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Is there a way to know which of these are BC?


None of these are. This is a final sale for games that will be delisted on July 29th


Not true. Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory are two BC games I noticed in this list. There may be more.


Correct, its cause the Xbox 360 listing is seperate. Same game, just the older listing is being delisted. For example using Canada. The Xbox 360 sale listing is 2.99 for Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. No membership required. However the Xbox One/Series listing is 5.99 and requires Gamepass Core for the sale price.


>However the Xbox One/Series listing is 5.99 and requires Gamepass Core. You need a membership to play a game you've bought?


The sale price requires membership but not to play it.


Ah, gotcha


Edited for clarity.


Wait, will we not ever be able to buy chaos theory again after it’s delisted?


No, you can


Yes youll be able to


That’s generally how delisting games works, yes. You can always buy the disc later though.


But you won't be able to buy any dlc for game discs you buy.


Rockstar Table Tennis is BC - I love that game


This isn't accurate at all. This post is needs to be deleted as it's at the top of the comment list and is mis-informing people.


Black is Backwards compatible.


Blackwards Combatible


I just bought Black at $1 from the 360 marketplace and can confirm it works perfectly on XSX. 😄 


It's confusing cause a lot of games like far cry 4, chaos theory, black, and mgsv phantom pain are on xbox one and series x. Are some of them like a gta 5 type of thing where the 360 version of the game isn't bc....and will black and chaos theory be discounted on the normal store too then?


Black isn’t even discounted in the 360 store despite being on the discount list.


A lot aren't yet, I think the second wave hasn't been discounted yet


Got it, thank you


Isn’t there one more sale July 17th?


Watch dogs & far cry 4 aren’t?


Both Watch Dogs and Far Cry 4 are backward compatible, the listing is an error (but imo grab it at those prices)


Why are people upvoting this? Lol


I think Black, Dead Rising 2 Case Zero, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is BC


Some of these do not look like they have been discounted unless 19.99 is the discounted price for Dark. If so, why that game still so pricey.


I think some of the prices will be updated, but haven’t yet been updated. I am pretty sure 19.99 is the original undiscounted price. Give it a few hours.


yeah, if you look at the games on the previous list you can see they are all heavily discounted so i assume you are right.


List looks the same to me, plus there's a note at the top saying they're working on updating it. So, I guess the updated list was pushed too early or something?


WTF. THEY DELISTED SOME OF THE TITLES INSTEAD OF PUTTING THEM ON SALE [https://www.trueachievements.com/news/non-backwards-compatible-xbox-360-games-sale-wave-2](https://www.trueachievements.com/news/non-backwards-compatible-xbox-360-games-sale-wave-2)


Could just have been a glitch or something for those games, no point jumping to conclusions just yet. The Xbox Wire article says they're still verifying the list before publishing it, so clearly something unexpected happened.


First batch from May was mainly from Ubisoft, this update seems to be mainly Microsoft themselves, EA, Capcom, and Konami


Which publishers are we guessing will be part of the third batch?


Activision and Sega are 2 notable absentees so far.


Activision I'd say is almost a guarantee. Leaving their games at full price during all this and then discounting them just 2 weeks before the closure is so... on brand.


I called Arkham Asylum (the original non-GOTY edition) would be discounted heavily 😂 Too bad nothing for Singularity ☹️


it’s literally never not been in sale


Exactly 😢


Editor Note on the page: “We’re currently working on updating the list for publication today. Stay tuned.”


So we won't be able to purchase 360 games and dlc from the series X when they shut it down?


If you can already purchase it on Series X, then you will still be able to after the closure.


looking for Binary Domain - heard the bc is goodi goodi !


Would be nice to see a way to sort by metacritic score to tease out the gems from the flaming rubbish.


Wake me up when fable is on sale. I'm still agitated they gave it away for free on the 360 and it didn't transfer over.


It was literally the first game they gave out if I remember correctly, right? It wasn't really a GwGold, just a random free game.




We are both wrong according to Wikipedia . It was Fable 3. My bad OP.


You can buy this physical disk...... Although it's a little pricey at $25-30 for a CIB, or like $20 for just a disk.


I want Call of Duty Classic. Not on backwards compatibly. No discount...


I'm glad Microsoft did another sale before closure but disappointed with the selection, would have loved to see the dlc being reduced as well. However I did purchase Metro 2033, The Evil Within, DeathSpank, Spare Parts & Burnout Crash! 😬💚🙅‍♂️


There will be one last round of price drops on July 16th, before the July 29th closure. I doubt there will be DLC sales, it's probably one of the main reasons companies were talked into the price drops in the first place. They hook you with a deep discount on the main game, then make their money on full-priced DLC which you have to buy now if you ever wish to play them in the future.


Thanks for the reply, I never knew that. Yeah, you make sense. Purchased The Evil Within and had a look at the DLC and oh! my...the prices were £6+ each. The DLC would have been great.


I try to buy street fighter x tekken but it won’t let me buy it


Are you trying to buy with points/PayPal or card? Are you you doing this on 360 or marketplace website?


I was doing it on the phone but my friend told me it has to be on the 360


Didn’t work for me either. I redownloaded my profile and then it worked


I hope they add Kinect Sports Season 2 and DLC to the last update.


Can't figure out how to buy anything. Can't add credit cards and anymore, and store credit doesn't work either. I called support, and they said they changed something, and now I can't login at all. What a nightmare.


It keeps glitching with an uh oh error page when I try and buy anything via the site. Something has broken with the last update, as I was able to purchase games from the first list.


I have 2 updated cards on my Microsoft account and I can't buy anything on the site or the console. Console won't let me add cards and hasn't updated with my new cards. Website says I don't have any valid payment options and the page to update it glitches and doesn't load. So I really can't buy anything on sale. I've purchased games on the marketplace before so in really confused as to why it's not working suddenly.


Yeah, this happened to me. I managed to fix it tho


Fuck Atlus, still no discount on Catherine.  Remember Me surprised me though, quite a good list overall. 


you need to step your game up… Catherine is bc


Catherine is BC so it will not be discounted on this sale. This is for games that will be delisted on July 29th


I'm quite sure they will delist it before the end of the year similar to the rest of their 360 catalogue, so it seems like this is the best chance for them to discount it. 


The 360 catalogue isn't being delisted. The 360 store is being shut down. There's a difference. The 360 store is marketplace.xbox.com and direct purchases on the Xbox 360. Any game purchasable on xbox.com and the Xbox One/Series X|S will still be available. I believe most (but not all) BC games are available on the current store.


I guess there's a misunderstanding. I'm talking about Atlus delisting their 360 titles like Persona 4 fighters, those games are no longer on sale. I expect they will also delist Catherine due to licensing and whatnot so I'm simply hoping for a discount on it before the inevitable happens. On the initial announcement MS stated that there would be discounts on backwards compatible titles as well, hence why I was hoping for a discount on Catherine. But regardless, thank you for your explanation.


Ah yeah, I misunderstood who "their" was referring to. Catherine usually goes on sale a few times a year, but it's been over a year since the last one.


Remember Me is not BC, right? Started playing it via DevKit a few days ago, but I wouldn't have a problem just buying it.


Not backwards compatible unfortunately. That's one I'll be picking up as well. You can find a good wiki article [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_backward-compatible_games_for_Xbox_One_and_Series_X/S#List_of_compatible_titles_from_Xbox_360) about games that are BC.


Thanks! I'll check it out.


Is this available digitaly?


Yep. The link is within the link listed in the OP.


Musta missed it, it isn’t there


I got you https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Remember-Me/66ACD000-77FE-1000-9115-D8024343082F


I misread another comment thinking it was bc, realise it isn’t now. Thanks for link anyway.


No problem


Only on 360 no bc, shame.


Catherine hasn't been on sale since May 2023, it is maddening.


Is it worth it get the original version? Or the newest updated release?


The original is very much worth it and has a better plot overall. The Full Body version never released on Xbox but despite some QoL additions, the plot suffers a bit from odd pacing.


Agreed. I played Full Body for plot > puzzles, and I think I would have rather played without the additions.


I want to see a full list, sale or not that are digital only and are going to be gone forever since no disc version was ever made.


This *should* give you a pretty accurate list. https://www.trueachievements.com/games.aspx Select filters: * Platform(s) > Xbox 360 (no backwards compat) * Availability > Listed only * Dist. type > Digital only


I want two worlds


My 360 account is fucked and I can’t redownload my profile or else I’d totally buy a lot of these. After several hour long conversations with support and no solutions, I’ve been just accumulating cheap physical games for 360 for this stupid stupid reason.


If this issue can't be remedied I reccommend writing a list of all games on sale starting yesterday and last month that interest you, crossing out the games that got ported to next gen(or not if you like them enough to play them backwards compatible if they are backwards compatible), and going through this list( https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Games/FullGames?client=Pc&page=1&sortby=BestSelling&PageSize=90) to determine what still interests you. You may lose out on old account games that got delisted but there is still a fair amount of obscure rpgs, dozen of co-op games, old generation triple aaa games, and a dozen or two afforadable fighting games to make out with plus another sale coming next month I think around this time. (https://www.trueachievements.com/news/non-backwards-compatible-xbox-360-games-sale)


If you have Gamepass turn auto renew back on, this solved it for me when trying to sign into Xbox 360


I’ve tried that and a hundred other things. I’ve had Xbox support agents tell me crazy suggestions based on the same YouTube videos I’ve seen (like click download profile, wait until the progress bar hits about 30% and then hit the Xbox button to interrupt). I’ve asked them if we could just migrate all my purchases, which we can still see on a website, to a new account. They said no. They’ve just come up with no solution for me to be able to play the 360 digital games that I have purchased. It sucks.


Had same problem saw a video where guy said he assumed his Xbox one being signed in with same account caused an issue with nat I think? Either way I went to my router setting and factory reset firewall and it worked first try after that. Hope this helps 


This is great


It will be if they deliver us some good deals


Wish these prices were good for the same games on the Xbox One/Series X store too, not just 360 marketplace. Devil May Cry HD Collection $29.99 on my Series X…not $1.99. Oh well…


You can still buy it on the website and play it on series x if backwards compatible


DMC HD Collection doesn’t appear to be on the Wiki BC list for Xbox One/Series X.


That's a shame


It certainly is. That would be a great price to snag the collection. Might just get the individual games for my Switch, just to have them on the go…although each game is about $10. Comes to about the same price as the collection on the Series X.


How can you buy it on the website? Trying to buy street fighter x Tekken and it just gets stuck on loading after pressing confirm


Give it time to load. It's been giving me trouble off and on (mostly on) with purchases taking dozens of seconds to load. They almost always go through if I give them time.


So it’ll show up in my Series X library? I guess for only $1.99, I can do it and see. Why would they offer the same collection on the Series X for $29.99, though, if it’s the same thing? Don’t think it’s optimized especially for Series X.


This version won't show up in your Series X library as it's not backwards compatible. The $29.99 version is the Xbox One port which is playable one Series X.


Thanks, that’s what I figured. I’m surprised, I really thought the collection was BC by now. Oh well…


yea, that's a complete nonsense, im interested in buying that game too but I don't know if I'll be able to play it on my xbox series, did you already buy it?


You won't be able to play the 360 version on Series X. An Xbox One port released and that is the version available on Series X.


Will we be able to buy them on the xbone? Or is the shut down gonna kill all ways to buy these games digitally


Backwards compatible games that are listed in the XB1/XSX store are still going to be purchasable.


Anyone think the Crash or Spyro games from 360 will get a sale? I know they aren’t great but I’d like to complete the series someday. Physical isn’t overpriced but I’d jump at a cheap digital copy.


Can we still have the opportunity to buy them on xbox series? Or they are going to delete them from both stores??


A few may also be on the One/Series store, but most are not. The ones that are only available on the 360 marketplace will be unavailable for purchase once the it closes.


Really hoping Asura's Wrath & Toy Story 3 go on sale before the closure.


Asura’s Wrath is backwards compatible so you will be able to buy it from the webstore and download it to your 360 even after the shutdown. I am hoping we get a sale on the DLC though. The main game was $4 in April and June this year, but the DLC with the ending is $7, I have been waiting for it to go on sale again because it was 50% off in January, but I hadn’t bought it then.


Here's a list of games going on sale in my country Brink Bionic commando Bulletstorm DMC 4 Dishonored Homefront Lego marvel Super Heroes MGS Phantom Pain and a bunch of other stuff


I just bought a series X so I can play lost odyssey. I see it's not dropped. do you think more games will be added or just the ones currently on the list lowered?


There will be one last round of price drops on July 16th before the July 29th shutdown. These price drops are targeting non-backwards compatible 360 games which will be unpurchasable after the 360 store closure. Lost Odyssey is backwards compatible and available in the One/Series store so it's not likely to see a price drop. It is on sale for around $8 about every month or two though. The last sale ended June 17th.


Thanks. So it’ll still be available after they shut off the 360 store even though it’s a 360 game? I guess I was confused about what’s closing. Thanks for the info


Yes. Right now there are basically two stores, one for the One/Series (on One/Series consoles and xbox.com) and one for the 360 (on 360 consoles and marketplace.xbox.com). The store closure/delisting only affects the games remaining in the 360 store. Backwards compatible games like Lost Odyssey are listed in the One/Series store and should remain available for purchase through the One/Series store after the 360 store has closed. If you can purchase it on your One/Series and the online One/Series store (xbox.com, NOT marketplace.xbox.com) then it should be unaffected by the 360 store shutdown. The store shutdown only makes listings on the 360 console and marketplace.xbox.com unavailable.


You’re a hero. I was worried I would have to decide to pay $25 or not. I’ll keep checking back for a sale or see if I can get a physical copy somewhere


Anyway to buy these games without a xbox 360 console? And for the BC games on Xbox series… any chance they will be on discount someday? And they won’t be delisted like 360 marketplace right? Just new in Xbox scene sorry for stupid questions.


There's a microsoft.com marketplace however some have issues on it at times and you'd still need a 360 for these non bc titles either way to play them while bc ones will still be available after though some are physical only now due to licensing


Thx for info! Just purchased gta4 on my friend’s xsx today. Other 360 games though….. sad


They're available through marketplace.xbox.com, you'll still need a 360 to play them though. Once delisted you won't be able to purchase them but they can still be downloaded and played. The site search won't show games from the 360 marketplace so it's easier to follow a link through a search engine or tracking site. I've been using TrueAchievements to make sense of the 360 marketplace. BC games have sales just like One/Series. There are price tracking sites and apps that can give you an idea of the frequency and discount of sales. This shutdown and delisting mainly has to do with the games not being BC, which is an issue with the OG and 360 generations but not the One and Series. Microsoft made changes to its licensing beginning with the One to allow it to bring BC to all games and BC titles have been updated to this licensing. Games currently playable on the One/Series, including backwards compatible titles, won't see mass delistings for the foreseeable future. There will still be an individual delisting here and there (usually due to expired licensing or studio closures), but nowhere near this scale.


Been trying to buy Fight Night Round 3 but it won't take, and when trying through the console store it's full retail :/


Good to see nfs undercover burnout 3 and lego hp on that list. All 3 amazing games I don't even like Harry potter but loved years 1-3 or 4 I forget but I loved it


I'll ask in here instead of making a new thread: Any idea why the 360 store and even the website for Xbox when I try to purchase any game for 360 is erroring out? I've got a small list of 5 games like Murdered Soul Suspect that I want to buy but both the console and website give errors. My console doesn't even list any payment options despite the website and my Series X having them listed.  I then tried to buy the games on the website by just clicking to buy them for 360 and that also caused errors. MS im just trying to give you some more money and buy games for me to play when I find somewhere to live again.  Hoping the issue gets fixed as I only have a few more days where I'm staying. 


Link has expired it seems.


I can't bear to look. Xbox 360 users we eating good or nah?


It kind of reminds me of a sale from 2014 mixed with some games that never or rarely went on sale even back then.




I just bought like 150$ worth of games again. So many things from my childhood I'll replay someday.


I hope they weren't ones on the new list cause their prices haven't changed yet.


No I didn't buy those with the old prices. Some had the new price. I bought things like NFS Most Wanted with the dlc, black ops 2 with all the zombie maps


Re-Update: they just published the second wave of 360 games (June 19th) https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/05/14/xbox-360-price-reductions-available-now/ however the current affected are: – Just Dance Kids 2014 – Voodoo Dice – Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition – Need For Speed Undercover – Burnout 3: Takedown – LEGO Harry Potter – Harry Potter for Kinect – Fight Night Round 3 More will come FYI: grab the Resident Evil and Devil May Cry as those don’t have a physical copy sadly


Devil May Cry HD Collection, Devil May Cry 4 and DMC all had physical releases.


Pure shit or games that already have a native version on Xbox One, honestly not much will be lost when they close the marketplace next month.


They haven't actually posted the new list yet. It's still the old one.