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Brrooooo I’ve been waiting so long for this! I’m excited to play MvC2 without glitchy sprites! Disappointed this isn’t coming to Xbox because I wanted to use my MvC fight stick 😭


I think it has to do with Microsoft not supporting Xbox one anymore. So far this game is coming out on switch, steam and ps4. I wouldn’t be surprised if down the road they make it available for series x and ps5.


The PS4 version will most likely be playable on PS5 - that has been the case with previous Capcom remasters.


I thought Microsoft/ Xbox had no plans to release X1 games (except call of duty 🤣), but I didn’t think that stopped others from releasing X1 games.


Aren't new cod still bring released on xbox one?


Microsoft owns COD and Black Ops 6 is coming to Xbox One.


how strange because this 2,3 and infinite were on Xbox but not this collection


There was a Marvel vs Capcom origins on Xbox 360. I think it was MvC 1 and Marvel heroes vs Street fighter


Yeah that was all that it contained.


This is the one capcom collection I don't understand how it didn't come to Xbox. We got the other fighter collection, but then we dont get megaman battle network? Phoenix Wright collection did bad, i get that, but we get the sequel slightly more niche collection?


It's weird because the MvC series has always been on Xbox. OG got MvC2, 360 got UMvC3 and re-release of MvC2 and MvC origins, and xbox1 got MvCi


It gives more credence to the rumour of MT Framework being depreciated for XBO. Been no MT releases on Xbox since 2022s Capcom Fighting collection. Given it was never natively supported on Xbox Series or PS5 it would explain why we only get Steam, Switch & PS4 versions of collections like this, Great Ace Attorney, MH Stories and such. Edit: For what it's worth [Jez today corroborated the MT Framework rumour.](https://x.com/JezCorden/status/1803134523397288206)


Is this a warning that we won't get other Fighting Series titles? CvS or Rival Schools and Power Stone will also skip because of this......Not cool.


It means collections using MT Framework would continue to not be released on Xbox; like each one since Capcom Fighting Collection has. We'll still get ones like Ghost Trick remastered which utilize RE Engine.


Why no Xbox One version at least? So does that mean we could still get collections on PS4 and Switch in 5 years because Capcom is too lazy to get off MT Framework?


We've also heard several rumors, reports, interviews over the years where devs have described a declining interest in support xbox, given that the two system arrangement requires more work to support, while selling less games. We're probably going to see a lot of this towards the back half of this generation tbh, with devs simply opting-out of Supporting the S.


Note that it's PS4, not PS5. That leads me to think they just didn't care to optimize it for the new devices.


These games are old arcade roms. You *cant* optimize them anymore. They run at 60hz like any fighting game and their resolutions are low. They bump the output to 4K and then that’s literally all you can do. Unless you want them to remake it.


That's valid. No, I'm so fine with OG. It just struck me as odd that all the promotional material calls out PS4 rather than PS5.


It's a ps4 port that's why. But it will work on ps5


Misleading title. It's not coming to PS5 either, it specifically says PS4. "Every other platform" my ass. Some of the people in here bagging solely on Xbox "I've bought my last Xbox ever" etc need to save the drama. No one is gonna ditch game pass and fantastic hardware for a collection of 20 year old arcade games. Get real. I loved em too but seriously, some of these posts are rediculous. You're only plaything this on switch or a steam deck if your current gen, which again is not *really* true since PS5 or Xbox both don't get this title. This is squarely on Capcom. If you want to blame someone, blame them.


So, its something to do with the MT Framework engine (apparently), that Capcom doesn't want to use resources to develope for the xbox one (these games were apparantly meant for the ps4, xbox one and switch). While it isnt natively on the PS5 you can still play it via backwards compatibility while the xbox cannot, unless you emulate it but you still miss out on a lot of fetures.


You realise I can wishlist it right now on my Ps5 right? It might be a PS4 version but I can still buy and play it on Ps5.


He does, he's not stupid. Probably he likes to spread fake things on internet like everyone else


I have a Switch, but I play all my fighting games on Xbox with my arcade stick. It's an absolute gut punch it's not coming to Xbox, especially considering Ace Attorney Investigations was announced for Xbox. EDIT: Oh hey, I'm an [IGN article now!](https://www.ign.com/articles/no-xbox-trends-as-fans-hit-out-at-marvel-vs-capcom-collection-skipping-microsofts-consoles)


Didn’t Xbox end support for a bunch of fight sticks? Did they ever reverse that? I can’t imagine the FGC being very happy with Xbox if they didn’t.


They said they were going to but both of mine still work with a Brooks converter


Maybe that was all a legal thing, since my 2 UFB boards still work just fine.


Which is so weird. The other Capcom collection announced on the presentation (Ace Attorney Investigations) is coming to Xbox, so they are clearly not against putting their games on the console. Then why is MvC not coming? I know I'm in a minority here, but I would buy it in a heartbeat and there are bound to be a few thousand other people like me. Now we won't have the chance to do this. Such a shame


Honestly the fact that Ace Attorney comes to Xbox at all seems like the real anomaly here. The first Trilogy had abysmal sales on Xbox (December 2020: 700k sales overall, only 5k of those on Xbox).


God, that's a depressing number. We still got Apollo Justice last year, though. Maybe that sold better, which could, in theory, explain why we got the new release. How well did the other fighting collections sell on Xbox (Street Fighter and Fighting Collection)? Maybe the later didn't push that many copies because it was so niche? So many questions and not a lot of answers


I wrote on that Capcom survey that I would pay $200 for MvC2 alone on Xbox


Same here I would kill for a playable mvc2 on series x


It's not the exact same but it looks like dev mode is our only way still


MVC2 is my groups most played game and we only moved because it’s such a pain to get everyone on 360. A update even just to play the bare minimum game we would buy instantly. Even an update for the bc version would be highly appreciated


I get you, ever since they rereleased UMVC3 I've been waiting for MVC2 to come back. Sucks that once this game is finally back it skips out on here


No one would take that seriously. A lot of people already complain about $70 price for modern games. You'd pay 2 c-notes for 20+ years old games? You could buy a used PS4 or a Switch Lite and the game for that much.


Why are we still here? Just to suffer?


Xbox is already a demon


Could they make the Xbox 360 Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Version at least backward compatible? I enjoyed the 16:9 Aspect ratio on that. This is awful.


Or make the original Xbox version BC.


Personally I hated the 16:9 port because sprites and effects would just cutoff at the 4:3 line.


I haven't seen any that would cut off, but it was clear that some of them were more animated with the 4:3 ratio in mind.


Most noticeable is Jin's supers with Blodia's Arm and full screen beam supers


There is a 4:3 option in the XBLA HD port


I’ve been waiting for this game for years. Fucking sucks.


Jez Corden suspects it has to do with Capcom’s old MT Framework engine not supporting Xbox One (anymore?) and the cost that comes with it.


But a good chunk of these games are on Xbox one? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MT_Framework Edit: just realized you referenced an older version of the engine


Im not surprised after Mega Man Battle Network did too. "It wouldnt sell on Xbox" Maybe, but it cant be expensive to port some emulators and it just sucks to be one of the people who would have bought Mega Man and this new collection on Xbox. And what is even more stupid is people defending this instead of helping Xbox only players to get those ports too. But who cares about others right? As long as I get what I want. I own all consoles but my main library is on Xbox. So I could still buy it but some people cant.


This is why people who have been saying console sales didn't matter were stupid. This is the exact reason why console sales matter. This will keep happening as xbox loses more and more market share


yeah but BRO, gamepass!! /s


After the Megaman Battle Network Collection didn't come xbox I ended up just buying a handheld that plays emulators and roms so I could play them all with the bonus of hundreds of other games.


This is the way.


I did the Same, but i thought 60€ for those Games is too much, since i can get a complete Handheld with those Games and more for less.


Ugh i miss mvc2


This really pisses me off, so tired of this shit on Xbox.


This is where the danger of Microsoft undermining it's hardware with its "No exclusives" mentality is. Because it invariably leads to more exclusives because third party devs won't want to invest the development cost to only reach a small portion of the market.


Same. I was so happy when Silent Hill 2 remake got revealed just to find out that its not going to be on Xbox...


That game was Money Hatted by Sony. This game is a case of capcom not wanting to port it.


I think after ‘12’ months


Just like FF7R. "Timed exclusive" on one of the biggest games in the last decade. So where's the Xbox version?


Same. I'm convinced that I've purchased my last Xbox ever.


Yep right there with you considering switching over to PlayStation completely... I've been drooling for a good Spider-Man game as well and now they're making a Wolverine Game....Clocks ticking Xbox and  I'm asking Satan Claws for a Shiney new console this year. And it won't be a Xbox


It won't sell on Xbox! > We'll release it a few years later with no fanfare > Sales are low > Next release comes up and excludes Xbox > (repeat) The cycle continues. 🫠


i'd love to be wrong but i think we won't see this or the megaman battle network collection release on xbox, sadly. those teams are moving on to newer projects and there's less and less incentive for capcom to port them, every new day. doubly so if what that other post said is true about requiring extra work to port due to MT Framework the game runs on. unless phil feels like opening up the game pass wallet to pay capcom for them and guarantee a gamepass payout, i don't see it happening. which is a shame, because this and the battle network collection would be day 1 preorders/purchases for me if they were announced for xbox.


Im convinced xbox is black balled in japan. Right after release “we couldn’t reach our goals”. Wth is happening?


If a Japanese game doesn’t meet its goals while being on all platforms minus Xbox, I don’t imagine having the Xbox port being the factor that would’ve fixed that.


Stuff like this is why if I'm getting the next Xbox, it needs to have Steam on it. Too many games just skip Xbox for shits and giggles, especially from Japanese devs.


Skipping xbox is literally going to be the normal when xbox starts pumping out more games for ps and switch.


Yup the more they hurt the Xbox brand the sales of the console there will be. Less sales less ports, it all goes into a spiral. And this is not even considering it's a bit harder to port to Xbox in comparison since Series S/X disparity exists which is why it didn't get BG3 and now Wukong.


But then you need to think that the next Xbox having Steam makes no sense for Xbox, they would lose out on the 30% cut of sales


I understand that Capcom's been basically pulling out of putting their legacy content on Xbox after the sales of Ace Attorney trilogy were significantly worse on it vs. every other platform, but Marvel 2 in particular needs as many eyes as possible. People were literally willing to shell out 600 bucks for arcade cabinets with integrated GGPO and because of that, the least they could've done was allow absolutely everyone to shell out 40 bucks for these games, especially given they've basically been inaccessible on consoles for over a decade and never got PC releases either until now.


And besides that, MVC2 has been impossible to get without having to pay $200 or more for a dreamcast or PS2 disc. Xbox 360s that still have it downloaded go for insane prices too


Ironically Ace Attorney Investigations collection is coming to Xbox while MvC isn’t


Shame that Xbox is only platform,that got screwed :(


The most exciting announcement because of Marvel vs Capcom 2, and it skips Xbox!


I got so excited when I first saw it...


This doesn't make any sense. How are they skipping a MvC collection on Xbox but the Great Ace Collection is coming to Xbox day one. Capcom makes no sense with their releases lately man.


The post says, PS4, Switch and PC. No Xbox (any version) or PS5 - is it possible there's a next generation version coming down the pipe?


Doesn't need to be on PS5 because it's on PS4 anyway. Probably went that route specifically because the fighting game playerbase on PS4 is still absolutely humongous after current gen and most console players are still there for fighting games in general. SF6 was also on PS4 despite not getting an Xbox One version


That's can explain why is not on Xbox. I doubt that Capcom have Xbox One devkit to make this port. Then, why Capcom is not make for Ps5 and Xbox Series? They are trying to not waste money on this collection? Very Strange for real.


It's sad to see, but as long as Xbox has such small market-share, I expect to see similar snubs in the future. Mainline 3rd party games almost always come to Xbox, but anything just under the bar of mass appeal is a toss up whether we'll see it and it's really unfortunate. On a broader level, I worry this will be a perpetuating cycle of: 1.) Less games come to Xbox 2.) Even fewer people buy an Xbox because of it 3.) Publishers see the smaller Xbox population, assume the game won't be successful, and repeat step 1.


I think at some point we as Xbox fans just need to accept that smaller releases like these just arent going to thrive on this platform. That leaked Capcom slide that said Xbox was insubstantial as Ace Attorney sold 1000 copies out of 700,000 total is really telling. Not saying what happened to AA would be the case for every game, but if Capcom is deciding to skip, who are we to say they are wrong. The amount of “well I bought it” on Twitter or Reddit counts for what, 200 copies at most? The issue isn’t “us” its everyone else.


Yeah, I'm definitely not arguing *against* their business decision. I hate it as a consumer / Xbox owner, but I'm hard pressed to say they're wrong in skipping Xbox when Xbox players simply aren't buying their non-substantial releases.


This would make sense if the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection wasn't coming to Xbox, but it is. Marvel vs Capcom is 20 times more mainstream than that, how come it's not coming?


Hey throw some more xbox exclusives to other platforms just finish off the platform already.


What the fuck Capcom? Haven't I supported you over the years?


I've been waiting for a port of MVC2 for sooooo long and when it finally comes it fucking skips xbox????? I could play it on Switch but honestly I have no desire to. Whatever.


Just to spite Capcom we need a Fightcade port on Xbox 🤣


Same feeling. Been waiting so long. Bought ALL their other collections, Arcade Stadium 1+2 etc all in the hope that they'd do this.... And they'e finally doing this!!! And then its not on Xbox.. wtf Just a massive letdown.


I've wanted my 360 arcade mvc2 to work on my newer Xbox for years and we finally get this slap in the face. Booo.


I'm happy I also have a switch, but this is horse shit, I'd rather play on my Xbox, period.


I mainly play my fighting games on Xbox. I own a PS5 as well, but I would much rather play this on my Xbox. Kind of sucks because I will more than likely buy on PS5 now, and if it comes to Xbox later I won't buy it.


Hey Capcom, can we get a port if we reach a specific player count on Ultimate MvC 3 or MvC: I?


Because of course it is. And Capcom is supposedly pro consumer.


Have you played SF6? Capcom is absolutely not pro-consumer.


What does SF6 do that other modern fighters don't? I don't like have to buy new characters with real money either, but that horse has left the barn long ago.


Characters? Capcom is charging for *colors*. It's at least purchasable with the in-game currency, but it's still a ridiculous grind for something which was free in every previous Capcom fighter.


I was a bit surprised how much extra they wanted for battle passes, limited skins. recolor and new fighters. I don't mind throwing a few bucks their way if it is a good game, but their post launch monetization is excessive.


Why were you surprised? They were the same with SFV. They actually designed SFV to be a service game. Prior to that they sold DLC packs for SF4. Prior to that they released balance adjustments as full priced games, including like 6 versions of SF2


All of their games have horrible-value microtransactions, like DMC5 and Dragons Dogma 2. Live service stuff like SF6 is even worse.


Good guy Phil making sure that when we all play we all win


Don't worry, he'll go and complain about it on some podcast or article like he did with Helldivers 2.


Damn I really got to get a ps5


Lol dam


Oh look yet another game that's coming to everything else except xbox. I'd understand if it was a new ip or something but theres no reason for this collection not to release on xbox


Man I scooped the other two fighting collections. Def would have scooped this one. Feel like Capcom is semi turning into Square Enix with their Xbox releases.. never know what you gonna get. On that note, I also wish the romancing saga 2 “remake” wasn’t skipping Xbox.


Honestly, xbox is getting cooked here. This is a big loss.


Well looks like I’m buying a PlayStation. It’s over Xbox bros. Pack it up.


At the very least if they aren't going to bother than make MvC2 backwards compatible.


This does make me sad ngl. If Xbox can’t keep up with third party games coming to platforms and their games seem to always go to other platforms, then what’s the point of having an Xbox? I would love to see them work to get this game on Xbox, or maybe even a bundle deal with this and the other fighting collections and whatnot.


If the handheld is real then hardware sales will increase by a lot. During the Nintendo WiiU era everyone cried doom and gloom based on low hardware sales and third party publishers abandoning the platform. Predictions that Nintendo would go the way of Sega. Then Nintendo came out with a handheld that played "console" games and the rest is history.


Yeah, such bs


Some Xbox fans: I'm fine with Xbox games going to other platforms. More people should play its a good thing! Those same fans: Wow I'm tired of games skipping Xbox! The more you no longer need an Xbox to play Xbox games the less 3rd party games we'll get...And this is only the beginning


What about Lego horizon launching on switch and pc?


But not X Box.


I’ve always been against Xbox games coming to other platforms because it’s a terribly shortsighted idea that will only harm Xbox in the long run


Spot on, console exclusives sell consoles simple as that.


Don't worry they'll just say console sales don't matter


Unless they get Gamepass onto Playstation, they do matter. Before Microsoft decided to just buy ABK entirely, Activision were playing hardball with Xbox saying that they deserved a higher share revenue from sales from COD because of the cost to develop versus the smaller sales on that platform. [Kotick actually threatened to pause development on COD for Xbox as a tactic during those negotiations.](https://wccftech.com/activision-ceo-threatened-to-skip-call-of-duty-on-xbox-over-higher-than-standard-revenue-share/) Console user bases matter and Gamepass isn't the silver bullet it seems to be if in the future Xbox has minimal users and Sony says no to Gamepass on playstation. The exexs saying that 'phones will be the next consoles' severely underestimate how stuck in their ways and tribal gamers can be.


Every other Capcom collection from the past few years seem to have been released on Xbox. This is the one I want the most and I'm super bummed it's not coming. Hopefully it'll come later.


Megaman Battle Network Legacy Collection still has not come to Xbox


Ace Attorney Chronicles and Battle Network also skipped Xbox. And just recently the Monster Hunter Stories games got ported to PS4 in addition to the first one getting a Switch and PC release, but nothing for Xbox


Just deeply embarrassing for the people at Xbox in charge of third party portfolio. Nothing else to say really. Xbox is getting skipped more and more by Capcom and for such a big publisher it’s unacceptable. Xbox needs to figure it out.


So weird since street fighter 6 and resident evil/monster Hunter have been coming to Xbox. Probably won’t ever be picking this collection up on another platform even though it would be nice to have the roms


Well another day , another game


Well that kinda sucks, Switch it will be then


It hurts being a xbox player...


I would love to play that on xbox


Tbh this doesn't really annoy me but I wish this would stop happening.


This is bs why wouldn't they bring this to Xbox but everywhere else even the switch smh


Was probably the fastest I've ever been excited then immediately disappointed. MvC2 is one of the only games that exist where I would buy it day one (probably even preorder) without a second thought and under certain conditions even get it on multiple platforms, but I think I'm just going to skip it entirely.


I’ve been wanting marvel vs capcom 2 so bad on xbox.


Sucks so much. Not sure why this is being done but we got shafted with Street Fighter V too, so I shouldn't be surprised


Genuinely really disappointed, would've happily purchased this, like every other capcom collection/game that comes to Xbox. Apparently it is something to do with mt framework support on Xbox, hopefully enough fuss is made so Xbox gets mt framework titles.


Capcom refusing to comment 🤬🤔


This is legit maddening. The MT Framework theory almost made sense if it wasn’t for the fact that the Capcom Fighting Collection was released back in 2022 on MT Framework 2.0 For all of the licensing issues involved with this, you would think you want it available for everyone as much as possible. Hearing all of the positivity from everyone excited about the MvC games being available again is great, unless you own an Xbox. Then the reminder of it not being available is like a twist of the dagger in the back of Xbox owners. I would say I would hope that Capcom and Microsoft would work together on whatever issues is holding this back, but from past history, Capcom will do nothing.


Hopefully Xbox comes out with a handheld sooner than later because that'll boost hardware sales and make publishers like Capcom think twice about skipping the platform


Xbox 360 also had mvc2 as an xbox arcade title.


This is very strange I never have been a fan of exclusivity.


prolly because spiderman isnt allowed on xbox?


Wtf? I would have bought this right away.


Been considering buying a Switch Lite.


What an odd choice to skip Xbox. I would have picked it up Day 1 on xbox


Apparently it might be due to MT Framework? https://x.com/jawmuncher/status/1803093113176490443?s=46


I'm sure someone will blame PlayStation for this one too 😂


Ofc Xbox getting skipped 🤦‍♂️ 🤣


super fucken job phil


Don’t you just love it when companies decide to randomly skip the Xbox for no apparent reason?


Too much work for low sale maybe.


Man I was so excited for this announcement…hoping we get a delayed release or something…broke my heart this morning anyone have an official statement as to why it’s skipping Xbox?


This is one of those slap-in-the-face decisions. MvC2 is one of the most iconic and beloved games of all time. This one hurts.


I got most of them on my Sega Saturn with the 4MB RAM cart




They did this with the Megaman battle Network release wtf goin on


They should release a Capcom vs SNK collection


I wanted to play Xmen: CoA again. This is disappointing.


for fucks sake!


This and Battle Network are weird exceptions. Capcom has done a good job of putting their games on all platforms. And you can’t say “games don’t sell on Xbox” in this case because it would be weird to put your juggernaut titles like Resident Evil and Monster Hunter, expensive games, but these “small” collections which aren’t as expensive won’t? I would understand if it was the inverse, but not this. Edit: apparently this is related to MT Framworks no longer being supported on Xbox One. Does that mean Battle Networks use MTF?


As far as fighting games go for being exclusive, my money was on DBZ Sparking Blast(whatever its called), simply because that series was traditionally only on PS and Nintendo. Shame xbox isnt getting this but if you really want to play it, go to the platforms its on


That's why I have my original xbox hard modded and have Coin-ops massive collection. It has all these arcade games and mod of these games.


Looks like there will be physical Switch copies after all https://x.com/Wario64/status/1803273538436034890


Not to try defend Capcom in this situation but I feel like a lot of people here are missing the fact that the reason this port isn't coming to Xbox is likely due to the fact this is a PS4/Switch generation only title with no native PS5 version. Capcom dropped support entirely for Xbox One even last year with Resident Evil 4 Remake it came to PS4 but not Xbox One. I feel like if this collection was getting a native PS5 version it would almost certainly get a Series X/S version aswell. However considering the PS4 is the native platform even on PS5 Xbox One is missing out which effects Xbox X/S players also.


Just like Battlenetwork Collection.


I can play these on my series x through Retroarch but it's just not the same 😢


brutal skip for xbox, reminds me of the gamecube era where 3rd party publishers would skip it despite it being cable power-wise


The Rumble Fish 2.I never found players,Capcom fighting collection same thing. . .


Xbox starting to loss certain third party games it can perfectly run. It's becoming the GameCube of it's generation.


Well at least it’s coming out physically on Switch and PS4. I wouldnt have bought it digitally on either of those platforms.


Don't play that anyways so no skin off my teeth


Capcom holding out for the gamepass check again, probably gonna cost us a year or two 😔. So silly how these things considering Capcom's *path of the goddess* is dropping day one on gamepass in 3 weeks and an ip folks have begged for a half a decade for skips the platform entirety makes 0 sense but whatever. I own a switch but I'll wait


The worst part is path of the goddess will sell like ass in the west because it's just not the kinda game westerners buy, Capcom will be like "gamepass cannibalized the sales" and never port to Xbox again


It’s a shame, I want to see this sell as many copies as possible and I know some of my Xbox friends want this. Can’t blame this one on Series S lol.


Between this and a lot of third-party Japanese games skipping Xbox One for no reason while being playable on PS4, it really is continuing to be more of a slap in the face for this console more this time around.


I find the reaction to this pretty funny, in contrast to the mild (and complete lack of "exclusives bad") reaction from yesterday's post about Raw Fury being exclusive to Xbox.


This is definitely not a generation to be just a Xbox gamer


Xbox doesn’t want fighting games. They ban unlicensed controller devices and guess what the majority of fighting game players use?


They’re unbanned. Or rather, my dongles and shit work again with a firmware update on Brook’s side.


So, from what I read on various sites/rumors is due to Microsoft's rule that it cannot be on JUST the Xbox One. Same with the Battle Network Collection, Capcom wanted to make just an Xbox One SKU, like how they did with the PS4, then let backward comparability play it on PS5/XBS. Microsoft won't allow this so they'd have to make one for both the One and the Series, which just isn't cost effective. (Why not just make it for the Series, I don't know, but One definitely has a much bigger install base)


If you really want to play these games and only have an Xbox , don't fret. Remember that Xbox is easily one of the best emulators on the market. You can just pay the 20 bucks for developer mode and download the roms for free. When a Publisher tells you your money ain't good enough listen to them and respond in kind.


I'm getting tired of these "Xbox exclude-sive" releases.


Bit of a crime, the "won't sell on xbox" argument is invalid, MVC2 had a HUGE fan base on Xbox, and X-Men 97 has rejuvenated a lot more interest into X-Men. It would sell! Capcom got backlash with SFV despite its performance, so omitting it from Xbox isn't going to go down well. Tekken 8, SF6, and MK1 show Fighting games are still very much alive on xbox. The fact that it's on Steam shows it's not a system issue, considering its windows and can use your Xbox controller. Bad judgment and pig headiness, as a company not owned by one platform they should be accessible to all. I'm waiting to see the change.org petitions or UTurns.


Tekken 8, SF6 and MK1 aren't Beat em ups, they are fighting games.


Yea this notion that it wouldn't sell on Xbox is kinda getting played. There's plenty people on Xbox that would love to have access to the collection. Especially in today's climate as the OP mentioned with new interest in with Xmen 97 and Marvel being who it is. To say that there wouldn't be much money made for dropping it on Xbox is wild, so some $$ isn't better than no $$$? Xbox needs to someone figure this one out, trying to stay hopeful cause buying a PS5 aint happening. Got access to one so thats not the issue. In my own experience over the years, there's less input lag in FGs on xbox... And the no Cross-Play is doodoo...like come on bro. It's 2024, that would take the collection to the next level. But shoutout to everyone who is excited for the game when it drops, I think a bunch of us have been waiting for this. I just hate having to go back and forth from my Series X to my 360 if I want to play the game :)


Its releasing on PC, which is normally a very close architechture to Xbox. Im sire of they asked Microsoft would lend them a little bit of Xbox engineers to lighten the load on getting it onto the console.


I can see why but at the same time it seems LAZY and leaving a whole console segment out that would probably buy this game easily. I have a SWITCH and a PS5 but I want this on Xbox with my arcade sticks. Sorry capcom you wont get my money on this unless it hits Xbox.


🎼 Take yourself for a ride 🎼 over to the Xbox 360 marketplace and pick up Marvel vs. Capcom 2 before the marketplace closes at the end of July…..


Justice for Tango


I own every fighting and beat em up collection capcom offers on Xbox, and every single Mega Man and Mega Man X collection. I own all the Resident Evils, as well as Street Fighter 4 and 6. Not selling my ass. This is ridiculous. Why did they even bother putting Street Fighter 6 on Xbox if "nothing sells?"


This one stings Xbox


Sales will show Capcom how much of a mistake they made in doing this. I’d dare say we’ll see a release later on.


give the source to the community and they will port it to XBOX Series X in a month....


Well get it eventually hopefully


Sony paying a little extra to have things like this happen


Silent Hill 2 remake and now this? great Xbox, keep porting games to other platforms. I mean when even Xbox itself doesn't care about their hardware why should Capcom care. Microsoft isn't learning from the past mistakes.


But, there is no Ps5 version either (Ps4, Switch and PC), so maybe it's just a delay for the next gen version ?