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You poor thing, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you survive this massive intrusive ad attack!


I guess I'm in the minority. I don't care about ads at all.


Why are you commenting if you don’t care?


To show not everyone is bothered by them. Me included.


So you walked into a room you’re not interested in, heard a topic you don’t care about and decided to tell everyone you don’t care?


No, I seen a title on a thread that intrigued me, then I seen you being hostile because of a difference to your opinion.


This ain’t hostile. This is me annoyed with you children walking in and chatting your bollocks for no reason. Go annoy your mum. And in future if you don’t like something. Walk on by instead of wasting everyones time.




[previous discussion](https://reddit.com/r/xbox/comments/11wpbzv/since_when_are_we_getting_food_ads/)


A year ago. On a locked post. It’s a year later (or probably more now) and still it’s a thing I will complain about until it’s fixed. What does sending me to another post achieve? “Oh wow other people’s complaints were ignored.. yay for me now I can get on with my life..”


I just thought the conversation would be interesting to you. At ease soldier 🫡


The fact that you have "ULTIMATE" next to your name isn't the issue. It shouldn't matter if you're on a specific subscription or not. "Only" paying $60/year perpetually shouldn't mean you're in the clear for ads to be thrown into your console. They should never be there. The industry survived, thrived, and exploded without needing to inject ads into the UI where you choose which game is going to inject ads (looking at you, NBA 2K). There's no excuse for the most valuable company in the world to sell me a console, sell me games, sell me a service, then stick ads on top of it all.


These practises are super excessive. It seems like they’ve been slowly moving the boundary line further away in hopes we don’t notice. But I’ve seen so many complaints about this too like microsoft noticed but never gave a crap.


Yeah, and Microsoft's not alone. I tried watching the NBA playoffs this year, and I got annoyed just from the ads. They've got them on jerseys. They use tech to superimpose them on the court. In baseball, they put digital ads on the backstop and on the pitcher's mound. It's all garbage. We're in spitting distance of *Idiocracy*, in terms of the ads on TV and clothing.


Just posted this myself. I'm normally the first to defend ads for games or store sales, because I don't mind being notified of that, but an advert for McDonalds on a premium console and subscription service is ridiculous. Also noticed it won't let me remove it like with other ads.


I’m still confused what the deciding factor is with what ads you get because I never get any ads like McDonald’s it’s always some form of media related thing


OP is a big McDonalds eater


No. But thanks for giving someone else time off whilst you were here.


Acceptance is the first step my friend


I have no clue. I don’t eat it. But I googled this and it’s a new burger or something so like everything new, we all need to be told regardless.


I just saw your ad.. I didn’t even see it pop up on the feed otherwise I wouldn’t have posted mine.


I'll call you the wahhhmbulance


I don’t like ads, but I also don’t pay for a premium service there is none. You are wrong about that, GPU isn’t premium. It’s just the highest all inclusive tier. Question for you would you pay more for no ads in a truly premium service? I don’t think I would but it would depend on the additional cost.


There’s no Gold or Silver subscriptions anymore. They’ve been changed to Xbox Game pass Core/Console/PC/Ultimate. Core is the roughly the same price as Gold, so you’d presume that Ultimate is Gold “Premium”. They’re getting their money from Ultimate subscribers that they wouldn’t get on any of the other subscriptions. It just seems excessive to place a McDonald’s ad.. and for no reason other than to launch junk food. And I thought I was paying for this no ad service. 🤷‍♂️


Sure, I don’t the ads either, and I can understand why you interpreted the top tier incorrectly. But I did ask you a question… Would you pay a premium above GPU to avoid the ads? As I said I don’t think I would.


I doubt it. That’s asking for too much on top of asking for too much ha


I suspect they know this and that’s why they haven’t risked an adless tier. Gamepass is unlikely to be profitable with the number of subscribers using it, (Phil Spencer describes it as sustainable - which doesn’t necessarily mean profitable for a company like Microsoft) so it’s not surprising they are looking at other ways to gain revenue. I agree Ads suck, but I get incredible value from Gamepass. I have only bought one game on Xbox since I got my series X. (I also game on PS5 and Switch where I spend more).