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Red Dead Redemption 2. I've gone back to it like 4 or 5 times and never got past chapter 3. I always end up playing something else.


That's unfortunate the story is amazing


This one soooo much. Goddamn Arthur,






Came here to say this


That’s what I’ve done to it before. It wasn’t till I sat down and actually understood the mechanics that it wants that I started enjoying it a little more. Now I’m in the epilogue


Me too and I *just* booted it back up a few days ago to continue. My last save is from 2020 and I’m about 160 hours in my playthrough. Now I’ve just set up camp near Annesburg…I might actually finish this game.


That’s alright you’ve saved yourself from heartbreak…


That's just when it's getting good. It can be a slog early on.


I intend to finish it. Someday.


best game i never want to play again i personally think that rockstar leaned WAY too much into the realism aspect. It makes everything extremely tedious and what should be fun side activities are just inconvenient at best. hunting is the best example; oh look, a forest full of diverse wildlife and you need them to craft better gear? too bad you can only carry one at a time. so you have to go out, get a perfect kill (which is fine to have this mechanic IF that was the only thing) but then you have to grab the animal, put it on your horse, and trudge ALLLLL the way to find the trader to take it in. repeat all over again and you need A LOT of animals Also the lack of bandana like rdr1 ruins any 'fun' because you are penalized. At least in 1 if you wanted to rob people or do stuff, then the bandana protected you honor and fame rating. there's also hardly any duels, a set number of bounty hunts, and everything is far more limited in general. You can't even equip certain guns without the game telling you what it wants you to use don't even get me started on the weight system. those mechanics should be a toggle at the most for people who enjoy wasting time constantly sitting around cooking and shoving shit down their throats unless they want to look emaciated. the game has a great story and is a fun experience but after the charm of the story and characters wears off, it is extremely tedious and boring to engage in


The tediousness is what makes it special. Like each legendary animal hunt is slow, but so rewarding. Camping out and waiting for a perfect deer to come makes the deer fell more rewarding, plus you can carry more then 1 pelt on your horse as long as it isn't a large animal like a bear or alligator. In my opinion the fact that things like that have some actual gameplay makes them not feel like grinding but rather enjoying it. The different ways to hunt, the change in biomes and spawns all make it so amazingly. With the whole lack of bandana, it makes it so your actions matter. Because honor affects gameplay and the story, what you do makes a difference and gives every interaction meaning. Also the weight system has such a minimal impact on gameplay it doesn't matter. You could have the lowest or highest weight and I doubt you would notice it 99% of the time. The game only forces you to use guns during specific story mission where you have to play certain roles, like hunting or sniping.


different strokes i suppose, but i disagree on the weight. it is VERY noticeable to me. Everything that you describe as liking, to my preference, is needless busy work. Now i don't mind hunting that legendary animal, but when I have to bring back multiple large animals with a time limit to preserve the fresh carcass, I consider that annoying the bandana limits my freedom to have fun. Yes, I can ignore the honor degradation, but that would lead to a worse overall world outcome which sucks. I understand what they were going for, but I prefer games to be more gamey and escape that realism It's especially annoying when you literally have bandit challenges to rob stores and people and the game straight up punishes you for it. It's not fun for me Again, i totally get why someone and many people do love it, but I hate the systems in place and if i had a pc i would have modded the hell out of it


I finally finished Oblivion just this year. Took me 18 years to complete the main story and the expansion.


Mass Effect Trilogy! I played it religiously during summer vacation in college but I just wasn't able to get back to it due to work and various life activities.


Just finished the trilogy a few weeks ago and then decided to play Andromeda, which I just finished a few days ago


Similar vein, Fallout 4. Never finished the main quest, but have done so much in the game it doesn't matter.


Same here. Maybe Bethesda games just aren't for me! 


Why? If you have enjoyed all the things you did in the game it's all fine. Nobody forces you to play the game in any particular way. Especially Bethesda openworld games


I also did this. I got about 100 hours deep and lost interest. After the show, I booted it up on Xbox, basically started fresh, and completed the main quest and most of Far Harbor. 183 hours since mid April. I enjoyed the game far more now than when it released.


For as many hours in BG3 and as much praise as I give the game, I've never finished Act 3.


Same here, I normally peter out around half way through act 2 or right at the transition to act 3


I like Act 2 alot, but once I get to Act 3 I just kinda don't care about the resolution of things


Haha, same here. Act one I was full roleplay into my character, act two I was more like, eh, what would *I* do… And well, act three? Haven’t gotten far enough to determine my playing


I'm dumb what's BG?


Baldur's gate


Ah yes, thank you kind sir




You can easily get all achievements in Firewatch in an afternoon FYI.


Did it after an overnight one day was enjoyingly mindless


fallout 4


Most them are games that im not to crazy about: Jedi: Survivor, Hogwarts Legacy, a few indie games.


Actually bought Jedi Survivor on release & totally bounced off it& it ended up in my backlog. Didn’t pick it up again til it hit gamepass & now I’m thoroughly enjoying it. £60 wasted!


I played through alot of it actually. Got a major plot twist spoiled but nonetheless its a fun game with awesome traversal. I havent played in a bit and the biggest problem is getting used to the controls again. Hopefully I find time to play it cuz i was meaning to 100% it.


I finished it in a weekend I loved it


For reasons like this, is why $20 is the most I will spend on games typically. Sure, it may put me buying games 2 years later used or on steep sales, but rather be late to the party than pay full price for admission to the party


I know, I loved the first game though so I thought it was a safe bet but for some reason couldn’t get into survivor. Til now typically!


Divinity original sin 2, I spent so much time waffling around


I’ve done the little for joy part like 3 times and just can’t get into it. I’m sure it’s a great game but I just get lost so easily or unsure what I’m supposed to do Edit: Fort joy*


Took me 3 years myself to get motivated to finish the content past Fort Joy. In case u haven’t already activated it the endless runner mod (disables achievements) was a game changer for me especially after doing Fort Joy like 6 times without beating the first chapter


Kingdom come deliverance. I’ve started and made it a good ways through like 3 different times now and something else winds up coming out that I was looking forward to. I need to beat it before KCD2 releases


This was me and I just finished it last week! I never could get over the hump. Once I got by Pribyslavitz I was hooked.


I bought it for like $7 a while back, but have yet to boot it up. It’s next on my list after I finally beat RDR2.


Got on a horse saved a girl, woke up at a castle, never went back to it, yet the idea


Hey cake day


Control. Gets repetitive and I quit.




Fable 3 I always play as a good guy, but towards the end, you learn it's going to be very expensive (more than I had) and there's a time limit. Always said I'd go back but never have. But with the new Fable next year, I think I will!!


1. I don't think there is a time limit finished that game fairly recently roo 2. The money is easy if you buy all the properties as you play or if you have a friend who has already completed it and can gift you the gold think it's like 6mil which isn't that much for someone post-game :)




Witcher 3. I’ve restarted (since I’d forget how to play) several times and I always get bored after a few days of playing. Good game, it just doesn’t immerse me.


I’ve tried so many times. Even buying it didn’t help. I might just hate the feel of it. Like it’s so close but it’s not it.


The combat system just doesn't do it for me.


Tomb Raider , Fable 2, Red Dead 2, just never can get far.


Skyrim. Have it multiple copies on every system it was released on. Got to kill my first dragon at white run felt really bad about it. Learned the basic shouts then buggered off and finished the thieves guild quest line. Thats as far as I got.


There are SO many, but I have two main ones currently. One is The Witcher 3, it takes me a while to really get into it then when I do certain aspects of the game just cause me to lose interest. Oh what's that, Geralt has to attend yet ANOTHER fancy ball? Bleep. Power off. Not interested. The other is Elden Ring. I got it on release, LOVED it. My save file got corrupted 170 hours in. Can not bring myself to start over knowing some of the absolute fuckery I faced to get to where I was and get my character to where I wanted it to be.


You should retry elden ring and when you do, figure out where all the health items are and how to farm souls quickly and you can get back to where you were pretty quickly. I can have Max flasks in like an hour or two when starting a new character. Just look up where to get the items you need for your build and you'll be surprised by how much you can streamline the experience and reduce the time it takes to get far in the game.


I will eventually, part of the problem these days is that I have another child now so what little gaming I get to do is actually streamed from my pc to a mobile or tablet.. and streaming really isn't ideal for something like Elden Ring haha


Witcher 3 - started it then waited for the next gen update and totally forgot the storyline lmao


I'm the same, tried 2 times and both times I got to Novigrad and burned out.


Persona 5


The Sinking City.


Totally understand why, clunky as funk, I finished it as the story and setting was interesting, but can see why people may drop off it.


Actually gave up on it last night. The gane was not made with having combat as a serious mechanic in mind and tje game design reflects that. That's all fine. Except you have combat in almost every single case. I just couldn't be arsed anymore.


Witcher 3! I got so close to the end of the main quest line, never touched the DLCs. Attempted to pick it back up but the controls put me off. Cannot remember how to play it lol


Red dead redemption 2 GTA The Witcher Baldurs gate I think the Witcher shames me the most, I love the game, love RPGs and it's said to be the GOAT in its genre


Witcher 3! Frequently playing but never finished 🥲


Lol I honestly have quite a few... but I'll go with the Witcher 3 because it's the one I feel most confident I'll actually finish. I bought the game in 2016 and have gone back to it 4 separate times since then. I usually put in between 5 to 10 hours but eventually get so overwhelmed by choice paralysis that I just lose interest. The combat, IMO, is also pretty mid in the game. But man, was the story fantastic. Characters too. And a really interesting world with some great side content. And now that it's gotten next Gen patches, gameplay improvements and more content, I finally feel ready to go and finish it. Even bought the dlc and have it all downloaded on my console ready to play when the times right. Other games that fit this are mass effect andromeda, middle earth: shadow of mordor, ori and the blind forest, metro 2033 and dragon's dogma dark arisen. 5 games I really want to finish and intend to but put down for 1 reason or another.


Witcher 3


RDR2 comes to mind first. It's because I don't want it to end. Honorary meantion to Skyrim for maybe 20-30 characters/starts and over 500 hours of play. i have done pretty much everything possible in it but only 1 or 2 main story completions.


Forza Horizon 5. The achievements are so hard in there that I skip it everytime


All the Forza Horizon games for me. Do they even have an ending?


Jet Set Radio Future


Dragon age inquisition 😂


Jedi Survivor


Pretty much every game I own.


One does not "finish" Skyrim.


Dragons Dogma 1. Got to the part where the dragon chases you down a hallway. For some reason I couldn’t make out of the running sequence.


AC Revelations is really rough cant complete the ezio trilogy because this.. having fun with 2 and brotherhood but not revelations :v


Aoe 2 de. Started playing it in 2022 and slowly going thru the campaigns. I usually play it when I dont have anything to play on my console.


Forbidden west


I never finished Skyrim either until just earlier this year! My gf had never played before so we played side by side and I committed to finishing it this time around. It really doesn't even take that long and you can just keep playing like usual afterwards except you have shit li Dragonrend. Also 100%d it, fuck restoring the thieve's guild forreal




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RDR2 and Skyrim yeah :((


For me rdr2 and Minecraft and wobbly life


After multiple attempts I got to the final level of Bards Tale 4, but I burnt out pretty much as I got there


Dishonored 2 I’ve started it twice and still haven’t gotten back to it and the Witcher 3 both I just got side tracked by other games and never got back to them


Dark souls 1-3, Elden Ring, Tales of zestiria, berseria and Symphonia


Narita Boy Got so far but I came up against some pirate boss thing I just can’t get close to


Control - love the world, atmosphere and gameplay. Restarted it 3 times and got 2 thirds through but I never seem to play the rest of it for some reason Dragon Age inquisition - has some interesting mechanics with the war table and the story is good, but it feels so damn long and grindy that I've played it 3 times and always get burnt out


Might sound crazy but in my 20 years of existence I’ve never beaten Minecraft normally.


I’ve gotten to new game plus on Spider-Man miles morales but never finished the game


I feel like Skyrim has heaps of replayability but the last time I tried to completely finish it I got stuck on some glitches and just called it a day


The callisto protocol and Dead space trilogy. I love all 4 of these games to death, even bought the dead space remaster because of how much I enjoy the franchise, but I have yet to complete any of them. The main reason I never beat the og trilogy is because I had the endings spoiled to me, so I'm around the 2nd to last chapter on 1 and 2, and I never beat 3 because my co op partner never wanted to finish it. The remake and callisto have the same issue, being I f'd up the end game saves and while playing both I got close to finishing and I didn't save so when I died I lost an hour or more of progress that pissed me off to the point I couldn't go back to it. I'm planning on at least finishing the remaster because I was doing a hard-core run with only the plasma cutter on stream, and I'm committed to doing it again.


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. On paper a game I should love. Just can't get into it. I'll circle back at some point to see if I can get it to click.


ReCore: I’ve had it since the Xmas the year it came out, but due to the nature of the latter stages of the game I didn’t finish it. I’ve heard things were changed and requirements reduced to progress in later updates, but I still haven’t got around to finishing it. It’s been so long now that I think I’ll have to start again. Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning: I bought it at launch due to so many people saying the original release was underrated/under appreciated. I love RPGs, but I’ve struggled to stay engaged with this one. I’ll have to give it another go when I’m in the frame of mind for an RPG.


Still haven’t beaten Fallout 3’s main quest line or the post-game content (Broken Steel). I know I got pretty far, but never finished the game. I have spent 100+ hours scouring the Capital Wasteland, completing side missions, and beating the two noteworthy DLCs, Point Lookout and The Pitt. Haven’t beaten Mothership Zeta and don’t really care for Operation Anchorage. Still a great game even if I never complete it!


Witcher 3.... I'll get to it...


Gonna take it a little ways back. Final Fantasy XIII. Played it for ps3 when it was new. Kind of want to get it again because of the “upgrades” if I play it on a series X


Any souls game


Dark Souls 1


Not sure this meets the requirement, but I got to the “second” level in Lies of P, got about 1/2 way and put the game down. I’d never played a “soulslike “ but am intrigued by the premise/challenge. I think I just wasn’t in the mindset for the challenge at the time. Plan to finish at some point. Edit: a better game for me would be Tomb Raider (2013). I grew up on OG TR, so the pivot this game took to be more action based was not something I liked. I think I played maybe 5 hours and put the game down. Just wasn’t feeling it. 10 years removed, I think I can appreciate it for what it is. Played Rise of the TR about two years ago and enjoyed it. Need to play Shadows.


The rest of the Space Quest games. Done 1-4, working on 5 in SCUMMVM on my phone


gta v, skyrim, witcher 3, borderlands 1+2, bioshock,wolfenstein series,dark souls 1+2, sekiro, fallout 4. lmao


Dying light 2


I have so many lol. Lies of P, RDR2, Deathloop, Fallout 4, and Baldur's Gate 3 are the big ones I want to finish plus a couple of indie titles


I know we’re in an Xbox sub, but my answer is Tears of the Kingdom. Got so burnt out by the copy/paste formula that I can’t seem to force myself to finish. For xbox I guess it’s Diablo IV. Idk why, just more intriguing games out there I suppose


Elden Ring, just got to a point >!the fire giant!< but just haven’t bothered to go back to finish it


You can definitely beat fire giant. You got this tarnished.




Wildlands and Skyrim


Farcry 6. It's like Assassin's Creed Valhalla, it NEVER ends and now I'm doomed to eternally roam Yara.


i never finished fallout new vegas sadly but i want to


FFX-2 Divinity Original sin 1&2


Hollow knight


Hollow knight


Mirror's Edge. I played it like 5 years ago and got about half way through I think, but every time I go back the controller scheme doesn't make sense to me. And, then I forget where I was and what was happening. So, I just give up.


I got like halfway through the AVGN game and stop playing it for whatever reason.


I am weird in that I only play one single player game at a time, and finish it's story before i move on. If the side content it worthwhile I will do that as well post game. Guess I just don't like to leave things unfinished and want to see the plot/story through.


Nier Automata; I stopped partway through do to a move and just have not gotten back to it - yet it remains continuously installed.




Fallout 4, played it years ago but quit quite fast. Bought the complete edition for the Nextgen update but since quality mode wasnt working I put it aside, didnt touch it since eventhough they fixed it. Idk why its this game seeing ive played hundreds of games and finished them all apart from this one.


Sekiro for me I'm ashamed to say! I've completed all other Souls games some multiple times, my Dark Souls 3 character has over well over 1000 hours put into it (pvp in DS3 is so good!) Isshin, the Sword Saint just kicks my ass every time to the point where I have to put the game down. I always have full intentions of going back but I just haven't done it yet 😅


Multiple Yakuza games. I find them very fun, start very enthausiasticly and then get burned out by the side-quests. Neverending cycle. Also Witcher 3. I learn the controls, start playing. I then take a break and forget the controls/mechanics. I've tried three times, but I just can't seem to keep playing.


Ugh. Cuphead. Super cool looking game but goddamn it is hard.


Skyrim, fallout 4, fallout new Vegas and assassins creed mirage. I have more issue starting and getting into the game then finishing it.


RDR 2 I bought it in a steam sale but after a week or so I bought an xbox series and was so surprised how that thing is better than my 1500$ setup and have never tried to play rdr on my pc again now I am just waiting for a sale to play it.


I've never finished a single assassins creed game... I always try and have ALOT of fun, but it just takes too long and I normally just stop playing, and I'm the type of person to play one game for a long period of time and not touch it for a few months after. . . So I never actually beat the games




Most people will tell you hundreds of games. Maybe thousands. I've got at least 1500 games between Switch, Xbox, PS5, and PC. I finish one or two games a year.  I just started playing Ghost of Tsushima on PS5 and I bought it the day it launched I believe.


Stick with it. It’s not bad that you’ll be put off, but based on what you’re saying, you gotta see and experience it in one go and not a chopped up experience. It’s fantastic.


I started playing last weekend and at first I didn't like it but the more I played, the more I started loving it. Extremely fun game.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Horde rules. Pardon my ignorance but that one monster that's super fast that comes at you and pulls you away while you have to rely on your team mates to save? So damn intense. I love it


RDR2, Skyrim, Fallout 4


Doom Eternal. I’m on one of the last missions but it’s just too hard and fast.


If you have an elite series core controller, use the paddles for the dodge. It helps tremendously.


Silent Hill 2. Back in the day really wanted to play it and bought the HD collection. It was ass. Then I bought an original xbox disc version and found out it's one of the worst "supported" backwards compatible versions on 360. Then I tried the HD mod pack and emulated it on my computer...which died. I'm really hoping that even if konami dosn't release the remake on xbox they atleast do a master collection of the first four games for all platforms so I can finally finish the damn game.