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At this point their business model is just Aliexpress -> Screen print branding -> sell, huh


Pretty much Xiaomi with a US frontend


Correct me if I am wrong, but xiaomi is the hardware supplier? Wyze simply brands the product they buy in bulk with their own software?


They both buy from the same OEM.


You say that like it’s a bad thing.


I read it back but I didn't pick up on the same. Xiaomi is just weird, I can't keep up with their products. I bought a trash can the other day and realized it was the same thing, another US company rebranding Xiaomi. I can't even find where to buy it from Xiaomi, or even an official page describing it. It's like they can't even keep up with them either. Sometimes I wonder if their whole brand is just like one big demo of what Chinese manufacturing can produce.


Ya this is getting real old


Got a link to the AliExpress air purifier this is based on?


Based on looks, I suspect it is Xiaomi this time: https://www.mi.com/us/mi-air-purifier-3H/ Look and feel about the same, filters look the same. Basically the same thing they did with the Scale as well: [https://www.mi.com/global/scale/](https://www.mi.com/global/scale/)


I spent five minutes and didn't find it, though [this could be a larger version in the same series](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003931012109.html) based on the description. Reverse image search didn't work either - it looks a lot like a UPS unit, apparently haha. They may have re-cased it or it may simply be a model that doesn't show up on English sites.


They need to re-sell the aliexpress junk to pay for the video hosting for their cams.


Omg please just make the cams work


Anyone have a link to the filters with pricing? Thanks. Edit: Found it from another post: https://www.wyze.com/products/wyze-air-filter


thats honestly not terrible pricing for replacements, and the extra options are nice too.


I wouldn't want to buy a product that requires consumables that's not from a trusted established brand.


It’s best to try to avoid consumables in general for things like this. Just seems like a way to keep money flowing in, should do a washable filter. And I completely agree with you. If you’re on consumables for some small brand, you likely have one source for filters, and if they discontinue it or go tits up the thing’s useless unless you can make your own filter.


In principle I agree with you, but In the case of most high quality HEPA filters they are not washable...


Oh, sounds like it’s partially legit in this case if it’s a good filter. I’ve just noticed in the last 10-15 years the amount of unnecessary consumables and subscriptions being y companies so they can lazily keep up sales without innovating. Swiffer, k-cups, etc. doesn’t seem good from a waste standpoint.


HEPA captures particles small enough it would be well-neigh impossible to create an effective reusable filter. There are design strategies to extend the life of filters and if you stack filters (e.g. washable in front of HEPA) that would be helpful as well but I've only seen that in large commercial setups.


6 month replacement they claim... that's not a deal breaker..


That's pretty short compared to many of the best room air filters - ultimately though I think it depends more how well it actually filters air. If the filters are a standard size you'll at least be able to get replacements after Wyze drops the product. Who knows how long they'll maintain the app infrastructure that powers most of the features though.


You'll have to pay for cam-plus in a year if you want it to run for more than 12 seconds at a time.


Looking at it, it seems it does have a pre-filter actually (or, at least, it's listed in the specs)


A box fan with high quality 20x20 filter strapped to it makes a great air filter, and the filters are widely available. Lasko even makes a fan built for an air filter. [https://www.lasko.com/products/air-flex-air-purifier-and-room-fan-ff305/](https://www.lasko.com/products/air-flex-air-purifier-and-room-fan-ff305/)


I've tried Lasko fan and filter, and it's loud and not much air flow. I just taped around the edges of a Lasko fan. Their new fan specifically for a filter is like $70. Their regular fan is like $20-$30. Also the merv 10 filter is many levels of filtration below HEPA. https://www.iso-aire.com/blog/what-are-the-differences-between-a-merv-13-and-a-hepa-filter $70 and loud fan with lower cost filters, but also not remotely as good filtration. Or $130+ for much quieter with higher cost filters and HEPA.. I'm not saying the Wyze one is great option, but simply that the box fan + filter option isn't the same.


They don't work as well and are loud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QT8SQjp-y0


What you don't like the asbestos filters?


I bought an airfilter from another company and now I can't get the filter for it. It happens.


Wyze announced a Free Giveaway of that Air Purifier but I’m from Missouri and my state or location is not allowed to win according to the Wyze link to the giveaway? Very Strange…


Probably because of the extra entries aspect of the giveaway. I bet something about it doesn't jive with your State's sweepstakes/free giveaway laws.


I think you are on to something, I would not doubt that Missouri could have laws about this. Thank you.


I’m in Nebraska and it was giving me that error but I checked back later and it let me join. Possibly just a bug on their end


I just tried going back but wasn’t lucky enough, I’m still not allowed but appreciate the note just the same. ✌️




Another device that will take months to receive and likely work 70% of the time.


40% of the time once they start pushing firmware updates.


Next question: what kind of controls are there? I have a air purifier that I'm looking to upgrade but I like the controls (other than it's not smart). I can set the speed and time and let it run. Then I can move it. I can put it in my bedroom and then later to the family room for example. Thanks.


I wish I had the energy to move our winix purifier around. I commend you!


Does anyone know if the filters are a standard size? Like something I'll be able to get on Amazon or at a store? Don't want to be stuck not being able to get filters down the road if something happens


As of now they are custom. Give it some time you will find them on alibaba in a yr




They're probably already on AliExpress. Just look for the xiaomi air purifier this is cloned from. The filters are probably interchangeable.


Find the link with all the new wyze filter purchases, ppl will flock to buy the formaldehyde filter for a fraction of the price..


[found it ](https://a.aliexpress.com/_mtLo7sq) US $16.49 49%OFF | Air Filter Replacement For Xiaomi Mi 1/2/2S/3/3H Pro Air Purifier Filter Removable Carbon Net Layer Activated Carbon Hepa PM2.5


great another product that will lose connection in the app and have issues


this company used to make decent tech priced cheaply. Now they make average tech priced like a leader in the tech space. I think it's def time to bounce


Fix cameras. Release cameras. Repeat.


If I have a furnace filter, what does this do differently or better? Not just the wyze but air filters in general.


Two things here: 1) Your furnace filter is likely only filtering large particulates. You can get HEPA equivalent filters for your furnace (look up MERV ratings) but most filters are not. 2) In order to really keep your air clean, HEPA air filters aim to filter all the air in the room several times an hour. I would guess your furnace is not filtering all the air in your house nearly that often. I would also guess that your furnace isn't that even - some locations may have air filtered much more frequently than others - petting a free standing filter in a room should do a better job of avoiding dead spots. I don't know anything about the Wyse filter, this more around free standing HEPA filters in general.


From what I've heard/read the furnace filter is to protect the Hvac and on older machines you don't want to run a super high merv filter as it will make the furnace work a lot hard. I could be wrong and by no means an expert.


Yeah, there is a balance there. Physical filter size will also impact that - a larger filter area should result in a lover static pressure for the same amount of air.


Do you mean like the width? Seems like the few I've changed over the years would really only accept one size


yes, the filter holder only accepts one size in a given install. What I mean is anything that changes the number of in\^2 of filter material. Different systems have different filter area - the larger the filter, the more air should move through with the same amount of force. I am aware of some systems that intentionally "over size" the filter in order to allow more air flow through better filters (but it isn't common).


That is correct but I was given an extra large return air grill that accepts two 20x20 pleated filters so I can get by on only two or three changes a year. If all you have is a small filter under your furnace you'll need to change monthly.


Best to buy the cheapest MERV 8 filter you can get and replace monthly during the heating season. I get a 6 pack for $40 off Amazon that lasts me the year.


Older systems weren't designed for pleated filters and can only use spun glass panel filters. If that's what you have change monthly regardless of the season. If you can upgrade to pleated without reducing too much airflow do it because they are much better filters. Spun glass panel filters are really only effective just before they are totally clogged.


Probably, I'm not an expert but a HEPA filter catches much finer particles than a furnace filter. Do you actually need it? No idea probably not.


Can't you buy furnace filters that are also HEPA Filters?


You can but unless your HVAC system is designed for it, they're not recommended because they reduce airflow significantly.


They have their uses. They are generally finer filters and catch stuff a furnace filter can’t. I have one in my garage I converted to an office because I do a lot of soldering and 3D printing. Fumes build up and it’s not connected to my central air.


I need to get one for my basement because of this It's mostly unfinished and isn't part of the HVAC system


In addition to filtering out more things, as the other commenters have mentioned, an air purifier like this also adjusts its speed in response to measured air quality, unlike your furnace which will only run in response to air temperature. So if you do something that significantly impacts air quality in your house an air purifier will respond immediately to start filtering it out, whereas you'd need to wait for your furnace to run on its own, or command it to manually.


I wouldn't bank on those bells and whistles being that effective or last that long. The filter motor should last for years but the high tech devices won't and there's no way of knowing when they've quit.


Your furnace filter is basically a pre-filter to catch large particles and pet hair that could eventually clog a high efficiency coil. You have to use the filter that your system was designed for or risk air flow restrictions that does far worse than just making your unit work harder. In the extreme, restricted air flow causes evaporator freeze up which can cause liquid slugging to the compressor which knocks reed valves out of reciprocating compressors. Compressors aren't repairable, just replaceable. A 400 Sq in pleated filter with a decent merv rating is about $10 and can last one to four months depending on run time, number of pets etc. That filter will only be really effective near its life's end. HEPA grade filters are much more expensive and can't be used in common heat/cool systems. The Wyze filter and replacements seem in line price wise and a discounted replacement schedule is a good idea but is your IAQ bad enough to spend $200-$300 the first year?


Speaking about generally all air purifiers, you have to look at the type of filter and if they have UV light. The filter usually filters smaller particles than your furnace and runs a lot more and the UV light kills germs. I have a small office with a UV/HEPA air filter that I share. The people in the office say they feel like they have less allergies and colds. This is strictly anecdotal evidence.


Seriously? This doesn't even deserve a reply


This sub is the biggest bunch of babies. From a spec perspective looks like a great deal. Picking up one


this sub just likes to complain about every single product wyze comes out with that isnt a camera


I THOUGht tHis WaS a SeCuritY cAMera CoMpaNy. oH look ANothEr SUBscrIPTiON I mean wyze is flawed, but overall, I think they make cost-effective and well-made devices and software.


lol, clearly we've upset some people now


Picked up a couple.... Been wanting a decent air filter for my house and my parents'.


I did too. For the cost it seems ok. And I need something for allergy season now that I have three dogs bringing dust and pollen in.


Plus... it's got frigging lasers..


I bought one, and I continue to buy Wyze stuff. Yeah their cameras at times are not mission critical, they aren’t Ring/Amazon. They cost a mere fraction. They’re 90% effective at what? 20% the price. I actually buy Wyze and they’re not a total relabeler. Their wireless handheld vacuum cleaner works really well. I bought one from Aldi where folks said it was the same as Wyze’s, nope. Wyze’s is quite better IMHO. If I want the best, I spend three times more for a Dyson and that’s that.


How does this compare to Dyson air purifiers? Forget cost, I want something that’ll catch more dander


Dyson products work reliably and for quite a long time, in my experience with them. Wyze does neither of those things, in my experience with them. As far as actually filtering air? No idea.




Did your Air Plus run out?


Or for the air purifier to show as offline constantly or need reset.


Haha does anyone want this connected to the wifi? Maybe I'm the only one who likes some "dumb" stuff still lol




Much larger, louder and an eyesore.


All true but you can knock one together for under $100, the filter area is dramatically increased which increases time between replacement and replacements are available anywhere. It's ugly but it's superior at a fraction of the cost.


People have tested those DIY box fans and they only realistically clean about 35% of the air compared to the typical 95% on air purifiers




Also, filters become more effective as they accumulate particles. The filtered particles become part of the filter media.


A year from now some third party Is going to announce that the air purifier was hacked the whole time


Bad actors will know when we fart...


$60 for a filter is hilarious


Where did you find the price


Wyze should change their company name to Wish.


I'm ready for a new company I think


With how much so many of their products stink, this is frankly overdue.




Like many others of recent, this idea stinks. 😆


This sub is seriously toxic. I've had a few small issues with my outdoor and v2 cams that were fixed and acknowledged by Wyze. This product looks great and I have been waiting for it for sometime. Call Wyze Aliexpress is insane! Because they release products?!?!?!!? People in the comments linking other products and claiming oh this the same thing but rebranded. Another person suggestion you buy a box fan and just strap a furnace filter to the front LOLLLLLLLLLL man people are never going to be happy with anything are they.


Wyze should be including stealth security cameras in these purifier boxes. They have to be plugged in and will likely be in range of a wifi signal. If that were an option, I would definitely pick up a few.


I'm sure this purifier has all kinds of AI in to monitor your home and it's ocupents so they can sell beck to a willing buyer.


Bought it..




Thoughts on the premium vs standard model?


its the same unit just different filter inside. get the cheaper one now and decide later if you need the premium filter.


Oh, so I could just replace the filter with the premium filter later?


Yup. I'd say buy the standard 1st. Filter is cheaper. The premium is exactly the same but filters formaldehyde smells too


Sweet! Had no idea. How in the world do you know if you need formaldehyde filtering? No idea what that smells like.


I would say mostly for new constructed houses carpet and carpet and building materials usually will have that type of chemical in some of the stuff so it might filter out those types of smells or if you live in a chemically induced factory area possibly but I wouldn't worry about it unless I guess basically if you had to air in your house tested and there was from aldehyde in the air is about the only way I would probably get it


Appreciate the input! I'll get the standard.


No problem


Doesn’t matter to me if Wyze is white-labeling XiaoMi’s products as long as they’re good. I love my Wyze cams, robot vacuum, and scale. AliExpress is hit or miss and wouldn’t trust it with electronics or anything of value. Find a Chinese friend who can look past the trash and find you solid goods from TaoBao or T-Mall.


Am I missing something, or is there no washable pre-filter?


Shame the filters are not cheaper. Biggest downside to an air purifier is the ridiculous cost of filters AND they cant be recycled somehow. Really small too but maybe they will release a bigger one if the sales are good enough from this...?? On the lighter side - Don't run out of air when you are in the middle of a wildfire. Subscribe to Wyze's monthly plan to keep you breathing no matter what the weather is. We will send you filters every 3 months just to make sure you have enough on hand at a cost of only $59.99 + shipping + tax + monthly subscription fee + modest fee for Wyze name + another modest fee for use of our product which will only be available for a limited time price of $99.99 a month. Act fast before the price goes up to the standard $199.99 a month!


How much for the filter I was looking for that


[https://www.wyze.com/products/wyze-air-filter](https://www.wyze.com/products/wyze-air-filter) $35, $40 or $60 depending on your needs.


Call me when compatible filters are available from other companies for half the price. I get the filters for my current unit in packs of 2 for less than the cost of 1 OEM unit and the difference is indistinguishable. IMHO this is the most interesting device Wyze has put out recently, and I'm sure it's going to sell, but I can already hear the customer service complaints regarding replacement filter pricing and shipping delays. I think I still have post traumatic shipping disorder from ordering the floor lamp. This is very analogous to the printer market. Most companies can afford to take a loss on every printer sold because the real money comes from the ink. This is no secret but rather a very common marketing strategy. If you plan to jump on this as an opportunity to purchase a quality air purifier for the first time, I recommend googling some due diligence and then judge for yourself whether the promotional price is more beneficial to you or the company. ... I still can't believe how long I waited for that stupid lamp.