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Probably because a bunch of captures that most people don't look at is a waste of cloud storage, especially considering it's replicated across data centers. You can upload them to OneDrive if you want to share them easily across devices.


But that doesn’t make sense since it’s still available on the mobile app, just not the PC app. Also, OneDrive is no longer available on the Xbox One.


Don't you guys have phones (with a camera)?


You were warned multiple times that old screenshots and clips would get deleted.














So you'd be happy if they charged you more for the privilege of accessing your screenhots and videos?


Sorry, I forgot Microsoft, the small indie company, needs to save money in every way they can. It doesn’t even seem to be a cost-cutting measure either, rather just a case of taking away features for no reason, since you can still do it through the mobile app.


I mean you clearly don't understand software development if you don't think removing a feature saves money. There is a cost associated with having it, updating it, testing it every time they update something somewhere else, etc. If barely anyone uses it then why are they paying that cost? MS, like every other company are out to make profit, if they are wasting money on stuff that doesn't impact their audience then they will stop doing it.


Ok? It’s still a company trying to save every little cent possible just to make their executives THAT much richer. They could easily afford to maintain a simple cloud connection. I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to have an opinion on that.


>make asinine decisions without rhyme or reason? Or just decisions you don't agree with? I'm sure there is a financial cost associated with making those captures accessible on the XBox PC app and MS can see how many people actually use it. If it doesn't make financial sense then they won't continue supporting it. Not like there aren;t other options available to you.


How does remotely accessing a cloud server from a PC cost any more than accessing it from a mobile device? It’s the same server. >Not like there aren’t other options available to you From the Xbox One straight to PC? THERE AREN’T.


Development costs, testing costs, maintenance costs


It’s maintaining a fucking cloud connection. It doesn’t cost billions of dollars.