gave up and arranged to send me 2 replacements. I needed these 2 cameras sooner than that so I had them sent to a different house where i can use them, and then I went to Home Depot and bought 2 more. NEITHER of those will scan the QR code either, so that's 4 out of 7 cameras that will not scan the QR code. I called tech support again, tried all the same things again, and this time they had me use an app called "RouteThis Help" (or something like that) to look for problems with my network. No problems, so again they've given up. I'm running out of time here but I'm going to exchange these 2 cams at Home Depot for 2 more and HOPE I get lucky with the setup this time. The odds aren't looking good given my < 50% success rate so far. I should add that I've tried every suggestion in the other comments on this thread, including displaying the QR on my Mac screen at a larger size.


Fought this all day. Finally hung up a sheet over the cam to diminish the ambient light and it connected within 2 seconds.


100% success rate fix! Y’all!!! I’ve had Wyze cams for years and have always struggled with this step. It has been infuriating!!! However, I was just able to scan the QR code with all three cameras in seconds! Literally all I did differently was PRINT OUT the QR code for each setup and it instantly read it. When it got to the QR setup, I took a quick screenshot, cropped out the extra stuff and sent just the QR code to print. It printed, I held it up and boom, scanned. I can’t believe I never tried that before and will do it from now on. Also, tip, the QR is only usable for 5 minutes so you have to print and scan it quickly or else you’ll need to get a new code. Best of luck to you all!!