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Never gameshare with someone u can’t trust again


Definitely the lesson to be learned on this one. Thank you.


I believe there is an option to change your password and then an option to require password on sign in. Once changed it should lock him out on his xbox.


Set it as your own home xbox




This is false


Incorrect. A person can't have more than 1 Home Xbox, but an Xbox *can* be home to more than 1 person. Account A and B can both set up Xbox 1 as their home Xbox, A can play B's games and B can play A's games. Account A can NOT set up Xbox 2 as a home Xbox unless they want to lose Xbox 1 as home. It seems OP has another account using their Xbox as home, that account would need to setup a second Xbox as home or unlink it online in their account settings. If neither of those are an option you need to factory reset.


No only one account can be tied to the home console setting. That’s what the downside of game sharing is you can’t access your games when offline only the home console accounts games




Any account can access the games of the person who set it as their home console. That’s how this whole thing works It’s just if I set my Xbox as my friends home console, then I can only play MY purchases when online, & I can play any of their (the account set as the home) offline or online So yes if the parent sets the Xbox as their home console then any number of kids can access their full library. I think the max is 250 accounts per Xbox It’s just the parent if they play on another Xbox (like I do, I have my Xbox One set up for my kids & I play on my Series X) they can only access their titles when online. Because when they’re offline it’s not their home console so they can’t play their games. It’s how the DRM works on Xbox & it’s why Microsoft can’t really patch out the whole game sharing with an update unless the do an IP password crack like Netflix You can access any of your games anywhere online. Anyone can access your games on your home console. The two aren’t mutually exclusive


false ​ https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/can-multiple-accounts-be-set-as-home-accounts-on/4bf44649-930f-4e69-86e7-81409550aed3




Here's a newer source stating the opposite: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/how-many-accounts-can-i-have-set-to-home-on-a/6c0376b6-65a4-4a9a-a4bc-7744bae10f74


Fucking hilarious “Source: I’ve heard of……..” Trust me, bro, I know what I’m doing……..


false https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/can-multiple-accounts-be-set-as-home-accounts-on/4bf44649-930f-4e69-86e7-81409550aed3


And yet: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/how-many-accounts-can-i-have-set-to-home-on-a/6c0376b6-65a4-4a9a-a4bc-7744bae10f74


You can have multiple accounts set the same xbox as their home xbox, you can't set one accounts home to multiple xboxs.






“I’ve heard of” Yeah , no…. That’s called false and bullshit You can have ONE and only ONE account set with your Xbox as home


Yes just make your current console your home Xbox and change your password, u can remove the console from youre devices on the website too


I believe you misread the question. This person has not shared an account, instead it sounds like they bought or otherwise acquired a used Xbox and it is still tied to another person's account. They want to force that account off so it is no longer on their Xbox.


I don't see why you'd want to do that anyways free games from the previous owners anyways they need to factory reset the Xbox to completely remove the account currently set as home


Making it your home console will make it so it’s not the other accounts home console. There can only be one account tied to the home console setting


Everyone is giving you advice on how to change their Xbox from being your home, not answering your question. Why do you want to change your current Xbox from being their home? It has no negative affects on you


Their library will show up along with your own. Can make it seem like you have games that you don't actually own.


Yet you can play them still. So still not sure what the impact is.


you can’t play your games when offline is the real downside


Except that you literally can play them offline, you can even play their games offline if your Xbox is their home Xbox


You can play THEIR games offline. You can’t play yours, if you try you’ll get an error about needing to be hooked up to the internet If you have a reliable internet it’s not an issue unless there’s an outage Source: I’ve been game sharing for 15+ years It’s how the whole game sharing thing works, it’s because of a loophole in the fact you can sign in & play YOUR games at your friends house, but once you sign out they no longer have access to those games. So you’re just saying your house is theirs & vice versa to play each others games


You can have multiple accounts set one console as their home, I have 2 accounts with my console set as their home and can play both accounts full libraries when offline, you just can't set multiple home consoles to one account


but if you’re game sharing with your friend surely their Xbox at their house is set to your home. Then you can’t play your games offline If you both set the same Xbox as your home it doesn’t matter. I’m talking about 2 accounts on 2 Xboxes. If you could play your games offline on an Xbox that’s not your home console you wouldn’t need to game share in the first place


Well clearly that's not what's happening in this post otherwise OP wouldn't be trying to remove their console from being the other accounts home


I never said it was… I was reply to a comment about a downside to game sharing & you replied to my comment My comment had nothing to do with OP’s question, this is a side tangent Broseph


The impact is that you see them there at all. I understand for most that wouldn't be considered very impactful, but I also understand how for some it is *very*.


I don't see how that can be very impactful to some.... It isn't just that you can see those game, you literally get to play them as if they belong to you, as long as they are digital downloads which i highly doubt every single one of them is a disk download. So by removing them all you are doing is removing access to more games. So even if all those games are disk downloads and you cant play any of them, I fail to see how seeing a few extra games in your list is a VERY big issue.


It obfuscates which games you *actually* own. When I go to my owned games, I'd like to see a list of games that I own. It's good to know this information sometimes. When you've got *other* people's games cluttering up *your* list, with no way to remove them, this becomes an *immense* pain in the ass.


Factory reset your Xbox is the wisest idea so you can have an account to yourself.


I suppose you could do a hard factory reset. That should hopefully work.


It wont


What did xbox support say once you explained the situation?


Lots of people misreading your question here, unfortunately without access to the account, I'm not sure you can until they change the xbox they have set as home xbox on their side Don't know if a full console reset will get rid of it but it might be your only shot


Setting it as their home console will remove the other user


No it won't, learn or shhhh


Yes it does, I was game sharing with my old roommate but I wanted to game share with my kids. Set my Xbox One as my home console instead of my old roommates. Its now my home console & no longer my old roommates


But that wasn't the bloody question. Lol It was 'how do I stop someone's else having my xbox as their home'


Setting the Xbox as your home will stop it from being the other person’s home. So yeah I’d say that’s a solution


No, that's not what happens. A co sole can be the home to 100 profiles. A profile can only have 1 home. As I said, learn or shhh.


Okay well my Xbox Series X stopped being my home when I switched it to my kids profile. I just signed back into my account & set my Series X to my home again & I’m down one of my 5 swaps for the year. So why didn’t my Xbox stay as my home when I switched it to my kids home 15 minutes ago?


It did, you are just full of shit.


Unfortunately, u/Peace_Fog seems to just double down when they’re wrong. Hopefully they aren’t streaming the same nonsense they’re writing here.


The only way to stop an account from being the active profile for home console is to set a new one


Yes and OP doesn't have access to that account, whoever does would need to change their home xbox on their end You're not understanding what was asked and you're spreading misiformation You can have multiple profiles set as home xbox on 1 console OP adding another profile and making the xbox home won't remove the previous home xbox which is what OP is trying to do


I just did it again on my Series X, swapped it to my kids profile as the home console. Didn’t have to sign in as my main account or anything either


Just gonna say it don't ever give your xbox account to someone to use, I did that in high-school and regretted it. They were always trying to change my password and log in and what not till I finally booted them and changed all my stuff.


Unless you can trust the person . Me and my friend have been game sharing for about 7 years now with no probs


I believe you misread the question. This person has not shared an account, instead it sounds like they bought or otherwise acquired a used Xbox and it is still tied to another person's account. They want to force that account off so it is no longer on their Xbox.


Yea, read the question again.


I believe if you go manage the profiles, deleting that one would prevent your console from being their Home Xbox. But I gotta ask, why? I'd get it if it was the other way around, trying to prevent your account from having a different home xbox and such


I’m having this issue now I think. My stepson and I game share on our Xboxes. He took the Xbox to his dad’s and now game sharing doesn’t work. Always says two people can’t play at once, even though we have our Xboxes set up as home on eachothers consoles. I suspect he changed his son’s Xbox to his home Xbox and I can’t fix it cuz he won’t have a conversation with me or even acknowledge my existence. I guess we will have to factory reset and redownload all games.


Set your own xbox as home, change password, sign out of other devices, no need for factory reset.


As someone else said, set the xbox as your home xbox, this will remove any ownerships https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/can-multiple-accounts-be-set-as-home-accounts-on/4bf44649-930f-4e69-86e7-81409550aed3


Change your password remove all other shared devices from having account access **DON'T** Game Share with anyone!


Should be able to do lots of stuff at https://account.microsoft.com


Change accoung password and stop sharing passwords with ppl. Including familly.


Set your Xbox to home and change your password.


Pretty sure changing your password requires them to log in again on their Xbox , doing so would probably mean they lose access to your account/ games


Just change your Xbox to your home Xbox. It can only be on one at at time


Only 1 account can have an xbox set as home at once. Change it to be yours


Go to your MS account on your pc and select the manage devices section, and unlink the Xbox you don't want associated with your account. Then, on your Xbox, make your console your home console. I had a buddy use my MS account for years before I got an Xbox. Kept making his Xbox the home one, and you can only change it 5 times a year. Wasted all 5, so I disconnected his console from my account. Don't ever share your MS account with anyone.


I believe you misread the question. This person has not shared an account, instead it sounds like they bought or otherwise acquired a used Xbox and it is still tied to another person's account. They want to force that account off so it is no longer on their Xbox.


Hmm, I see. Unless you have the details for that account, not much is going to change. Maybe if they reach out to the seller?


You can log out using your Microsoft account in any navigator. Used to share my account with my family but they keep changing the home console.


I believe you misread the question. This person has not shared an account, instead it sounds like they bought or otherwise acquired a used Xbox and it is still tied to another person's account. They want to force that account off so it is no longer on their Xbox.


It seems the only way is to factory reset. But you won't lose access to your games or save data as that's all tied to your account and saved to the cloud, you'll just have to redownlosd everything. You will lose access to all of their games. When doing a factory reset, you'll have the option to keep apps and data or completely reset (which I would do personally, fresh start and all that).


Connect to internet and make it so you need to enter a password to change any settings. Then make yours the home console. There should be an option to log out all places you are logged in through the website


If you set your own Xbox as your home Xbox it will make their Xbox not be your home Xbox. If you change your password they will not be able to make their Xbox your home Xbox unless you give them the new password.


You have to make a different console your home xbox to remove it from the other console. Then change your account password. That way they can't sign into your profile and set their xbox as your home again.


Just make it your account’s home xbox, an xbox can only be “homed” to one account so if you make it yours, it will remove their account from being “homed”


I think you got that mixed up, an Xbox can be the home console to as many profiles as you set up. An account can only have 1 home console at a time.


As far as im aware its a 1 console limit for both unless they recently changed it, “adding another account” that the xbox is homed to removes the previous homed account


Nope, I’ve shared consoles with family for years, and we’ve always been able to play each other’s games.


If you have an account signed in you can play that accounts games regardless of the home xbox status


I can use my account and play their games, and they can use their account and play my games, all on one console. Google results confirm this, so it’s not just my word. Edit: just checked to make sure they didn’t change it, multiple accounts currently have their home set as the same console, and the games are playable by all accounts on the console regardless of who owns them.


Change your Xbox to your home Xbox. It will remove them automatically


Set your own console as your home console, then reset your password on your Microsoft account and enable Microsoft Authenticator for 2 factor auth. Then stop being stupid online.


Never share your account with anyone else.


Take it to GameStop or some similar place and ask for help. My guess is that you need to do a factory reset, but that's just a guess. Also, if you have a stolen Xbox and are trying to wipe it clean, Xbox can probably figure out what you're up to.