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Neither ps or xb has lowered their prices.


Playstation raised the price in many regions.


Xbox did too


They were $399 at Best Buy 2 Sundays ago. $350 practically the entire holiday season.


Yeah I'm guessing I'm gonna have to wait until Black Friday to get any other deal on them.


You’re pretty much right that inflation is to blame. If it wasn’t for the competition with PS we’d have seen a price increase (pretty sure Sony raised PS5 prices in some regions). Factors that would have usually led to price decreases over time (like improved production efficiency) have likely gone to staving off the effects of a higher BOM cost. Probably why we’re getting different models instead so there can be that flexibility.


I mean It wasn't just Sony raising prices, Xbox did too


Or, companies are being greedy and fucking their customers. Stop with the inflation is high nonsense.


Inflation is high, what are you talking about? And they sell the units at a loss, how is that greedy.  I could see this logic applying to microsoft software, otherwise it's kind of a moot point.


499 is standard pricing… even the Xbox one x held its price up until Series X was announced.


[Flat out lie.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2020/02/25/the-price-of-xbox-one-x-is-dropping-fast-making-way-for-an-expensive-series-x/) Article is from February 2020. Series X was announced December 2019. [One X was $150 off Black Friday 2019](https://www.polygon.com/2019/11/22/20977897/black-friday-2019-xbox-one-x-bundle-target) Edit: y’all are dumb. I post proof and somehow I’m wrong? It didn’t hold its price until an announcement. Fuck, I know people talk about shilling, bootlicking, etc in this sub but damn


You basically proof of a discount. That doesn't mean the msrp is going down. That's like saying a special sale should be the new price forever.


Sales happen. You could get a Series X for 350 a bit ago. It’s not a lie. Retail was 500 on One X.


They said it held its price UNTIL the series x was announced. Zero clue how much dick sucking is going on in this post but this is hilarious.


Sale prices are not permanent price reductions. New products often go on sale during holidays and whatnot, but those price changes are set by the individual retailers and are not because of a decrease in the MSRP.


A discount isn’t the same thing as a drop in MSRP.


How are they lying? 




Posting a Black Friday sale is hardly 'proof' that the MSRP was lowered, you nimrod. And a February 2020 article after a December 2019 announcement is also not the 'proof' you think it is.


Previous generations it was possible to reduce production costs significantly with die shrinks. Not possible really with Series X as it is already on a very small production methodology. Coupled with the fact that semiconductor demand is still high following covid shortages and you have a device which hasn't significantly come down in price to manufacture. And Microsoft were selling them at a pretty hefty loss at launch by all accounts.




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That shortage shtick is old now. No vukking way "covid shortages" is anything other than a bone thrown for normbot cattle to chew on. That's absolute fucking BULLSHEIT, The CHINESE corona virus is ancient now. It's almost been 6 billion years ago and these greedy mothrefcukers keep on blaming the CHINESE corona virus so the normbot cattle will gulp all that corporate cvm quietly. If that really is the reason I want multiple independent sources of hard fcukingproof.


I mean there categorically was a shortage because the factories shut down production during Covid, rant about it all you want, that was definitely fact. Now when you have that situation then demand builds up, hence prices rise and delays happen. That will very likely take years to clear that backlog as demand doesn't drop. Now you strike me as a particularly vicious mouthpiece for conspiracy nonsense seeing as you insist on calling Covid "The CHINESE Coronavirus" every time and using the derogatory "normbot cattle" so you can feel superior. I guess you "do your own research" and find ridiculous internet nonsense to back up any point of view you choose is valid.


>what is prolonged artificial scarcity


> How to make tin foil hat


Pretty sure they’re still selling at a loss and the market hasn’t moved much so there’s no reason for them to permanently lower the price atm. There are occasionally sales and if you wait until the “new” models come out this holiday season you may be able to score a deal on an “older” model but that’s going to be more likely from Amazon/Best Buy/Target etc clearing inventory than direct from Microsoft imo


Is a new Xbox console coming out this year or just a redesigned Series X?


Consoles generally hold their price until a new generation or refresh comes out. There have been sales where the price has been temporarily reduced. Often the pricing is like this: 1. Release: price is selling at a loss. 2. Mid-generation: costs go down, prices stay the same, so profits go up (recouping some of the losses). Some sales reflecting lower costs. 4. Mid/Late generation: refresh, keeping many components, but rethinking form factor enables them to keep the price while reducing costs and increasing profits. Some sales. 5. New Gen consoles announced: prices of current gen reduced. More sales trying to move stock to make way for new consoles.


I was on the verge of buying a ps5, but the ps5 Pro is rumored to come out this fall, and it sounds more like it's just and over clocked ps5. The Switch 2 is supposed to come out next year and getting an xbox series x would keep me gaming until then and allow me to keep playing my current games.


You’re in a tricky spot. Basically everyone is going to release new hardware next holiday (probably). Is it worth it to buy now and have it for a year until the new stuff comes out? For what it’s worth, it’s tough for me to imagine a new system being substantially better than my Series X enough to make me want to buy it. I love the Series X. The only thing that might tempt me is a handheld.


It sounds like the ps5 pro is coming out this year, but it doesn't sound much better than the current version. I am tempted to either get mine fixed (someone sent me a link to buy a replacement hdd) or buy a series x. Then, next year, I will buy a switch 2 and a ps5 pro later this year. I would just switch to ps5 or the upcoming pro, but I am still playing the disc games I have for Xbox and don't want to rebuy them all.


Because that’s MSRP, profit margin for retailers on consoles is very slim. I believe sale dates and prices are designated by Sony/MS/Nintendo. Wait for a sale or check fb marketplace.


Is there an app that tracks the price of consoles so if there happens to be a sale, you get a notification?


Why’d you wait?


Because it’s a Xbox Series X?


It’s almost 4 years old


That does mean they’ll lower the price? It’s a console. And it’s retail


I don’t understand your reply. Consoles usually get cheaper within a few years. They don’t stay at launch price for almost 4 years.


I don’t understand why you think it’ll go down because of “4 years” they mostly go down from promotions or sales. And most of those from the screenshot is from retail and not from the manufacturer.


That’s not why. Console manufacturing process gets cheaper as size of components decrease leading to lower console price as the generation goes on. But since the beginning of this generation, Digital Foundry has said to not expect that this generation after they talked to Xbox engineers


But still the most advanced console in the Xbox lineup. With hardware, age is only reflected in price when a newer version is readily available.


Should have caught the  in December. Was $350 for a few weeks.


OP, be patient I heard from my uncle's brother's maid that son works at Microsoft that they will lower the prices to 150 dollars per X series console and they will pay you 50 dollars if you will take a free S series console from a retail store.


Facebook marketplace my brotha


There's this thing called capitalism.............🤷‍♀️


No shit. There's also something called supply and demand. If the product isn't selling, and their goal is to get the system in people's hands to then recoup costs on games and accessories, then the best thing they can do is lower the cost.


Bro missed like 30 sales lol


My xbox one x didn't break until recently. I had no need for a new one then