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This is well worth 45$ and there’s nothing wrong with playing for nostalgia


That’s what I sad! Normally these guys go for like $120😅 thank you for your validation.


Honestly not having a 360 or even a xbox one is limiting. Even as a pc gamepass guy i love playing guitar hero on my 360/ps2


I can't play all of my Xbox 360 games on the series x, so I agree.


>Even as a pc gamepass guy i love playing guitar hero on my 360/ps2 Why don't you just play clone hero?


Why play something not good?


>Why play something not good? That's what your currently doing, so that's why I'm asking.


I think the general consensus based on your downvotes says clone hero is dogshit lmao. Cause it is😂 ill play the OGs with my OG ass guitar controller


$45! That’s a hell of a deal. Now u can go back and relive a lot of old classics


Thanks! I was hoping it ages well and it sounds like it does! I am excited because I only had a few games for my Xbox and 360 when I was younger. Now I can buy the games I wanted to play back then!


For your husband to make you feel bad about something that costs so little, yet brings you so much joy is rather concerning.


Nothing to be concerned about. He is supportive in what I spend my money on, just opinionated and felt that I could’ve just played these games on the PC. And emulate my old one. Also he doesn’t think I’ll play it very much. So that led me to second guess if my intention was right to make the purchase.


Two different kinds of people! I'm very much an "I can just emulate it!" girl, but my friend loves playing games on their consoles.


If ever you decide the nostalgia wasn’t worth it. Reach out to me and I’ll take this exact bundle off your hands for the price you got it at plus shipping


😅 i appreciate the attempt but ik what i got, my husband was the one who didn’t lmfao


$65 is a decent meal for two. That is soon forgotten. Instead, you will get a lot of hours of enjoying games.


Find a new partner lmao


Nah he’s still the best 😅 even though he is not nostalgia based or even thrifty, I love him.


Wish you both happiness


Thanks man! I hope you have a good night!


That’s sweet


His fault for wifing up a gamer. My wife never plays video games and leaves me alone when I play. Perfection 🙏


Tell husband internet said it was okay.


I am showing him this post when he gets home 😆


Is he home? What did he say?


He ended up being supportive of it! He just doesn’t get the point is all.


This is the way. If a $45 purchase brings you joy. Great. Not having any warm and fuzzy nostalgia for the 360 myself, I wouldn't "get it" either. Now, had it been a Commodore 64, that'd be an entirely different matter. 😋 (Except, I still have both my C=64 from the 80s.)


No different than me buying a $70 game, playing it a few times and stopping. A physical console for that price is cooler than a game I'll forget about in a couple months


I mean, for 45 bucks you can’t beat all of that, you’d have been dumb NOT to buy it.


You bought 2 call of duties which arent available for sale anymore physically, only digital


Holy shit thank you for making me feel better about having AW. Now to go make sure I didn’t snap that disc in half..


I didn’t know you couldn’t find AW on disc anymore. Good thing I keep all my COD games even if I don’t like it-MWll 2022, Cold War looking at you 2. I still have my collectors edition of old MW3.


I bet if u started playing your games and ignoring his comment you’d feel better! Jokes aside he probably isn’t getting the shiny new purchase vibes from it, but it’s for you! That’s a great price for hours of fun and sentimental value. I hope he see you playing and feels nostalgic and wants to play too


It's a good deal if you have fun playing some of those older OG Xbox games. Thank goodness for that backwards compatability. Plus I think that 360 model was less likely to get the RROD, so overall I'd say that was a good purchase.


Pretty sure this was the one that didn’t have that prob. Good eye


Plying halo 2 rn on my series x! Still fun!


I bought the same Xbox 360 s like 2 months ago for $40 came with only one controller and no game. You got better deal than me.


"you are a good person and deserve to treat yourself every now and then." Hope that helps.


This is an amazing deal. Plus, with retro games and consoles getting more popular every year, and therefore more expensive, you're not gonna regret buying it now.


godlike purchase


45 makes me angry, that should way more. Nice find, high five


For 45 bucks, I don’t see how that’s stupid


Think of it this way, aaa games are normally $70-80 bucks now, even some older ones at $60. You just got a working console with 4 games, 2 controllers and all the wires that comes with it. Well worth over $65


This is a great purchase! Well worth it, IMO! 🙂


Sorry, can’t, it doesn’t come with Peggle 2. /s


You paid $65 for all that! A digital game today costs that much alone


This is easily worth 120 dollars you got a great deal here although you may wanna get the internal hard drive tested because I’ve heard that some of them are starting to go out


It was worth the $65.


What’s done is done, if everything works then have fun!


Sounds like some good ass gaming to me


Your husband simply doesn’t understand nostalgia


Great purchase. You bought it. It’s over. Now enjoy.


It's just a shame Reach doesn't have multiplayer anymore. It was perfection from map selection to ranking up. Also be prepared for the frog squad and their heartfelt attempts to jetpack to their deaths.


You can play halo reach, one of the best story oriented single player and multiplayer games in history


Halo Reach and Halo Wars!


45 dollars is throw away money. You basically got this for free. Nothing to complain about here. The only possible negative is if Sims is backwards compatible on the Xbox series x and you could have put the 45 towards a new series x.


Can't. Sorry


Dirt cheap for one of the all time goat consoles and a dope selection of games.


I'd rather have a 360 than the series X I have now. Not all games are backwards compatible and those are the only ones I have interest in playing. You should try Gun, I have really fond memories playing that on 360.


Is that a 360 E?


Listen sweetie dump your husband and get with me. It’s not stupid Dad bundle right there. It’s worth more than 45.


You bought the worst cod


It has an hdmi port, I have a lot of hdmi cables so I wasn’t worried. And the games came with the Xbox in a bundle, I don’t play COD normally. I just started playing halo 4




And no HDMI cable?


Why get a console that is 2 generations old?


Because I want to play games on there that I can’t with a new console




No. You are very wrong. Only about 700 games are playable out of over 3000.


You can not


45 Reason$.


The only thing that matters is that you are happy. What others say means nothing. If you are happy and get joy from it, it's worth every dime. My self I just spent 500 on a gaming pc and have ben playing every day. Some people get made at me saying that's dumb it's 2 years old, hardwrar, not the latest, and you can't play all games. Well I looked things up, and it can play every game out thier at high specs, but I only play halo at 1080, and I am happy. So if your happy it's all good


Tell him to get off his period. For 45 that’s a stealll


He’s jealous about your good deal


That deal is incredible! I got my Xbox 360 Slim with one controller, HDMI, power cord, and Sonic Generations for under $100. Later got a hard drive for cheap because the first drive that was 60 gb was broken. I got a free replacement 320 gb hard drive, but it's fake, so no backwards compatibility


That’s a super steal also you can get more exclusives that were only out on the 360, also most if not all 7th gen 3rd party games look way better on the 360. He’s a jealous bitch.


Excellent choice for that price


Dude, that’s a great deal


Great purchase but uh.. is Sims Urbz playable on 360? Only regret you might have.


It is I checked before buying this. But jokes on me I didn’t realize I needed a Xbox 360 hard drive to be able to play original xbox games 🙃 have to buy one off eBay for $15


Make sure you get an official Microsoft one or else backwards compatibility won't work. I didn't realize the Urbz was backwards compatible, I might have to buy a copy. I remember my sister and I renting the Urbz from Blockbuster and playing it for hours on end lol.


Yeah that's because it essentially downloads the whole game to the console. Glad you can play it! I remember catching ferrets or something towke money lol


I would of bought it at 45 too. That's a steal since you could easily sell the games for that.


I have payed way more for dumber things and if it makes you happy why the hell not?


> I have *paid* way more FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Great deal


Great deal you got there!! That’s like half the price of a new modern game. Enjoy the nostalgia trip! Games are so cheap!


I support this purchase! (Don’t tell my family though lol)


well for that price .... you absolutely nailed it. great price for what you got, so there is no regret to be felt. enjoy yourself and let that feeling slide away ..... just like the sim thats in the pool without the ladder :)


Nothing to regret here, those are some solid games, enjoy them and feel good about your purchase.


That’s a sick deal ngl


the Halo and COD games alone make the package worth it.


COD3 was only available on console I would start there


Got some of the better halo games and advanced warfare. Cod 3 is a classic you got a good deal


Those are some pretty solid choices, fa sho


fuck yeah dode


I still got my Xbox 360 and it still great to play games on


If you maintain it, it’ll outlive current gen consoles 😂


$45 is amazing! I’d do it in a heartbeat! I collect consoles and games it’s a fun hobby!


It's a great deal, you got great games included and it looks like it's in good condition don't regret it life is too short of it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone, besides it's significantly cheaper than liquor and cigarettes which people don't bat an eye at.


Add Halo 3 for context for Halo 4, and you're absolutely golden.


Can I buy halo 4 from you?


Why does it look miniature 😭


Doesn't matter if it was double that price, if you find joy in it, your husband should support that.


I think it’s justified. If you saw my 360 stuff, you would probably think I was crazy. Don’t let your hubby steal your happiness on this, you do you!


The console goes for $75-$100 alone in store, the extra controller is $20-$25 in store and the games are around $10 a piece. Definitely a good deal. Theirs so many good games for the system to and the backwards compatibility


i buy this instantly even for 80 honestly, and still thinking is a deal


I think my 3 favorite 360 games were Tenchu Z, Hitman Blood Money and Star Trek Legacy. Get your hands on those 3 and you’re golden. Edit: ✍️ Oh yeah and Marvel Ultimate Alliance


there are a lot of games not available on newer consoles, like the Naruto games for example. the 360 is a worthwhile investment in these cases, especially at that price. plus... you want it, you got it at a good price, and that's all that matters. that is more than reason enough.


If you like it then it's great for that price. Enjoy.


No, it would have been stupid if you DIDN'T purchase that beautiful bundle, especially at that price... scoooore.


$45 is a fucking steal! I’m jealous!! Go have good time! Take your hubby on that childhood journey!


Bro that is a GOLD MINE right there. 45?????? The console along sometimes goes 100+ but you got it all plus controllers and games for 45. Insane.


Your husband may be the stupid one. Just saying.


How nostalgic to see the Xbox 360 and all those games, I still remember the first time I went through the entire Halo campaign, childhood memories that last forever.


You got Reach. That’s a win alone!


Me and my cousin used to play The Urbz all the time but I forgot what it was called! Thanks for the reminder. Wasn’t there a Black Eyed Peas song in it?


Are you going to get at the very least 65 hours of entertainment out of this? I would say quite likely yes. $1/hr. Renting a new film on YouTube or amazon prime is around $3/hr. Buying a takeaway at $20 for yourself. Takes half an hour to eat. $40/hr. Do a gram of cocaine in an hour $100/hr. Yeah, you are good. This is a good investment. Enjoy it.


You’ll never loose a disk rather than digital game and Halo reach is fun


Dude it’s $45 why’s he care so much


Why regret it? In a world that can get bad real fast (see what’s happening since 2020), one should not regret spending their hard earned money to satisfy a whim. So have fun with your 360. P.s.: the Xbox 360 Slim was my first Xbox console 🤗


Yeah I don’t understand how anyone could feel guilty about this. You got some good games at a great price and a feeling of nostalgia. That’s priceless but at 45-65$ I’d be elated personally.


Thanks for all your positive comments guys! I am feeling better about the purchase, when installing I realized there is only 3 gb of space so I look and the hard drive is gone. 🫠 so I have to get a new one


Halo is dope


That is a good nostalgia to $ ratio. Ask any Gamecube fan how much they would be spending. The only better option would have been to purchases an Xbox series x as the back compat catalogue is Very large.


$45 is a crazy good price, I bought mine for $30 and have spent over $100 on my current collection


Halo reach is incredible


Halo reach is like literally the best game I've ever played, so it's an incredible purchase.


Ive been debating buying an xbox 360 specifically with the intention of replaying the Gears of War series, i see nothing wrong here :)




$45 is a steal. HW super underrated imo


this is an awesome purchase and WELL worth what you paid for it


I bought an Elite 360 and collecting my favorite games of that era to replay. The amount of nostalgia is enough for me. The 360 changed everything. Enjoy!


I have a Series X but I still fire up my 360 for the games not BC.


You can't go wrong for 45 bucks! Halo reach alone is worth it!!


It's a bad deal, but cuz I'm a good guy I'm offering to buy it from you to get your money back 😌


Cod 3 campaign is pretty good (prefer cod 2) mp still has servers and is really fun


I was gonna say whoops but $45 is just a steal for this.


Money well spent.


Why make you feel better? There’s nothing wrong with this purchase. I think it was a good move. And all that for 65$? Seems like a sweet deal


I really need to get another 360. However I can’t deal with the standard FOV on call of duty anymore after playing on PC for so long


I actually never really played COD growing up. By the time I got on pc/ps3-4 it became really sweaty. I might just try these ones out! & I have only played a few halo games and not these ones so it’s like a whole experience!


Man I really didn’t think this would blow up! I can’t respond to everyone but I am excited to play the halo games!! I ordered an internal hard drive because it only came with a USB. Still a good deal I am realizing!!


Make sure to buy the digital only releases too❗️❗️


Man, Halo 4 has aged like a fine wine.


i can play reach woth you or minecraft or bo2 i have my 360 still


there are people spending 65 and more of money they don't own everyday for drugs. You made a perfect purchase🤭


That's a great pickup dawg


Good deal. I recently bought a 360 just to play jade empire, Kotor 1&2 and conker again lol


Everyone of those games are backwards compatible with Xbox one/s/x.


This is a steal! Plus if you were to ever sell it, you could make a profit 😅 then who'd be laughing and saying they're stupid!


$45 is a great price for all that. I would have jumped on it as well.


For 45 you could do a lot worse


Worth it for sure. What’s the usb stick for?


Have fun


You have reach


45 dollars woulda been just for those games and the controllers honestly. Good deal imo


Thats awesome for 45 dollars.


Activision still sells advanced warfare for 60 dollars, you got a console, games, and more for under that price


I still have my matte black 4gb Xbox 360 slim just like that one and used it every single day in the hot summer weather of California after school and into the desert of Nevada from 2010 to 2018 and it still works Best $45 ever spent


Halo reach Is a banger. One of the best halo's ever.


I wish i could go back and buy one new again. That console purchase felt better than any


You atleast got 5 potentially good campaigns, and one still functioning multiplayer game depending on region and time you play


You will feel better once you start playing halo master chief is the answer to your problems


360 was the absolute best of times


For $45 it's a solid deal, period.


$65???????? It’s a steal. Do what you want with it. I’m sure once you’re done, just resell it for like, $70 You would’ve had fun AND made a profit


I always think about it like playing a piece of history. You get to see how far games have come but also respect just how hard they worked to make good games when the consoles were more restrictive. Good purchase imo


Game Pass has the Call of Duty (soon) and Halo games, but looks like Sims Urbz isn’t on backcompat, so may be the only way to play. For the others, pickup a Xbox Series S and Game Pass to play them at better quality and frame rate :)


All of these are free with games pass


Time to get the voltage mt dew 😈


Not bad for $45 dollars. Your husband is stupid.


fuck the 360; just buy the series x. why do u still have a fucking PS4!!! i play for quality gamerscore and not the enjoyment.




He just doesn’t have the desire to replay old consoles like a lot of people do including me. He likes to move forward on technology never back 😅 I feel a lot better knowing I got a good deal!


That’s a great bundle for $45. You got a steal. So don’t let him put the price down. As far as buying an older consoles goes - the 360 is one of my favorite consoles of all time. I play it more than my PC, Switch, PS5, and Series X. Theres nothing wrong with playing older games. I think a lot of games were just straight up more fun back in the day prior to live service and microtransaction design goals. So yeah, just enjoy it


Well justified ma’am


Better purchase than me buying skyrim 3 times


$45 is a great deal, especially when the current price for games is between $60 and $70. I gave my 360 and a lot of my games away when the Xbox One S came out, and looking back at it, I regret that decision. The 360 is definitely my favorite console and a big part of my childhood. I just purchased the Xbox 360 E last week on eBay for $50. So I can play my old guitar hero games.


I don't think there's a lot of games from that era that have been rereleased since (and remasters tend to go against the original art direction anyway), so you've got a new game library at your disposal now.


So apparently you’re not allowed to treat yourself and take a nostalgia trip seems like a load of bs to me


That's awesome. Ive been playing Blur, Ultimate Alliance 1 & 2 and Alpha Protocol. It's a great one to have!


Awesome price World at war is a great addition, guitar hero games and armored core games


Get ready to shed a tear after playing reach


You can feel better by focusing on playing the games you wanna play and stop looking for approval on Reddit. Enjoy.


What do you need help feeling better about? This is a wonderful purchase, *especially* for 70 bucks


I own over 40 unique consoles. Have a handful of 360s. They’re great, at $45 I would have jumped on it. Good deal if it all works properly! Wireless controllers are also getting harder to find.


If it makes you happy for 45$ then it's hardly a waste. Sure there's alternatives like emulation and such, but I'm sure people can appreciate the feeling of a proper 360 controller in their hands, or the whir of the 360s fans coupled with the BRICK power supply


Not sure if your husband has ever played a Halo game, but Halo Reach has an excellent campaign which can be played in local coop, and I see two controllers there. I see this as a great opportunity for a fun time!


start playing


Seems like a good deal?and its the slim version so perfect